04x02 - Night of the Hunters, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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04x02 - Night of the Hunters, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[title music]


This changes everything.



Whoo-hoo! Haha! We're going vertical, Stormfly! [screaming]


Catch ya on the other side! [grunting]

Missed me? [snorts]

Nothing like an early morning ride to start the day.

I know, we should do it more often.

From now on, I promise we'll [growling]

That way.

[men clamoring]


I've never seen those colors before.

But I have seen that insignia.

It was on the Reaper.


Those are Dragon Hunters.

Come on, Stormfly, let's get a better look.


[men shouting]


Quiet down, ya useless lizard.

[gasps, grunts]



Just load 'em up.

Yes, Ryker.

Sorry, Ryker.

Look at him.



Remember, they're smarter than you.

But not me.




And grab that Nadder! Get us outta here, Stormfly! Archers! Loose! Come on, Stormfly! We gotta get Hiccup! [growling in pain]

Stormfly! When a Nadder sh**t its spines, it always leaves its belly exposed.

Whoa, Stormfly! Whoa! Aah! [panting]


- Move out! - [man]

What about the rider? Never mind! We got the dragon.


Stormfly! I'll find you.


Still no sign of 'em? They're probably just out exploring and lost track of time.

She's never been gone all day like this.

Not without telling someone.

You remember that time she didn't show up for her own surprise party 'cause she was setting up a defensive perimeter around Berk? - Yeah.

- Yeah.

Or the time she decided to work on her late night axe throwing and surprised Silent Sven in the woods.

- Yeah, but - I don't think he recovered from that.

- And there was that time - Fishlegs, thank you for trying to make me feel better, but this is different.

Something is wrong.

I can feel it.

[thunder rumbling]

You know, if anyone is equipped to survive out there, it is Astrid.

No, you're right, Fishlegs.

You're right.

But we're gonna find her anyway.


We'll all go in different directions.

I'll head South.

- No.

I should head South.

- And, why is that? Because Astrid likes to fly South and she'll obviously be expecting me to rescue her.

Like I said, I'll go South.

Rain, wind, all of us splitting up, sounds like the perfect opportunity for a rogue sea beast to leap from the depths of the ocean and pick us off.

- One by one.

- All right, g*ng, let's go find her.

She's gonna be so sad when you rescue her instead of me.

Oh, don't worry, I'll tell her it was all you.

You'd do that for me? No.

No, of course I wouldn't.


Astrid! [both]

Astrid! [exclaims in pain]

Bad dragon! Okay, new plan.

I'll look for Astrid, you fly the dragon.

- Good idea! - Astrid! Okay okay, new plan.

I'll fly the dragon, you look for Astrid.

Good idea! Astrid! [exclaims in pain]

Huh? Look! That must be her.

Take us down, Hookfang.

Astrid! Your Viking in shining Gronckle iron is here! [growling]



Not Astrid! Not Astrid! So not Astrid! [roaring]

Still nothing.

She's gotta be out here somewhere.


Astrid! Astrid! Astrid! What took you so long? Oh, thank Thor.

Whew! [sighing]



- Stormfly! - [Hiccup]

Hey, it's okay, it's okay.

Just try to relax, Astrid.

You've had a tough night.

No, no, no.

You don't understand.

They were all in cages.

And they have Stormfly! Whoa, whoa, wait, slow down.

Cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there? Dragon Hunters.

[all gasp]

[Fishlegs flinching]

- Dragon Hunters? - A whole fleet of 'em.

- And they have Stormfly? - Yeah, this big, ugly one - Oh, when I get my hands on him - And, welcome back.

Come on! Let's mount up! Stormfly! You can ride with me.

Ugh! There has to be some clues here somewhere.


How many cages were there? Remember all the cages on the Reaper? - Yeah.

- Double it.

- [Tuffnut]

We got nothin'.

- Just a bunch of trash.

Looks like these Dragon Hunters are also litter bugs! There should be some sort of a penalty or fine for littering.

I mean, am I wrong, people? What if everyone were this careless inconsiderate? What then? Huh? Where would we be then? [sobs]

- Oh, no.

- I knew coming here was a bad idea.

What did we hope to find anyway? Ow! Something bit me! I'm allergic to sand crabs! They make my toes fan out.

Ow, ow, ow! [chuckling]


Look at you.

Rushed right over to help, didn't you? Well, you know what that means, Astrid.

- Ow! - This is a dragon hunter arrow.

Or that.

Stormfly was hit by one of these right before she was caught.

I've never seen her act so out of control.






Mind clueing us in on what "tangy" and "unexpected" mean? I'm guessing it's refined dragon root.

I've heard that at high concentrations, it can overwhelm a dragon's senses completely, making it almost impossible for them to fly.

That's exactly what happened to Stormfly.

Think of it.

Just one quiver of these arrows could decimate an entire flock of dragons.

How are we gonna find her? We have no idea where they're going.

Maybe not.

But we do know where they've been.


Look for anything that might help us track down the Dragon Hunters.



Hidden compartments.

There's nothing here.

Someone totally looted this boat.

This ship gives me the creeps.

Sunken ship, Dragon Hunters, the creeps.

I bet this thing is crawling with ghosts, and other such spirits planning on dragging us down to the dark Viking underworld where they will t*rture us by tickling us for eternity! - [gasps]

Niflheim? - Gesundheit.

Niflheim? I knew coming here was a bad idea! [grunts]

What did we hope to find anyway? [shouts]


Ow! [coughing]

Get me outta here! What if that's just what the ghosts want us to do? Tuffnut! - There's nothing here! - Just keep looking.

We'll find something.

What if we don't? What if we can't track them down? Hiccup, I'm I know.

I know.

But we have to stay positive.

I'm trying.

But you didn't see Ryker.

He actually enjoys hunting and caging dragons.

And he has mine! [grunting]

We're gonna find her, Astrid, and the other dragons, too.

I promise.

Hiccup, I don't know what I would do without Stormfly.

Don't worry.

We'll get her back.

Now let's go see if the other guys found anything.

Dragon Eye lens.

Well, none of our dragons work with this new lens.

If we can't figure out what kind of dragon we need I know.

I'm thinking.



It's either the inside of a yak, or a Changewing in a cage.

Tuff! You're a genius! I'm actually a "geologenius.

" That's a geologist who's also a genius.

Looks like we're going to Changewing Island.

Changewing Island.

Ah, such a peaceful place.

Except for all the Changewings, of course.

Okay, guys, we need some glowing, Changewing acid to shine through the Dragon Eye so we can see what's on this lens.

Let me guess.

That means we have to somehow find a Changewing, an ambush predator that can blend in perfectly with its environment, and milk its acid before it rips us to shreds? Great idea, Hiccup.


Au contraire, mon ami.

In order to find a Changewing, you must become a Changewing! [roaring]

[exclaiming in pain]


Thorns! Brambles! Blackberries! Such stealth.


They'll never see me coming.

Hiccup, this is taking too long.

Changewings can be a bit skittish.

We just gotta be patient.

How do we know a Changewing isn't standing right there? Or there? They're invisible, remember? Oh, and did I mention, this is a terrible idea?! [snorting]




I'm bored.

Why are we just staring at the water? All animals need to drink, therefore all animals will visit the watering hole.

- Great.

Now I'm bored and thirsty.

- Shh.


Come on.

Hey! You guys have any luck? Ugh! Tuffnut! We were just about to Oh, look at that.


Like I said, "See the Changewing.

Be the Changewing.

" [growling]

[Snotlout screaming]

[Snotlout groaning]

- Would you just hold still, Snotlout? - Easy for you to say.

You don't have Changewing acid burning through your skull.

If we take off the helmet, we'll spill the acid.

Now hold still.

This doesn't help.

We've seen this map before.

It must be a hunter port.

And it's the closest to the beach where Stormfly was captured.

Odds are, that's where they're headed.

After that, who knows where? - Then we have to hurry! - Yes, please.

Let's hurry! Uh, but how are we going to avoid getting shot with - those dragon root arrows? - Funny you should ask, Fishlegs.

For my plan to work, someone's gonna have to get shot.


- Yeah! Looks like we're up! - Cool! [chuckling]


[men clamoring]

I'm here for my dragon! A Night Fury! [laughing]

[men screaming]

Fire! Hookfang! Whoa, whoa.

Is that all you got? Oh, no! Whoa.

How 'bout a little heads-up, Hookfang? [screeching]



There he is! [Astrid grunting]

You sure your plan's gonna work? That was pretty close.

Fishlegs! You're up! Okay, girl, let's give it all we got.



Oh, Thor! We're hit! We're hit! [Astrid]

They got Fishlegs and Meatlug! Get up, girl! Oh, please! You'll be okay! You monster! Take 'em below and toss 'em in a cell! Meatlug! Can you hear me? Oh, stay with me, girl! Get off me! Get off me! [roaring]

What I could get for that Night Fury Please, help us.

There was dragon root on that arrow.

Look what it's doing to her.

In you go.


Just try to be still.

We'll be all right.

Fire! Look out! Hang on, Astrid! - [Astrid shouting]

Hiccup! - Come on, bud, dive! [grunting]

Grab my hand! Astrid! No! [Fishlegs]

Help us.

Please, I think she stopped breathing.


You think your boss is gonna want his new dragon to die? And on your watch! [groaning]



[guard grunting]

[guard 2]

Hey! I wouldn't make a sound if I were you.

Stormfly can sh**t a flea off a yak's tail from 20 yards.



What happened? [exclaiming]

Hey! Come on! Let me go! Let go of me! [grunting]

Oh, feisty one, aren't you? [shouting]

[Ryker laughing]

[Astrid grunting]

I like her spirit.

- Throw her in a cell.

- You're gonna be sorry! You're messing with the wrong Vikings.

Well, so are you.


Stormfly! [guards clamoring]


Now! Fire.

It didn't work.

Evasive action! Now! - Not good! - Getting worse! [both]

We're going down! We're hit! Whoa! Hookfang! [Snotlout shouting]

Help! [grunting]

Your pathetic tricks won't work on me.

I'm a Dragon Hunter! I know that Gronckles are immune to dragon root.

- Ugh! - I used your worthless escape plan to lure your friends in closer.

Coming in hot and blowin' out snot! Hiccup! We need to leave! Whoa! - Hiccup! - Get us outta here, bud.

Where are our dragons? What did you do to them? Oh, if I were you, I'd worry about yourself.

- Heather? - No way.

- Run! - Surprise! Did ya miss me? Of course you did! Oh! Do you know my sister? Wait a minute, sure you do! You guys were little pals and buddy buddies.


- Hey, family is family.

- I can't believe this, Heather.

I know it's not Dragon's Edge, but it'll have to do.

Enjoy your new home, Astrid.

You're gonna be here a while.
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