05x22 - Made of Honor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x22 - Made of Honor

Post by bunniefuu »

Steven: This is just to
give you some ideas.

Ruby said she wanted your
reunion as Garnet to be special.

[Sighs] And there's nothing
more special and romantic

than a beautiful wedding.

It's like they say,
if you wanna drink the cow,

you gotta put a ring on it.

But, Sweetums,
who says that?

Let's take a look at printing
styles for your invitations.

Would it be cool
if we got flames on it?

Oh! And...
some dolphins.

Yeah! Dolphins and flames!

I think I've got exactly
what you're looking for on page 135.

How long did it take you
to put this together?

My entire life.

This is gonna be
the best wedding ever!

This folding bone
is so nice!

Who knew that planning
a wedding could be so fun?

I did!

Time to sign.

Here you go, Peri.


We've been stuffing
these envelopes all day!

How many does that make?

That makes... 10!

Oh... just... 10. Hmm.

[ Birds squawking ]

[ Humming ]

Hyuh! [ Chuckles ]

[ Humming ]

So, my dad will finish
playing the music,

and then, next,
you'll do the "I do"s

and then I'll say,
"I now pronounce you Garnet"!

And then you fuse!
Everyone'll cheer!

who survived.

- Huh?
- Oh, it's just...

there are so many old friends
who won't be able to come.

All the Crystal Gems
who are corrupted

and bubbled
in the basement.

Maybe we could bring
the bubbles up here?

No, no.
It's not safe.

We can't risk them
getting out.




[ Sighs ]



Hmm? I'm back?

[ Nervously ] Hey, Bismuth.
Long time no see.

I mean, Steven!

Ohh, there's
a third option now.

why would you let me out?

I just tried to shatter you.

You know how you fought Mom
because her whole w*r strategy

didn't make any sense?

Well, you were right!

[ Gasps ]
W-What's going on?

Did Rose do this?

Did she bubble everyone
who disagreed with her?!

- Huh?
- Oh, no! No! It's not like that.

Tigers Eye!

[ Gasps ]
Little Larimar!

Beryl, Serpentine,

and, ohh, Biggs!

Biggs was beloved
by everyone!

Bismuth, wait!

I got ya, buddy.

You don't understand!

Come on, Biggs,
help me free the othe...


[ Roaring ]


[ Grunting ]

I'm sorry, Bismuth!

This is not the Biggs
you knew before.

- Steven...
- I know, we had our differences,

but so much has changed,
and I just wanted to tell you...

[ Grunting ]


Ah! Bismuth!

Biggs. [ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

Only a Diamond could
do damage like this.

It was Pink, wasn't it?

And why didn't Rose
stop her?!

Because they were
the same person.


And that's
the whole story.


Uh, are you okay?

Mm. Yeah.
Hang on a sec.

Uh, Bismuth?

[ Muffled screaming ]

Oh, my gosh!
It all makes sense now!

Pretty wild, right?

[ Sighs ]

Oh, that's nice.

Steven, come here and join me.
The lava's great.

I would,
but I'm not lava proof.

[ Chuckles ]

I was so excited to show
Rose the Breaking Point.

Can you imagine?

"Hey, Rose! Check out
this cool w*apon I made!

I'm gonna shatter you
with it!"

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

I really thought all of
our problems would disappear

if we could just
shatter a Diamond.

Guess she ended up
taking my advice.

Um, sorry
about all this.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks... for talking to me.

Wow, you took that
pretty well.

Way better than
Garnet did.

- How so?
- She unfused over it.

What?! Noooo!

They're my favorite couple!

Don't worry,
they're back together,

but they haven't fused yet.

That's actually why
I came down here to begin with.

I wanted to invite you
to Garnet's wedding!

Garnet's wedding, huh?

Yeah. It would be great
if you could attend.

Yeah... okay.

I don't have any plans,
so I guess I can come.

Yay! This is gonna be
so much fun!

Pfft! Oh, yeah.

No question this is gonna be
the best wedding ever!

Pfft! [ Chuckles ]

So, what's a wedding?

Okay, so we're getting
everything ready for tomorrow.

We'll have a hot dog grill
going on out front,

and the chairs and canopy
are all set up.

Probably should head
out there and say hi.

Uh, Steven?

I don't wanna
ruin the surprise.

What surprise?


They don't know I'm coming?

Wait. I can't do this.

You're right,
you gotta have a gift.

We have a wedding registry.

Do you wanna pick
something from... here?

What? No.
I mean...

[ Sighs ]
What am I gonna say to 'em?

You could do one of your
signature catch phrases.


"Let's get down to Bismuth!"

Or, "Anybody wanna start a
small Bismuth?" [business]

Oh, oh! How about...

"Did you Bis-muth me?"

[ Twinkle! ]

Anyway, it's not gonna
matter what you say.

They'll be so glad
you're here.

Just be ready
for my signal.

Ahh, this is gonna
be great!

They're gonna want you
to be maid of honor.

[ Door creaks open ]

A-Attention, everyone.
Please gather 'round.

[ Clears throat ]

I'd like to propose a toast

to Ruby and Sapphire!

Now, we all know you guys
have been runnin' a little

hot and cold lately.

[ Laughter ]

We are all excited to see
you two fuse back together

and achieve lifelong,
room-temperature happiness.

All of us, includiiiing...

Pearl! Pearl!
Pearl! Pearl!


Yes. And Pearl.

All of us, including...

Uh, Steven, can I drink
this or what?

I'll be right back.

And make sure
those cans don't drop.

Didn't you see my...



Oh, there you are.

What happened out there?
I-I'm sure if we hurry back,

we can still surprise them.

They're gonna be
so happy to see you.

If they wanted
to see me so much,

they coulda let me out
themselves, but they didn't.

Of course they didn't.
I att*cked their leader.

They're not gonna side
with Rose anymore. Not after...

I'm not talking about Rose.
I'm talking about you!

But I'm not the leader.
Garnet's the leader.

And where's Garnet?

She'll be back.
That's the whole point.

It's a big
Crystal Gem wedding.

We should all be there


Why are the Crystal Gems
still together

after finding out that
everything was a sham?!

Somebody's making them
believe in the future,

and it's you!

You seriously think
they're gonna want me around

when the last thing I did
was try to shatter you?!

You told them everything,
and they made their choice.

They want me in a bubble,
and you out there.

But, Bismuth...

You say they want me
to be made of honor?

Well, I am.

I'm made of the most
solid, flexible,

diamagnetic stuff there is,

and I'm not as dense
as you might think.

I've got enough self-respect
in this Gem to accept

that they don't want me
on their team anymore.

[ Scoffs ] I blew it.

Everything was different,
and I didn't believe it.

Everything is different!

We had a fight,
so we can make up, right?

If they didn't let you out
because they care about me,

then they're gonna care that
I want you back on the team!


I want you back on the team.

Forget the surprise.

If we show up together,

they're all gonna know
that everything's okay.

[ Chuckles ]
Spoken like a leader.

No. Spoken like a friend.

[ Zap! ]

Hey, everyone!
Did you guys...

Bis-muth me?

Ha! I win!

Also, less importantly,
who are you?

I invited Bismuth!

I hope that's cool.


[ Chuckling ]
Whoa! Sapphire!

- Bismuth!
- Bismuth! [ Laughs ]

You wouldn't believe what
we've all been through.

I'm so sorry.
We should've...

Look, I'm right there with you.
Steven filled me in.

[ Chuckles ]

So, is anyone
gonna introduce me?

Let's give 'em some space.

Oh, Ruby! Sapphire!

I heard you're supposed to
bring gifts to these things...


[ Gasps ]
And these aren't weapons,

but Steven seemed to think
they'd come in handy.

- We love them!
- We love them!


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