02x01 - Monster Cash

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x01 - Monster Cash

Post by bunniefuu »

Last season on Total Drama Island, Owen and Gwen battled it out for

$100,000. In the end Gwen the grumpy goth won the super-sized check,

but then gave it all up for the chance to win 1 million big ones!

With the million smackeroos stuffed into a briefcase our 22 campers set off, on the race for the case!

Until the case was eaten by an alligator.

Then a shark, hahahaha.

Bet you they didn't see that one coming.

Now the 14 who were the closest to winning have been given the chance to win another million dollars!


it's the same money. They've been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges.

42 days, 14 cast mates, one heck of a lot of cash. Welcome to Total Drama


Dear mom and I'm doing fine, you guys are on my mind

You asked me what I wanted to be and now I think the answer is plain to see.

I wanna be, famous!

I wanna live, close to the sun

Oh pack your back cuz I've already won

Everything to prove nothing in my way, I'll get there one day.

Because I wanna be, famous!

Na (x20+)

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!

Man, I missed the smell of the city!

Step off! You step off! Grrrrr

Sorry, Leshawna.

No harm done!

Where is everybody? Uhh..

Maybe we got off at the wrong stop?

That broken-down bus only had one stop. I'm not hanging around here!

You're gonna give up the chance at a million big ones,

that's a lot of hair weaves.

Guess I can stay for a bit. Face it, the money is the reason we all put up with Chris. Beth you got your braces off, nice.

Hot as ever.

You look fine

girl. You really do! You are totally on your way to looking the part of my new BFF!

That's my new best French friend.

I am so moving to France, when I win. My mom said my world would totally open up when I got my braces off

she was right!

I'm going to France! Yay!

Dude, it's about time. Hop on everyone!

Come on, people sheesh. We haven't got all day. This cart's rented by the hour

Izzy, run, I mean kaleidoscope. No one leaves Escope behind!

*gorilla noises*

Welcome to the set of Total Drama Action!

This season's hottest reality show will be shot here, on an abandoned film lot. Oh

Does this mean we're gonna be in the movies? No, it means you're gonna be on TV and don't interrupt me, ever!

Oops, so sorry!

You'll be spending the next six weeks here competing against each other in

challenges and for rewards. All for the chance to win some

Monster cash. Yeah, baby. I'm gonna win me some moolah


Like last season, one team will win and the other team will watch one of their own make their way down the

dreaded walk of shame to the lame-o zine.


Could you have gotten a better ride?

No. Now since we don't have the outhouse to dump your deepest darkest secrets in

you'll dish the dirt in our new makeup confessional!

Oh my gosh, a whole trailer full of makeup! Oh

Sorry, I don't use that brand.

To your left is the craft services tent catered by Chef.

If, you survive Chef you'll have to make it through our dramatic

award ceremony. Where all but one loser will receive a gilded Chris award!

The gilded Chris, ha,

what a narcissist.

Don't get me wrong, I still want one. You done now dude? I have an eject button and I'll use it! Please




Is this a dream? No Harold it is not but you may soon wish it was. A few months ago

this lot was home to a high-budget monster movie, until the star began experiencing some, umm,

difficulties. Oh No, did she have like a mental breakdown?

Actually, the star wasn't a her, it was an animatronic


What happened to it? *sigh* In retrospect I probably shouldn't have asked that question.


Come on dudes, he's yanking our chains.

Woah! Dude! AAAH!

Since we're on a film lot, this seasons challenges will be based on movie genres. Today's genre

monster movie! haha!



Down for the count. For your first challenge

everyone must get from here to the cast trailers while our state-of-the-art monster prevents your every move. Hahaha!

Chef is kindly offered to control the beast.


Uhhh, that means go.

*arguing and fighting*

This is gonna be a long season.


Oh baby, did you see that?

That thing is so cool!

I can almost hear your sweet lullaby's Mama!

Izzy, duck! DUCK!

Hahahaha, goose!


Do it again!


Maybe the monster won't look for me in here. I

love Izzy not like love love, but I think she's amazing.

I just wish you've noticed me and not that dumb monster.

How can I compete with it? Sure, we're both big and we both eat a lot

but it's really tall!

How are we supposed to find the actors trailers anyway?

Follow the good looking people!

Yeah, follow Justin!

I don't think this is the kind of action Chris had in mind. What was I thinking?

Duncan is so right. I like Geoff, but hello. I also like a million bucks

Duncan's right. It's time to get our head in the game. Booyah!

This challenge isn't so bad, what no explosions, no burning buildings, no bears. Maybe it's not in the budget.


I thought the bear was tranquilized and returned to his handler. Had one day left on its contract. Nice!

This it it, the end!

As we're together baby. I love you. I love you too!

Come on string beans. I hope you can run

we've got a challenge to win. If I wanted to I could run as fast as a pronghorn antelope.

It's the fastest land mammal after the cheetah.

Easy now, this booty is breakable.

I love you!

Say what now?


What can I say kids hot. I'm not just another gorgeous face and abs and butt and

shoulders, okay. I'm also a master strategist

This year I'm in it, to win it.

What are you all staring at? You! Oh, right.

You tell her! We don't like her.

I'll miss you Lindsay!

Excuse me, I think you forgot something! That's better.

Everyone follow me! That's what makes Trent such a great boyfriend. He's always thinking of others. It's one of the things I love about him.

It's okay big guy, I got you!

You mean everything around here is fake? That and Trent's exceptional powers of observation.

I'm coming Lindsay!

I'm here for you babe!

Hahaha losers. Boy am I ever glad I'm not them.

I'm gonna die!


I'm okay. Hahaha I'm okay! Yeah, baby time to find those cast trailers.

I can't run any more.

Take me, I surrender!

Kid really needs to lay off those cheese puffs.

Boy am I ever glad I didn't go on that diet!

Man, big can really have its advantages,

you know like,

when you're trying not to

be captured by an animatronic

monster. For example, that's just off the top of my head.

Come on, come on!

Yes, I'm too heavy! Hahaha! I win! I win!

Not yet.

Owen my man, you still have to find the trailers. Ah man.

*loud horn noises*

*cough* *wheeze*

It took you ten and a half hours to walk three city blocks. That's just sad man.

How come no one thought of doing that last night? Wait, where is Izzy?

Thanks for the date baby don't ever leave me cuz I'll find you!

How did you manage to escape?

Monster and I had a romantic date. He doesn't take no for an answer. Hehe, pretty crazy. I can't even tell you guys.


Am I ever glad I chose to wait in that trailer..

It looks like you all made it guess I lose the bet that was just a warm-up.

Good news is your next challenge is a reward.


It will be the boys against the girls with the winner getting the first pick of the trailers where you'll be living for the next

42 days. You will have your choice of

trailer A or



Off to the craft services tent. Yeah, baby, I'm starving!

My mom says I eat when I'm upset

And happy and tired not to mention bored, gassy, morose, joyous, comatose, semi-conscious, avuncular.


This is awesome!

Dude this chow looks like something out of a commercial. Oh, can I star?

Let's get this speed eating contest started! On your marks, get set, come to papa!

No, wait!

I've never tasted anything like this. Owen the man of many appetites. How was it? The turkey was a bit,

*burps* dry.

Not surprising since the food was fake! Fake? Yep!

Just props made from foam core, silicone, sawdust and wax.

It wasn't a speed eating contest. It was a contest to find the key. What key?

You mean this key? That'd be the one. Does this mean I win? Yes. Yes. It does. All right!

Did you see that the dude ate foam core and wax full props for that man.

Way to find the key dude. I used to think Owen was just some party dude, but he's really a stand-up guy.

Party on! I could have done that. You know, I just wasn't hungry.

No, wait, wait, wait wait, there's still one more.

You know what that boy has? Guts, guts full of foam core and rubber but that's just the same.


Don't worry I'm cool.

My mom says I got a gut like a goat.

No call 9-1-1.

You're gonna need it since you're the winner you get first pick of the trailers! *cheering*

I choose the squashed one. What? It has more character.

*girls cheering*


I am so over that monster.

Ok everyone get a good night's sleep because you've got a seriously early wake-up call call time is 6:00 AM haha, sleep quickly!

I'll take the top. I call the bottom. Mine

*relaxed sighs*

I need to sleep on the east side so my head will be closer to the ocean. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!

We're in Toronto,

we're nowhere near the ocean! Then maybe I don't want to lay my pretty head near this big butted

loudmouth mall shopping. And maybe I don't want to sleep near a two faced bossy string being of a prom queen.

Girls, you heard Chris. We need to be on set by 6:00 A.M. Worried we might cut into your early-morning makeout session?

Yes, kind of, Gwen. No way! Heather's meanness might leach down while I'm sleeping!

is meanness

contagious? Totally, besides I'm bunking with my new BFF, my Beth friend forever.

Fine. We will draw straws. Who's got straws?

We could use makeup brushes instead. That's actually a good idea.

Longest ones get the top bunks, shortest ones the bottom, shortest of all gets to sleep with Heather.

Yes! Top bunk!

I got bottom!

I call Lindsay!

I call Beth right back! I got bottom, Gwen? I got top, sure.

I got bottom.

Imma top!

Do you mean I get two beds all to myself?

Sweet! Yeah, we've really got to work on our math.

*laughing* Losers!

Shhhh, they're sleeping!

This is your 5:00 AM wake up call!

*groaning and yelling*

I'm only kidding, you can sleep for now.

*loud fart noises*

That's a wrap on day one, how will Owen fair with a stomach full of foam core and sawdust?

What will tomorrow hold for Gwen and Trent? Who knows what drama is in store for our cast.

Well, I do, but I ain't telling. See you next time for another thrilling episode of Total Drama Action!

Mclean out.

Can someone please put a wrap on that monster?

*ending credits*
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