01x10 - Steven's Lion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x10 - Steven's Lion

Post by bunniefuu »

W-water. Uh... so thirsty... for water. It'll be safer if you stand up and walk. You don't understand.

This is how... you're supposed to act... in the desert.

Is this the thing? The place? Yes, Steven.

The power in this structure has turned aimless. It's building columns with no roofs ... stairs that

go nowhere. This is out of control.

Then I guess we better...

Whoops! ...roll on over there.

That was a bit unnecessary. Nan nani ni nun-nani nani!

Excuse me?

What was that? Let's go!

It'll be best if you stay here, Steven.

We'll be quick. What if something eats me?

Do not worry, wet one.

There's nothing out here that can harm you. See you soon.


Whew! It's... so... desert.

What was that?

Nothing can harm me. I am the wet one.

Good thing this column was here.

No, no, no!

No! No!



Don't bite.

Aww. You just wanted attention. Didn't you?

Didn't you? Your mane ... it's so soft.

So you from around here?

I'm just here on business. I really like your pink fur.

You're like the cotton candy of the jungle!

I always wanted an animal friend, but I thought ... ooh!

... it would be like a goldfish or a dinosaur!

But I guess fate had other plans for Steven Universe ... uhh! ... and his best friend lion.

- Amethyst, bubble it away! No!

Quit being jealous, Pearl. My k*ll, my keep. I'm not jealous.

Just be careful! If you drop it on the sand, it'll rebuild everything!

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are coming.

Quick, put my head in your mouth. Steven! What is that?!

What are you doing?! Uh... stop! It's okay!

Look, he's totally tame! That's impossible.

No, it isn't. I taught him to say "I love you."

I love you.

That's so sweet! I-I love you, too.

Get your hands out of that thing's mouth.

We have to get the desert glass out of the desert!

e a e to get t e dese t g ass out o t e dese t!

I got it. Let's go, Steven.

Okay. Give me a sec.

Hey, lion, I got to go. I had a lot of fun.

I feel like you really get me.

Shhhh. This is already too hard for the both of us.

Amethyst, that pillow needs to be contained!

Yeah, yeah. I know what to do with it.

What's that sound? All I hear is your mouth.

I thought gems don't need sleep.

We don't. Feels good, though.

Probably some kid trying to sell me lava insurance.

Hold your britches!

Lion! Oh! Oh, my gosh! This is such a surprise!

You came all this way to see little old me?

Whoa! You're fresh.

You can't go in there.

Amethyst is pretend sleeping. But whatevs.

We're together again. Now we can do everything best friends do!

Okay, here I come! I'm gonna jump!

Get into position!

Ready?! And... catch me! I'm jumping!

Catch me! I'm falling!

Do it! Catch me! I'll die! Eee!

Okay, obviously, you're not into this ...

O ay, ob iously, you e ot i to t is ...

Wah! Uhh! Ooh! ... game. Okay!

Gonna throw this ball! Here it comes!

Whaaaat?! That throw was so good!

Lion, all you got to do is catch it in your mouth. See? Aww.

Pfft! Ugh. You don't like that one, either? Okay, wait!

I've got something you've got to like! Fish stew pizza!

Cats love fish. Everybody loves pizza.

So you're gonna love this!

Whoa! This place is jumpin'!

Wait here. We're gonna blow some minds.

Hey, guys!

I'm doing okay, you know?

Just getting some pizza. Kofi. Kiki.

What are you having, Steven? Large pizza, please. Extra fishy.

You must be hungry! I'm ordering for two.

Steven's pregnant?! I don't think so.

But I have a giant pet lion right outside! You're not lyin', are you?

That's funny! But I'm not.

I believe it! Lot's of weird stuff happens in Beach City.

You'd know if you read my blog "keep Beach City weird"!

I also have buttons!

Just go outside, and see for yourselves!

This is amazing! Mm-hmm!

It's invisible! Huh? What?

t s s b e! u ? at?

He's not invisible. He's pink.

Pink? How can he be invisible and pink?

There's nothing out here, Ronaldo. Steven was lyin'.

Sorry for using the same pun twice.

Bet you're not even pregnant. No, I'm telling the truth!

He's real! Onion, you believe me, right?


Hey! Hey! Lion! You left me at the pizza place!

I looked like a fool! I had to eat a whole pizza by myself!

Lion! Lion, no!


Uhh! Ahh. Keep it down, Steven.

What was that for?

The pillow? Is this what you wanted?

This pillow? I've been trying to play with you and feed you

'cause I thought we were best friends.

Did all of that mean nothing to you?

Fine! I don't care!

If you want it, you can have it!

Steven! The desert glass!

It's rebuilding its castle. Why didn't you bubble it earlier?

Welcome to shrug city, P. Don't move!

We're coming! Okay!

Uhh! Huh? There it is ... the pillow!

U ! u ? e e t s ... t e p o !

I have to get it off the sand.


This wall's not moving!

We got to get through before things get any ... Whoa!



You didn't come here to steal the pillow.

You came here to protect us from it!

It's there! It's putting up defenses!

How are we gonna get up there?!

Yup. Sounds good. Let's go.

Now, lion!



We should have done this in the first place.

In my defense, I forgot. So I guess this is goodbye.

We had some good times. But I'm sure you have other magical stuff to smash with other magical


I love you, Steven.

I want to stay with you forever.


Guys, you hear that?! Are we really going to let him keep that?

We kept Amethyst. Oh!

"Kept Amethyst." Oh, Garnet! That's priceless!

Yay! Lion!

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