06x02 - Gruff Around the Edges

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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06x02 - Gruff Around the Edges

Post by bunniefuu »

[Hiccup] This changes everything.

[horn tooting]

-[snoring] What the... -[gasps]

-[Tuffnut through Thunder Ear] Good... -[groans]

...morning, Dragon's Edge!

-It's Tuff... -And Ruff...

-And Chicken... -[clucking]

-In the mornings. -In the mornings.

All right, folks.

Now, it's time for your weather forecast.

-Today will be freezing cold. -[yawns]

-Tomorrow will be, well, freezing cold! -[grunts]

Leave it to you muttonheads to use the Thunder Ear backwards.

Or are we using it right-wards?

-To inform the masses. -Ugh!

Plus, the earwax on this thing keeps our lips from chapping.

-[smacks lips] Mmm. -You know, we really should market this.

[Tuffnut] Okay, let's check the old mailbag

-and see what Terrible Terror mails... -[screams]

...came in last night.

Ah! Here's one for Snotlout, "I miss your snuggles, too.

Signed, Mommy."

Hey, that's private!

Whoa! This one's addressed to us.

"Dear Ruff and Tuff, your cousin Gruffnut is on his way to visit you today."

Wait, Gruffnut? Gruffnut's coming here?

-Today? -[Chicken moans]

Oh, no, look at me. I am a mess.

All right, show's over.

-I gotta go get ready. -[clucking]

-[growls in surprise] -[Tuffnut] Gruffnut's coming.

Gruffnut's coming. Gruffnut's coming. Gruffnut's coming. Gruffnut's coming.

Gruffnut's gonna be here any second. The place needs to look nice.

-You wanna help, just a little? -No.

Okay. I'm new here. Who is Gruffnut?

He's their cousin. We've never met him but Tuffnut worships the guy.

[scoffs] No, I don't.

Even if he is a totally awesome world traveler

and a fearless adventurer.

[scoffs] Yeah, you say traveler, I say a drifter

who just wanders into our lives every few years.

Hiccup, what do you guys think about me taking over the reins around here?

You know, just while Gruff is around?

Don't you remember what happened last time you were in charge?

[Tuffnut screaming] I'm sorry everything's on fire!

[bleating in pain]

To be fair, I was only in co-charge of the island,

so I think we all know whose fault all that really was.

Did this island just get a hundred percent more amazing, or is it just me?


Ah, my hero-ic cousin.

How are you, friend?

Gruffnut, these are the Dragon Riders.

Dragon Riders, this is the Gruffnut.

Hello, everyone, and the always fabulous Ruffnut.

Yeah. Cousin Gruffnut.

No one mentioned the family resemblance.

-I don't see it at all. -Nope. Me neither.

So, cuz, what've you been up to?

Ah, the usual.

You know, winning my weight in gold. That sort of thing.

How does one win their weight in gold, exactly?

Uh... Spear-throwing competition, of course.

-Duh. -Whoa, that's a lot of gold.

Could I see it? Maybe hold it. Caress it.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't have it anymore.

[sarcastically] Oh. What a surprise.

Yep. Gave it all away to the poor.

Your generosity is only exceeded by your adventurosity.

I have an idea, "cuz."

Why not show everyone your awesome spear-throwing skills

that won you all that gold that you conveniently don't have anymore?


[yells, grunts]

I'd be happy to put on a little exhibition,

except that my arm is still injured from that shipwreck, that darn shipwreck.

What shipwreck?

I didn't mention the saving of the sinking shipload of orphans?

Huh, no. Buried the lead I guess, it's 'cause you're so humble.

The most.

Well, enough about me. Tuff, what have you been doing

while I was out winning fortunes, saving orphans, and defeating a kraken?

Well, uh... [stutters]

-I have a chicken. -[clucking]

-Oh. -Uh.

-Um... -Hey, Tuffnut,

why don't you show Gruffnut around the base...

Uh, around your base.

Your base? Whoa.

Well, it's not really "my" base.

I mean, I just designed it, built it, and run it.

Come on, follow me.

-I'll give you the grand tour. -[sighs]

-[clucking] -Ruffnut,

-escort this chicken to its quarters. -[clucks]

The dock is down there and over there are the stables.

Oh, and that's where you keep the dragons.

Well, I bet that's well guarded.

Not really. Who's gonna steal a dragon?

I mean, unless you can fly one, you're not getting very far.

Right. Of course. I hadn't thought of that.

Yeah, that's why they put me in charge.

I think of things.

I designed the arena roof to be totally detractable.


That too. It's retractable and detractable.

See? You just use this lever.

-[creaking, snaps] -[screams]

[grunts in frustration]

And this is where I do all of my inventiationating.

Is that a bed over there?

Yeah. I let Hiccup sleep in here.

-You know, to guard my inventions? -[grunts in frustration]

Like this one.

With this, I can literally fly like a dragon!

-A little demonstration can't hurt. -Tuffnut, no.

-[clangs] -[thuds]

[grunts in frustration]

This invention is my sword of fire!

That sounds magnificent. How does it work?

I'll show you. It just...

-Sometimes, it needs a little shake. -[clanging]

No, no, no, no, no, no!

[expl*si*n, fire crackling]

I've been meaning to do that, actually.

Because I needed better ventilation in here.

-Hey! Now check this out-- -[sword clanging]

Yeah, yeah, actually, would you mind if I talked to my boss here for a second?

Sure. And, Tuff, don't be too hard on him.

Accidents happen.

It's going great. Am I right?

Uh, no.

Look, I'm sorry Tuff, I was trying to help you out, but this is not working.

What do you mean? Sure it is.

-[clangs] -[gasps]

-[cat yowls] -Uh...

You have to tell Gruffnut the truth.

Tell Gruffnut the truth about what?

Come on, no secrets.

There's holes in the walls.

Okay, fine. I don't actually run the base.

Tuff, no need to embellish. Everywhere I go,

I hear about your heroic exploits, fighting Dragon Hunters, saving islands.

You don't need to lie to impress me, Tuffnut, because you already have.

[sniffles, gulps]

I wanna say, for the record, that I am not crying.

I just have a bug in each one of my eyes, in the same place,

and it's irritating each of them equally.

Hey, you know what would be awesome?

If the two of you heroes took me for a ride on that dragon of yours.

What? No. Sorry, pal.

Look, it's sort of a two-person setup.

I don't think all three of us--



[dragons screeching, growling]

[Tuffnut] So, what do you think?


And I gotta say, flying doesn't seem that hard.

Basically, you just lean one way or the other.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Oh, sure, yeah. Not that hard at all.

Anybody can do this.

-[Gruffnut] No. Oh, dear. Oh! -[Barf and Belch growling]

[Gruffnut mumbling in bafflement]

[Tuffnut] Whoo! [laughing] Yeah!

Oh, my! Oh, my!

Take it easy, Ruff.

What do you mean "take it easy"?

An adventurer like cousin Gruffnut, come on, this is tame!

-[screaming in panic] -[whizzing]

-Oh! Whoa-oh! -[Barf and Belch growling]

[screaming] Ah! No, no, no, no...

Oh, no!

-[Barf screeching] -[Belch sparking]

-[expl*si*n] -[growling]



-[Barf and Belch growling softly] -[continues panting]

[laughs insidiously]

[Barf and Belch growling in anger]

Hey, Tuff and Ruff. Thanks for the dragon.

[Tuffnut] What? [Ruffnut] Huh?


-[Barf and Belch growl viciously] -[thuds]

[yells, groaning in pain]

What was that? Did you just try to steal our dragon?

Don't be ridiculous.

You said, "Thanks for the dragon," and then, took off.

Yeah, because I was making a joke.

Yeah, Ruff, can't you tell when it's a joke? [chuckles]

Gruff, speaking of jokes, we're always looking

for fresh material on our morning show.

That sounds magnificent.

Huh. Let's keep an eye on Cousin Gruffnut.

[growls in agreement]


Hiccup, I'm telling you. I saw him go in there, alone.

You know? By himself.


[Hiccup] Excuse me?

-[growls softly] -[chuckles nervously] Uh...

-[growling] -Uh... Whoa!


-Whoa! Okay. -Toothless. Easy, bud.

-It's okay. -Got you!

[snarling softly]

You sure did. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help

taking a closer look at this magnificent tail device.


-What? -Amazing workmanship, Hiccup.

You know, I'm a bit of an inventor myself.

-Oh, yeah, right. -[clucking]

-There you are, Gruff. -[boars squealing]

Come on, I've got the boars greased and the pit primed.

Oh. Sorry, Hiccup. Another time, perhaps?

[boars continue squealing]

Oh, gee, Ruff. I only brought two boars.

Yeah, you'd get bored just watching.

Get it? "Bored."

-[both laughing] -[boars squealing loudly]

-[Tuffnut] I love it. -[sighs]

-[Tuffnut] Ah. It's a similar word. -[clucks]

[Tuffnut through Thunder Ear] Good Morning, Dragon's Edge!

It's Tuff and...

Ruff and...

Wait, where's Gruffnut?

[gasps] Gruffnut's not here? Oh, what a shock.

Oh, wait, no. No, it's not. 'Cause that's his thing.

He just blows into town, and before anyone can get too close,

he slithers off like the snake that he is.

No way. We boar bonded last night.

I'm sure he just overslept.

I'm gonna go find Gruffnut and when I do, you're gonna owe him a big apology.

-[Stormfly snarling] -Come on, girl. Take the yummy fishy.

-[kissing] -[snarls]

[chomps, snarls]

-[screams, groans] -[thuds]

-Eww. -[Stormfly squawks]

There you are.

Tuffnut. You're supposed to be doing your morning show right now.

[chuckles] We both are. Come on, let's go.

I can't wait to see the look on Ruff's face

-when she sees that you-- -[coughing, retching]

Yeah, see, [stutters] I'm not feeling great this morning,

-so, maybe tomorrow, we could do tomorrow. -[chomps, growling]

Wait, what are those fish for?

Please tell me you're not trying

to bribe Stormfly so you can ride her.


-Of course not. -[clangs]

[Stormfly squawks]

Look, I just wanted to take a quick spin.

You know, I kinda got dragon fever

after riding Barf and Belch. So I thought...

Oh. Never mind. What are we doing here, cousin?

You know I'm lying. I know I'm lying.

That's a lot of lying.

I didn't actually win my weight in gold throwing spears.

So, I owe a lot of gold to some very dangerous men, Tuffnut.

I need one of your dragons to pay them off.

Gruffnut, I looked up to you.

You were my role model. You were my hero.

Yeah, false idols. Usually disappointing. Anyway, gotta go.

Hey. Uh-uh-uh.

I don't think so.

Tuff, you couldn't take me when we were kids,

what makes you think you can take me now?

You know what? Come to think of it, I don't have to.

Stormfly is not gonna let any old stranger fly her out of here,

none of our dragons would.

You got me. Dead to rights. [cries]

I don't know what came over me. I'm just so ashamed.

-[bawling] -Oh.

Come on. It's not that bad. You know what they say,

forgiveness is a dish best served freezing cold.

Oh, cousin, you are one of a kind.

Well, almost.

Look! A rainbow!

-[gasps] What? A rainbow? -[clangs]

[laughs insidiously]

-[groaning] -[rope creaking]

[screams] Gruffnut!

-[stone scraping] -[yawning]

Sad news everyone. Gruffnut... [clears throat]

Uh, Gruffnut had someplace really awesome he had to go to,

-and so, now, he's gone for a while. -[clangs]

I told you so.

Oh, yeah, you did. Told me what?

That he would do what he always does. Show up.

Get you to worship him again, and then, disappear.

Well, why wouldn't I... Uh... [clears throat]

Why wouldn't I worship him? Gruffnut is awesome.

No, he isn't! He's a phony.

Uh. Maybe he is a phony, but if he's smart enough to fool people,

-that's their fault. -[grunts]

-What? -I, uh...

Oh. I mean, that's something Gruffnut would say.

Not me, Tuffnut.

Now, you've given me a lot to think about. So, I...

I guess, I, Tuffnut, will go think about it.

Just when you thought Tuffnut couldn't get any weirder.


-[rope creaking] -Okay, you can do this, Tuff.

Just dislocate your shoulder

and you will slip right out of these ropes.

-One, two, [screams] three! -[clangs]

[screams] Ow!

That did not work... because I needed a running start.

Uh. Okay, okay.

[screaming, grunting]

-[thuds] -[screams] Ouch!

[screaming in pain]

That is no good.

[Gruffnut] Hookfang. [chuckles]

-It's me, Tuffnut. Ugh. -[growls]

Your old buddy. You don't mind if I take you for a little spin, do ya?

[snarls viciously, growls]

[snorts, growls]

-[chomps] -[laughs insidiously]


-[clucking] -[growls]

-[Hookfang growls] -[expl*si*n]

[Gruffnut screaming]

[Hookfang snarling]


-[growling] -Well, I guess I'll settle for a Gronckle.

[chomps, growling]

Hopefully, they'll pay me by the pound.

-[clucking] -[Gruffnut grunting]

Get outta here. No, stop it. Stop!

-[growling] -Oh! Whoa! [screams]


-[Chicken clucking] -Filthy-beaked bird.

-[Meatlug growling] -Whoa. [groaning]

-[clucking] -[growling]

[Tuffnut] Okay.

[screaming in pain]

[screams, groans]

Nope, dislocating my hip doesn't work either.

-Time for the ankles. -[growls]

Uh. Come here, little guy.

You know Smidvarg? He and I are tight.

-We're buddies from way back. -[screeches]

Quick question, how are you with knots?

[Meatlug growling]

Excuse me? Has someone been feeding Meatlug feldspar again?

You know how it bloats her.

[sighs] Looks like we need someone to take your patrol shift. Any vol--

-Uh. We'll do it, we'll do it. -We what?

Who are you and what have you done with the real Tuffnut?

What... What is that supposed to mean?

No offense. You just don't volunteer very-- Well, ever.

Oh, yeah. [stutters] I mean, you're right.

But now that that Gruffnut jerk is gone,

I think Ruff and I could use a little us time.

Right, sis? I missed ya.

You had me at "that Gruffnut jerk."

And, hey, what if Macey comes along, too?

-Uh... No, thanks. -Huh?

I mean, maybe you should get to carry Macey for a change.


[sighs] Oh, the things I do.

-[Night Terror screeching] -[Tuffnut screaming]

-[groans] -[screeching]

-Hiccup. -You!

-[growling] -Yes. Me.

Thanks for the ride, Peggy.

-Go on, get. -[screeching]

What are you doing back here?

-I live here. -Oh, no, you don't.

I don't know what you think

you've conned Tuffnut into, but no way, Gruffnut.

Hiccup, I'm not Gruffnut. I'm Tuffnut.

-Yeah. Sure you are. -[growling]

You do a very good Tuffnut impression,

but I think I know one of my best friends when I see him.

-[gasps] Hiccup? We're best friends? -[growling]

[chuckles] Really?

Even though I almost burned down the whole island that one time

and also once released a Skrill,

and crushed you under the bunch of logs and the stones?

Tuffnut! It really is you.

Which means that Gruffnut's out on patrol with Ruffnut,

pretending to be you.

[Barf and Belch growling]

[Gruffnut grumbling]

[laughs nervously] Whoa!

Air is pretty rough, huh?


Oh, look. Suddenly, a ship.

I don't recognize it. Should we take a look?

Sure. Whatever you think.

-"Whatever I think?" -[growling]

Whoa! Oh, dear. Whoa!

Okay, that's it.

What are you trying to pull, Gruffnut?


What are you talking about, sister?

The real Tuffnut never cares what I think,

and while I'm at it, he wouldn't volunteer us for this mission,

and he would never ever let me carry Macey!

Well, what do you know?

I always said you were the smarter twin.

Flattery has no effect on me, mainly because I never hear any.

So, cut the sheep dip and tell me who's on that boat down there.

You wouldn't understand.

It's people you owe money to, right?

You wanna trade them Barf and Belch to pay off your stupid debt.

Okay. Whoa.

Seriously, you are the smarter twin.

[shouts] Not gonna happen!

Don't make me do this the hard way, Ruffnut.

I do everything the hard way!

-[growling] -[Gruffnut grunts]

Down dragon.

[Ruffnut straining] No, you don't!

[Barf and Belch growling]

[Ruffnut] You are not good enough for the Nutt name!

There they are.

This is my fault for not listening to Ruff.

How could I be so stupid? I have to make this up to her.

-It's time for Balista-Nutt! -What?

-No! No, no, no! -[Tuffnut screaming]

Here I come!

[both grunting]



-[Tuffnut screaming] No! -[Ruffnut gasps]

Be honest. That was hilarious. [groans]

Back in action.

Be honest. That was painful.

-[growling] -Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

-[both grunting] -[smack]

-[Gruffnut grunting] -[Tuffnut] Ow! Ow! My ankles, my ankles!


[groans] Ow!

You dislocated my hip. Hurts more than I imagined. Uh...

[Tuffnut] No, no, no, no... Oh! What the...

[Tuffnut mumbling]

Chinese finger move.

-[grunts] -[groans]

-Flight suit! Flight suit! -[groaning]

-No, no! -Whoa! [grunts]

-[Gruffnut] Give me that. -No! No, no, no, no!


-No! -[grunts in effort]

Hey! Come on, guys! Work with me here.




[Tuffnut and Gruffnut grunting, screaming]

I can't risk hitting Tuffnut.

[both grunting]

I used to look up to you. [screams in anger]

-[grunts] -[screams]

Oh, no, no, no, no! Whoa! Oh!

Let me give you another chance.

[groans] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!


[both grunting]


-[Gruffnut grunting] -[Tuffnut] Uh! Oh! Ah!

[Tuffnut] Help! [screams]

-Tuff! [grunts] -[Tuffnut screaming]

[grunting] Whoa!

[laughs insidiously]

-Macey me! -[whizzing]

-[grunts, groans] -[clangs]

Ouch! Ow, ow, ow, ow!

-[Tuffnut grunts] -[Gruffnut groans]

-[screams] Whoa! Oh, no! -[Barf and Belch growling]

[Gruffnut screaming loudly]


-[Gruffnut screaming] -[growling]

Thanks, sis.

You got it, bro.

-[Gruffnut screaming, grunts] -[Dragon Hunter 1 groaning]

Oh, hey, guys. The dragon thing, it's...

It ended up being more com-- Hey, how about that gold I owe you?

What do you say we go double or nothing?


-Oh, no. -[Barf and Belch growling]

[Dragon Hunter 2 groaning]

[Speaking through Thunder Ear] Good Morning, Dragon's Edge! It's Tuff...

And Ruff...

-And Chicken... -[clucks]

In the mornings, with our special guest Hiccup Haddock.

-Hi, there. -Oh... Sir Talks-a-lot.

Okay, enough about you.

How great were we yesterday?

Uh, you were very great.

You saved Barf and Belch from being sold by Gruffnut.

And I was very impressed that despite everything he did, you still rescued him.

Well, he is family.

-And he still had my helmet. -That too.

Uh, speaking of which, where is Gruffnut?

Oh. We decided he should have a real adventure, for a change.



This won't be so bad. At least I have some shelter.

[Quaken growling softly]

-[Quaken growls loudly] -Oh... Oh!

[screaming in panic]

There is a giant eye!

[roaring loudly]
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