05x02 - Crash Course

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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05x02 - Crash Course

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.

Hah! Great sh**ting, bud.

Perfect for the catapults.

Nice catch, girl.

Your athleticism is nothing short of breathtaking.

Whoo! So fast! Good girl, Meatlug.

Yeah, okay, sh**t another one.

Little to the right.

Now go down, down.

Yes, perfect.

Uh, nice shot.

Hit it again! Whoa! Hmm.

What do you think? I think we need to chisel the jawlines more.

Make them more in and of our visage.


Will you guys do something that's actually important? What could possibly be more important than this? I'm sick of this.

If these clowns aren't gonna pull their weight Hey, boyo! Never talk to a girl about her weight.

No wonder he can't land a girlfriend.

Am I right? Guys, let's get all these catapults loaded before the sun goes down? What was that? I don't know, but it's crumbling my eyelids.

Okay, easy, Stormfly! Whoa! What are you doing, Hookfang? Something's coming towards us! Something big! Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor! Let's get out of here.

Stormfly! Astrid! Snotlout! Cut your boulders loose.

I'm trying.

It's tangled! Toothless! The Fireworm Queen? I pretended to be scared, so the dragons wouldn't be.

Whoa! Ow! Hookfang, careful! Hiccup, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah.

Something's off.

What is she doing way out here, away from her island? I'm not sure.

Whoa, no, no, no, no.

Take it easy, girl.

Just trying to figure out what's going on.

Being a dragon expert, I can tell that she wants Hookfang to follow her.

Follow her? Where? Why? Maybe it has something to do with these.

Dragon Hunters? If I had to guess, she needs help defending herself.

And, since the Fireworm Queen and Hookfang have a history, he's the only dragon she trusts.

Well, if she's looking for back-up, she came to the right dragon.

Those Hunters want to mess with the Queen? They're gonna have to go through me and Hookfang.

Come on, Your Highness.

Lead the way.

Stay close, Hookfang.

Come on, on her tail, come on.

Snotlout, wait up! I told you, Hiccup, she came for me and Hookfang.

We got this.

No one is doubting your level of "got," Snotlout.

But if Viggo and the hunters are here, you might need a little back-up.


But just remember you're back-up, and we're front-down, which is the opposite of back-up.

Hyah! Let's go, Hookfang, come on.

Uh you guys feel that? - Feel what? - I don't feel anything.

Why must he speak in riddles? It's too calm.

No sign of any Dragon Hunter ships.

Whatever she wants help with is in there.

Let's go, Hookfang.

Everyone be on alert.

We have no idea what could be waiting for us in those caves.

Says Hiccup the Obvious.

Sometimes I feel like we're the normal ones.

No arrows, no footprints.

No sign of Viggo or Ryker.

I don't get it.

She didn't do all that damage to herself.

So, if it's not hunters then it's something else.


Guys, I have a sneaking suspicion we may not be alone.

What is it, Your Majesty? What is that? What are those? These are my dragon cards.

I've been working on them for months.

Fishlegs! These are incredible.

I know, right? Yeah, look.

I even have dragon classes, sizes and speed.

All this dragon knowledge, right at our fingertips.

Right! You two need a hobby.

I knew it.

It's a Cavern Crasher.

I've never seen one in the flesh.

Ooh mystery class.

Whoa! Uh, Fishlegs? Care to share, or The Cavern Crasher is a scavenging mystery class dragon.

It's known for pushing dragons out of their homes and taking over.

Why would it do that? I'm not entirely sure.

Warmth? Shelter? Protection? I find it hard to believe a dragon that big would need protection.

That's why the Queen came to us for help.

She couldn't get it out of here all by herself.

Blah, blah, blah.

We found the culprit.

Now let's get to work, and am-scray this agon-dray.

Snotlout, I wouldn't Ah! Come on, Hookfang.

Watch out! Are there two of them? Nope! Extremely fast, especially for a dragon that big.

Fishlegs! Get him, bud! Look out! No, you don't! Oh! What is that stuff? Now, that, my friend, is a flaming trail of awesome! Ah! We can't get through these flames.

Okay, and then Astrid swoops in and kills the fun.

Whoa! Ah! Hiccup! Whoa! Okay, everyone out! Whew! It would appear that we're in the middle of a territorial dispute.

Okay, guys, the Queen needs our help, so we're gonna No, no, no.

No time for thinking.

We need action.

That's why she came to me and Hookfang.

Yeah, Snotlout, that's fine, but She saved Hookfang's life, and a Jorgenson always repays his debts.

So that's exactly what we're going to do.

We're gonna save her life.

But you can't go by yourself! I'm not by myself.

I'm with Hookfang.

And we're doing this alone.

Now, Hookie! There she is! Listen, uh, Queenie, you brought us here because you needed our help I think it's a shortcut, Hookie.

Good idea! I'm not sure the Cavern Crasher is down here.

Wow, we're deep.

This might be the deepest I've ever been.

I don't like this, Hookfang.

Maybe we should go back.

Hookfang! Okay, okay.

It was just a suggestion.


There's no wrong answers in brainstorming.

There must be another way around this cave-in.

We've been down these tunnels before, remember? There were several entrances to the lower chambers.

I remember this tunnel over here.

I think it loops around.

Come on, bud.

Snotlout! Snoutlout! Come on, where is he? Whoo! Hoo-hoo! Whoa! Where did he come from? I know.

There was only one way to get in here.

Wouldn't it be cool if it flattened its body and came through the cracks in the walls? What? How is that not cool? Everyone, grab your bolas.

Almost! Ooh.

What's it doing? The mucus! Watch out for the mucus! Sorry.

Had to get rid of that one.

Not you.

That! This is nasty.

Even for us.

Yuk! This is not coming off, it's too sticky.

Slime us, will ya? Ah! This dragon is getting me from all sides.

Uh, right.

Bad dragon.

Let's snot him! Ruff! Tuff! Wait! That hurt.

That slime becomes flammable when it hits the air.

Watch out, girl! Keep out of the way of those blasts or we're cooked! Hiccup! There's not much room to fly in here.

I know.


Now I get it.

That Crasher thing doesn't just push dragons out for no reason.

It's scavenging for eggs.

It's been trying to get here all along.

To her hive.

What a jerk of a dragon.

This is why she came for us, Hookfang.

She knew we would help.

And that's what we're gonna do.

Uh, did you hear me, Hookfang? Help her.

Jeez, what's wrong with you? You want me to Me? I'm Snotlout.

I'm completely irresponsible.



Okay, I got it.

I got you.

Um, hello? Guys! Hatching baby dragon over here.

Way above my pay grade.

Oh, my gosh! Hookfang, did you hear that? It was a little baby dragon roar.

Aw, look, he doesn't even have his fire yet.

Baa, baa, black yak Have you any fur? Yes, sir, yes, sir More than you can muster I'll be the judge Said the little Viking boy Gimme, gimme, gimme Or I'll mace you into a toy My mom used to sing that to me.

Oh, it's just so freaking cute and so freaking hot! Get it off! Baa, baa, black yak Go, you crazy black yak You know, believe it or not, that blast really - opened up my sinuses.

- Oh, yeah? What can you smell? Lemme see.

Burning nose hair, with a faint whisper of musk.

Mm, six days and counting.

Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor! No, don't! What's it doing? - Eggs.

- Babies? Dinner! What? It seemed to go.

You know, it seemed to work, rhythm-wise.

- The Fireworm Queen's eggs! - That's why she didn't abandon her hive.

Oh, no, you don't! Great work, g*ng! Looks like ugly here isn't making it to the hive.

You guys are leaving me here? Not you.

The dragon.


Now let's try to figure out how to get it out of here for good.

Grab those bolas, we'll try again.

Hiccup, did you just see that? It collapsed its skeleton.

And squeezed through the cracks.

Yes! I told you.

Once again, nobody listens to the Nut.

The Nut is all-knowing.

The Nut is all-seeing.

The Nut is all-believing.

Maybe the Nut knows how to get through this cave-in.

The Nut knows not.

Doesn't know how to get in through the cave-in.

We'll just get them out of here.

That's all.

Oh, of course! Isn't this just my luck! Please be quiet.

Please be quiet.

As a dragon expert, I don't think that's gonna help right now.

Hush, little Fireworm Don't you roar Or that thing's coming Through the floor If it does Then we're all done 'Cause it's gonna fry us Like the sun Why do babies always make you pay like that? It's no use, Hiccup.

It's too dense.

It'll take us forever to blast through.

And there's no way around it this time.

We've gotta get through here.

He-hey, Nuts? What do you mean "the Nut knows not"? The Nut knows.

- The Nut does? - He certainly does! Oh, right.

Of course he does! Who are we talking about again? I don't know.

I don't know, just go with it.

And if there was ever a time for the Nut to use their all-knowingness and their expert stone-carving skills, it's right now.

You're right.

I owe it to my public.

Sister Nut? I live for my craft.

Fire in the hole! Okay, guys, this is it.

It's us three against that huge, mucus-sh**ting, nasty k*ller dragon.

Or, maybe the two of you can take this one.

Okay, okay, it was just a suggestion.

It's go time, dragons.

Hey, Crasher.

Nice of you to show up.

We were expecting you.

Queenie! Now! Okay, that didn't work so good.

Do we have a plan B? No? Probably should've had a plan B.

Good thinking, Hookfang! Oh, come on! Really? Hookfang! Hatchlings! Whoa! Okay, Hookfang, this is it.

Moment of truth.

We are not letting it get to these babies.

Don't worry, little guy.

Uncle Snot and Cousin Fang are here.

Snotlout? Hiccup! Don't come down here! Be careful, guys.

Crasher slime.

Perhaps we should be careful of that, as well? Don't you think? Whoa! Hookfang, what are you doing? We're in the middle of a fight! Whoa! They're combining their firepower.

Huh? Huh! They cooked the mucus right off him! Hah! Well, kids, it looks like our Crasher just crashed.

Why don't we show it the door? Oh, no! This guy will not give up! Maybe you need some back-up.


But remember, you're only back-up.

Oh, I know, pal.

- Yes! - Whoo-ho-hoo! - All right! Back in business.

- Whoo-hoo! I know, I know, I defied orders again.

No, you didn't.

I never ordered you to do anything.

This one was all you.

Why didn't you try to stop me? Would you? Have stopped, that is.

Probably not.

Then why are we talking about it? You know, I could've gotten k*lled in there.

Yeah, but you didn't.

You crushed it today, Snotlout.

You really did.

This was all you.

Thanks for the back-up.

We did it again.

Only we could have made something this glorious.

We call it, "The Ballad of the Lout versus the Crasher.

" It's breathtaking.

Um, isn't a ballad technically a song? No.


You get it? It's snot.

That's the whole idea.

We made it a ballad, so people would be like, "Isn't it this?" - And then we say, "S'not.

" - Well, I love it.

Although, Astrid, would you say my likeness is handsome and chiseled enough? Ugh! For the love of Thor.

Well, just off the top of my head, they got my hair wrong, they got my eyebrows wrong, they got my eyes wrong - This has been a great day.

- they got my chin wrong, they got my chin bone wrong
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