09x08 - Safe Deposit Krabs/Plankton's Pet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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09x08 - Safe Deposit Krabs/Plankton's Pet

Post by bunniefuu »

- Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, Captain!

- I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants! - Ready?

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob Squarepants!

- Spongebob


- Witnesses are flocking around the unveiling

Of bikini bottom's newest bank,

The bank of bikini bottom bank.

- The first customers

Who join bank of bikini bottom bank

Will receive instant interest on their deposit.

- Instant interest?

That's practically giving money away!


You're in charge while I run down

To the bank of bikini bottom bank.

I got to get down there before they run out of dough!

Money, here I c-- ooh!

- Thanks for banking with bank of bikini bottom bank.

And here's your instant interest.

- Free moola just for joining?


I'm in money heaven!

- Heads up. We've got a live one.

- Welcome to bank of bikini--

- Hi. I want to see all your money.

- Excuse me?

- Show me where the money lives.

I bet you got a lot.

I'd like to see all of it.

I'm a huge fan of money.

Ooh! Oh! Hey! Hey!

Get your hands-- aah!


Good day, madame.

I would like to take a look at your safe, please.

- Sure thing, sir.

- Not again.



good day, gentlemen.

Good day, ma'am.

- Hello young missy.

- Well, hello, ma'am.

How can we help you today?

- So far, so good.

- Ma'am?

- They haven't thrown me out yet.

- Ma'am?

- It's all coming together now.

- Can I help you, ma'am?

A withdrawal? A transfer?


Free interest? - Ooh.


I'll have that please.

- Okay, but you'll have to make a deposit first.

- Oh, of course!

Here's me prize penny to deposit in a new account.

- Okay, I'll set it right up.


uh, whatcha doing?

Penny doesn't want to be crammed in there

With all those other coins.

She wants a money condo of her own.

- Okay.

You want a safe deposit box then?

- Oh, yes!

Penny will have one of those.

- Uh, this way, please.


Can I have a moment with me penny, alone?

make it quick.

We're closing in five minutes.

- Oh, penny.

I'm gonna miss you.

It's inhuman, I tell you!

Oh, penny, penny.

One last kiss good-bye.

It's just you and me now, little penny.

Yeesh, ooh, it's a wee bit cramped in here.

- Oh, well, that looks secure.

- Whoa!

- Were you people trained in a barn?

this can't be true.

- 'tis true!

I've landed in money "nir-vanner!"

Me wildest dream's finally come true!

- Mister Krabs, I'm done watering down the ketchup.

Did you want me to--

Mister Krabs? Mister Krabs?

Mister Krabs!

- Would you pipe down! - Sorry, Squidward.

I can't find Mister Krabs, and he said he'd be right back.

I'm getting a little concerned.

- That's nice.


- I can't take it anymore.

I'm gonna go look for him.

Hold on, Mister Krabs.

I'm coming for you.

Mister Krabs!

Mister Krabs!

Mister Krabs!

Mister Krabs!

- Well, time to head home. Whoo-hoo!

I hope to see each and every one of you

On the outside.


Blimey, I'm locked in!

I guess I'm trapped here all night.

with all this moola.

so much moola.

But no one to tell about it!

Time to rustle me up some friends!

- Oh, hi, pearl.

Is Mister Krabs here? - No.

- Pearl, I hate to be the one to tell you this,

But Mister Krabs is missing!

- Oh, my gosh. - I know!

- Oh, my gosh.

- Don't worry, I'll find him.

- Oh, my gosh!

Call him on his cell!

- You look absolutely stunning tonight,

Mrs. Greenback.


oui, oui, monsieur.

What can I get you and the lady tonight?

The lady would like

To start with a million clams,

A side of investments,

And hold the taxes.

I'll have the same.

But with extra "no taxes."

such a friendly fellow.

Good-looking too.

I'm almost gonna regret not leaving him a tip.


- Mister Krabs, are you okay?

- I'm fine, boy!

In fact, I'm dancing with a beautiful lady!

- Oh, that's nice.

- Yes, and she's made entirely out of money.

- What? Where are you?

- I'm locked in the bank vault and having the time of me life!

Oh, and I think I'm running out of oxygen,

And it's making me lose my mind.

- I've gotta save Mister Krabs!


Patrick, you gotta help me, buddy!

I need to break into a bank.

- What?

Spongebob Squarepants.

We have been friends for a long time.

And you've asked me to do some crazy things

Over the years.

But breaking into a bank...

Has to be the coolest!

- Ah, this is the life.

Sun, sand and surf.

And, of course, mrs. Greenback by my side.

What's that?

Oh, don't start on me now.

I'm sure this remote island has a food source.

Old krabs just hasn't found it yet, that's all.

I'll just...

So hungry.

- Coast is clear.

What's the plan, buddy?

- Okay, first, we climb up the walls.

Then, we slide down the chimney

And eat up all the milk and cookies

They left out for us!

- Well, I don't see a chimney,

But we could try getting in through a roof vent.

If only we had a way to scale this wall.

- Luckily, I brought the bank break-in kit.

How about this?

- A bunch of old shoelaces?

- It's as close as I'll ever get to having shoes.

- I wish we had something stronger,

But this'll have to do.

- Hey, Spongebob, I got an idea!

Let's use this grappling hook.

- This vent will surely lead us straight to Mister Krabs.

- Let's get him!

Cool! Let's do that again!

- Not now, Patrick, we're running out of time.

And, more importantly,

Mister Krabs is running out of oxygen.

So hungry.

Oh, why did I come

To this uninhabitable-ble island?

Why did I do it?

What? Huh?

Why did I say all that to mrs. Greenback?

I-I miss her.

Why isn't she-- mrs. Greenback!

where can she be?

What have I done?

Oh. Oh, mrs. Greenback!

Mrs. Greenback! You're okay!

I-I was so worried.

I'm so sorry.

You must never run away like that again.

What's this?

Little miss!

What the neptune?

a slimy money dragon!

You're not sucking away me fortune without a fight!

Give me back mrs. Greenback, you beast!

- Patrick, you ready?

- This lock won't know what hit it.

- Uh, careful, Patrick.

Use finesse.

- Oh, right.

I'll use the finesse.

- Good morning, gentlemen.

- We've been rumbled!

Run! Scatter!

Scamper! Save yourself!

- What's all this about?

- Well...

- May I help you with anything, sir?

- Ah, yes, I need to make a withdrawal.

I need to withdraw one Mister Krabs.

- I assure you, mr. Squarepants,

We received no such deposit.

- I've got you now, money-sucker!

that does it, lizard breath!

It's you or me now.

Just you and me.


Victory! Whoo!


And don't forget your... deposit.

- You know, boyo,

Through this whole ordeal,

I've learned a little something about greed.

A little something about isolation.

even a little something about love.

And you know what I realize, through it all?

- That you can't put a price on freedom?

- Barnacles, no, boy!

I realize that they didn't pay interest on me deposit!

Hey, you cheapskates!

Gimme me interest!


What do you know?

I doubled me money.

- Order up!

- Here.

- Goo!

- Hey, there.

Num, num!

- Aw, does baby want a krabby Patty, hmm?

- Aw.

- Baby's first krabby Patty.

- That diabolical fiend!

- I can't believe this is working!

It's like taking candy from a baby--

With a baby.

- Stop right there, you thievin' infant!

- Yi-eeh! That's harsh.

- So you thought you could pull a fast one, eh?

Now, come out of there, you little pest!

what's he doing?

You leave that poor baby alone!

- Okay.

I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

- Mister Krabs, no!

Don't do it!

- Ooh! Oh...

- Oh, calm down!

It's just Plankton.

- See? - Uh...Goo-goo?

- How dare you!

You toyed with our emotions!

- Face it, Plankton.

You're never gonna win.

I'll always be one step...Ahead.

Now, why don't you go back to where you came from,

You little brat.

- You monster! - How dare you!

- Aww, diddums fail to get a krabby Patty again?

- Stop patronizing me!

Why does every single plan fall apart?

It's just a stupid sandwich!

I tell you, it's wearing me down!

- You need to stop obsessing over it.

Relax. Get a hobby or something.

- I hate to admit it, computer wife,

But you're probably right.

I need something

To take my mind off that blasted secret formula

For a while.

But what? - I know.

How about taking care of an inferior life-form?

- You mean a pet?

That's a great idea!

But how will I find a pet

That fits my dynamic personality?


- I have the perfect solution to your problem.

- Spongebob?

How could you possibly help me?

- You should try the local animal shelter.

That's where I found my Gary.

- Oh, yeah?

Perhaps you're on to something there.

- Here it is.

The bikini bottom animal shelter.

your perfect pet awaits.

Now, if you just listen to your heart,

You'll be able to pick out the right pet

As soon as you see it.

hmm. Too big.

Too sloppy.

- Duh. - Too stupid.

- Hi, Spongebob.

- Hey, Patrick.

What about this one?

- Are you kidding me?

Algae on a rock?

I want a pet, not a plant.

It's no use.

- There's nothing for me here.

- Oh, no! Plankton!

- You know, I can't say I'm surprised.

- Hey there, little guy.

looks like we have a winner.

- Oh, so cute!

Whatcha gonna call him?

He looks like a "spot" to me.

- That name provokes a violent reaction.

Spot it is!

- Well, spot.

I'm your new owner,

So shower me with love and affection.


It's not giving me unconditional love.

I think it's defective.

- You're gonna have to train him to do that.

- I train him?

I'll give it a shot.

All right, spot.

Let's start with something easy.


Good boy. Now sit.

Very good!

Now roll over.


Now shake.


That's one mean shake you got there.

I think we should burn off some of that extra energy.

Would you like to go walkies?

I'll assume that's a yes.


We must've walked for miles.

I guess our legs are too short for walkies.

How about a nice round of fetch?


Oh, no.

What have I done?

I'm a terrible pet owner! Terrible!


We're gonna need another spot!

- Nice rebound, spot!

You know, I get squished a lot too.

I hope nobody saw that emotional outburst.


- Shoo!

Okay, spot.

Today, you'll learn how to be an attack pet

To guard the chum bucket from intruders.

Now, spot, pretend I'm a burglar.


- You're not getting this?

Come at me!

losing balance.

A little help?

- On second thought,

What do I need a guard dog for?

I can't even give chum away.

What I really need is a retriever.

This is your target.

I want you to retrieve the krabby Patty.

Now, security is tight,

So I've devised a pl--


Where are you going?

You're not ready!

- I'd like a large...

What was that?

- Didn't see it, don't care.

- Holy plot twist!

It's a krabby Patty!

It's...A miracle!

Karen, look at what spot brought home.

- That's wonderful!

Spot deserves a reward.

- He can have anything he wants,

Up to half my kingdom--

Uh, laboratory.

- I think he wants your krabby Patty.



You've been a very bad amoeba!

Bad amoeba!

I'm afraid you'll have to be punished.

You need a time out.

I'm just gonna tie you up out here

Until you learn to behave.

Shouldn't take more than five minutes.

- Aw...

No, no, I must be strong.

- I can't do it.

spot, I'm sorry. I--


He's gone.

where is he?

Spot! Come back!

spot! Come back!

I've got to find him.


- Don't any of you have jobs?


Spot! Where are you, spot!

- Why, Plankton, what's wrong?

- I lost spot.

- That's terrible!

Gary lost me once.

I was cold, alone, starving.

It was the worst eight minutes of my life.

Come on, Plankton, let's find your pet.

Lost pet!

Anyone seen this lost pet?

Lost pet emergency!

Be on the lookout for a lost pet!

Pardon me, sir. Have you seen this amoeba?

- You mean that little speck? - No.

That little speck. - Is this him?

- No, that's a piece of gum.

- Gum?

I've been looking everywhere for this.

If I was lookin' for a lost pet,

I'd try the animal shelter.

- Of course!

The shelter!

- I think it's closed for the night.

Ooh, it's dark in here.

I'll find a light switch.


no, that's not it.

Aha! Found the lights.

- Uh, Spongebob?

What was that first switch for?

- I dunno.

I think it unlocks the pens?

- I thought so.

Because now the animals are loose!

- Spongebob? - Run for it?

- Yep.

I think we lost 'em.

- Spongebob, before we're torn to shreds,

I'd like to thank you for helping me look for spot.

- Aw, it was nothing.

Hey, speaking of spots.

Did you always have a double pupil?

- A double what?


thank entropy you're safe!

You were hiding on my optical cornea

The whole time!

You sneaky little amoeba, you.

- Aw, I'm glad you found spot.

Unfortunately, the animals found us too.

- Good-bye, spot.

I guess this is the end of the road for us.

- Spot, no!

- Wow, spot! You saved us!

- I taught him everything he knows!
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