03x01 - Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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03x01 - Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.


- Meal time, maggots.
- [man] Over here!

[men groaning]

But that's not bread!

Why does he always
get special treatment?

Oh, Mr. Big Shot!
Mr. Berserker Chief.

Oh, hey, you want some?

Come here, I'll give you some.

[man] Spare me a morsel!


I've been meaning
to tell you something

for the last three years.

Your voice...
is really annoying!


[cracks neck]
Gosh, that feels good.


Huh? Ah.

A woolly igloo? [chuckling]
Where'd you hear that?

He's escaped!
Dagur's got out!


Sound the alarm...

[all shouting]
Oh, goody.

A challenge!

- Get him, Dagur!
- Show 'em who's boss!

Oh, that's not good.



No, no, Dagur, don't!
I'm the one that gave you the key.

Which makes you a traitor.

I hate traitors.


[man] Dagur!

It's a new day, Hiccup.

Hope you're well rested.

[lightly roaring]

Okay, bud, let's try the new move.


Yeah, baby!

That's it, Toothless!
Push it.

You've got it!
Climb higher.


[belt unlatching] What the...
Oh, no, not again!

Uh, hey, Toothless!


So just plummet,
or, uh... any ideas?

I seriously have to
get my own pair of wings.

[grumbles] Oh, quiet, you.
Don't even start.

[Hiccup] This is Berk.

This is Berk too.

And so is this.

And this also.
Yeah, it's been three whole years

since the w*r with the Berserkers.
And Berk has changed a lot.

But then again, so have we.

Snotlout works at the armory now.

Gobber gave him the title
of "official weapons tester."

It works!

The twins, to absolutely
no one's surprise,

have decided to dedicate
their lives to Loki...

Uh, Hookfang!

...the god of pranks.
Lucky us.

You just have to
cut it that close, don't you?

Hookfan... Ugh!

There will be repercussions for this.

- Repercussions!
- Yes!

And then there's Fishlegs,

who has really found his calling,

teaching the children of Berk
the history of dragons.

And if you look closely
at the walls of the Great Hall,

you'll still see puncture marks

where the Speed Stingers att*cked.

Interesting fact about these dragons...

Oh! Oh, look, kids!
We're in luck.

Here come two of Berk's
most famous heroes.

Ho ho! Heroes?
I've got some chiefing to do,

but I guess I could spare a moment...

Hiccup and the amazing Toothless!
[kids cheering]

...eh, to introduce my son

and his Night Fury!
[laughs] Hooray.

[all cheering]

[dragon barks]
Hey, there you are.

Hiccup, I've been
chasing you since the armory.

Well, I thought we'd
try out the far North today.

Uh, can we talk
about something first?

Yeah, sure, if you can catch me.
[Toothless roars]

You know what? I'm just gonna say it.

I have a really good feeling
about today, Astrid.

You say that every time
we go searching for new dragons.

Hiccup, while we have a second,
I wanted to talk to you about...

Oh, look, look, look, look!
You see it?

There's definitely
some movement up ahead.

Long neck, large head.
Behind that rock formation.

Yeah, anyway, I wanted
to tell you... Ugh!

This is it, Toothless.
A new species of dragon, bud!


- Loki'd!
- Loki'd!

Ha! You totally thought
"Barch" was a new dragon.

Oh, come on.

Did not!
Let's go, bud.

Wow. Who yakked in his mutton?

[grunting, purring]

Hiccup, those guys are muttonheads.
But you have to admit,

we've visited every island,
every sea stack,

and every rock
in the archipelago twice.

And we haven't spotted
a new dragon in a long time.

This can't be all there is.

There has to be
something more out there.

What if there isn't, Hiccup?
What if we're done?

- What if the search is over?
- It can't be.

[sighs] Well, it's over for me.
I've been trying to tell you.

Stormfly and I,
we're joining the Berk Guard.

Oh. You...

That's great.
I'm happy for you guys.

Look, maybe you should
give some thought

to what's next
for you and Toothless.


[bird hooting]

I guess it's just
you and me from now on, bud.


Oh, come on.

Mulch, I can't get it!

- What's the problem, Bucket?
- I'm not sure, Mulch.

I can't raise the net.
Something's pulling at it.

Do you think...

[both] Sea monster!

[both] Whoa!

[both] Loki'd!

- Gah, you... Johann?
- Help me...

Aw, man, you should have seen
the looks on your faces.

- Priceless.
- [both] Full Loki.

Bet you never saw a full Loki
coming, am I right, Johann?


[door opens]

Hiccup, what are you
doing home so early?

Oh, I just...

wanted to spend some time
with my dear old dad.

Yeah, you know, we never
get to talk anymore. So...

- All right, what is it?
- What's what? "What is it?"

Can't a son spend some
quality time with his father?

Not this one.
Not usually, at least.

- So let's hear it.
- [sighs] All right.

Did you know Astrid
just joined the Berk Guard?

I'd heard that.
Good for her.

And the other riders have got
their different things going on.

- What are you saying, son?
- I'm saying, I don't know.

- Maybe it's time for me...
- [moaning] Johann!

- What happened to you?
- Ooh, Dagur!

- What about Dagur?
- He's out.

He's more Berserk than ever.

And from the way
he was talking, Hiccup...

you're number one on his revenge list.


All we go out of Johann
before he passed out

was this: Dagur escaped
from Outcast Island

by commandeering his ship.

He threw Johann overboard about here.

[Snotlout] So what you're saying is
Dagur could be anywhere by now.

Well, technically, yes.

Oh, great!
Great, great, great.

So that just leaves...
I don't know,

let me think about this...
the entire ocean to search!

- No, thank you.
- Master Hiccup.

Johann, you're awake.

And feeling much better.
Thank you for asking.

More importantly, I have
more than a strong suspicion

where our nefarious foe
may be heading.

Outside the archipelago?

No! Just inside the fog bank
on our outer group of islands.

We've never been out that far.

When Dagur commandeered
my precious ship,

he also came into possession
of a very important map...

one that leads to a graveyard of ships

- hidden in that fog bank.
- [Snotlout] Wow!

- That's the first place I'd go.
- If I may be allowed to finish?

Johann, last time
we allowed you to finish,

we ended up on Breakneck Bog.

- So, no... No finishing.
- [Hiccup] Enough!

What's so special
about the graveyard

and why would he go there?

- Well, you see...
- The short version, please.

It's where I store
all my treasures and wares.

Wow, concise, to the point.
Who knew he had it in him?

[Johann] Which reminds me
of the first time

I was labeled as "concise"!
He was a young man,

- very ugly, I actually...
- Johann.

- Yes?
- Focus. Is there anything else?

As a matter of fact, there is one ship
you must avoid at all cost.

It's called... the Reaper.

Riddled with booby traps
from stem to stern.

Barely made it out with my life

the only time I dared
venture aboard. Oh, wow!

Okay, Toothless, let's go.
Unless, of course,

any of you can make time
out of your busy schedules

to capture a dangerous maniac?


This is pretty great, huh, bud?

Seems like forever
since we all flew as a group.

Let's see how rusty they are.
V formation!

Not bad.
Diamond formation!

How rusty does this guy think we are?

Uh, guys, little tight on the
diamond, aren't we? [coughs]

Just like old times.

5,000 pounds of flaming muscle
coming through!

Ever a class act.

- I knew it. I knew there was more.
- Some of these ships?

I've never seen anything
like them before.

Okay, everybody fan out.

If you see any trace of Dagur,
send a signal.


It's all right, Stormfly.
Nothing to worry about.


Don't be nervous, girl.
We don't want you to...

do that.

[chuckles] Hookfang, these
guys were awful sailors.

[laughs] Oh!
A little help here...

Hookfang! Hey!
I saw that look!

What did we talk about?!

That's got to be the Reaper.

- [Hiccup] No sign of Dagur.
- Looks like we got here first.

- What's the plan?
- We wait.

Wait... Wait a minute.
For how long?

This fog really gives
Meatlug the willies.

He has a point.
We can't wait around here forever.

We can't just leave
Johann's treasures here either.

Dagur will steal them!

And use the profits
to build a new armada.

- Not if we steal them first.
- That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard.

I hereby disown you!

Actually, you know what?
I sort of like it.

Welcome back to the family.

Here's the plan:
we search the ships,

gather up Johann's treasure,
and take it back to Berk.

But keep your eyes open for Dagur.
He could show up at any time.


What is that?

Eh, has Dagur's voice changed?

Eels! Everybody,
get to your dragons

before they get spooked and take off!

Ooh, hold me, Meatlug!

- Hookfang!
- Stormfly!

[Snotlout screaming]

Calm down, bud.
It's only a couple of eels.

Really big, screaming, mean eels.

[all grunting]

The eels are pulling the ship down!

[all grunt]

Fishlegs, grab my foot!
Oh, you ate a full breakfast.

- You ate everybody's breakfast.
- We're gonna live!

- Hold it... Aah!
- Astrid! No!

- Most of us are gonna live!
- Hiccup!

Thanks, Hiccup.

Pardon me,
does anyone else think

that Johann could have
warned us about...

I don't know...
[yelling] the giant screaming eels?!

Snotlout, would you relax?
The dragons will be back.

In the meantime,
we stick with the plan.

We find Johann's treasure, quietly.


Why are you staring at that ship?

Because I'm thinking
of checking it out.

The Reaper? The ship
Johann warned us about?

Exactly. A ship
covered with booby traps

from stem to stern.
I'm thinking, what is on there

they don't want people to find?

This boat is definitely
not from the archipelago.

These carvings,
the design on the sail...

I've never seen anything like this.

And this metal...
[sniffs, grunts]

Come on, bud,
it's just an empty cage.

[both] Ah!


Okay, now...
now it's an empty cage.

[Tuffnut] Jewels, jewels!

You know what we're gonna do?

We're bringing them back for
the family. Mom will be so happy.

Wait, but how are we going to
carry all these back to Berk?

Great idea, sis!

I can't believe
I didn't think about that.

Here, I may do it too.

I'm also gonna put jewels
in your mouth.

[grunting] Yeah! I gotta
keep mine empty so I can talk.


[muffled] Keep comin'.
Keep 'em coming.

Ah! Ooh!


Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
Fishlegs! [giggles]

Maps, old books, charts!

Oh ho ho ho! There's no
greater treasure than knowledge.

I'm gonna be rich!

I'm gonna be rich!
Rich, rich, rich, rich, rich!

Hmm, well, hello, Mr. Ornate Box.

What treasures do you hold?

[laughs] Rich!

Ho! Rich!

Hair! Ew!

Who keeps hair in a box?
There's got to be more!

More hair? Ech!

Man, what a rip-off.

Or is it?

[Nordic accent]
I'm Stoick the Vast!

Hiccup, you're such a disappointment!

Why can't you be more like Snotlout?

Eh, I'm Ruffnut...
or am I Tuffnut?

Who can tell?

Oh, actually, this is kind of nice.

Come on, bud.
Don't you want to see

what's down below?

All right, fine.

Guess I'm going alone.
Ah! Whoa!

Whoa! Okay.

Nobody goes to this much
trouble unless there's something

on this boat that they
don't want found. [snorts]

[lock rattling]

Watch your step, bud.

Ooh, Toothless.

One of the benefits
of a metal leg, I suppose.

Okay, let's just take this nice and...


Dragon bones.


I'm sorry you had to see this, bud.

Whoever commanded
this ship was certainly

no friend of dragons.
Let's get out of here.

[metal creaking, banging]

All right, come on, Toothless!
Let's go!

Commander's quarters.
Stay close, bud.

Okay, so here's the plan...

I like yours better.
[low snarl]

What is this thing?

Whatever it is, if it's on this ship,

it's no good for dragons.

Which means we're not
leaving it here for Dagur.


Huh. Well, that wasn't too...
Giant axe! Toothless, run!

Watch it, Toothless!


Toothless, hold.

Hiccup! Did you miss me?
'Cause I sure missed you.

Every day for three years,
I thought about you.

- Astrid!
- And you too, Mr. Night Fury.

Sorry, Hiccup.
He got the drop on us

- while we were searching...
- Uh, quiet! Can't you see

my brother and I
are having a moment?

I'm not your brother
and we are definitely

- not having a moment.
- Oh, well, I was.

Look at you, all growed up!

And quite the ladies' man, I'd wager.

- Hmm? Hmm?
- Dagur, what do you want?

- Duh, he wants the jewels.
- He's not getting my family's jewels.

No way!
And I'll protect them at all cost!

Also, what is with that hair?

Ha! It's royal hair,
I'll have you know.

Haven't gotten rid
of the Greek chorus, I see.

Anyway, yes,
I'll take the jewels. His too.

Watch it, pal!


- Oh! [gagging]
- Oops, thought that was the guy.

Never can tell with those two.

[guard spits]
And I'll also take

whatever it is you're hiding
behind your back.

Come on, hand it over
like a good boy.

Brothers share, you know.

You know you're not going
to get very far

- with that thing, right?
- Oh, boy, here we go.

Must we always do the same dance,
Hiccup, you and I?

Not that you're not
a fabulous dancer.


- Easy, bud, not yet.
- That's right, Mr. Night Fury.

Today is not the day,
but it's coming! And soon.

Now, if you'll excuse me.
I've got people to see,

an army to build, revenge to plot.

Ooh, so much to do
and so little time!

Isn't this exciting, Hiccup? You...

You must have been so bored
over the last three years.

Yeah, he's got a point about that.
Not enough explosions.

Alas, my time here
has come to an end.

Farewell for now, brother.

Until we meet again
on the field of battle.


[grunting, calling out]

Forget about us!
Go after him!

What are you waiting for?!

- Are you guys sure you'll be okay?
- We're fine! Go! [growls]

Here they come, sir, just like you said.

Still predictable, aren't you, brother?
[men grunting]


You missed, brother!

Hiccup, you should know by now,

- I never miss.
- Oh, no!

[all grunting, shouting]

- Oh! Hiccup!
- Get us out of here!

[all shouting]

[Dagur] What's it going to be, Hiccup?

Catch me, save your friends?
Ooh, tough one!

Glad I'm not in your shoe.
[Dagur cackling]
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