02x09 - The Sand Witch Project

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x09 - The Sand Witch Project

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on Total Drama Action

a girl with vision vision that took her

past everyday thinking but when the

chips were down and even when the chips

came back up again she was the only one

who could rescue them searching for a

cure for the disease that was afflicting

her dearest friends a challenge was won

a cure found but will her betrayal Luke

we're going on tour new record hey what

can I say

gross disease movies make me crave a

little corn but it's time to put the

snacks away kitties because after this

totally terrifying episode there won't

be a stomach left unturned hold on to

your buckets it's time for some total



mom and dad I'm doing fine


asked me what I wanted to be and now I






Lizzy you have a BLT Earl also take my

flies is he think she's so cool but did

she spent three whole entire summers at

magic Steve's magic camp allow me to

demonstrate my mad magic skills by

producing the ace of spades hey how did

that get in there I can't believe you

managed to steal these from lunch


I get the egg salad firework

Owen it's not stealing my Sammy's we're

talking about disgust me Owen yeah what

kind of pig argue you're all staring

them chefs food has gotten so good


maybe it's time to stop cheating being

in this alliance with you it makes me

feel all kinds of wrong inside this is

not about right or wrong son it's about

you with me

we're in that cool mill imagine if there

was no challenge today oh my gosh we

could totally just hang out and rate

each other's hair I would love that

bestie some of us are trying to keep up

our strength to actually win the

competition we don't think there is one

today there better be I am here to win a

million dollars and the faster I

eliminate YouTube pathetic spineless

followers the better you see those

little bumps back there those are

totally a spine follower like a

cheerleading I'm right in the middle of

the pyramid and when all my sisters and

I decide on something like we're to go

shopping or what else

I'm always the third vote that's not oh

well I can change I if that's okay with

you guys

attention all victims please be in the

northeast corner of the studio Palooza

bring lozenges there is a challenge just

promise we can still do the hair

braiding I think I'll do a French

we walk all the way over here and

lieutenant slick can't even be bothered

to show up maybe he's racked up too much

overtime figuring out new ways to

t*rture us



huh guess the producers don't like

paying overtime I'm worth every dime oh

man I was just gonna call dibs on your

boat it's the magic of cinema boys and

girls I'm absolutely perfectly crystally

fine wanna see how it's done

yeah our crackerjack effects team seals

fake blood into a thin membrane of

plastic can we just get on with this I

can't believe you're so unscareable you

didn't even scream I did on the inside I

just can't do it on the outside huh when

I was 10 and they were doing my

tonsillectomy there was a freak accident

and the doctors earring fell in my

throat can't scream where's the darn jet


serious time for today's totally

terrifying blood-curdling horror movie

challenge to figure out which team gets

which challenge a scream op think of

every great horror movie you've ever

seen oh my gosh you guys did you see

that one with the possessed rug that

learned to walk and smothered cats or

did I make that up all horror movies

have one thing in common

fantastic screaming from actors and the

k*ller's you snap them

each team pick a serial-k*ller the rest

of you will be the Screamers if your

serial k*ller can make you scream the

loudest your team wins we have to pick

Duncan of course have you ever seen

someone so serial k*ller II I'm

terrified of him on a daily basis plus

he nailed the other acting challenges

but it's the first time our team's ever

agreed on anything

DJ is doing it a listen chef maybe you

can stick to your area of expertise with

the sandwiches and I'll stick to mine

you like having your arms attached to

your torso arms are good they throw

things feed you things there's something

to put in your sleeves and if there's

one thing I learned in home--at class

always listen to the dude with the



since when does chef interfere and

challenges smells kind of funny to me oh

that's me sorry I was saving them for


you guys gotta let me be the k*ller the

mask offers good protection for my

beautiful face okay I am such the better

scare my own dog is terrified of me okay

but you're cute as a bug in a rug

you guys later Lindsay I want to be the

k*ller okay and that's it but look at my

scary face that's not scary it's



that's a non screamer we have to have

her as the k*ller we're going down onna

can I just tell you that bouts so


it was almost better than being pretty

well almost dude you should see a doctor

about that I have allergies alright gosh

alright Justin and Harold prepare

yourselves for your K*llers to enter and

then I want huge massive ginormous

screams we'll be measuring the volume on

our screamo meter lights camera action

ah I'm so scared I'm sorry I just can't

risk my pipes any further what good is a

face like this without my warm yet manly

tones to back it up I don't think I can

do this

oh hey DJ what's up with the solid 50 on

the screamo meter

let's notch one up for DJ Harold and the

screaming gaffers there is some serious

indignity going on in this scenario I

mean I'm being filmed

sitting on the potty that was an

accidental tinkle on screen last season

I'm not doing it again

and how am I supposed to be scared I

know coming in any minute as she's not


oh I'm sorry I'm busted in on your

private moment well he's my face red you

wanna win do the scene DJ I'm sorry

I'm sorry just I'm supposed to be afraid

of this marshmallow this this big old

kid on the DJ that's round 2 - Beth

Lindsey and the k*ller gripped with the

P fueled 85 on the screamo meter DJ

won't step up the other half of the

Alliance has to alright guys this is the

tiebreaker scene you're gonna have to

act your faces off oh boy I'm not the

world's greatest actor oh how horror

movie is this we have to make out

business awkward no no no no I would

rather die that makes two of us lady

don't forget kiddies it's a million


tastes like street



well looks to me like DJ and the well

name screaming gaffers have won this one

seeing as they buried the needle join us

after the break to see a DJ still alive

DJ come in DJ is he breathing I think

he's saying something I need to see chef

Heather what he's still talking crazy

chefs in a meeting with the producers a

disciplinary meeting he's in trouble not

allowed to mess with challenges knew

something was up

you're like Albert Einstein with better

hair and girly bits

moving right along it's time to pack up

those overnight bags loser grips you and

your sleeping bags are spending the

night in the dining hall

gaffur winners back to the comfort of

the trailers for a little R & R I'll see

you there in half an hour this isn't

such a bad place to spend the night it's

full of good memories of food more than

memories I just don't have a piece of

cheesecake under here I think I love you

guys you mind joining us here I'm about

to tell you why this film lot was

abandoned and closed because it's a

death trap hush my child

this film laught is perfectly safe on

this plane but in the other dimension

juanita rent-a-cop a dedicated security

guard who worked here for 25 loyal years

until her mysterious death right here on

this very spot

now her desperate and uneasy spirit

walked the law no one has ever managed

to spend a whole night in this craft sir

of his tent because they were k*lled by

falling sets because of da dang your


spend the whole night here without

leaving this tent if you manage to do so

your team gets invincibility and nobody

goes home track any psychic phenomenon

using these ghost meters in just in case

gee thanks

the k*ller grips are sitting in the

craft services tent like sitting ducks

your task is to make like

special-effects gurus and frighten the

pants off though

or at least scare them enough to get

them out of the tent before dawn how are

we supposed to scare them it's your call

but you get them out your team wins

invincibility and nobody goes home oh

just so you know I told them some

cockamamie story about a security guard

who died on set

how are we gonna pull this off just turn

out the lights that's afraid of our own

shadow chainsaws I love a good chainsaw

I got it

thank you my lovely assistants now the

Magnificent Herald is ready to scare our

opponents into submission with the

phantasm ball I can't believe we're

putting our team's fate in the hands of

the great dork oh you a quick mortal

before all I've learned that magic

Steve's magic cam


you have a seven

how do you always know this you're


I know right that oh it's totally got us

in PE


I am really grooving on this suggesting

business I think it totally fits me with

trance out of the game I'm kind of

leading my team how do you like me now

Heather sandy vinegar she's gonna die


Wow stuck a hook in my soccer ball it

was all in the name of magic you have to

admit it was quite cool dip it Harry

Houdini I'm taking charge now hmm needs

more corn syrup it's not quite scabby

enough I'll get you something

Devil's Night my brothers and I used to

wait outside kindergarten with this goop

dripping off us one year I gave a dozen

five-year-old seizures and respect

deleted you really know your way around

the kitchen huh do you have a pen maybe

care to make it interesting


fear and fear smells like ketchup

anyone else have any brilliant ideas

anybody who's not Duncan DJ hasn't said

anything and anybody that quiets gotta

be thinking something I don't like

scaring people mama says it's not

gentlemanly and well mama ain't here is


and Papa Duncan wants to win and go to

bed so give me all your twos night has


excellent work eclipse foxy lady you

that foxy lady at the ready remember

everyone this is just Chris trying to

scare us and Lindy team doesn't give up

Lindsay's team


that's a go from magic Harold and his

charming assistant DJ are you okay

Joseph disappointed in you oppa do hello

is anybody gonna help me down from here


and now fraidy-cat grips it's time to

announce who will not win a gilded Chris

this week who deserves to go home

bitterly disappointed tears in their

eyes and the gilded Chris is go to is II

bet Owen still on the chopping block

Lindsey and Justin what I can't be going

you were a little body hello

it's called leadership and the final

gilded Chris goes to

I'm gonna do what I should have done

long ago make mama proud

I'm voting myself off DJ why don't you

and I have a chat before you do anything

stupid no I'm not listening to you

anymore Jeff and me we had an illegal


he's been tutoring me and tuff coaching

me through the challenges I'll miss you

all wait wait you've been cooking all

the delicious food the pizza the



dude you can't leave yeah can't we just

vote chef off instead I'm sorry but I

gotta make it right

can you still send food ready please

with delicious sandwiches on top well

folks looks like Owens gravy train just

hightailed it out of town now that he

survived this week's Fright Fest will

Owen be able to bear the most horrific

stomach-churning gut-wrenching challenge

ever what is it chefs cooking


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