03x12 - Restaurant Wars

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x12 - Restaurant Wars

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

Give... me... the... Just hurry up and say it, Steven.

Mm, actually... what else you got?

You could order actual fries.

Nah. Let's really try and shake things up today.

I want to order "off menu."

You always order off menu, Steven.

Let me see what I can find. I'll be back in a sec.

I really appreciate it!

Steven! Check this out!

Boom! Mozzarella sticks!

With all the fixin's?! I can't believe it either!

They were way back in the freezer for some reason.

Feels good to fry something else for a change.

Thanks, Peedee.

Steven! What is this?!

- Um... Bread... cheese... marinara sauce!

The basic elements of a pizza!

Where did it come from? Mm.

Fryman... infringing on my business.

I have been ready for this day!

"Now serving fries!"?!

So... it begins anew. Eh, Kofi?

Just like old times, Fryman.

Kofi! Fryman!

Res-tau-rant wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-r!


Too many carbs.


Don't look at me, Steven.

But... I said, don't look at me!

W-What happened? I violated the food treaty.

What do you mean? Years ago... my dad and Kofi signed an agreement to not steal each other's

business, but when I fried up those mozzarella sticks, I re-ignited the hot oil of w*r.

Don't blame yourself.

I was the one who wanted to shake things up.

Oh, yeah. It's your fault. Hey, Steven!

As a valued customer, I want to know your thoughts on our new menu item ... deep-fried pizza.

A-Actually, could I just get some fries?

Sorry, we're all out of fries. What?! Even the bits?!

We have pizza bits now.

But how can you guys be out of fries?

This is the Fry Shop! You're Fryman!

Look at your hair. What about my hair?

I can't connect to Fish Stew Pizza's Wi-Fi!

Hey, you got no time for Interneting. You're doing deliveries now.

But I don't even have a car!

You got those wheelie shoes, don't ya? Yeah...

Jenny, you're working the counter? I know, right?

Things have been crazy since the w*r has been back on!

The phones have been ringing off the hook.

I'll get it! Thanks for calling Fish Stew Pizza.

We do fries now.

Anyway, I'm obligated to tell you about our special new menu item ...

French-fried pizza with a French-fried crust and twice-baked French fries on the side.

'Cause we do fries now.

I'd rather just have my usual ... Steven!

Oh. Hey, Kofi. Before you place your order, you must sign... these papers... and pledge your

allegiance to Fish Stew Pizza!

Not only that, you'll be issued a brand-new, permanent, V.I.P. pizza-eater card!


Come back!

Hey, Steven, y-you forgot your pizza bits!

What? Steven, let me reward you for being such a good customer!

What have I done?!

Thank you all for coming.

Ronaldo... Kiki... Jenny... and Peedee, I've called you all here tonight because... this w*r between

your parents has to stop!

Steven, how do you think we feel?!

Do you know how many metal concerts I've missed because of this w*r? How many?

Mm, like... one.

Do you know how much blogging I haven't been able to do?!

I don't, but this is all my fault!

If only my taste buds weren't so adventurous.

But I promise to find a way to work this out!

How? There's no end in sight to all this fighting.

Hmm. We need to stop this hate with some sort of opposite of hate.

- Ronaldo! Hmm?

Kiki! Hmm?

You're sitting next to each other.

Where are you going with this, Steven?

You guys should pretend to be in love!

There won't be any time for fighting if your families have to plan a wedding together!

Well... I guess we could try?

Anything to get this w*r over with.

All right! We'll fight this w*r with the power of love!

No way! We can't do this because I... have a girlfriend.

Where's she at, though? You said what I was thinking.

Okay, you don't have to pretend to get married.

Just pretend to be in love long enough to get this feud over with.

I... got a bad feeling about this. Shut up, Ronaldo!

Nothing bad is going to happen, and you'll get to spend time with the cutest girl in Beach City.

Ah, Kiki, my darling! Oh, Ronaldo, my sweet!

My dear, sweet Kiki, who I love with all my blog.

What the... Oh, Ronaldo, you're so sweet and quirky in a way I can tolerate.

Kiki, why aren't you in here, working your shift?!

Yeah, come on, Ronaldo. We got customers to take care of.

But, Dad, ever since this w*r started, I've had to spend countless hours away from my beloved


What?! It's true.

The only way for us to be together is if we quit working!

Are you telling me that you two are involved in a romantic relationship?!

That's right, Steven. We have been for some time now.

Mm-hmm! You two are only hugging, right?

Uh, yes, sir! Just hugs and longing looks!

Well, Kofi, love is a beautiful thing. Yes, love is beautiful.

We must end this feud in order for this love to blossom.

Yeah! The restaurant w*r is officially over!


I come all this way to return your "Koala Princess" DVDs, only to find you with another girl?


Jane, my sweet, this was all just a trick to get my dad to stop selling mozzarella sticks!

Save it for your blog ... Keep Beach City Single!

Jane, my ohime sama! Ohh!

The deal is off!

Fine by me! Peedee, fire up those fryers!

Kiki, pick up the phone!


Ugh, what are we gonna do?!

Mm... Peedee said the last time the w*r ended because your dad and his dad came together to

sign a treaty.

How did that happen?

Well, you know where Suitcase Sam's is?

It used to be a restaurant called The Everything Buffet.

Oh, yeah! They sold everything!

But it wrecked the boardwalk's economy!

Not one store could compete.

But just when everyone thought all hope was lost, our dad and Fryman teamed up and ran them

out of town.

Hmm. Another restaurant, eh?

I think I have a plan.

Welcome to the grand opening of Steven's.

Right this way.

Hmm, nice ambiance.

It's all right.

There are not enough tables!

There are just enough tables, Daddy.

Hello gentlemen Ma I take o r order?

Hello, gentlemen. May I take your order?

I'm full ... of sadness!

I will have the Fantastic Fries. Order taken.

I bet they're not as fantastic as ours.

And for you?

I will have the Pizza Bagel!

I doubt a Pizza Bagel can beat pizza that isn't on a bagel.

Ah, let's see.

Wonderful ... two of our best dishes.

Our only dishes?

Amethyst, order up! Fire one fry and one pizza!

Yes, Chef!

Here's your order, sir.

Pizza on a bagel, indeed!

And for you, sir.

Uh, can I get some ketchup?

Sorry, no additions or substitutions.

This place is all talk.

You can't have fries without ketchup.

The ketchup... is inside the fries?!


There's cream cheese in this pizza bagel... it adds a whole other level of flavor!

And with pizza on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime!

It's amazing! It's genius!




Ah, gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed your meal.

Is there something I can help you with?

Steven, we didn't want to have to do this, but...

Please, shut this place down! What's this?

You want me to close my lovely establishment?

Steven, we're begging you!

We can't compete with a place like this!

You'll drive us out of business! There's already a line!

I'll close up shop under one condition.


Stop this foolish w*r!

Cook for yourselves and the good of the boardwalk!

No more cooking out of hate and spite!

Let's just do what we do best! Agreed!

Good job, Daddy.

Do you hear that, Ronaldo? The w*r's over!

Glad that's settled.

Y'all help me clean this place up. Sorry. We on break.

♪ Look at you go ♪

♪ I just adore you ♪

♪ I wish that I knew ♪

♪ What makes you think I'm so special ♪
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