06x18 - Souvenirs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x18 - Souvenirs

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Alexis Dexter again.

I'd like to speak to Mr. Dexter.

I spoke to the front desk
a little while ago

and they assured me
that he had not left his room.

Well, I've been calling half the night
and there's no answer.

Would you just keep on ringing
his room? Is that understood?


I should have done that before,
don't you think?

I think you'd better leave.

What's wrong?

We should never have gone
to bed tonight.

This never should have happened.

You find that amusing.

It's the same thing you said to me
after we were together in New Mexico.

I didn't believe you then,

and I don't believe you now.

There's something between us, Dex.

Something that'll always
pull us together.


I had too much to drink tonight.

This is wrong.

Are you drunk now?

Blake, I thought you'd be interested.

Yes, indeed.
Everyhing about you interests me.

Seriously, darling.

I was going over
our personal accounts.

That woman, Rita,
withdrew almost a million dollars

while she was living here.

She what?

Look. Here, here.

Over a million dollars gone.

Yes, you're right. She did.

I can't believe it.

First kidnapping and now theft.

Damn it,
what'll those two do next?

I don't know.

But it's not just the money, Blake.
It's those people.


Yes, I know what you're saying.

Abrigore and that woman
are dangerous

and they should be stopped
before they hurt somebody else.

But if we only had some idea
where they'd gone.

Well, he talked
about South America.

Brazil, Chile, Peru.

But he had travel folders
from everywhere.

Maybe Sammy Jo
will remember hearing something.

- I'll call her first thing in the morning.
- No. No, I can't wait until morning.

I want those two caught
and put away for a long, long time.

Sammy Jo, this is Blake.

I want you to come over
to the house.

Yes, that's right. Now.

She stole a million dollars?

- That's right.
- Transferred from our joint accounts.

That was all done behind my back.

Now, don't lie to me, Sammy Jo.
I'm in no mood for foolishness.

I'm not lying. I swear, I'm not.

Sammy Jo, we agreed not
to press charges against you

if you agreed to cooperate.

Well, now we need your help.

But I don't know anything
about the money.

And I'm sorry. I'm really sorry
for everyhing that happened.

The important thing right now
is do you know where Joel Abrigore is?

No, I don't.

- You're sure about that?
- Yes, I'm sure.

He ran off with my money too,

And I wish you'd start trusting me
for a change.

Trust you?
After all the trouble you've caused?

After all the lies that you've told
since you've been in this house?

Blake, she's as upset as we are.

All right.

We'll find them both,
with or without your help.

Before I go home, Aunt Krystle,
I wanna thank you for taking my side.

I wasn't taking your side, Sammy Jo.

It's late and we're all tired.

MAN: But, Mrs. Dexter, l--
- This is a matter of life and death.

My husband has malaria.
He may need medical attention.

- I really--
- Are you going to open this door

or am I going to cause a scene
that La Mirage will never forget?

This is strictly against the rules,
Mrs. Dexter.

Dex, are you all right?

Oh, my God.

- Mummy.
- Don't call me Mummy.

After this,
I'm not your mother anymore.

I'll never forgive you for this, Amanda.


What do you want?

I wanna know why you sent
that reporter to see Krystle.

What reporter?

That woman who posed
as a baby nurse

to sneak into our house.

The woman who questioned Krystle

about what supposedly happened
in the attic with Joel Abrigore.

I really don't know what the hell
you're talking about, Blake.

I want to know why you did it.

Don't you realise the condition
Krystle is in?

What you've put her through?

I'm warning you.

Stop meddling, damn it.
Stay out of our lives.

We've got something more important
to be concerned about

than your precious Krystle.

Your daughter
is sleeping with my husband.

You're lying.

- Am l?
- Yes, you are.

It's a disease with you.
It always has been.

Why don't you stop attacking me
and face the truth?

You'd do anything to hurt me.

Now you're even using my daughter
as a w*apon.

What'll you do next?

You're a fool, Blake.

You're the worst kind of fool

because you only see
what you want to see

and only know
what you want to know.

A fool, huh?

Well, you've got a sick mind, Alexis.

If you don't believe me,

why don't you drive out to La Mirage
and see for yourself.

They're in Room A.

David, I want you to have my jet
fuelled and stocked

and be ready to take off
for St. Thomas

first thing in the morning.

Good night.

Good night.

It's not a good night.

It's about as rotten a night
as I've ever known.

Is it true, Amanda?

Well, if my mother says it is,
I mean, she's always right, isn't she?

Don't play games with me now.
I'm serious.

Is it true about you and Dex?

I'm sorry if it upsets you.

You're damn right I'm upset.

Amanda, dear, you're my daughter.

Well, you should be
happy for me.

I'd like to be happy for you.

But you can't, is that it?

Not the way things are, no.

Daddy, please.

Listen to me and try to understand.

I have finally found a man
who treats me like a woman

and not like a little girl.

He's a wonderful, caring man
and if l--


If what?

If I'd met him earlier,
before he'd met my mother,

he'd be mine now.

You see,
Dex never should have married her,

as I never should have married

Dex and I should have realised
what we shared together

the first time we made love.

The first time? When was that?

Before he and Alexis were married.

And before you were married
to Michael.


You went through with the marriage
even though you didn't love him?

Well, I thought I did.

You went through with the marriage
even though you weren't committed?

Is that right?

Answer me. Is that right?

Amanda, what's happened to you?

I love him, Daddy.

I hope that kind of honesty
doesn't offend you.

What about your sense of decency?

The man is married to your mother.

He's cheating on her, and now
he's making a cheat out of you.

I'm gonna go see him.
I'll get this settled once and for all.

Daddy, don't. Don't go, please.


Mr. Dex Dexter, please. It's urgent.

Your breakfast is here, Mrs. Dexter.

Thank you, Lin.

Are your bags ready?

Yes, they're upstairs.

Would you go up and get them,

Thank you.

- Good morning, Mrs. Carrington.
- Good morning.

How did you get up here?

Never mind.

- What do you want?
- I wanna talk to you about a rag sheet

that's scheduled to come out
any day now.

I really don't have time for this.

Sit down. I'm not finished.

What is it?

That reporter you sent wanted to know
what really went on in that attic.

Well, I'll tell you what went on.

I'm really not interested
in hearing the sordid details.

You'll listen, Alexis.

I was terrified.

I lived with the constant fear
of his threats against Kristina.

It was hell.

And as far as being seduced by him,

Iet me spell it out for you.

Nothing happened.


Enjoy your life as Mrs. Carrington
while you can, Krystle,

because I am going
to personally see to it

that Blake throws you
out of that mansion

if it's the last thing I do.

"l learned what Alexis had done.
I felt sick, overcome with shock.

I couldn't believe that even she
was capable of such an act.

I wanted to run to her, to beg her:

'Sister dearest,

tell me that what I've heard
is not true.'

But it was not possible,"

Alexis Dexter, please.

Oh, I see.

When is she expected back
in Denver?



No message. Thank you.

I've been expecting you, Blake.

And I've been waiting for a long time
to do this, Dexter.

I guess I had that coming.

You took your best sh*t.
Now, you back off, Blake.

No, no, no, you back off.

I want you to stay away
from my daughter.

- Do you understand that?
- Okay.

I'll do my part.

You make sure Amanda does hers.

- What does that mean?
- Never mind.

I asked. What does that mean?

I was very drunk that night.
Very drunk.

And Amanda took advantage of you.
Is that what you're trying to tell me?

No. It was my fault.

It never should have happened,
all right?

She's my daughter, Dexter.

She means everyhing to me.

And I'll do whatever I have to do
to see that nobody hurts her.


I'm sorry, you missed her.
When did you set up this interview?

Oh, weeks ago.

But busy woman that your mother is,
she's obviously forgotten.

It's a pity because I have to fly
to Chicago tonight.

Tell me, Mr. Carrington,

what sort of emergency
took her out of town?

I'm sorry.

It's the journalist in me.
I'm always asking questions.

I know how that is.
I was a reporter in college.

Were you really?

Well, then you know the spot
that I'm in.

So since I can't interview
Alexis Dexter,

maybe her very attractive son
would help me out

with bits and pieces.

I don't have much time.

Oh, this won't take long.

Do you mind if I sit down?

Now, you don't mind
if I turn the tape recorder on, do you?

I know all about Colbyco's
enormous holdings

and Mrs. Dexter's
business achievements.

But what I really want to know is:

What is she like as a woman?

Is she a good mother?


Yes, she is. She's very loving
and generous to all her children.

And her marriage.

Is it a truly happy one?

Well, now, the last time I had
an in-depth talk with her about it,

she said she was ecstatic.

Truly ecstatic.

- You're putting me on.
- I'm trying.

You're not only very attractive,
you're a charmer.

- What about her enemies?
- Look--

You're not going to tell me
that such a successful woman

has no enemies.

What I am going to tell you

is that I'm expecting
one of our geologists in a minute,

and so I'm going to have
to put an end to this.

In other words,
you're showing me out.

But not until you tell me something.

Was this interview
ever really arranged?

It's very unlike my mother
not to have mentioned it.

I consider that a slur,
Mr. Carrington.

But you're much too personable
to really mean it,

so I won't include it in my article.

Your ar--?

How could you write anything
about my mother

without having talked to her?

Let's just say that I know her.

That I've always known her.

BLAKE: It was good of you to come,
Mr. Fallmont.

- Can I get you something to drink?
- No.

- I never touch the stuff while working.
- Fine.

shall we get down to business?

- Sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.

I would like to reach a compromise
on the pipeline.

Now, first of all, I'm not an ogre
on environmental issues.

I know all about air pollution

and what's happening
to our lakes and rivers.

I have children. And grandchildren.

And I would like to make sure
that this Rocky Mountain area

continue as a beautiful place
for them to live in too.

But there are no simple,
easy answers to these problems.

I think that there's room
for compromise.

I like to find a good middle ground.

Now, of course, I realise
that the Fallmonts and the Carringtons

have been political enemies
for a long time.

But I'd like to end that.
I'd like to bury the hatchet.

And I want to see
that Colorado has a future.

One that we can all be proud of.

Very nicely said.

But don't you think our positions
are too far apart

to make a compromise viable?

No, I don't. No.

For instance,
we are going to reroute the pipeline.

In addition to that, I'm gonna propose
that a cap be put on tax incentives.

You speak very well, Mr. Carrington.

But I'm afraid
that's simply not enough.

Come in, Steven, come in.

You two know each other,
don't you?

Yes. Yes, we do.



BLAKE: Mr. Fallmont here has been
a little stubborn about the pipeline.

I think he's wrong.
I don't mind telling him that again.

Just as I don't mind telling you
that my position

is the only one that I can
be morally comfortable with.



Oh, yes.

Yes, I do wanna speak to him.

Tell him I'll be right out.

Would you excuse me a moment,

I owe you an apology.

Do you?

For barging in on you at the gym.

- The fight?
- That? Forget it.

I had no right
to burst in on you like that.

Look, I said forget it.

I'm sorry, but I don't know
where Alexis flew off to.

I don't follow your wife's comings
and goings.

Don't you play games with me,

I have no idea where she is.

In any case, you've lost her, Dexter.

Alexis loves me.
She always has, she always will.

I'd k*ll you,

but you're sure as hell
not worth going to prison over.

You look like a very lonely lady.

Can I buy you a drink?

I have a drink.

Well, before divorce court tomorrow,
you're gonna want a few more.

I know about these things.
This is my third tour of duty.

Does the hotel give you a rate?

No, but there is a dividend.

Meeting beautiful ladies like you.

How about it? Dinner tonight?

And then maybe bed?



Tell me something.

Before our divorces,

wouldn't we be unfaithful
if we fooled around?

Come on, you're kidding.

No, I'm serious.

Whoever the guy is,
he must have really hurt you.

Isn't that what some men like to do?

Well, I'm different. I'm not a taker.

Can we talk?

About what? Going to bed?

I'm sorry, but you're barking up the
wrong tree, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think I'm exactly your scene,
as they say.

But look around you.

I'm sure you'll find plenty
of willing partners

to ease your loneliness.

- Good night.
- Sleep tight.


Your tip.

I'm just not in a really social mood,
that's all.

Steven, we're not talking
about just any old bash, here.

Your good friend Chris Deegan
and your other good friend, me,

well, we've opened
our own law firm.

Come on, we want you to be here.

I'm sorry but l--
I just don't think I'll be able to make it.

Well, you'll be missed, pal, ciao.

I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye.

Well, it's none of my business but--

I just turned down another invitation.

I know.


I know what it is to grieve,
to live through a nightmare.

But that doesn't mean we shut out
the rest of the world forever.


You wanted to see me, Father?

Yes, Adam.

I want you to get me an accounting

of all Denver-Carrington's monies
spent in the past two months.

I'll send the statements, Father,
you can look them over.

- No, that's not good enough.
- I don't understand.

I want an audit of all business
transactions worldwide.

I want to know exactly what's come
in and out of our accounts

and what the money was spent for.



Oh, fine, put him on.
I wanna talk to him.

I need a legal form
to grant power of attorney.

- Would you get it for me?
- Of course.

Whose name should I put
on the document?

Oh, I'll handle that.
Just get me the form.

All right, Paul, we'll be in touch.

Right. Bye.


Did you hear me, Adam?

Yes, I did.

But I was just wondering what you
suspect might have gone wrong.

Well, Joel Abrigore took money
from our family accounts.

I wanna make damn sure

he didn't take any money
from the firm.

Abrigore, of course.
Well, I'll get right onto it.

Is there anything else, Father?

Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.

You were wrong about my involving
Steven in those environmental issues.

We're not there yet,
but I feel that we can come

to some kind of an agreement
with Fallmont very soon.

If you say so.

And speaking of agreement,

I'd like for you to drop
this antagonism towards your brother.

That might prove
a little difficult, Father.

Rumour has it you're going to put
Steven on your board of directors.


I haven't made that announcement yet,
but, yes, that's my plan.

Why, for God's sake?

Because he deserves it.

Well, what about me?
Don't I deserve it?

That still remains to be seen.


Dr. Edwards,
what are you doing here?

And don't tell me again
you just happened to be in town.

No, Adam.

I'm not well and I've come here
for some tests and--

And I'll be honest,
I'm worried for you, son.

Worried? Why?

There's someone in Billings

who's been asking questions
about your past.

And that someone being...?

A young woman.

What young woman?

She introduced herself to me
as Claudia Blaisdel.

- Claudia?
- You know her?

What specifically did she want?
And what did you tell her?

Nothing. I said I hardly knew you.

- She--
- She what?

She said outright
that she didn't believe me,

that she was staying at The Lodge,
to phone her if I decided to talk to her.

I practically raised you, Adam.

I got a bad feeling about the woman.

I wanted to protect you.

You did the right thing.

You're not in any trouble, are you?

No, I'm fine.

Adam, I was hoping we could spend
some time together.

Not this trip, I'm afraid.

But let me know
how your tests work out.

And let me at least
cover your expenses.

You know I can't take anything
from you.

Goodbye, son.


Meg, get me The Lodge
in Billings, Montana.


Yes, Meg.

Thank you.

I'd like to speak
to Miss Blaisdel, please.

Miss Claudia Blaisdel.

Did she leave a forwarding address?

I see, thank you.

How nice, Alexis, that our tastes
are exactly the same.



I adore beluga.


The very finest champagne.

I just took a chance
that you'd be back by now, Alexis.

Darling, l--

I love the way you say darling.

Who are you?

Her sister, Caress.

Her sister?

You'll have to excuse me,
I didn't know she had a sister.

I'm not surprised.

And who are you?

Her husband.

I didn't know that she had
such an extremely attractive husband.

So all's fair, as they say.

As they say.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

Wouldn't you like to stay
and chat for a while?

I'm afraid that I can't right now.


I wonder how much of this stuff
you can get for a million dollars.


- Steven.
- Griff, how are you?

- Good.
- Thank you.

There's a Chinese saying:

"A man who changes his mind
and goes to a party is a wise man,"

- Where's your partner?
- Well, you know Chris.

He gets to running a big office party
and we run out of champagne.

So he went to get some more.

Bart Fallmont.

- You know him?
- Not very well.

He just arrived also.


Well, if you mean with a lady--

Well, I guess you didn't know.

No, I had no idea.

Well, he doesn't exactly
publicise it, Steven.

I mean, after all, one doesn't become
a United States senator very easily

without a wife and . kids.

No, I guess not.

- Join the party, Steven.
- All right.

- Good to see you.
- Nice to see you.

Look, this is a party,
so no talk about injunctions tonight.

- Agreed?
- That's fine with me.

I mean, I don't see any reason
why we have to be enemies.

Personally, anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Semantic error.

All I'm saying is, why not be friends?

I think you and I see things
the same way.

You've been talking to Griff?

That's right.

Well, you're as out of line as he is.

You don't know anything about me.
That's the way I want to keep it.

Look, Fallmont,
let me tell you something.

The hardest part is being afraid.

Afraid that people
are gonna find out the truth.

Carrington, I don't give a damn
about your personal history.

Yeah, well, you ought to.

Because once you stop being afraid,
then you're free.

I know.

you stay out of my private life.

Just stay out of it.

- Some champagne?
- No, thank you.


This looks
like a very interesting party.

But I just dropped by

to congratulate you and Chris
and to wish you the very best of luck.

Do take care.

I wanna know where he went
to school, who his roommates were,

anything you can find out
about the man's personal life.

Fallmont, Bart.

That's right.

The senator's son.


Come in.


Oh, hi.
I thought you were room service.

Had I known I would have brought
a hamburger and fries and a malt.

- Is that right?
- How did you know?

Couldn't miss. Is Dominique in?

No, she's down in the Sierra
rehearsing for a benefit.

Oh, I see.

By the way, I'm Garrett Boydston.
I'm a friend of hers.

I'm her daughter, Jackie Deveraux.

Her daughter?

You didn't know
she had a daughter, right?

That's right.

Are you in the business?

No, no, no, I'm a lawyer.

I'm in from L.A. for a few meetings.

I thought I'd just drop by
to see her.

Oh, I'm sure she'll be very happy.

Have you known Mother long?

About years.

Well, I'm glad that she has a friend
with a smile as nice as yours.

Well, maybe your pretty young face
brings out the smile in me.

Thank you, Mr. Boydston.

Although isn't all that young.


Your father was French, Jackie?

He was a racecar driver
and was k*lled in an accident.

Your mother must have met him
after I knew her.

I can't remember her
ever mentioning him.

Well, she doesn't even talk to me
much about him.

It was a real shock,
and she never goes into details.


I've got you under my skin

And I've tried so not to give in

I've said to myself this affair
Never would go so well

But why should I try to resist
When, baby, I know so well

I've got you under my skin

I'd sacrifice anything
Come what might

For the sake of having you near

In spite of a warning voice
That comes in the night

And repeats, and repeats in my ear

But don't you know, little fool

You never can win

Use your mentality

Wake up to reality

But each time I do

Just the thought of you
Makes me stop

Before I begin

'Cause I've got you

Under my skin

I've got you

Under my skin

You sang that on the ship
the night we met.

Did I really?

Uh-oh. The sarcastic timbre.
The lady's not happy to see me?

How many times do I have to tell you
that I don't want to see you?

It is pointless.

Your daughter thinks differently.

- My daughter?
- Yes.

She said she was glad
that we were friends.

So you have met Jackie.

She's a beautiful girl.

Yes, she's very beautiful.

She also loves to surprise me.

I didn't expect this visit.

Well, there are all kinds of surprises,
and I think she's a great one.

I was sorry to hear about her father.

The accident.

Yes, he was k*lled
shortly before she was born.

She said
it was shortly after, Dominique.

"Before she was born"
is just an expression, Garrett.

It's just another way of saying
that she never really got to know him.

You may remember
that I'm into auto racing.

I don't remember
a driver named Deveraux.

Well, he didn't drive
under the name of Deveraux.

- Is that all right?
- No, it's not all right.

Garrett, I do realise
that you are an attorney.

But why have you suddenly decided
to cross-examine me?

I don't like it.

could she be my daughter?

Of course not.

Are you sure about that?

I am sure.

Well, I'd like to get to know her
better anyway.

Is that okay with you?

That's ridiculous, Garrett.

We'll see about that, Dominique.

You can't get rid of me this easily.

Especially not now.

Mrs. Dexter.

I'm sorry to bother you, but the captain
says we'll be landing soon.

Thank you, Richards.

Oh, by the way,

it'll be Mrs. Colby from now on.

Of course. I'm sorry, Mrs. Colby.

I phoned you.
Why didn't you call me back?

I didn't get any message.

Oh, come on, Dex,
I left at least half a dozen messages.

Then let's just say
that we have nothing to talk about.

That I don't wanna see you.

Dex, I'm not just some hooker
you picked up.

This is me, Amanda.

You're a very sensual
woman, Amanda.

God knows you are.

We spent the night together, but--

But what?

Stop fighting this relationship.

Can't you see that whatever we do,
fate brings us together?

Amanda, what happened between us
was wrong.

- No, it wasn't.
- For God's sake, we're both married.

To people we don't love.

You might not love Michael,
but I do love Alexis.

And what does she feel about you?

Did you see her face
when she saw us together?

That wasn't love,
that was pure hatred.

Or disgust, disillusionment.

Dex, do you remember Ruidoso?

The first night we spent together
in the cabin?

Of course I do.

Well, there was
a sense of destiny about it.

The snowstorm
that grounded Alexis's plane,

the two of us left alone together--

Amanda, that has nothing to do
with you and me today.

It's got everyhing to do
with us today.

I was determined to get out,
only you wouldn't let me.

And then suddenly,
we were making love.

Oh, Dex, don't you see?

It was always meant to be
you and me.

- I've got to get out of here.
- Where are you going?

To the airport.

Amanda, I have got to explain
all of this to Alexis.

I don't know where she's been,

but her plane's due in any time now
and I am going to be there to meet her.

Amanda, I've got to.

- Mrs. Colby.
- Mm-hm.

Your car is waiting.

Thank you, Richards.


What are you doing here?

I came to ask you to forgive me.


Spare me.

When you took Amanda into your bed,
you made a choice.

Were you really stupid enough to think
that I wouldn't find out eventually?

Alexis, listen to me, please.


I love you.

More than I've ever loved anyone
in my life.

What I did was stupid.

But there has been so much good
between us,

too much to ruin things.

Please try to understand that.

It's too late, I've just divorced you.


When? Where?

The Caribbean.

And I didn't stay long enough
for a tan.

I came back to marry a king.

And once we have
the necessary number of weapons,

and that will be soon,
we'll drive them out of the capital.

Yes, I'm still
at the Dexter apartment.

Oh, the dear woman
has bought it all.

Yes, I've got her, as the Americans
would say, in my hip pocket.


Yes, yes.


I want you out of here.

Let me explain.

Explain what?
How beneath contempt you are?

But there's a reason
for what I've done.

And we have so much
to give to one another.

Oh, yes.

I'll keep the tiara that you gave me.

And the crown jewels
that you promised me.

It's the least I can expect in return
for what you've taken from me.

I want you to pack your things
and be out by morning,

Your Pathetic, Your Loathsome,

Your Despicable Majesty.

Hello, Rio.

You bastards.

All of you.


What the hell are you doing here?

Mother, we have to talk, please.

I have nothing
to say to you, Amanda.

I told you before,

as far as I'm concerned,
you are no longer my daughter.

So I want you to stay out of my life.
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