01x22 - The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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01x22 - The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg!

Post by bunniefuu »

What's wrong with this restaurant? What's wrong with this restaurant? It's like It's like a pirate ship! It's horrible! Krieg's man escaped! Krieg's man escaped! This is a restaurant, isn't it? This is a restaurant, isn't it? Sir, do you have enough money? Sir, do you have enough money? How does a b*llet sound? How does a b*llet sound? How does a b*llet sound? So I take it that you don't have any.

So I take it that you don't have any.

So I take it that you don't have any.

Eat up.

Well now, I've found my cook! Well now, I've found my cook! This Is just great.

Old fart! Why don't you just run off and be a pirate just like them? Why don't you just run off and be a pirate just like them? We don't need you here anymore! We don't need you here anymore! THE GREATEST PIRATE FLEET! CAPTAIN DON KRIEG Hey, old fart.

Ain't I the Assistant Head Chef here? What's your crap of not needing me no more? You always fight with our customers.

You flirt with any beautiful woman in sight.

And you make lousy food.

You're nothing more than a burden to this restaurant! That's what I mean.

What the.


?! The other cooks don't like you anyway.

Why don't you just become a pirate or whatever you please? Why don't you just get the hell outta here!? What's this crap? I didn't do shit and now you're blowing your head off, old fart? I don't care about the rest of your excuses I don't care about the rest of your excuses But I'll never allow my cooking to be insulted! But I'll never allow my cooking to be insulted! But I'll never allow my cooking to be insulted! I don't care what the hell you're gonna say I'm gonna stay right here as a chef! I'm gonna stay right here as a chef! If you don't like it, it's your problem! How dare you hit your own boss.


! You stupid eggplant! You stupid eggplant! Damnit.

Are you kiddin'? No matter how hard you may try I'm gonna stay right here as a chef! 'Til the day you go to hell! I won't die! I'll live another 100 years! What a stubborn old man Isn't it great that he gave you his blessing! Now you can come with us.


! Now you can come with us.


! Hell no! Alright then.

Please pardon me for what has happened.

As an apology, I've ordered you a Fruit Macedonia, my Princess.

Why, thank you.

You're so kind.

It's nothing.

What's this? You're not apologizing to us? I'll sue you, you love cook! I've brough you some tea, isn't that enough? You should thank me, long nose.

Huh? Picking a fight? I won't be easy on you! I won't be easy on you! Get him, Zoro! Do it yourself.

Please, don't fight over me! Very well, Ma'am.

I'll stop.

Who's fighting over you?! By the way Huh? The food here's great, but it's a bit expensive for me.

Of course, I won't make you pay Of course, I won't make you pay Thank you! You guys have to.

I already saw that coming.

Hey, why are you slacking off here for? Go give the guests towels when they come in! Yes, Sir.

Man it's already been four days.

Man it's already been four days.

I'm getting fed up with this place.

How soon can we leave, ya think? Beats me.

You don't think he'll really be stuck here for a year, do you? Why not? We've got free food, a cozy atmosphere You're the only one! Hey, Luffy! Hey, Luffy! Huh? What's up with you? Hurry up and get out of this mess! Ah, can't you guys wait just a bit longer.


? I'll try talking to the boss again.

Please do! Hey now, what's the matter? The flag that turns brave men into chickens.


! That flag is That flag is No doubt about it.

It's the King of East Blue It's the King of East Blue It's Don Krieg! It's Don Krieg! Why?! What's Krieg doing here? What's Krieg doing here? Look well, Patty! They're really here! You'll help us drive 'em away, now won't you?! C-Couldn't you be mistaken?! He's the leader of a 5000 pirate ship fleet.

Why's he coming all this way to avenge a single man? There's no mistake! He's really here! Hey, we oughta get outta here ourselves! Hey, we oughta get outta here ourselves! Hey, we oughta get outta here ourselves! That ship's huge! That ship's huge! That's what I call a ship! You think that Gin guy's here to pay you back? I doubt it.

But it's strange Hey What? Looks like his ship's pretty much had it.

It doesn't look like it was att*cked by a gunboat or anything It doesn't look like it was att*cked by a gunboat or anything But it doesn't look like any human could have done that either.

A tornado maybe? Here he comes.

Please Can you give me water and something to eat? If it's money, I've got it.

As much as you ask.

I don't know how long it's been since I've last eaten Please Give me water and something to eat.

Give me water and something to eat.


W-What's wrong with him? He doesn't look very dreadful to me.

Is this guy really the most dreadful pirate, Don Krieg? He looks hungry.

C-captain! Don Krieg! P-please! Please help my captain! He's starving to death! He hasn't eaten for days If he doesn't get food soon, he'll die! This is great! So this is the notorious bully, Don Krieg? We've got money this time! Aren't we customers here?! Not in your life! Hey, hurry up and call the Marines.

What? He has weakened.

They won't get another chance like this.

No food for him! Get him out of here.

That's right! If he gets better, there's no telling what he'll do next! He's done so many awful things.

He deserves to be caught, even if he's starving! He's never done anything good in his life! He might even attack this boat if he gets better! We shouldn't even hand him a glass of water! I won't do anything.

I won't do anything.

I promise, I'll leave after I eat.

So please h-help me Don Krieg, please stop! Please don't beg! How can you do such a humble act? Please stop it! I promise.

Please Anything even your leftovers.


Anything! Don Heh, you think I'm sympathetic? Outta the way, Patty.

Sa Sanji-san! Take it, Gin.

Let him have it.


Thanks! Hey, Sanji! Take away the food! Don't you know what kind of person he is? He's the King of the East Blue, the sneakiest pirate of 'em all! It all began in prison.

The guy pretended to be one of the marines.


He k*lled the captain of his ship.


And took over that ship to become a pirate! Sometimes he'd raise a Marine flag and enter a harbor, Then he'd attack the city and other docked ships.

Or he'd pretend to surrender, and then make surprise att*cks.

He'll do anything to win! That's how he got to where he is now! What? So he's a snake, eh? He shouldn't be underestimated, even now! Eat and leave? How can we believe what he says? We'd be doing the world a favor if we gave this wretch up! CYB3RFR34K-ISO CYB3RFR34K-ISO S-Sanji! Aren't you acting different from what you promised, Don Krieg? You promised that you'd never hurt these people, so I took you here.

Besides, that man saved our lives! Yeah, it was good.

I feel re-energized.

What's going on in the restaurant? Let's go check it out.

What?! You serious?! What's wrong? You scared? Huh, don't be silly! Strange l can't see anybody on that ship.

Isn't this a nice restaurant? I'll take it! So That's why you came My ship's ruined.

I want a new one.

Leave after you've gotten your things.

W-what? Don Krieg That's not what you promised There're about 100 men still alive on that ship.

All of 'em starving and injured.

First, prepare food and water for 100 men.

Some of 'em have already starved to death.

Water Right away! We'd know better that those pirates will be attacking us later on! We won't aid them! We refuse! Refuse? Don't misunderstand.

I'm not ordering food.

I'm giving you an order.



ever Disobeys me! Sanji-san.

Sanji-san, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for this to happen.

Bastard! Look what you've done! Hey, Sanji! Where're ye off to?! The kitchen.

I've gotta prepare food for 100 men.

Sanji-san! Sanji! WHAT?!! Yes.

That's how it should be.

You're being Krieg's little puppet, Sanji! I'll never let you get into the kitchen! I've had enough of your nonsense! Do it.

If you wanna stop me, do so.

I'm aware.

I know that he's a hopeless bully.

But that's none of my business.

I don't care.

I don't care what happens after they had their meal.

Not a care in the world.

I'm a chef.

Nothing more.

When people are hungry, I offer them food.

That's all there is to it.

For a chef, Isn't that enough? Patty! Hey, take him outta here! Sanji.

You've often given food to the customers that I drove away, haven't you? I don't care who's right or wrong, but I can't allow this to happen.

I can't let you do as you please anymore.

I'll protect this restaurant.

I'll protect this restaurant.

Luckily, there's only one enemy.

What can alone Don Krieg do to all of us? Pirates come to this floating restaurant everyday.

I'm always prepared for anything.

That's Did you enjoy your meal, Krieg-san? How about it? Since you've finished your meal How about some metal for dessert?! SYRUP MEATBALL! Don! I think I broke the door.

The boss will be mad at me for that.

It's ok.

We're protecting this place.

It's no major damage.

What are we gonna do about those people on Krieg's ship? I dunno Why don't we just put some butter on their ship and cook it up? That sounds delicious.

Stupid cook.

Giving me such an awful dessert This restaurant's despicable! DESPICABLE! That armor It can sh**t? Do as I say! I'm the strongest man there is! These arms are stronger than anybody's! My super-alloy armor is Tougher than anything! And I've got a Diamond Punch, which can destroy everything! An army of 5000 men! I've never lost a battle in my life! I'm the perfect person to claim the title of 'Don'! Out of the way, boy.

I ordered you to get the food ready! Now hurry up and do it! Nobody disobeys me! Here's food for 100 men.

Help him get it on the ship.

Owner Zeff! What's the old man doing? Isn't that a little risky? Z-Zeff is it?
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