05x03 - Off Colors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x03 - Off Colors

Post by bunniefuu »

- Garnet: # We # # Are the Crystal #

- Steven: # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

Steven: # and if you think we can't #

All: # we'll always find a way #

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

Garnet: # believe in... Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

Steven: # And Steven! #


Lars, are you okay?

Thanks to your bubble... [groans] my bones are only a little broken.

[Chuckles] My bones, too.


Dude, those giant ladies were furious with you.

They're the diamonds.

They've been after my mom for 6,000 years, and now they're after me.

Come on. We got to move.

How are we supposed to get off this planet?

Do you even know where you're going?

No. This is my first time here, too.

[Groans] This is so messed up.

What are we gonna eat?

There's tons of food if you like rocks for dinner.

Salt is a rock, right?

Maybe we can season some dirt and make a meal.


[Low rumbling]



[Both gasp]

They found us!

Run! Wait!

If we stand perfectly still, it won't see us!

I saw it in a movie once.

That sounds good.

Uh... We should probably move!

Aah! Aah!

I think that movie was about dinosaurs.

Lars, come on!



What are we gonna do? What's gonna happen?

We're gonna run, and we're gonna be okay!



You just don't get it!

I hate being scared all the time!

I was scared of everything except baking.

Actually, I was scared of that, too.

I never even tried making baklava

'cause it looked so hard!

I never had the guts to stick up for anybody... not even me!

And now I'm hiding again like a big cowardly loser under some space building!

Don't beat yourself up like that, Lars.

That's what the k*ller robots are for.

Quickly! Down here!

Steven! What if it's a trap?

Uh... I don't think we have a choice!


[Both sigh]

Close one, huh?

Yeah, but who ...

Rutile Right: Don't worry.

You're safe now.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Thank you, whoever you...


[Both gasp]

It's okay, Lars.

t s o ay, a s.

Thank you for saving us.

How bizarre. What are they?

They certainly don't look like gems we've ever seen before.

Come, this way!

This way, come!

Steven, wait. Is this really a good idea?

They seem...different. I think we can trust them.


Uh, excuse me, but, um, where are you taking us?

Somewhere long forgotten.

Where only those who don't belong belong.

[Chuckles] Sounds like my kind of place.

You don't happen to have any fast-food joints around there, do you?


What is this place?

[Echoing] A kindergarten.

A really, really big one.

[Both whistle]

We're back!

Here we are!

It's okay to come out!

Oh, thank goodness. I hope you weren't followed.

You weren't, right? You double-checked?

[Gasps] You've been followed!

[Gasps] ou e bee o o ed!

Uh, hi!

Uh, don't worry. I'm not a threat or anything.

Rutile Left: It's okay, Rhodonite.

Relax. We brought them here.

They're with us.

Can we trust them?

Sure. I think so.

Everyone! Huh?

A wondrous vision has appeared before me.

The twins of rutile will bring one ... no, two ... strangers to our current place of hiding.

We know, Padparadscha.

Your prediction already happened.

They were being chased up on the surface by one of those terrible robonoids.

Don't tell me you tried to fight those things.

No, no. Of course not.

These two were about to be scanned when we pulled them under.

We were just in time.

Fluorite: Let me see.

[Lars screams]



They don't look like Gems.

That's what I said!

I said the same thing!

sa d t e sa e t g!

Hi! I'm Steven. I'm a Gem.

Well, half-gem.

And this is Lars. He's all human.

That's why you look so unusual.

We look unusual?!

Of course you do!

You can't just walk around on the surface like that!

You're off-color ... just like the rest of us!

What do you mean, off-color?

You know, wrong.

Not, right.


Wait, I don't see anything wrong with you guys.

Gems like us aren't needed.

Padparadscha can only predict things that just happened.

Here comes Fluorite!

And a fusion like me is unforgivable.

When my ... our Morganite found out, let's just say we were replaced.

But my story's nothing!

I mean, Fluorite, how many Gems are you now?


Maybe more, if we meet the right Gem.

And then there's us!

You mean, you're not a fusion?

ou ea , you e ot a us o ?

We're just a rutile that came out wrong.

We survived because all the other rutiles ran away when we emerged.

We survived because they were afraid of us.

Afraid of you?

So you've been hiding your whole lives.

What happens if they find you? We'll be...


[Low rumbling]

Oh. No!



Ah! You were followed! They're gonna find us!

They're gonna break us!

This is our fault! If it wasn't for us, you'd be fine!

We couldn't just leave you there.

We had to do something.

Steven? What're we gonna do?

Everyone hide!

Careful, everyone! We're about to be found!



It's okay to be afraid.




Oh, no!

We got to do something! Lars!


[Gasps] Lars! It's okay to be afraid.


Oh, my gosh! Lars!

They were trying to scan your Gem!

They can't see you at all!

All right!

Looks like the tables have turned!

Human Lars. [Gasps]

I've been possessed by the most marvelous vision!


You, human Lars, are Gemless, and will be safe from the robonoids, which only target Gems!

I think that's the coolest thing I've ever done in my life.

It's not over yet.



Oh. The shield is reflective.

Padparadscha, come back! Hide!





Whoa! Aah!


Eat this!




I didn't think we were gonna make it!

That was amazing! Lars, that was so great.

You were amazing. We're winning!

We're winning!




Whoa. What happened?

Oh, my!

Something incredible is going to happen to Lars!
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