05x05 - Dewey Wins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x05 - Dewey Wins

Post by bunniefuu »

- Garnet: # We # # Are the Crystal #

- Steven: # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

Steven: # and if you think we can't #

All: # we'll always find a way #

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

Garnet: # believe in... Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

Steven: # And Steven! #

Steven: We'll be fine! I'll be right back.

I'm just gonna walk Connie out.

Don't worry! I'm not going back into space or anything.


They're never gonna let me out of their sight again.


Connie! I know you got to get home and get some sleep, but once you're all rested up, I can't

wait to tell you about everything!

Being on Homeworld was crazy!

After I turned myself in, they put me on trial!

And Lars was there. We got chased by k*ller robots.

[Chuckles] What a wild ride that was.

[Chuckles] What a wild ride that was.

And uh...I'm really happy to see you again.

Umm... a-are you happy to see me, too?

Of course I'm happy to see you, Steven.

Uh, but?

But how could you just give yourself up like that?

Well, first, I said I was my dad, and then I said I was my mom.

[Scoffs] No. I mean, you just gave up.

I had to.

They were gonna take all those people.

They were gonna take you!

But what about our training?

Stevonnie. Jam buds.

I believed in us. We could have done it together.

This is different. This whole thing was my fault, but I knew that I could fix it all if I turned myself


And look ... No one got hurt.

Well, except for Lars, but I saved him, too.

But... I'm hurt.

No, you're not. You're safe.

You're here. I'm here. We're safe. Everything's fine.

It's not, though.

You know, it was a tough decision for me to make, but it had to be done.

You don't get it. Get what?

Let's go, Lion.


"Wow, Steven, that was so brave of you.

I'm so glad you're back."

What?! And Lars is still in space?!

Yeah, he is, but don't worry, he's with some very nice gems who are on the run from their

Homeworld overlords.

Oh, Laaaars.

Sadie, he's fine.

We can go see him anytime through Lion.

Glad he's not ... At least he's some kind of alive.

You told his parents, right?

You're kind of my practice run for that.

[Bell dings]

[Sighs] Let's do this quick.

I can't be away from work too long.

I'm basically their only employee now.

[Shouting, booing] Whoa, what's going on?

Man: We're sick of it!

Am I right about it?!

Aliens nearly abducted the whole town.

And what did Mayor "Billiam" Dewey do about it?

That is right. Jack and squat!

[All shouting]

Steven, I'm going to Lars's parents' house.

Okay, I'll catch up with you.

And that is why you should vote for me, your favorite Nanefua, for mayor of Beach City!

[All cheering]

When I say "Do we want Dewey?" you say "No."

Do we want Dewey? All: No!

Do we want Dewey? All: No!

Nanefua: Okay, good job.

Hmm. "Can't hang today.

Mayor D's getting blamed for Gem stuff, and it's totally my fault."

I don't know, Universe. This doesn't look good.

How's this? Oh. That looks great.

But I may need more.

My gosh. I've never had an opponent before.

Even when I ran for mayor of high school, I ran unopposed.

Probably because I made up the position.

If only I could've warned you about this abduction stuff sooner, then everything would be fine


I really dropped the ball.

You're right, Universe.

This is all your fault. Huh.

How about we call an impromptu town meeting on the boardwalk? I'll tell everyone what

happened and how you weren't involved at all, and everyone'll feel better and vote for you in

the next election.

All right, Universe.

The ball's back in your court.

Just, uh... don't drop it again, huh?

So, in conclusion, Mayor Dewey had nothing whatsoever to do with the abductions.

Everything was my fault because I unknowingly provided some space Gems with a list of names

and put everyone in danger.

Mayor Dewey would never do anything to purposefully endanger the town.

He basically just keeps a low profile and doesn't get involved in much of anything.

Yeah, maybe he should be involved!

He's the mayor!

[Crowd booing]

Thanks for listening, and please vote for him in the next Beach City mayoral election.

Oh, ho, ho, yeah! Hello, everyone.

Thanks for coming. Wow!

This whole abduction business was a real close call, huh? Whoo.

But look around you. Everyone is safe and accounted for.

That's not true! What about my friend Lars?


What? Lars! Lars Barriga?!

Mr. And Mrs. Barriga's son!

Did you even know he was still missing?

Did you know he was still somewhere in space?!

What kind of mayor doesn't know when his own people are lost in space?! The donut boy?

Is that why the donut shop was closed this morning?

Yeah, but ... Do not worry.

I will do everything in my power to hire a new donut boy.

[Crowd booing] No!

You've got to be kidding me!

How did this get on the Internet so fast?

I didn't invite any press to this event.

Someone posted it on Tube-Tube. Only 12 people have seen it.

12 people?! That's half the town!

I'm finished, Universe.

I don't know of many political figures that have made a comeback after getting a tomato to the


Oh, again, and again, and again, and again.

You need to stop looping that.

Look, we're gonna get through this together, okay?

Tomorrow is the big debate.

You still have one more chance to win back the town's love.

But Steven, some of the things people have been saying about me are really painful and mean.

We've just got to change the conversation.

We can start with this.

"How to talk to people"?

I'm going to get you ready for that debate, even if it takes all night.

[Crowd murmuring]

All right. [Yawns]

Today's the day.

You got your note cards, you look great, and if anyone brings up the alien invasion thing, I wrote

a bunch of Ocean Town jokes for you to use.

Aww, shucks, Universe.

You're like the son I never had.

You...have a son.

I kno that

I know that.

You're just very different from him, is all.

[Crowd chanting "speech"]


I'm rooting for you, Dew Drops.

[Weakly] Thanks.

[Chanting continues]

[Chanting stops]

[Clears throat] [Microphone feedback]

People of Beach City.

You might think that being a mayor is a fine and glamorous sort of thing.

I can understand why my opponent would want the position.

But I've been mayor of this city for a decade, and I know some things that Ms. Nanefua does not.

You see, when you're the mayor, you get blamed for everything.

When the boardwalk has termites, it's the mayor's fault.

When aliens steal people, it's the mayor's fault.

When the mayor crashes the mayor mobile into the only cell tower in town, it's the mayor's fault.

Most people can't handle that kind of pressure, but I can.

So, I say to you, Beach City citizens, just enjoy our wonderful ocean breeze and don't worry

about a thing.

Just let Dewey "do" it for you!

[Crowd murmuring, applause]


You know, Mayor Dewey, you are right.

I am? A-About what?

I have blamed you for too many things, and that is not helping.

[Crowd murmuring]


Blaming our problems completely on the mayor is not getting us anywhere.

When one of us suffers, the town suffers.

When you suffer, Mayor Billiam, the town suffers.

So, no longer will I point my fingers at you.

I will extend all my fingers on both my hands to everyone here today and ask that we share

responsibility for the welfare and safety of Beach City, together!

Thank you.

[Cheers and applause]

[Chanting "Nanefua"]

You got this, Mayor Dewey.


Uh, did you ever notice how people from Ocean Town ...

Oh, who am I kidding?

Beach City deserves a real mayor.

Someone wise and collected like Ms. Nanefua.

[Crowd murmuring]

Wait. No, no, no.

I withdraw from the race.

You can find the key to the city under the city welcome mat.

[Cheers and applause]


Mayor Dewey, what're you doing?!

Y-You can't just throw the election like that.

W-We could still win!

Well, I know it's not very traditional to do that in the middle of a debate, but why drag it out?

We could have won! I-I really believed in you!

I really believed in us! Well, you were wrong.

What do you want me to say? How about, "I'm sorry.

We were in this together, and I let you down."

Come on, Universe.

You know she's gonna be a better mayor than me.

It was the right thing to do.

I guess, but... I still feel betrayed.

That's probably how Connie feels.

Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about, but I've got to find a new job.


[Tapping, phone dialing]

[Dialing continues] [Music]
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