02x10 - Cry for Help

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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02x10 - Cry for Help

Post by bunniefuu »

"Chille Tid"

Pearl: Ugh! This isn't
getting us anywhere!

What's the matter, perogie?
You tired?

I don't get tired. I get results.


Was the sign for "pull me up"
one wiggle or two?

Amethyst, stay focused.

For all we know, Lapis
and Jasper's fusion

could be right under our noses.

This is why we wear life jackets.

- Are ... Are you all right?
- Huh. Nothing.


Oh, it feels like we've been
searching for light years.

Uh, light years measures light.
[Gags] Not years.


And I'm sick of these... life diapers.

- Safety is no punch line, Pearl.
- Safety is our job.

We must find Jasper and Lapis.
As it stands,

- their fusion is a ticking time b*mb.
- Is Lapis gonna be okay?

She had control when she
used her power to drag their

fusion into the ocean, but a
fusion like theirs is unstable,

bound together by anger and mistrust.

If that bond snaps, their anger
will take over and destroy.

Don't worry, Lapis.

We won't let you sleep
with the fishes. [Yawns]

We're gonna have to keep looking.

- But first, let's bring Steven home.
- Huh? What? Wha?

No. I'm ... I'm ... I'm fine.

Let's ... Let's go fishing.

- First one to catch something wins.
- I win.

Pearl: We should be out there searching,

not in here not searching.

"Sleep is a curse, and yet
a curse I need to live."

Steven Universe.

Steven isn't like us.
He needs rest.

Don't you guys need rest, too?
You look exhausted.

We look awesome.

Look, you can't really
knock sleep until you try it.

And maybe we can throw
a little fun into the mix

- with a slumber party!
- F-Fun?

Yeah. All of us together,
peacefully dozing off.

It'll be like there isn't

a vengeful fusion boiling
the ocean with hatred.

Steven's right.

You should stay here
and relax, but I'm going.

'Cause I'm always relaxed.

But Garnet, you couldn't possibly
search the ocean by yourself.

Let me ... let us help you.

- We're a team!
- No.

Right now, you're a party ...
a slumber party.

Steven, put these Gems to bed.
Don't stay up too late.

There's snacks in the fridge.

Now, before we get this
slumber party started,

would either of you care
for a slumber companion?

I'm good.

- [Hums] Pearl?
- I'll pass on the slumber pals.

- Okay. Sleep it up, then.
- Oh, right.

- Is this right?
- No, you should lay down.

I get it now.

- Am I doing it?
- Well, that's way better than before.

But close your eyes all the way.

Okay. All right.
I'm sleeping now.

- I'm sleeping.
- You can't talk while you sleep.

- How's this even supposed to work?!
- It's easy.

You just lie down, get
nice and comfy, don't move,

and don't think about anything.

Greg: Steven Universe was filmed
before a live studio audience.

Oh, my goodness,

Connie's going to be
here any second now.

I can't believe it.
Your first school dance.

Let me just fix your tie and ...

Amethyst: Stop fussing
over Steven like a baby.

Amethyst, what did I tell you
about riding that thing in the house?

Have fun at your dance, dude.

- Oh!
- Bungacowa!

Amethyst, I'm gonna get you!
[Doorbell rings]

Just a second, Connie.

You won't believe what
Amethyst just ... huh?

[Cheers and applause]

- Can I help you?
- Chille tid.

- Oh, hi, Garnet.
- Hey, Steven.

You got to come to the beach tonight.

There's gonna be this
huge bonfire party thing.

I can't go to that.
I'm going to the big dance with Connie.

Wow. "The big dance."
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

[Cheers and applause]

Well ... [doorbell rings]
[Gasps] She's here!

Okay, I'm ready for the big dance Con...


Are you okay?

Ah! Ugh! Oh, man...

I feel asleep and had this weird dream.

I opened the door and
Lapis was there, and ...

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Lapis is fused with Jasper
at the bottom of the ocean.

- You've never had a dream before, huh?
- Uh... I don't think so.

Well, Pearl, dreams
don't always make sense.

When you dream, the
thoughts in your head

get all mixed up into a weird movie.

And they're really hard to explain,

which is why they're
boring to listen to.

Like [sighs]
this one time,

I had a dream where, like, these things

were being sold at the Big Donut, right?

But the front door of the Big Donut shop

led to the back of my dad's van.
So, I go into the van,

and lion is driving
for some reason, but...


...he's driving really well.

And ... and then I say
to him, I says, "lion ..."


"lion, how did you learn
to drive you a v-van?

You can't even...

you... you can't bring...
me... my...



Mr. Copter, sir, I'm
one of your biggest fans!

Can I please have your autograph?


Mr. Copter, please ...
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

I hope the rumors about Dogcopter
in the tabloids aren't true.

Huh? Oh, hey, Pearl!

Wait... don't eat me!


Ooh! Oh, man.

Thanks for the upgrade, Pearl!

Now I can catch up with Dog...
Whoa. Amethyst?

This is getting really weird.

- Lapis: This is weird.
- Hey, that sounds a lot like ...

- Steven!
- Lapis Lazuli!

Steven, wh-what are you doing in here?

Uh, I know it's weird,
but I'm just dreaming,

- so don't even worry about it.
- What? No!

Steven, I'm trying to concentrate.

How are you here?

- Oh, my gosh. Are you okay?
- Steven, please, I ...

[Warbling, laughing]

[Amethyst laughing]

Ugh... [gasps]

Hey, what are you laughing at?

[Pearl laughing]

Oh, Rose! This is wonderful!

I'm just having so much fun
spending time with you, Rose!

Forget about Greg.
Let's go travel the galaxy!

Pearl, thank you so much...
for fixing my van!

- Oh! Ugh!
- Blegh...



- Pearl?
- Uh... yes, Steven?

I had another dream about Lapis.

Oh... that's okay!
Dreams aren't real!

They're just mixed-up movies!

- But I ... I think I was talking to her.
- Wait. How do you know?

I don't, but I could just feel it.

She was yelling,
and she was really freaked out.

What did she say?
Is she still in control?

I... I don't know.

Steven, you could be using your dreams
to connect with her mentally.

Can you do it again?

Maybe Lapis can just
tell you where they are.

I guess I have to go back to sleep.

Quick, Pearl, tell me about
your dream so I can fall asleep.

M-My dream?

Come on, Pearl!
It's for the greater good!

- Ha, ha! [Sighs]
- If I must.

[Inhales sharply]
So, in my dream, I was ...

- [Steven snoring] What?
- [Laughs] Wow! He been sleep.

Oh! I know this is a dream now,

so I can imagine anything I want.

Uh... mashed potato.

Now how do I find Lapis?

Not Lapis.

Not Lapis.

Not Lapis.

Ugh! Lion?

Wait. You're not lion.

Aah! Ugh!

Ow. What is this place?

- [Groaning] Lapis!
- Steven!

Why do you keep coming back?
I can't get distracted!

I-I've got to hold us down with
the weight of your planet's ocean.

I've got to keep her...


Wait, Lapis, tell me where you are.
We can help you.


I told you! No!



[Breathing heavily]

- You!
- Jasper!


You! You!
Gaah! [Grunts]

Ohh! No!


- Lapis!
- Can't you see?

I can't stop, not for a second.
Don't look for me.

- I don't want your help.
- B-But ...

Just let me do this for you!

- Lapis...
- No! I'm not Lapis anymore.

We're Malachite now.

Lapis, no!
[Chains rattling]




[Breathes heavily]

Steven, it's okay.
We're here.

- Did you see her?
- Yeah. She's still fused.

And she's still in control,
but I don't know for how long.

And ...
[footsteps approaching]

- This is a weird party.
- Garnet! Mm.

- Steven, you're still awake.
- Amethyst was on a skateboard.

And then Dogcopter meowed at me

and was just not interested
in what I had to say at all!

And I might have some
issues I need to work out...

but Lapis, she's out
there, and she's still ...

Shh, shh, shh, shh.
I know you're worried,

but there's nothing we can do right now.

So let's take it easy.

I'll show you how it's done.

- That's pretty convincing.
- Garnet?
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