02x04 - Beach Blanket Bogus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x04 - Beach Blanket Bogus

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on Total Drama Action

he was a boy she was a girl and last

week on Total Drama Action

a shocking team redistribution pitted

them against one another

our heroine made a fundamental romantic

comedy error picking Duncan first and

leaving her boyfriend Trent feeling

kinda ouchie

meanwhile two men made an illegal

alliance and Duncan's bad thespian

skills Trump Aziz well madness it was

all too much for chefs tender heart and

easy kaleidoscope was clearly a bit too


even for this show will Duncan break up

Gwen and Trent's barely their

relationship will the new locks keepo

and out of the crap truck will my nonfat

vanilla soy latte ever get here all the

answers answered right now in another

tear-jerking episode of Total Drama



asked me what I wanted to be and now I

think yes




now I know how starlets stay thin wish

Jeff had let me in the kitchen I got me

some mad culinary skills you mind I was

talking to my slop I brought you bacon

bacon ladies please I accept both your

offerings join me for breakfast aren't

you eating


if only making friends with a guy as

gorgeous as Justin was as easy as making

these bracelets sorry about the morning

as*ault third grade called

you're due back in class real mature

don't you know it's bad luck to spill


a little pepper won't fit are you still

gonna finish those eggs bro

are you nuts now I only have 8 pieces

left am i nuts dude you are officially

capital W weird which is good because I

happen to really like weird there now

you've got 7 pieces which is an odd

number again isn't that kind of better

abso Gwen Lee blares we're going back to

the beach ever seen one of those 1950

surfer movies where the kids get up to


fun before the big bonfire twist at dawn

and the bully kicks the sand castle in

the nerdy guy's face no grandpa we

haven't well get ready to recreate one

junior two challenges followed by a

tiebreaker if necessary

so grab your swim says if the sand

castle thing goes down make sure you're

the kicker not the kickee

some of you can see we're actually in

the sh**ting studio and the AC cranked

because all the cameras and lights get

so hot they could melt chefs heart and

the network told my agent sweaty wasn't

a good look for me

your first challenge hang 10 this deck

into the big blue without swallowing

tail in the soup what did you just ask

me to do he means whoever stays on the

surfboard longest wins

exactamundo groovy cats so who's going

first the team that wins will get a half

hour head start on the next challenge

and giving tonight's reward you should

be fighting harder than Justin's abs

over who gets first shot speaking of

rock-hard abs have you ever seen my ten

pack we have a volunteer match surfing

skills activate and please welcome the

return of some season one fan favorites

the Sharks

I'm very protective of my buttocks they

provide me with the low center of

gravity that is the key to my many mad

skills you could say they're my hugest

asset check it I can juggle my magic

Steve's magical trading cards your booty

has an opinion that's a big job for such

a saggy sad little thing I'll have you

know this is a selfless act my lady fans

couldn't handle the loss of this perfect

behind and by lady fans he means his

mother hey shirts look bacon and bacon

breakfast should last all day No ooh way

to stick to this map bro friendship

bracelet one two three four five six

seven eight nine ah much better

did you ever notice Trent's a little


did you see Tyler's here that's amazing

okay Linds Tyler is not in the game

anymore oh right they must have a dental

block about the whole thing



my body's a beautiful thing you don't

need a suit


oh man Oh cried

sorry shark dudes really I'm so sorry

brick time union rules

finally I don't mean you shark bait no

sharks equals no problem


I love this game


copycat tanorexic oh sorry friendship



so perfect almost makes me believe in

the inherent goodness of the human race

oh I wanted to tell him he looked like a

surfing God instead I said



love's a beautiful thing

finally we have Duncan try not to get

your piercings way


you gotta be kidding me people and with

that duncan secures victory for the

screaming gaffers gnarly


man quench team is unstoppable

try unstable a ticking time b*mb of

betrayal we have to stop them who is

what a freight train dude dude five six

seven eight nine exqueeze me four five

six seven eight nine your secret weapons

being weird it being weird brings us

good luck then yeah I'm weird

besides Gwen likes weird if you are at

all like weird

you'll love what's coming up next I'm

telling you sometimes being weird is


delusional so sad welcome back to Total

Drama Action we're against all advice to

the contrary the players have changed

out of their bathing suits

hope you like swimming in your genes

right because we're totally going to the

beach for real this time the bus is just


you were saying Chris actually told us

the truth for once what's next being

treated with actual respect a blue

bracelet for Lindsay to match her still

frozen lips a green one for Owen because

he's a giant human compost dirt

thanks what you got there Beth yes

campers were actually back at your old

stomping grounds if you need to take a

moment and reminisce about the great

times you had here fine we'll skip the

good memories montage screaming gaffers

you've got a 30 minute head start on

the sandcastle-building contest to be

judged by our resident king oh the dunes

make like prop masters guys and give me

something awesome I really don't want

the tiebreaker to have to go down don't

think legals quite approved it yet


DJ wetter sand in that bucket

leshawna packet firmer daddy made you

bossy me I'm a bit of a Gary buff

Frank Gehry

greatest architect of our time and I

care about this because now how about

some props for my fine buttresses did

Duncan and Gwen go to get more buckets

there if we're stuck at the beach least

we can stay in the cabins I never

thought I'd miss them I've always been

more of a dismantle er than a builder

anyway no you just loved it we should

disconnect the horn two three - Thank

You chef screaming gaffers your

30-minute lead is over

so trick dude get castling water we need

water I'll hate the mountain stream we

need a plan

and I've got one little Trent mans up

Wow even I had goose bumps and there

wasn't a mirror for miles that's right

yeah that's right Knight turrets nine

doors Justin add one more mode so we

have nine

great we just need eight more the Taj

Mahal it's perfect

dude stop for three stop at five just

just stop

you can't support so much weight just

one more flag it's over what if I tie

these bracelets around the towers to

keep them up it's a sand castle building

contest Beth no it's a castle building

contest crafty remember nine of

everything I dub thee casa Gwyn

now he's naming buildings after me I

think Trent may be obsessed nine moats

nine flags nine wicked jam rooms at

least his number nine obsession is even

worse than the me one four letters in

your name five letters and transport

them together and you get

can't be doing everything nine times

just for me dude always does everything

nine times I reckon it started when he

figured out you might like him one two

three four five six seven eight nine

could say you've sent him to cloud nine


they busted my butt races we have a

winner and the k*ller grits clever prob

Cazadores paper mache and friendship

bracelets which means we need a new tie

breaker and I was hoping for the evening


instead gather ye some wood campers for

a fire of the Bond variety Gwen hey I

feel like it's been ages since we had

any you know quality time together check

I kind of want to talk to you about Owen

I can see you do you mind speaking up I

don't want to miss all the juicy bits

are you carrying nine six of course it's

my lucky number

listen Trent I'd love to stay and chat

but I really got to go focus on the game

right now what am I doing wrong getting

in her way like I said before the girl

likes winning you know and sometimes

you're really smart me like beans

why do you bother sending us out to get

the firewood I needed some alone time

you think these hands manicure

themselves which brings us to the

tiebreaking challenge a what to z twist

mashed potato dorky old school dance

contest games

choose your best burger for battle oh

you've got to pick me my nickname back

home fakin it I love her trash we heard

you got some fly moves okay I'll do it

if you all say my name nine times



yeah I bet I know the Shauna's real

nickname back home

love bomba prima ballerina no two words

fun key what I loved it



the thing is if Gwen wants to win why is

it unethical for me to help her I'm

Trent first and a k*ller grip second oh

can we erase that confession it might be

good for the soul it's not so good for

the teamwork


dude get up oh I think I have turned my

ankle to something that's not dancing

it's modern its interpretive I interpret

it as sucking shut it Duncan I ignored

Trent and now he's lost his will to go

on you're giving yourself way too much

credit if Trent has that many screws


you didn't unscrew any more of them I

like Trent a lot but I don't want to be

responsible for this much mental

distress I can't believe I'm saying this

but leshawna in the screaming gaffers

are the winners and your reward the

greatest beach party ever pitched


I know you really wanted to win I guess

you know you're a really good dancer

yeah you like dye your ankle seems

better I'm weird like that

you sure are you guys gonna make out now


the losing team you just follow me to

the bus which is broken which means the

losers have to stay and watch their

rivals gorge on victory and POI what was

that for cuz you actually have mad

skills and dance good thing we didn't

need them

thanks to my smooth moves how is it Omar

as good as a dirty crusted magazine can



thanks for winning us the sandcastle

contest especially since I blew the

surfing challenge you really saved my


or should I say fakin except I kind of

noticed you gave everyone on the team

friendship bracelets everyone but me

aren't we friends Beth it's kind of red

nice let's just say I'll do anything to

win anything

Oh Beth I love it

I was thinking Beth it could be really

good for us if we were in an alliance


dude is as crafty as he is good-looking

maybe we're related he wishes no I don't

more delusional guy could never even

swim in my gene pool more importantly

tune in next time to watch more me and a

few minutes adjusted on Total Drama

which one of you geniuses left the

two-way mic on



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