02x08 - One Flu Over the Cuckoos

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x08 - One Flu Over the Cuckoos

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on Total Drama Action

imprisoned in a world they didn't create

forced to ingest deadly foods and even

to taste them twice nonetheless the two

courageous teams clawed their way to

freedom and heal only chef made a new

friends I'm gonna ride you till your

confidence pokes the back of the spoon

and your self-respect form stiff peaks

no more mama's boy yay but prison is no

place for traitors even cool goth ones

so at the end of the day it was goodbye

Gwen hello Izzy yeah Izzy that girl has

eight shades of naughty will she drive

everyone else crazy to find out now on



mama dada you in fine


I wanted to be in everything





everything is so much smaller than I

remembered I still can't believe when

made a side deal with the other team

didn't know she had an inner I remember

that Bush I remember that tree oh I

remember that rock hey Rock well I can't

believe they let Indy back they totally

negated our numbers advantage and that's

the only advantage we had don't we

starting something girl


hey who locked the door wait let me try



you know a dead body or an undead body


calm yourselves no one's dead yet I'm

here to prep you fluffy ducks for our

most awesome challenge yet these

textbooks hold the sum total of eight

years of med school and each one of you

gets one because tomorrow we're gonna

play doctor I hate doctors they just get

off on telling people stuff they don't

want to hear like like don't pick at

that scab or if you eat nothing but

pickled eggs you'll die

hey don't tell me what I can't eat now

playing doctor playing doctor I can

handle I could be a doctor if I wanted

to I have plenty of hands-on experience

because I've contracted more than 300

known diseases and I've been cured of

nearly all of them but there is no known

vaccine for loving leshawna to win this

challenge you're gonna want to memorize

the entire contents of these textbooks

by morning but it's already so late you

got that right what med school

all-nighter would be complete without


that smells good

it's gotta be a trick more like method

acting med school interns consume eight

hundred and fifty percent more pizza

than the average human so dig in

cuz there's plenty more where that came

from looks okay smells okay tastes

incredible how is that even possible

keep them coming I'll add the final my

team's gonna wonder where I am

hey Beth do I squint when I read I don't

know your shirts distracting me I'll

just read the book to you spare your

beautiful eyes

chapter one anatomy hey you know what my

brothers and me did once we had a

no-hands pizza off haha you should have

been there I was top of my pre-med class

before the RCMP start chasing me so this

should be a snap and Owen is just the

sweetest thing ever if he were a candy

bar he tastes just like caramel covered

marshmallows it's totally awesome that

is he is back yeah it's like Christmas

but with pizza it's peach mash this pie

is rad

who knew chef can rock the saw aren't

you having any leshawna I love pizza but

me and airy do not agree I'm rather you

do not want to be around for that

well no pizza for leshawna means more

for the rest of us hey slow down

DJ hasn't had any where is DJ

I've been here the whole time

obviously now hand me some pie mm I'm

good ha well I'm not gonna just watch

all eat tomorrow's a furball challenge

no need to bust our humps when no one's

getting kicked off the lady has a point

I'm out I couldn't force them to stay

but it's not like they'll help us win I

mean in medical terms please those two

will only come in handy if the challenge

is about piercings or plus-size shopping


now that Gwen's gone we've got to watch

our backs around heaven I was thinking

what if you me and Harold form an

alliance you and me and Harold in an

alliance I'm serious yeah yeah yeah


so tired howie of my brain is full oh

man nothing like a good night's sleep am

i right

morning competitors or should I say


ready for today's new challenge some of

us are more ready than others you made

your choice I made my loot engine my

favorite let's take it inside today's

reward challenge is called visiting

hours and only one member of the winning

team will get to enjoy the reward if

only one of us gets the prize why even

bother trying to win a challenge is a


it's one for all and all for one yeah

but if we win who gets to be the one the

person who most directly contributes to

the win as in me JA Chris you haven't

told us what the reward is yet you're

very perceptive Harold let's see if

that'll help you and your team assemble

a cadaver

you need like a dead body no I mean like

a giant dead body

these tanks contain the dismembered

parts of two identical cadavers each

player will climb their respective team

ladder strap on the bungee cord and jump

into the t*nk with hopes of retrieving a

body part any parts you find will be

snapped in place on the platform's use

those chains to raise them all the way

to the roof where they'll be reanimated


lightning first team to bring a Frank

and Chris to life wins first crack goes

to the team who can tell me how to treat

someone where the beam stuck up their

nose Oh administer two cc's of pain meds

and probe the affected area with a

sterile swab



oh yeah I forgot to mention the electric

eels three zaps and you're out


okay next question your patient has an

itchy red inflammation on their butt

diagnosis diaper rash apply salve

repeatedly to achieve humectant

dispersion this

got it Oh got it

Oh whoops-a-daisy gas pedal next

question your patients got a white

tongue red eyes and they're oozing gooey

crud diagnosis oh oh I know this pinkish

iotus treat with two rounds of floppity

Jib 'it's absolutely correct I messed

around with some of the terms in the

textbook nice work is smells like ear

wax pineapple itis

Burtt between the joes

why could walk a 2x4 pants Mickey


the gaffer's ahead by ahead gosh that is

so not cool alright YouTube separate

stop getting up in Harold's grill okay

we win this maybe you'll get the reward

don't let him get to you baby

he's just playing he's lucky I didn't

pull a karate move on him ow actually I

think you me and Duncan could form one

heck of an alliance Oh what with him are

you nuts

I'm just trying to look out for you Oh

unbelievable how could leshawna even

talk to Duncan he's a worthless Punk or

my name isn't Harold Norbert cheever

Doris McGrady v please don't tell Duncan

about the tourist part the gaffers have

their cadaver time to start yanking some

chain and be quick about it cuz the

grips are right behind you



the grips are still in this whose

cadaver will hit the roof first make

sure you come back for all the total

drama what's this icky sore oh and

you're burning up my passionate soul

lemony hold on red sores fever lemony

burps aren't those symptoms of one of

the diseases in the book more to testico

crumples isn't just fatal it's highly

contagious okay looks like it's

quarantine time see ya wouldn't wanna be


there's more to this disease than either

team nose

seriously weird Owens somehow gets

infected with a fatal disease I'm sure

it's just a 24-hour kind of fatal you

four brave Deadman

I'll find a cure I swear quarantine Owen


djay be some kind of mistake great now

Owens not only infectious

he's a deranged pinball of death we need

to confirm no one else is infected

symptoms of mortage istic Oh crumples

disease include expl*sive diarrhea

lips my my lips they're on fire

sudden hot flashes

seasickness speaking in tongues

temporary blindness anyone anyone I know

it's meant to be dangerous and all but

it's still a TV show no way they'd

actually let somebody die in here am i


you'd think we wouldn't but just imagine

the ratings I'm burning up want us to

take your temperature with this

thermometer is that a rectal thermometer

you're the sick one both of you stop

here baby have a sip of water oh this is


have you noticed we're the only ones who

didn't study all night and we're the

only ones who haven't been infected I'm

starting to seriously question this

Mordo testing my patience junk we need

to get our hands on one of those

textbooks there's got to be something

these guys missed good idea except Chris

sealed off the only exit not the only


I'm not a huge fan of heights well I'm

not a huge fan of dying you got a point


I take a practical approach to life and

to this game namely if someone is too

nice to you there has got to be a reason

and you just know it ain't gonna be

pretty my lips to my mother I leave you

all my many awards and trophies to my

brothers and sisters I leave you nothing

earn it yourself you lazy slackers

mother is that you relax everyone

as someone who has extensive experience

with forgery trust me this text book and

everything in it is a total crock the

book covers are really just old cereal

boxes it can't be a crock

no-one's faking being sick no but it's

still a hoax

I just went to chef's kitchen where I

found this cheese canister I've never

seen before no itching powder and

laxatives that explains the diarrhea and

itchy lips I'm the only one who didn't

get sick cuz I didn't eat the pizza but

wait what about the sores on owen and DJ

it's just a slice of pepperoni we're

gonna need the shower first brother

needs to be


delicious sore he's right now let

me out of this wait stop

so wait sweet air Oh stale air smelly

smelly air I think I'm still dying what

about the other symptoms blindness

speaking in tongues oh my gosh first

year med school syndrome too much

studying and too little sleep can make

you think you've got every disease in

the book huh I can see I can see


screaming gaffers you just won the

challenge sweet

brilliant diagnostic skills Duncan and

leshawna ready to suss it out and for

your reward knew I forgot something

just a sec

okay Jokers all I want is an ironclad

Alliance to get Heather out of my face

can we not agree on this I don't know if

I can handle being in an alliance with

you indoors here how could you

that's the lowest meanest dirtiest gosh

well that's the last secret you're gonna

get from this guy now you'll never know

about my teapot collection or the fact

that I wear a Wizards cape when I play

solitaire I absolutely refuse to be an

alliance with Duncan with you yes a

hundred thousand kajillion times yes but

with him never I try and help and this

is what I get you're a pair of fools as

I was saying for your reward that's my


yep one of you gets a whole spa night

away from this cruddy stuarti a lot with

your very best friend so who's the lucky

stiff I'm sorry it's just your lies it's

just all been too much Wow you actually

do have a heart

and leshawna did solve the challenge I

nominate her to win the reward all in

favor aye no no I can't believe this you

guys are so beautiful what a generous

clean-up on aisle two

thank you you never crap

not even a mr. bunny rabbits funeral you


I was just making sure they vote me the

heck out of here for the night I knew

was to fool to be true ah a night away

from total drama hate a man behind whoa

I hope they're gonna exfoliate with

Shauna's attitude at the spa for shove

her morals in the sauna and give them a

good detoxifying steam so will the Shah

to come back with cleaner pores or a

crazy dirty conscience find out next

time on Total Drama



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