04x06 - The Zippleback Experience

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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04x06 - The Zippleback Experience

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.

All right, guys.

Let's drop the foundation right about here.

That should work.

Perfect location.

I, for one, couldn't be happier that we're finally Setting up the new watchtower.

We know.

We've been hearing about it for the past oh, I don't know, week, month What comes next? Guys, look, this is important.

We've been seeing ships off the northern coast that have absolutely no reason to be there.

Now with this, we can send an early warning signal if they come into our waters.

If you're talking about Dagur and Ryker, and that's who I assume - we're talking about - Actually, I wasn't referring to How about this? Whoever's out there that shouldn't be out there, let's just get on these very effective fire-breathing w*r machines, and go out and blast them into oblivion.

Because that's not who we are.

Since when do we go blasting people into oblivion? Don't worry, Hookster.

He doesn't speak for us.

Whoo-hoo! Or them.

Definitely not for them.

Here we go! Oh, I love to cut through the fresh powder.

Don't you, sis? Yeah! Just like a warm knife through yak butter! Whoo! Blast! Blast! Yeah, yeah! Zippleback, baby! Those two muttonheads better not bring all that snow - up there down on us.

- It's not the snow I'm worried about.

It's the ice! That hurt.

- Barf! - Belch! Come on, bud! Whoa! Okay, I get it.

You're welcome.

Uh, Hiccup, I wouldn't do that if I were - you.

- Oh, right.


Uh, can you put me down, guys? And it's for moments like these that I always carry a spare.

So, if that's all you need from us, then - we'll just be going back to - Toothless? - Hey, your dragon just shot at us! - Yes, I know.

I told him to.

Not cool, T.

Not cool at all.

Anyway, since you two seem so eager to spend some time away from the group, you get to pull the first two shifts of patrol duty.

- He's really become a tyrant.

- Power'll do that to you.

This leg needs to be filed down, it's pinching me.

Oh, for the love of Thor! Who did this?! Wait a minute.

Why am I even asking? Ruff?! Tuff?! Oh, I got another shift with your names on it! Really? You're eating the evidence? All right, where are they? I guess you just look for a fire or any other catastrophe, they'll be close by.

Huh? What the Don't! B Belch! No, no, no, you drop me! You drop me right now! Whoa! Toothless! Ah! You all there, bud? I think I am.

And I spoke too soon.

Oh, don't worry, bud.

I always carry a spare for my spare.

Wait a minute, it was you guys? You left me all that fish? Oh, okay, if you guys are here, and the twins are Thor knows where, then who's patrolling the island? - Dragon sentries! - Oh, this'll put it to sleep for a bit.

This is all your fault.

My fault? My fault?! It's your attitude, bro.

It's always been your attitude.

And it finally drove our beloved dragon away! My attitude? My attitude is fun, carefree, adventurous, and loves long walks.

And it doesn't matter if it's on a beach or not.

- You're ridiculous.

- Oh, yeah? Well you smell like a barrel of 20-year-old cod livers.

- That's what drove them away.

- Hey! This smell is not achieved easily.

Hiccup, you found 'em! Where did you two go? You had us worried sick.

Wait, where'd they go? Well, let's start with they filled my hut with fish, crashed me and Toothless out of the sky.

And for their finale, they broke my second spare leg.

So, if my calculations are correct, and they usually are That would mean that our dear Hiccup is on his Last leg! Get it? See what we did? It's because of your leg.

You don't have any more.

- I think he gets it.

- Yeah, yeah.


Well, if you wanna flip the script, the new leg is slimming.

Not that you need to be slimmed.

I mean, I think, for your height, you've probably an ideal weight.

The four of you belong together.

Now, please, can you get back on patrol and try to keep these two well Oh, just go.

Last leg.

Oh, don't laugh, Toothless.

You're above that.

Bad dragon! - Attitude! - Cod livers! Oh, for the love of Okay, bud.

Let's ditch the Zippleback.

Oh, get away from me, you crazy dragon! Ugh.

Are you serious? I think we lost 'em.

And they're behind me, right? I think I'm starting to see Zipplebacks in my sleep.

What, what? Ah! Oh, no, wait.

Don't! Okay.

Ugh! Those hides will fetch a high price at the northern markets.


That's not what we're here for.

Well, how are we supposed to take him if he's guarded by two dragons? We wait until he's not guarded by two dragons.

Give me those.

- What is this? - A neck hug? I never got a neck hug.

So, you ruined all your legs, eh? Every single one? Well, all but this piece of garbage.

Which, let's be honest, can we really call it a leg? I mean Uh Oh, right.

Of course we can.

It's very slimming on you, Gobber.

Really? Right in front of our faces? We're here, you know.

Right here! That's weird.

Zipplebacks are normally fiercely loyal.

Why are they doting on Hiccup and ignoring you two? Well, didn't Hiccup pull them out of the way of a deadly avalanche? - Yeah - Well, there you go.

Same thing as my cousin, Bard.

He saved a Zippleback from a Changewing.

The two-headed beast wouldn't leave him alone for years.

- So, this could go on for - Ever.

It's a life-debt.

Barf and Belch will now serve Hiccup for the rest of their lives or until the debt is repaid.

Whichever comes first.

D-Does this mean we could be stuck with Barf and Belch forever? Does this mean we could lose Barf and Belch forever? Yes, and yes.

Toothless! Ah.

Oh, no! No! I'm so scared and in need of help! Barf! Belch! Please, help me! Wait, no, that's not the sa What happened? They were supposed to save you.


You're not not helping me.

Hey, they're playing "Bat the Nutt"! - Ruff, hurry.

"Bat the Nutt.

" - I got next! Ah! Guys, the point was for Barf and Belch to think they're saving my life.

You're right, Hiccup.

Our dragon is way too smart for this.


I guess we'll have to put you in some real danger.

Uh that's not what I meant.

Now, Tuff! This is the best plan to k*ll Hiccup ever.

- You mean pretend to k*ll Hiccup? - Sure.

Tomayto, tomahto.

Come on, Barf and Belch.

Let's get moving.

Logs rolling.

Skinny lives to save.

Oh, Thor! Thanks, bud.

So close yet again.

We need to account for the topography next time.

True that.

Stupid tree.

Too dumb.

Not dangerous enough.

That can't work.


Wow! That is awesome.

Hiccup would never go for it.

Would he? No.

That's way too destructive.

Even for us.

What is it, sis? I haven't seen you this sad since Bjorn Boar lost in the inter-archipelago sectionals.

Oh, Bjorn Boar.

That was a sad day.

But this is worse! Do you realize we have nothing? Nothing, I tell you.

If we don't think of something, we may never get Barf and Belch back from that tyrant.

Why, Tuff? Why?! Why do they love him more than us?! It's the forbidden fruit.

You always want what you can't have.

The dragon's always hotter on the other side.

We need help.

We need someone diabolical.

Someone completely devoid of any continence or human emotion whatsoever.

I can only think of one man that soulless.

- Hey.

- Hey? Ugh! What is wrong with you? Hiccup Haddock, I'm calling you out! Defend yourself! D-D-Defend my - Fight me.

- What? What are you doing? I said, fight me.

What's that Hiccup? You want to fight to the death?! - What? Who said that? Nobody said that! - You did.

Here they come.

Life-debt no more! You think Snotlout'll get barbecued? Sis, I'm afraid to tell you, I always knew Snotlout would end up as collateral damage.

Ow! I'm not going to fight you, Snotlout! You see that? The future chief is a coward! You heard me.

Come on.

Hit me.

You know you want to.


But remember.

You wanted this.

Ow! What'd you do that for?! Oh, hold on.

I gotta take a - That was incredible.

- Who knew that that scrawny, little one-legged Viking had that in him.

Oh, brother.

That's it.

There's nothing left.

Guess Gobber was right.

We've lost our dragon for good.

But on the bright side, Snotlout did just get punched in the face.


If only I could enjoy it.

Mom, Dad.

Hiccup punched me.

I'm really thirsty.

Clubhouse, now.

And get him some ice.

Well, a little warning would've been nice.

Well, to be honest, Hiccup, we figured out what - was ruining our plans.

- It was you.

- Me? - You, my friend, are a terrible actor.

So you made Snotlout attack me? "Surprise" is the word we prefer to use.

We needed a real reaction from you.

And, boy did we get one.

Eh, Snotlout? That's my tooth.

Unfortunately, we weren't expecting Thor's mighty hammer to meet Snotlout's paper jaw.

So, okay, you do realize if Barf and Belch had actually tried to save me, Snotlout would've been roasted alive? Yeah.

We took that into account in our risk assessment.

Oh, this situation has gotten way out of hand.

Please, Hiccup, you've gotta help us.

We're completely lost without our dragon.

We have nothing to live for.

Don't you understand? We will get you your dragon back.

But, you two have to stop.

Stop your plans, stop your schemes.

Okay? I'm gonna figure this out.

I just need time alone.

You too, bud.

Two? Huh? Ah, oh, oh.

Really, guys? What did I say? I said Come on, I'm serious! Would you let me go? No, seriously, just put me down! Hey! What are you doing? Okay, this is the single worst plan you have ever come up with.

Oh, I don't know, brother.

You're our prisoner.

Seems like a brilliant plan to me.

So, looks like your little island stronghold isn't so strong after all.

It's completely unguarded from the North.

You know, doesn't take much to put in a watchtower.

No watchtower.

What do you do without a watchtower? It's It's preposterous.

What's Toothless doing here? Have any of you seen Hiccup?! - I thought he was with you two.

- No, he bailed on us! And guess who's gone, too? Can't trust anybody.

They're probably out there having the time of their lives, blasting everything in sight.

Remember when random destruction was our thing? - Seems like yesterday.

- It was.

It actually was.

Now, here we are.

No dragon, no destruction.

No fun.

Something's wrong.

If Toothless is here, and Hiccup's not We are gonna extract every little piece of dragon knowledge from that tiny coconut-shaped noggin.

We're gonna use you to take us to every island that Dragon Eye has led you to.

- And if I don't? - I hope you don't.

What the Ugh! Eh? Huh? First time in a good long while that I've been happy to see you guys.

Whoa! Oh.

- That's Barf and Belch! - That's their distress signal.

- Hey, wait! That's our dragon out there.

- What do we do? Hey, T, how you been? I've had enough of this.

Phew! Nice job, guys.

Get us out of here.

Oh, boys! Oh, no.

And now I owe you one.

Time to go! Hey! Oh, no, no no, no, no.

- Hiccup! - Toothless! Whoa! - Yes! - Back in the saddle, baby.

Let's get these hunters away from Dragon's Edge! I missed this! You can say that again, sister.

Take out the catapults! Get us out of here! So, looks like the old life-debt has been repaid.

Barf and Belch saved me from the Dragon Hunters, and Ruff and Tuff saved their dragon from drowning.

Thank Thor, everything's back to normal.

- Yeah! Hit me again.

- Me next! Me next! - Well - Normal for us, anyway.

Ow! Will someone please tell this lunatic it's over? Snotlout!
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