02x03 - Riot on Set

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x03 - Riot on Set

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on Total Drama Action

14 teenagers one spooky film lot and a

whole bunch of alien eggs in a world

where an army chef wore an alien costume

only the strong could survive finally

two lovers shared a corporate victory

but now they'll be forced to endure a

tragic separation and so it was that

another pair of lovers were the subject

of a vote off for the ages but Jeff and

Regents love was so strong no amount of

what link could ever break their

timeless bond enough already with the

love this week we're gonna bring up Fame

haha well if I have anything to say

about it and I do by the way so brace

yourself for some deliciously painful



your mom and dad up you in fine


asked me what I wanted to be and now I







hey keep it moving

I love this thing

at first I thought he was talking to the

crew crew not us I was really hoping

they'd replace Chris the creep with a

nicer host this time around is that mean

sorry I can't believe I'm doing another

season of this show this continuing

sadistic wake-up call is messing with

the natural rhythms of my body clock my

mojo will be destroyed you're on a film

set now and you're gonna learn that

showbiz is not all red carpets and pool

parties today you're gonna get schooled

on how top on set production life can be

whatever I can deal I once had a summer

job at a petting zoo it's so adorable

everybody feeding the adorable goats

they're adorable cabbages but somebody I

eat me had to shovel up the less

adorable end of the digestive process

well speaking of number two it's time to

pick your teammates and then try to

stick it to the team your boyfriend

chooses we're not gonna get all

competitive and nasty are we absolutely

not we learn from last season right okay

let's get this bloodbath started you're

gonna choose schoolyard style boy girl

boy girl ladies first

since we have no ladies here Gwen

I don't know Duncan oh I can't believe

she just went ahead and chose Duncan I

mean they're kind of alike and now she

wants to be on the same team what am I

supposed to make of that you think you

know a person I choose the beautiful

Lyndsey the beautiful what was

transferring to tick me off by picking

Lyndsey like that you think you know a

person because I like to keep things

cool I pick leshawna the girls back in

town oh you know what would be so great

is if you picked Tyler Tyler's not in

the game anymore

seriously bummer I choose Justin Oh pick

all the good-looking contestants that'll

get you far did will in show biz DJ



remember keep your enemies closer

no really you don't mean fine we choose

Heather really it's about time someone

realized who's the most valuable player

here I mean seriously people how do you

choose between flakier and flakey

estonian got farther in the last game

that's where something dude I don't know

I had to pick someone

I choose Owen uh hello

don't wicked skills count for anything I

mean who else here went to film camp and

is fully trained as a junior

cinematographer with a thorough

knowledge of lighting filters they own

stock I think Harold if for no other

reason but to shut him up

wise choice there were no other guys

left still um I guess is he is on my

team then is he she likes to be called

kaleidoscope right east cope yeah hi

Gwen i christen your team the screaming


you're the k*ller grips I don't wanna be

a grip please it's not like being called

a gaffer is something to brag about

it sounds like something that has rabies

I'm sick and tired of getting no respect

around here


okay since we're running late now and

don't seem to have any more whatever

those two dudes did we better get going

your challenge for each team to set up a

film set will be scarf and flapjacks by

seven Oh will you as location manager I

want your sets to go you just love doing

this to us yes yes I do chef

what are you doing with you we're on the

same team and we're on the same team

this is crazy

inefficient I save the organize relay

style and pass the equipment up if you

say it we're not doing it good idea I'm

totally with you write down all your

good ideas and we can bring them up at

the next team meeting all second you

cool don't jump in a lake trout lips

come on lucky necklace papa Trent needs

you you are crazy

I'm just trying to help our team win

this thing how the heck are we gonna get

those trailers all the way up the hill I

have a great idea it's so great to be

free from Heather I can totally

contribute more and stuff I have a lot

of unwrapped potential you know oh right

boy there's catering at the top of the

hill just take that trailer up there

with you and you can eat eat I love eat


hey you best branch how do you like that

punk wannabes sure team is going down


not cool not cool at all oh don't worry

we are taking Trent I mean that team

down Oh No don't expect me to what if

the trailers lips and rolls back down

the hill and possibly hurt someone what

then I couldn't handle being responsible

for that looks like the screaming

gaffers still have a chance we'll DJ

step up to the plate save the day I said

no find out after the break

to see if DJ rises to the call of duty

I'm not gonna do


welcome back to total drama action we're

in the middle of some pretty wild action

right now catering step up be the hero

for the kafirs do it DJ do it DJ how

many times do I have to say no well not

exactly that was only the first part of

the challenge did I neglect to mention

that it's time to make a movie and what

we've got here is the set for a

tearjerker starring an elderly lady

considering her long life roaring I

can't believe we don't have a trailer we

are so not going to be able to properly

apply makeup without vanity lighting

this could spell disaster thanks DJ

you'll be making a feature about a thug

who tries to go straight but can't

resist the lure of the street yeah it's

been done Hey what about lunch we have

been working for eight hours and you are

legally obligated by union rules to give

us a meal break oh yeah

who here is in the union yeah I thought

so I am hereby forming local one of

United workers against Chris who's with

me everybody and now it's time to choose

an actor to perform a scene chef's give

the teams their scenes

all right we need an old lady it's gotta

be me I've got an old soul I'm like 87

years old on the inside cuz I've been

reincarnated like a whole bunch of times

actually I'm the reincarnation of my

very own granny Mavis hey there honey

yes still away but I guess on your kilt

I can tell you big lucky parmesano a

tough guy what you have got to play the

gangster don't typecast me I don't even

know if I can act you want Harold to do

it he's as tough as butter don't expect

DJ to be a tough guy that's for sure how

can you say that come on this is a rule

you were born to play you just have to

be you all right set up the shop whoever

can get chef mr. X farm and corporal to

show any emotion where's the cow


your makeup gorgeous and now I'm gonna

make you really feel like an old lady

I feel like eighty years have already

passed since they started to adjust the

lighting don't know oh don't worry I


my legs are totally asleep cuz I get

that last line again one I can't

memorize this much and two these lines

are way out of left field

just say what's written and quit being

such a prima donna we all have a job to

do so you just stand there and look

pretty okay pretty boy

don't call me pretty the last guy who

called me pretty ended up looking a lot

less pretty get it

friction between the crew and talent I

love it it's like a real film set you

are not pretty

okay Duncan you're hot okay you look hot

sexy stud like that's better

I can't believe they settled that so

fast sometimes this business really

stinks there are seven colors on this

tape roll thingy I don't know which one

to use

and what kind of shape would a mark be

like an M for mark or are starting to

tingle I don't think I can hold much


get back to first positions uh it's been

decades can we just get the ball rolling

on my vegetable Best Actress nomination

no wonder we're taking so long this

place is a mess guys and you thank you

anything for my lady I've been working

on my courting skills yep I've mastered

girl whispering as annoying as hanging

around Harold would be he'll make an

easy to persuade Alliance member and

right now the lady needs all the help

she can get this light is just appalling

how am I supposed to work without a

proper trailer and lighting I mean could

you tilt that pretty chin up just a

smidge my mama always told me I had a

flair for applying her church makeup so

I figured we've got to toughen you up

big old marshmallow I've got it I see a

bit of myself in DJ but I had to develop

the macho with myself without somebody

like me helping this is gonna be fun

here's the deal I'll help you man up and

win this thing you don't ask any stupid

questions and you split the prize with

me like they say it's an offer you can't


I won't leave you Wow you don't look

like you hi-c that's on account of me

being a master thespian just make sure

you lose the Scottish burr okay granny

Mickey scope when I was a young school

girl in Poland frolicking through the

fields with my pet goat in the Summer

Sun those were my happiest days did you

check the envelopes before you lay about


I thought you checked them if your

fighter doesn't go down in the first

round you'll be sleeping with the fishes

and that's tough to do because you know

they have no eyelids and it's hard to

sleep hey hey okay granny is he's nuts

but at least she's committed Duncan's

gonna have a hard time beating that I've

lived a good long life I've loved I've

laughed but what I miss most of all is

my speed Oh


okay you know too much for chef to take

donkey clearly wins for Best Performance

the screaming gaffers winning you're

gonna teach me how to be a tough guy

12 guys cry and did you notice how you

team just won who was the judge DJ


donkeys performance made me realize some

stuff like I've loved lost but what I

miss most is my sweet little go Quinn


you guys are just friends right worried

and not the guy has a secret photo of

Kourtney under his pillow and really

he's no Trent I'm sorry I called you a

wannabe ah whatever

all I know is I don't want to be you

right now because you're gonna dump me

no chance

more like because you have to go vote

someone off hey whatever as long as

you're still here I'm good


and now it's your turn to cast your

votes and determine who will stroll down

the walk of shame under your seats

you'll find voting devices just press

the button of the person you want load

it off it's easy so cast your votes

who will it be who will be cast off the

set it looks like all the votes in cast

chef remember if you get a gilded Chris

you get to stay because rather suitably

the gilded Chris represents the luster

of Fame and immortal greatness haha and

gilded Chris's go to Trent

Owen and oil-covered chocolate and now

only three nominees left

and the loser is home to go I'm not

going anywhere that's not my name girl

acts to be called kaleidoscope can I get

a pen over here it says E scope now okay

and remember you can never come back


take her to the limousine this was just

a dress rehearsal my darling


you'll see my star on the Walk of Fame






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