04x01 - Astrid’s Team

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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04x01 - Astrid’s Team

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.

Well, very good patrol, Astrid.

The Edge is secure.

- Uh-oh.

I know that look.

- Hiccup, where are all the Night Terrors? Aren't they supposed to be on watch? They're our last line of defense.

Tuffnut! Yeah, that's good.

Right over there.




Uh, what are you two doing? What does it look like we're doing? Dragon training! You would think that you, of all people, would recognize that.

Prepare to be amazed, my friend.

Okay, ready, little guy? Shake! Right? See, you thought it'd be a handshake, he'd put out - his paw, but I taught him - Oh, no no, we understand.

I'm just not sure how useful a skill that is.

That's not all he does.

You wanna see him get my slippers? These dragons are not our pets, Tuffnut.

They're an integral part of our security system.

He can solve math problems by stomping his foot, as long as the answer is always three.

She has a point, Tuffnut.

And you have a pet already.


Dagur could park a whole fleet right offshore and we wouldn't even know they were there because the Night Terrors aren't on their perches.

Lighten up, Astrid.

Dagur doesn't even know where Dragon's Edge is.

Not yet.

But if you guys don't take this seriously, he will soon enough.

I say bring it on! Let him bring that weak sauce in here.

Hookfang and I will pummel his deranged butt.

Ah! Oh, dear.

- Fishlegs, what is it? - It's Berk.

And it's not good.

- Son, I'm glad you're here.

- Who did this? Dagur? It was a hit-and-run attack.

Catapults and volleys of fire arrows.

Hit a few buildings in town.

Astrid, one of them was your parents' house.

You should probably head over to Relax, lass.

Your parents are fine.

They were out at the yak races.

I'm sorry we couldn't save your house.

- If they had been home, Gobber - But they weren't.

It'll be all right, lass.

We'll get this place rebuilt good as new.

All right, now that the fires are out, Sven, you start the wall repairs.

Bucket, you're in charge of roofs.

Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, you ferry whatever supplies they need.

Fishlegs, you and Meatlug will do the heavy lifting.

And I'll go looking for Dagur.

It was a strange attack, son.

A single ship.

It fired a few salvos, and then just, turned tail and ran.

That's not Dagur's style.

Why attack at all? - Good question.

- I'll tell you what.

I'll ask him when I find him.

He was heading due North.

That's your best bet.

Let's go, bud.

- Uh, is Meatlug okay? - Of course, she'll be fine.

But all that taking off and landing is tough on her insoles.

Oh, okay.

I couldn't find any sign of Dagur, but he did have a full day's head start on me.

How'd you two do on the repairs? Awesome.

We fixed so many houses.

Yeah, but everybody was so grateful.

They just, gave us all this food.

They also gave us this furniture.

I mean, they just left it in front of their houses for us.

Hiccup! It's a terrible tragedy! Someone's been looting the burned houses, taking food, furniture anything valuable they can get their hands on.

That's horrible! What kind of world do we live in? Don't worry, Sven.

I'm pretty sure it'll reappear.

Very quickly.

Astrid, how's your family? They're okay.

Their house the house I grew up in, is gone.

Hey, Astrid, do you need a shoulder to cry on? Pain.

Thanks, Snotlout, I really needed that.

You're welcome.

I know my role.

Listen up, everyone.

Dagur was last seen fleeing due North.

By my calculations, he could be heading out of the archipelago.

So, we're going back to Dragon's Edge first thing tomorrow.

We'll use that as our base to search for him.

Now just go back to your houses, get a good night's sleep.

Where are you guys staying tonight? I figured Stormfly and I would just bed down here.

What a coincidence.

I'm sleeping here, too.

Why? You have a warm bed and house.

Yeah, but, the way my dad snores, sawing logs, you know.

Toothless and I wouldn't get a wink.

Yeah, Meatlug and I were gonna stay here too, just for old times' sake.


Nobody is having a sleepover without Hookfang and me.

Thanks, guys.

This is kind of nice.

- Can't sleep, eh? - Not a wink.

Can't stop thinking about what you might have done to prevent the attack? There's nothing you could have done.

You know that.

- I know that up here, but in my gut - You still blame yourself.

I know the feeling.

We're warriors, you and I.

Sworn to protect.

- How do I make this feeling go away? - You don't.

You can't.

So, you own it.

You remember it.

And you do everything you can to make sure you never feel it again.

Come on, I'll check the docks with you.


You get any sleep last night? Eh, I spent most of the night thinking.

- So we slept on the ground for Astrid? - Yes, in a show of support.

- Wow, I completely missed that! - Ow, my back.

Ah, thanks, Hookfang.

Well, we're wings up in an hour.

Let me help you with your gear.

Hiccup, I've made a decision.

I'm not going back to Dragon's Edge.

I'm staying here, on Berk.

Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa.

You're staying here? When did you decide this? Last night, when I was talking to your father.

We're warriors, Hiccup.

We live by a code.

I'm not leaving Berk defenseless again.

I can't.

Astrid, one dragon wouldn't have made a difference.

I know that.

Hiccup, I'm gonna stay and train new riders.

- What? - An auxiliary.

A backup team just for situations like this.

- That's, uh, actually a pretty good idea.

- Excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation, probably because I was eavesdropping.

If you need instructors for this new dragon-training deal, I'm your man.

A Snotlout-trained rider will be able to anticipate his dragon's every move.

It's like chess, except I don't know how to play chess.

See what I mean? Checkmate.

Sorry, Snotlout, but I'll be doing all the training myself.

This is something I need to do, Hiccup.

Okay, change of plan.

Snotlout, twins, Fishlegs, you'll follow Dagur's trail North of the Archipelago.

If you don't find him, resupply at the Edge and keep searching.

Hiccup, what part of "I'll be doing all the training" wasn't clear to you? I'm just gonna stay patrol the area around Berk, in case Dagur doubled back.

You won't even know we're here.

Right, bud? Okay, then.

Of course, this all assumes anyone would even want to tryout for our B-team.

Nice turnout.

Yeah, look at them, fresh-faced and full of dreams.

Dreams that are soon to be crushed.

- Huh, Hiccup, were we ever that young? - Hey Snotlout, is that your dad? What?! Hiccup, you have to let me stay! I will get to make the rules.

I will get to point out every one of his mistakes.

- Not gonna happen, Snotlout.

- Oh, you owe me this! The world owes me this! Snotlout! This is Snotlout! Saddle up, everybody.

Astrid's got work to do, and so do we.

So, you all want to be dragon riders, huh? Looks like fun, right? Well, it isn't.

It's hard.

And it's dangerous.

Dangerous? You came to the right place if you want dangerous.


That's a relief.

Stormfly, spine shot.

- Your turn.

- Oh! Hold on.

I'll need to stretch first.

Limber up.

I don't want to pull a hammy.

Who's next? You? You? Okay, for those of you that are left, I suppose you'd like to meet your dragons.

- Yeah! Can't wait! - Bring it on! Here you go.

This looks like a Changewing.

You get a Gronckle.

What are you laughing at? Hey look, it's a Sweeping Death.

Flying in formation can save your life.

It can hide your numbers, like the single file formation.

It can allow you to cover each other's flank or Nice move, Bucket.

You just got everybody k*lled.

- Sorry, everybody.

- Drop and give me 20.

One Oh, I give up.

I don't see any sign of Dagur's ship.

Let's just head to the Edge.

I'm hungry.

- Agreed.

All this focusing wears you out.

- Yeah.

Well, I'm waiting! Using their direction and our other men's sightings, their base should be in this general area.

Oh, Hiccup, so soft-hearted and soft-headed.

I knew my little attack on Berk would draw him and his lizard-flying friends out into the open.

- And you doubted me.

- Uh, I don't recall that I did.

Then again, maybe it was me.

Hoo-hoo-hoo! The noose tightens.

Assemble the fleet.

We'll scour this area until we find Dragon's Edge.


Repeat after me.

"This is my dragon.

There are many like it, but this one is mine!" This is my dragon.

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I can't hear you! This is my dragon.

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I still can't hear you! This is my dragon.

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Drop and give me 20.


Who's ready to get out there and search for Dagur? Come here.

Come here.

Yes, that's it.

Sorry, I am very busy doing research.

Guys! Astrid and Hiccup told you to leave the Night Terrors alone.

And you have a pet already, remember? I know you're nodding back there.

I can hear your feathers ruffling.

You stay out of it! - They're supposed to be lookouts.

- Oh, yeah? Then how come he's so good at fetching things? Leg! Meatlug.

Okay, I guess Meatlug and I are going searching alone.

See ya! Today's exercise is to dive at the target, do a barrel roll to avoid enemy fire, and then hit the target with a blast.

Like this.

Roll! Die, target, die! - Fail! - Oh! You've got to be joking! Yes! Gothi coming in hot! Fail! To be a dragon rider, you actually have to ride on the dragon.


Oh, come on! You got to count that.

- Cheating.


- What is she doing? Yes! Ah, Gustav.


Lucky shot.

Do it again.

Hey! That's not fair! Element of surprise, key to any battle.

Now land and give me 20.

Everyone else, we need to start over.

From scratch.

Are you seeing this? It's almost like she wants them to fail.

Who wants to fail next? At this rate, she'll never be finished.

Huh One, two, three - So what did he do? - He's Snotlout's dad.

Enough said.

Can we talk? I would, but I'm busy.


Oh, yes! Hey Astrid I know what you're doing.

- Really? And what am I doing? - Well, you're being overly tough on these guys.

I saw what you did to Gustav.

The element of surprise? How is that being overly tough? It's not that.

It's you want them to fail.

That way you have an excuse to stay here on Berk, we both know what's going on here.

You're wrong, Hiccup.

You're wrong.

Astrid, I get it.

You want to stay on Berk and protect your family.

But you can't be there every second of every day for the rest of their lives.

Just think about it.

I'm gonna head out to Dragon's Edge, checking on those guys, see if they've spotted Dagur.

I'll be back in a few days.

We can talk about it more then.

a hundred and eleventy twenty.

Whoa! Fire! Dagur's found the Edge.

This is not good.

Fire! - Hiccup! - Is everybody okay? Meatlug took one in the wing, but she'll be okay in few days.

They got the drop on us, Hiccup! Hit us before we even knew they were there.

If our early-warning system hadn't been Hey-hey.

Let's not start throwing the twins under the yak cart.

- We have to fight back! - We tried.

It didn't go so well.

- Dagur has us totally pinned down! - With a dozen ships.

And they have this catapult, that can launch like 20 arrows at a time.

It's actually pretty cool.

I'm asking for it for Snoggletog.

- Think Dagur will give it to me? - It doesn't matter, okay? This is our home! We're defending it.

Now, think.

What are our advantages? - Well, we do have the high ground.

- That's right.

And good cover.

- And supplies.

- And we have dragons.

Okay, that's pretty much implied, but I like the spirit.

We'll send a Terror mail back to Berk for reinforcements.

In the meantime, we hold the Edge.

Not all combat is in the air.

Today, we're going to practice precision landings.

Like that.

Astrid, we just got a Terrible Terror from Hiccup.

Dragon's Edge is under siege by Dagur's fleet.

- How many ships? - At least a dozen.

Ugh, long odds.

- Let me help even them.

- I'm coming, too.

Absolutely not.

You are not ready for combat.

You will all stay here.

That is an order.

Let's go.

Now, Hookfang, stat! Meatlug! Yeah! Uh! No chicken left behind.

Ready! Aim! - Huh? - Toothless! Plasma blast! Is that the best you can do, Hiccup? Because it's not enough! Focus all your fire Dragons! Approaching from the, ugh, South! Two late guests.

Clearly, they're not aware of party etiquette.

Take 'em down! Don't worry, boy.

This should only take a minute.

Maybe two.

Dad! Toothless, look out! Ah! Ah! Element of surprise, key to any battle.

More dragon riders? - Yes! - That's cheating! D'oh! Whoa! - Ah! - Nice shot, son.

You're good to go, Dad.

Yes! Surrender or perish! Whoa! It's like looking into a mirror, but you're better looking.

- Whoa! - Yeah! Sir, they're cutting us to pieces! We need to withdraw! Oh, come on! Her? Since when does she ride a dragon? - Sir! - Yes! Yes, I know! You're a cheater, Hiccup! You've always been a cheater! You all disobeyed my direct order.

- Whose idea was this little mutiny? - It was mine.

No, it was mine.

- Mine.

- No, mine.


Okay, everybody get up.

What you did was dangerous, foolish, and completely not what you were trained to do.

But it was also brave.

And you worked together as a team.

I couldn't be more proud to call you fellow dragon riders.

- You hear that, Bucket? - Oh, yes! Gustav, as the most experienced rider, I'm putting you in charge of the Dragon Riders' Auxiliary.

Oh, yes! Gustav! That's me.

I'll be staying here on Dragon's Edge.

After all, I can't protect Berk all by myself every second of every day.

And you guys proved you're ready to do the job.

They did handle themselves pretty well, for the B-team.

B-team? No.

This is Astrid's team.

The A-team.

- You hear that? A-team.

- Not too shabby.

But, if I hear you're slacking off one inch, I'll be on you guys like a Gronckle on granite.

We'll keep the brooms handy.

Mount up, A-team! Oh, Bucket! They grow up so fast, don't they? You're welcome.
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