01x09 - Tiger Millionaire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x09 - Tiger Millionaire

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We are the Crystal Gems ♪

♪ we'll always save the day ♪

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪ S01xE09 - "Tiger Millionaire"

How could you possibly think punching a blood polyp was a good idea?

Look at all the gunk you got on me! And look at Steven.

It's not so bad once you get used to it. See? He likes it!

He certainly won't like it when it hardens.

Uh... what? I'm gonna go wash. He shouldn't have been

- so close in the first place. How was I supposed to know they'd pop?

Uh, guys? You're always putting us in danger with your little outbursts! Oh, you are just... so...


Yeah, yeah. Don't forget "reckless,"

"vulgar," "loudmouth," and that's just what makes me so awesome, right, Garnet?!

Amethyst, you are a Crystal Gem.

You need to act like it. Fine.

You need to act like it. Fine.

I think we really got through to her.

Right, Garnet? Guys?

Huh? Wha?


For those of you befuddled by the events of athleticism, you're about to see the Purple Puma is the

single, most-hated wrestler in Beach City

- underground's history! What?

All right, ladies and gentlemen.

Let's introduce his opponent ... or should I say victim? The Lochness Blogster! I'm... going to end

your reign of terror! Yaah!

Ugh. Well, now, that ... that was quick.

Yeah, yeah, I don't like it, either, but hey, what do you do?


What are you doing here?

Are you a secret wrestler? Yeah.

But how? But when? But why?

Come here. Let me explain something to you.

In the ring, nobody can tell me what to do! And if they try, I hit 'em in the face with a chair! And

people... like that?

Like it? They love it!

Well, they hate it, but it's all part of the fun, you know?

E-everyone here... gets that.

You don't know what it's like having Pearl and Garnet on your back all the time! Are you kidding


Oh, Steven, I told you before not to take peanut butter on missions!

I'm not going to say anything, but I expect you to understand that that was wrong.

Let me be a wrestler with you! I'm so stifled!

Well, I haven't won the tag-team belt yet, but you can't tell Pearl and Garnet. Deal!

Are you ready?! Presenting...

Tiger Millionaire ... rich, feline industrialist from jungle island!

Once the single child of the wealthy Tiger family, he clawed out his own destiny making money

in the coconut mines. Wow! You just came up with all that?

Well, yeah. What's your back story? Pumas are cool.

Uh... W-we'll workshop that later.

Two local heroes in the ring tonight.

They build hospitals for the sick, and they build muscles that look slick. Give it up for Concrete Heat

and Chunk Truck!

Facing off against the Purple Puma and our newest, mew-est competitor... Tiger Millionaire!

That little guy's gonna get creamed. From here, he kinda looks like Steven.

Yeah, right. Steven, wait.

I'm just using you to get the tag-team belt. I'll do all the actual fighting.

Do I still get to wear the costume? I don't care.


Ooh, a devastating move by Puma!

U-uh, Purple ... Purple Puma! Look out!

What a gross misuse of safety equipment and your tax dollars.

That's not fair. It may not seem fair, - but hey, anything goes in wrestling. It does?

Oh, yes, it does!

Looks like this Tiger's got to turn cheetah!

Hey, chunk truck! I'll give you a million jungle bucks to throw the match! What's this? It looks like

Tiger Millionaire is offering a bribe! Why, we could fill 1,000 potholes with ...

Oh, snap! Did you see that?!


- Oh! I mean, just, wow. Way to go, Tiger!


Record-breaking heat tonight, folks.

Could it be? Tiger Millionaire has bought out our soda stand.

Maybe he'll share with his thirsty fa... oh!

Now there's no sodas for anybody.

Wha... and now he's putting on galoshes?!

Wow, folks. This is really hard to watch. Classic. Tiger! Hey, Tiger! W-would you sign this?

It'd be so rad! You couldn't afford it!

Who-o-o-a. Never thought I'd live to see the day when a contender turned on his own fans.

I thought we were just having fun!

Tiger Millionaire, you are the cruelest creature on the planet!

Hey, Tiger! Are you ready to win our final match?!

Amethyst, am I... the cruelest creature on the planet?

Oh, Steven. Those are just words people use to describe how they feel about you.

Listen, Steven. You can't let anyone make you feel like garbage.

Is that how you feel? I only feel how I want to feel.

Ladies and gentlemen, fans of wrestling, welcome to the tag-team championship!

In the ring tonight ... they've stomped their way through the tournament and into our hearts. Give

it up, y'all.

Give it up for Dashing Dave Doober and Handsome Hank Hackleschmidt!

Only one thing would make these men look better, folks ... it's the tag-team belts! But... standing in

their way, the ruthless kings of the jungle.

They'll eat your kids and fire your parents! Oooh!

Yes, it could only be... the Purple Puma...

...and Tiger Millionaire!

Don't you dare hurt those men, you monsters!

Man, people are really hating on Tiger M.

He's awful because he hurt me specifically!

Pearl? Uh, Garnet?

What are you doing? What are we doing? What is this?

I thought we could use some promotion.

Looks like we have some new opponents!

No, you don't! This match is cancelled.

What? What? Why?

Why?! I can't believe you've been sneaking off to this ... this ... circus of v*olence! And you!

Using your gem powers on humans?

It's not enough that you're on my case all the time?

You have to ruin this for me, too? We're not here to fight.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Steven, Amethyst... What?!

...go back to the temple. I don't wanna!

Don't do this.

Guys! Stop!

Wait! I want to tell you Purple Puma's back story.

He was the wildest cat in the jungle ... so wild, the other cats couldn't take it.

So she ... I mean, he ... went to look for somewhere he fit in ... somewhere with other people who

felt misunderstood. That really sounds like Steven.

- Shh! That's why we're all here ... to be wild and free and body-slam each other and wear cool

costumes and make up nicknames, and ... and ... uh, so... can't we just... have this?

Can't we just... wrestle?


Because... we are... the notorious o-order of... wrestling haters.

That's right. Um... we want to stop all wrestling everywhere! You're going to let us destroy all


You got to save wrestling! Come on!

Tiger! Puma!

Tiger! Puma!

We'll stop you!

What a stunning turnaround! The jungle duo are fighting back!

And they've taken down Captain Square. But wait. Wait.

It's the ... it's the good-looking g*ng with a ladder!

A-are they planning to steal the belt?

No! Ooh, they're actually helping Tiger up!

- He's climbing an actual... Sorry for, um... sorry.

- Same here. Tiger Millionaire has claimed the tag-team belts! Tiger and Puma have won the

championship and saved wrestling! Lars, I'm really confused.

I love you, Tiger Millionaire.
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