01x12 - Giant Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x12 - Giant Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

Ha! Take that! Wow, Amethyst, I'm impressed.

Now it's your move, Pearl! Steven, are the water balloons really necessary? Yeah! This way the

moves really matter.

But it's checkers. Every single move matters.

It sounds like someone's being a sore loser.

I'm not a sore loser... because I just won the game.

Whaaaa? Here it comes.

Ahh, it feels good to lose.

I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle.

You're no fun anymore. This is why we never form Opal.

We don't form Opal because you're difficult and a mess.

We don't form Opal because you're uptight and ...

Guys! Guys! What is Opal?! Oh, it's the two of us mashed together. Is water just hydrogen and

oxygen "mashed together"? Uh...

Analogy wasted. Look here, Steven.

When we synchronize our forms, we can combine into a powerful fusion gem named Opal.

Except I don't dance like that.

Amethyst! Wow! That's so cool!

But tell me more about Opal! Well, Steven, she's an ultra-powerful, stone-cold betty. That part's

me. And she's, like, kind of tall.

That part's Pearl. What Amethyst is attempting to say is...

Opal is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes fused into a single entity.

Wow! Can you do it right now?

Come on! Form Opal! Pfff!

We only form Opal when it's absolutely necessary.

Garnet's back!

Ooh! Ooh! Did you bring me anything? Whoa! A rock!

Thanks, Garnet! So, was your mission a success?

I've located the geode beetles of heaven and Earth.

We should split up to retrieve them. Well, I'm going with not Pearl.

That's perfect because I don't want to go with grammatically incorrect people anyway. Is her

talking about me?

You three go together. I go alone.

What? Why? The Earth beetle is at the bottom of the boiling lava lake, and only I can swim in


You'll find the heaven beetle at the top of the sky spire. It's safer.

You mean boring-er. You mean "more boring."

So you agree with me.

Come on, you two. Let's go.

Steven, be sure to keep the harmony.

No problem. Today's gonna be all about ha-a-a-a-rmo-o-o-o-o-ny! Ugh!

Whoa! Is this where the heaven beetle lives? Apparently.

All the way at the top. So, when you fuse, do you turn into a giant giant woman or just a regularsized giant woman?

Ugh. Does one of you control the right arm and the other control the left arm? Come on, Steven.

Wait! These are extremely important questions. Whew!

There sure are a lot of stairs. How about you form Opal and give me a piggyback ride? No!

What about if you eat a hot dog?

Whose stomach does it go into, or do you share the same stomach? That would be gross.

Look out! It's a magical goat guardian!

Quick! You have to form Opal!

It's the only way to defeat it! Hurry before it kills us all!

Steven, we only fuse for deadly situations. Does this look like a deadly situation? Ow! Hey!

Bad mountain goat!

Darn it. Aw, I'm never gonna get to see Opal.

♪ all I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman ♪

♪ a giant woman ♪ ♪ all I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman ♪

♪ all I wanna do is help you turn into a giant woman, a giant woman ♪

♪ all I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman ♪

♪ oh, I know it'll be great and I just can't wait ♪ ♪ to see the person you are together ♪

♪ if you give it a chance, you could do a huge dance ♪

♪ because you are a giant woman ♪ ♪ you might even like being together ♪

♪ and if you don't, it won't be forever ♪ ♪ but if it were me, I'd really...

♪ want to be a giant woman ♪ ♪ a giant woman ♪

♪ all I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman ♪ Ooh!

Wait up, Steven Jr.! Wait!

Steven, I'm not sure you can make those jumps. Oh!

You should fuse into Opal, and then lay across the rocks like a bridge!

We don't need Opal to get across. Can you do it anyway?

Please? It would be easier, wouldn't it? Not as easy as this!

Waaaahhhhh! Ooooh!

aaaa ! Oooo !

Ooh. Wow, Amethyst. That was a really good idea!

I know. I'm full of 'em.

Aw, come on, Pearl! It's safe! Just look!

That was so great how you worked together.

Why don't you do that all the time?

I can't feel my legs anymore!

Hey, look at that! It's a tiny temple! It's just where Garnet said it would be. The heaven beetle

should be inside.

Check it out! It's even got a little beetle bedroom and little beetle bongos and a little beetle baby


But where's the beetle? It's supposed to be here.

The heaven beetle wouldn't leave, would it? Oh, it could be anywhere!

Uh, maybe you should freak out some more.

That's really gonna help us find it. I can't believe your attitude, Amethyst.

And now you're just slouching over here doing nothing!

Hey! It's not my fault the beetle isn't there! Why do you have

- to make things worse by squawking at me? I don't squawk!

Yeah, you're squawking and commenting on my posture!

Hey! Cut it out! You're scaring Steven Jr.!

My son.

In here, guys! It swallowed my spear!

Guys, this is great! Now's the perfect time for you two to form Opal!

Oh, brother.

Ugh! So, you wanna try that again with less hitting me in the face this time? Well, it would have

worked if your movements weren't so erratic and formless. So, it was all my fault?

You totally weren't even trying to sync with my dancing.

You should know how I dance by now! Stop! Come on, guys!

Please stop fighting! If you can't get along with each other, I might never get to see your

awesome fusion power!

And I might get eaten by a giant bird!

Steven! Unh!

Steven Jr.! How can you eat at a time like this?

Hey, is that the heaven beetle? Let me see it!

Hey! Be a good goat and give me the magic bug!

I got it! No! B-bad goat!

You're no son of mine!

What's going on?! Steven Jr.! Oooh!



Stay low.

Uh... do you... know who I am?

♪ all you wanna do is see me turn into ♪ A giant woman.

We're back!

The heaven beetle. I don't have it.

Unh! Amethyst, you got distracted!

Hey! You were the one getting carried away with all those fancy backflips! Wait a sec.

I've got the beetle!

Good job, Steven.

I also see you helped your teammates fuse.

And all I had to do was get eaten by a bird.

And all I had to do was get eaten by a bird.

Nice work. You'll be great at fusing one day.

Yeah. Wait. I can do that, too?!
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