03x03 - Imperfect Harmony

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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03x03 - Imperfect Harmony

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.

Okay, bud, go ahead.

- Whoa.
- Amazing.

- Whoa.
- Cool.

Definitely worth
getting up for.

Fishlegs, can you make
any of it out?

There are parts of maps and symbols,
nothing I've seen before.

And there's writing, but it's in
a language I've never read before.

What's that thing?

Must be some kind of
tribal crest or something.

Ooh, I like that way better
than our tribal crest.

Tuff, we don't have a tribal crest.

- Well, we should.
- Yeah, and it should be that.

Hiccup, this map, you realize it...

Goes beyond the boundaries
of the archipelago.

Oh, I know.

So, what's our next move?

Look at this!
There are maps we have never seen,

writing we can't read,
dragons we don't recognize.

It's-- It's incredible!
This Dragon Eye--

This is proof that there is
a whole other world out there,

a world that must be explored.

This sure beats
normal council business.

It's all right, lads,
you can speak your mind.

We're a council, after all.
That's why we're here.

We've been at peace for three years.

Best years on Berk I can remember.

I think you know as well as I do
that when you go looking for trouble,

you usually find it.

I'm with Spitelout.
If that Dragon Eye

leads to unknown places
and new wild dragons,

then no good will come
from any of that.

I completely disagree, Sven.
Look around you.

How can you say
that no good can come

from discovering
new species of dragons?

If they're out there,
we have to find them.

If there's anything you
and the other riders should be doing,

it's hunting down Dagur and putting him
back in jail where he belongs.

Another reason to go.
Dagur was heading beyond our borders.

He thinks we won't go past them.
But that's where we'll find him.

Stoick, any time you'd like to chime in,
we can put this thing to rest.

You're right, Spitelout.
Let's put this to rest.

- Dad.
- Let me speak, son.

This is as important for you to hear
as it is them.

Spitelout, you're absolutely right.

These have been
some of our best years.

Nothing is more important than peace,
peace among us,

peace with our neighbors
and peace with the dragons.

Having said that,
let me ask you this, Spitelout:

When you and I first
had Alvin in our sights

and everyone was trying to tell us
to leave well enough alone,

what did we do?

Crushed him, that's what you did.

- Thank you, Gobber.
- My pleasure, Chief.

When Valka was taken
and I went in search of her,

could anyone have stopped me?

Well, technically,
you're the chief, so no.

Yes, Gobber. Fair point.
But you know where I'm going.

Think of the most important thing
in the world to each of you.

Ask yourselves honestly how far
you would be willing to go to get it.

What would you risk?

The boy's life has been dragons.
His life is dragons

and will continue to be.

We couldn't stop him from going
if we wanted to.

So we might as well support him.

Go, lad. Find whatever it is out there
that's pulling on you.

And when you find it,
Berk will be right here waiting for you.

You best get out of here
before all this nostalgia wears off

and he changes his mind.

- [whistles]
- [grunts]

You take care of my boy, dragon.


You ready for this?

Blah, blah, blah. Why do you have
to make a production out of everything?

Let's just go already.

Okay, but if anyone
has any reservations--

Into the great beyond!

Yeah, great beyond!

Okay, no reservations.
Let's go, bud!


Into the great beyond.

- Great beyond.
- Yeah, great beyond.

Great beyond.


Oh, come on, you guys.

So we've had a couple of tough hours.

Nothing that's worth anything
comes easy.

Is that one of your riddles?
Because now is not the time, my friend.

We have to keep saying "great beyond".

- Great beyond.
- Great beyond.

- [Tuffnut] Yeah, great beyond.
- Okay.

Toothless, let's see
if there's anything out there.


- Nothing.
- [thunder rumbles]

Ugh! Seems like the farther we go in,
the worse it gets.

Hiccup, I think we should turn back.
We've been flying for most of the day.

We just have to keep pushing forward
until we're out of this.

- Hiccup, is that--
- Yeah, it is.

Everybody fly to the light.


- Whoa.
- Wow!

- Whoa, awesome.
- Whoa.

- Look at this!
- [Hiccup] It's incredible.

I know, right?
We made it, Hiccup! We made it!

Uh, guys, can we slap each other
on the backs later?

Meatlug's wings are about to fall off.


Sorry, guys. There's a place
up ahead we can set down.

- [growls]
- Whoa, whoa, what is it, girl?

Don't you want to rest?

[ongoing musical tone]

Guys, do you hear that?
What is that?

I have no idea, but the dragons
are definitely pulled towards it.

Then I guess
that's where we're going.

This place is amazing.

- Ha ha ha!
- Cool.

Okay! I'm never going back to Berk.

Berk? What's that?
'Cause I forgot.

Well, I guess we don't have to vote
on where we're making camp.

Ha ha! I'll take care of the fire.


Hookfang, light it up!

Monstrous nightmare gel.

- Don't leave home without it.
- Ehh.

[snoring, whistling]

Give it back. It's my blanket.

You were right, Hiccup.
There's so much more out here.

And it's beautiful.

[Hiccup] And this is only
the beginning, Astrid.

Who knows what we'll find out here?

[distant, low rumbling]



Astrid, wake up.
Do you hear that?

What? I don't hear anything.

Exactly, it's gone.
The sound is gone.

So are the dragons.
All of them, gone.



Ugh, how many times are you guys
gonna check behind that rock?

Barf and Belch cannot hide behind it.

Clearly, you are not aware
of the stealthiness

of one Barf and Belch.

Or is that "two Barf and Belch"?

Hmm, excellent question.

- Two heads...
- One dragon.

- Two brains...
- One body.

Two bodies, half a brain. Ha ha ha !

Nothing. I don't get it.
Where would they go?

Oh, my Meatlug.
She wouldn't do this.

She wouldn't leave me.
She would never do this on her own.


- [snarls]
- [all gasp]

Ha ha ha! There you are, bud.
Where did you go?


Okay, I think your dragon
ate something weird in the forest,

because he's out of his mind.

No, no, I think he's trying
to tell us something.

What is it, bud?
Is it the other dragons?

Aah! Aah!

Uh, how far do you think he's gonna get
before he realizes?

Hard to say.
He seemed pretty committed.


[Toothless grunting]

That's okay, bud.
I like the enthusiasm.

You guys stay here
in case they come back.

Toothless and I are gonna
look for them from above.

[echoing roar]

No. No, bud. This way.

[echoing roar]


[all screaming]

Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor!



Good job, bud.

Let's hope
that's the last we see of that guy.

Anything else
you want to draw towards us?

Ooh, Screaming Death, maybe?

I'm sure there are
one of those around here!

Snotlout, you're yelling very loudly.

Oh, really? I can barely hear myself!
Because that's what happens

when you get att*cked
by a wild Thunderdrum!

Okay, we need our dragons.
I'm gonna go back out there.

I said I'm going back out there!

- No! No, you're not!
- Get back here!

I will take your other leg!

No way, Hiccup,
you are not leaving us alone.

We're dragon-less and defenseless.

And we can only communicate
by yelling!

Which, although quite enjoyable,
is not very stealthy!

Are you hearing any of this?

Okay, fine.
We'll all go together.

Oh, for--
I said we'll all go together!

Why didn't you just say so? Jeez!

Uh, Hiccup?

I know, Fishlegs.
No longer amazing.

Can we get a vote
for creepy and weird?


Are those what I think they are?

- Weirdly-shaped white rocks?
- Dragon bones.

Ah, a boneyard. Yes, I like it.

I don't like it.


- What is this stuff?
- No idea.

[echoing roar]

Okay, what was that?

That, my friend,
is a dragon in trouble.



[dragons groaning]

You guys do know
what's going on here, don't you?

Yeah. Something is trapping
the dragons

in this amber rock substance
and immobilizing them.

Oh. Oh, I had a completely
different idea

that involved oily fish
and bad mutton.

Then it's breaking them out and--
and eating them. Ohh.

Ah, come on.
Who would be doing that?


How about that guy?
Yeah, he looks suspect to me.


No, Toothless! No, bud!

[ongoing musical tone]

It's the sound. That song--
That's what draws the dragons in.

- Songwing.
- What?

That's what we should name it.

Now? Really?
You want to name it now?

We need to call it something.

Yeah, I'm thinking Deathsong
might be more appropriate.

You know, 'cause you hear the song,
you're dead.

Tell you what,
he makes a pretty good point.

Yeah, I do.
Wait, what was it again?

It doesn't matter what we call it.
If it's doing it to all these dragons,

then it probably did it to ours.

- We have to find them.
- Fast.


Hookfang! Hookfang!

Snotlout, look!

Hooky! I am getting you
out of there, Fangster.

- Astrid, I've got Stormfly!
- [roaring]

Toothless, no!

[roaring continues]



You guys,
get your dragons free now!

Wha-- I can't move!
I'm totally stuck!

Me, too. I can't believe
that thing got me.

I'm usually so limber.

Yeah? Well, at least
you got your own cocoon.

- Oh, yeah, like this is a picnic for me.
- [both] Aah!

- [thud]
- [Tuffnut] I'm fine.


Hiccup, it's come for you!




Aah! Oh! Oh!





Oh, hey. Heh heh. Remember me?


Okay, so, yeah, I'm thinking...

we may have gotten off
on the wrong foot.


Note for the Book of Dragons,
Thunderdrums carry a grudge.



Don't worry, I got your back.

That's not gonna hold him for long.

Okay, you might not like
what I'm about to do,

but trust me,
it's gonna work out for both of us.

[Hiccup screaming]


Whoa. Haven't we been over this?

I said I'm trying to help the both of us.
Don't you listen?

Of course you don't listen,
you're a Thunderdrum,

and Thunderdrums are hard of hearing.



[Hiccup grunting]

- Uhh!
- [grunts]

At least we lost the Deathsong.

Oh, no, I can't believe
this is actually happening.

I should've left all those guys
back on Berk.

Now they're cocooned
in that crazy rock stuff,

I'm being chased
by an angry Deathsong,

and I'm stuck here
with a wild Thunderdrum

who can't hear a word I'm saying.

Wait a second. If you guys
can hardly hear a thing,

then you probably can't hear
the Deathsong's call.

And if you can't hear the Deathsong,
then it can't lure you in.

No wonder you haven't been caught
and you're all alone.


You know what, Mr. Thunderdrum?
You're gonna help me get my friends back.

And I'm gonna make sure that dragon
never bothers you again.

- What do you say?
- [snarling]


[dragons groaning]

Uhh! Uhh! Where's Hiccup?
I knew he'd leave us.

I have to pee.

He didn't leave us.
He'll be back.

If I could just reach my knife.

It wouldn't matter, Astrid.
Whatever this is,

it's really strong. Uhh!
I don't think we can cut through it.

If we can't cut it,
then how do we get out of here?

Yeah, you can't tell me
that last breath

is gonna be inhaling
her stinky fish hair.

Oh, yeah, that's real original.
You know what?

I hope it eats you first.

At least I'll have something cool
to watch before I die.

You just stay on your side
of the cocoon, missy.

- Whoa!
- Whoa! What's going on? Do it again!

Okay, so that's a negative on plan A--
Ramming the cocoon open.

Please tell me you have a plan B.

If it involves cutting,
ramming or ripping,

you might as well forget it, Hiccup.

Once it cools down, this stuff
is hard as any rock I've ever seen.

- Cools down?
- And hardens.

Hmm. Nobody move.

Oh, yeah, that's funny.
A real comedian.


What are you doing, Hiccup?

Just trust me, Snotlout.

Says the man who's about
to set me on fire?

You said it only stings a little.

I was lying. You know I'm a liar!

It'll be okay, Snotlout, I promise.





- [thud]
- [groans]

Aah! Hurry up, Hiccup!
He just took the appetizer.

I think I'm the main course.

Uhh! Oh, Thor!

Fishlegs, relax. It could take hours
for him to eat that dragon.

Or minutes! Help!


Hi, sir.


Hey, remember us!


Yes! It's working!


Aah! Uhh!

Hey, bud, good to see you.



It's an adolescent Thunderdrum.
No wonder he stuck around.

Snotlout, you get the Thunderdrum.
I'll handle the Deathsong.

[both roaring]

Hey, let's relocate this guy...

And I've got just the place.

Okay, Mr. Deathsong,
welcome to your new home.

Okay, bud, get us out of here.

Yeah! Nice going, big guy!

No one's gonna
hear his song in there.

[dragons growling]


[musical roar]

If I were you two,
I'd maybe find another island.

I don't know how long
that's gonna hold.

Uh, you know they can't hear you, right?

Yes, Tuff, I know.
Let's get out of here.


Hey, g*ng, I just wanted to say I'm sorry
for getting you all into this.

If you want to turn back--

- Are you kidding?
- No way.

This is the most fun
we've had in years.

There is one thing
we need to do, though.

- I'm all ears.
- We need an island, our own island.

Astrid's right, Hiccup.
We're way too far out

to travel back and forth to Berk.

What we need is a base of operations.

Exactly. But this time,
we don't let the dragons pick it.

- [snarls]
- Sorry, girl, it had to be said.

All right, Snotlout,
you're the man of the hour

for bringing the monstrous nightmare gel.
You choose.

- Seriously?
- Yeah, seriously.

All right! What do you say, Fangster?

- [roars]
- Ha! Couldn't agree more.

Into the great beyond!

The great beyond!
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