01x17 - Lion 2: The Movie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x17 - Lion 2: The Movie

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We are the Crystal Gems ♪

♪ we'll always save the day ♪

# and if you think we can't #

# we'll always find a way #

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪ S01xE17 - "Lion 2, The Movie"

{Some people say...}

{you can't teach...}

{an old dog...}

{new tricks...}

{unless you're...}

{Dogcopter 3 in 3D}

{This February the fur hits the fan}

Whoa! I can see why this is your favorite film franchise!

That's right. In a world where humanity is pushed to the brink, it turns out that the one who is

most human is a dog... copter. And did you see where that m*ssile came out of?! Yeah.

I just hope it stays faithful to the book.

Ah... The Gems are back.

Ah... The Gems are back.


Oh! W-well, hello, Connie! What a surprise to see you!

We're gonna watch a movie about a wacky flying dog! Show them, Connie!

I mean, it's about much more than that.

Oh, that's easy. Wha...?

Who needs to go see movies when you've got magic?!

Ugh. Aw, stop showing off, Amethyst.

Connie promises this movie's even better than any magic!

I did not say that. And check this out!

We got our own snacks! My parents say I'm not allowed to buy snacks at the theater. So we're

not buying anything at the theater.

Nom noms! Feed me! Hands off, Amethyst!

These are for Connie and me to share at the movie.

Speaking of which, how are we getting to the theater? It's kind of far.

Don't worry. I've got it covered.

Today we're gonna travel in style.

Introducing the finest in luxury transportation... Lion!

Aw, you little goofball.

You have a pet lion?! Lion is sort of like a pet.

He does his own thing most of the time, though.

See? Who knows where he got that? Wow, Steven.

Everything in your life is so awesome and magical. The most exciting thing in my life is tennis


Forehand! Backhand!

O erhead death strike! Whoa! Tennis is rad!

Overhead death strike! Whoa! Tennis is rad!

Well, I made up that last one.

I think Lion says we should hurry up and go.

Or maybe he was just yawning.

Anyway, let's go to the movie!

And we're off! Uhh...

Lion, I want you to take us to the movie.

Okay, you're not listening to me.

Lion isn't trained very well.

But I'm not trained very well either, so we're a ...



Wait, Lion! Don't go in the ocean!

You can walk on water?

Why don't you tell me you can do these things you do?!


Uh... are you sure he knows where he's going? Maybe it's a short cut.

Has he ever done this? No, this is new!


Are you okay? That was really cool.

Lion! Wait! Where are you going?!

Oof! Whoa! Is this one of those... magic gem places that you've told me about?

Yep. Magic gem place.

Lion, normally I'm all about this stuff, but this is not the movies.

What does that mean, Lion? What does that even mean?

at does t at ea , o ? at does t at e e ea ?

What if he brought you here for a reason?

Well, maybe, but if we don't hurry, we're gonna miss the commercials, and then we might miss

the previews, and we still have to find the perfect seats near the front but not too close.

Hey. I think it likes you! Ah!

My hand's stuck! It won't... come off! Hang on!

Man, that's really stuck on good.

I guess we'll have to chop it off. What?!

Hey, swords! No!

Whoa! How'd you do that? I don't know.

Do it again! Do it again! Um, okay.

Anything? No. Here.

Ow! What are you ... hey!

What are you doing? Maybe if I do... this!

Wait, I'm ticklish.

Wait. Stop. Stop. I'm gonna pee!

Whoa. Look at all this armor!

Press my nose. Press my nose! Boop!

Are those light cannons? Next!

Axes! Spiky chain balls! A giant...

Penny? Does that mean its worth more than a regular penny?

Well, that would make "cents."

This is so great, but...

I get the feeling, though, I'm not really supposed to be here.

I want you here!

I mean, I don't want you here. I guess Lion wants us here.

But I want us to be at the movies! And I want to see lots of explosions.

Should we be worried about this? Uh...

Lion doesn't seem to be worried.


Connie! Steven! Look out!

Ah! Huh?

Steven! What do we do?!


Connie! Ah!

My bubble.

Lion! Get us out of here! Lion, please!

What? Now you take us to the movies?

Whoa! Ah.

Connie, here. I have something for that.

Sorry. They're not that cold. Thanks.

Well, we're here. Shall we go in?

That's okay. L-let's just forget about it.

Huh? I-I'm sorry! Ugh! I ruined everything, didn't I?

I don't know why you hang out with me.

I mess stuff up all the time. I don't know why you hang out with me!

I'm so much more... less interesting than you!

And obviously you have some sort of magical destiny.

Why would you even care about something like Dogcopter?

Why?! Because it's Dogcopter!

y?! ecause t s ogcopte !

He's a dog and a helicopter and a cop!

He sh**t missiles out his butt, and he's gonna save the world!

Dogcopter is very cool and important... to me.

Well, I'm no Dogcopter.

What the ...

Oh, no! It's the robot sh**t thing!

How are we supposed to beat it? Lion, what do we do?

Uh... this is weird, right?

You have a sword in your head?!

Why don't you tell me you can do these things you do?!

It came through!


What do I do with this?! Watch out!

Forehand! Backhand!

Overhead... death strike!

Just like tennis practice. Magical destiny practice.

Hi! Uh, hello.

Two kids and one Lion to see "Dogcopter."

Um, do you have a rewards card?

Whoa! Was that in the book?

Eh, they're taking some liberties.
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