06x17 - The Accident

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x17 - The Accident

Post by bunniefuu »

Damn you!


- Hello.
MAN: Alexis.

Sorry to bother you.
Were you sleeping?

No. What is it?

Might I see you for a moment?

Is anything wrong?

Please, come down.

I'll be right there.

Galen, what is it?
Do you need your doctor?

Oh, no, no. I don't think so.

Dex could really have hurt you badly,
manhandling you like that.

You mustn't blame him, Alexis.

In a way, I brought it on myself.

Oh, how?

Well, he never wanted me here
in the first place.

I think it would be better for everyone
if I simply moved out.

- Absolutely not. I won't hear of it.
- Now, wait, Alexis, hear me out.

From the day I moved in here,
I've been nothing but trouble for you.

I tried to stay in the background,

and your husband drew
wrong conclusions anyway.

And frankly, in his position,
I would probably feel the same way.

Dex's pride has been hurt, that's all.

He'll go away, he'll drink too much,

he'll sulk a little bit,
and then he'll come back.

He always comes back.

If only I could walk.

Then I could walk out of your life,
once and for all.

I made you a promise
that you could stay here

until you could walk out of here.

No wheelchair, no crutches,
and that promise still stands.

Thank you.

It's late. We both need some rest.

Good night, Galen.

What are you looking at?


You're the most beautiful sight
I've ever seen.


Just a minute.

Come in.

- Good morning, Mr. Carrington.
- Good morning.

- Mrs. Carrington.
- Good morning, Jeanette.

I ordered breakfast up here
this morning.

I want you to take it easy.

If there's anybody who should be
taking it easy, it's you.

You just got out of the hospital,

I'm not going anyplace.
I'm gonna stay right here.

We're both going
to pamper ourselves.

Thank you, thank you very much.

What's the matter, darling?
Is there something wrong?


Darling, you're home
and you're safe,

and nothing
is going to happen to you.

Believe me.

I know that, Blake.

I'm fine, really.

That breakfast looks wonderful.

We should eat it before it gets cold.

- Good morning, Father.
- Not quite, Adam.

- Did you see this?
- No, I haven't.

I thought I asked you to keep filth
like that out of the newspapers.

I'm doing all I can,

but I can't keep them
from publishing police blotter.

That is exactly
what I want you to do.

I will not have Krystle
reliving that nightmare

every time she sees the front page
of a paper.

I'll do everyhing I can to suppress it.

See that you do.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Hi, Dex,
what are you doing here?

Well, Amanda,
as much as I love your mother,

there are times
that I want to strangle her.

Last night was one of them.

So you slept here?

It seemed the smarter thing to do.

Well, I'm sorry you're fighting.
I wish I could help.

Oh, I can't see how, but thank you.

would you wait in my office?

I'd like to have a word
with Mr. Dexter.

Michael, we were just talking.

Do you mind?

What does it take
to get through to you?

Back off, Michael, I'm in no mood.

I don't know how long
you're planning to stay at La Mirage,

but so help me, I'd better not find you
with my wife again.

I am sick of you
telling me what to do.

If it weren't for you and your father,
I wouldn't be here in the first place.

You're running this hotel,
give him the royal suite

and get him
the hell out of my house.

Michael, I love my father,
and I respect his advice.

So when he asked me
not to file for a divorce

until I'd given our marriage
a second chance, I agreed.

And I tried,
I really tried to make it work.

Go on, Amanda.

But it isn't working.

And I can't stand the way you think
you can order me around.

I can't take it anymore, Michael.

I'm gonna divorce you.

Good morning, Mrs. Dexter.

Good morning, Gerard.

Oh, good morning, Krystle.

I came by to bring a little gift
for Danny, where is he?

He's upstairs.

But since I'm here,
there's something I'd like to ask you.

- I'm busy.
- This will only take a second.

An intriguing thought
crossed my mind.

I was wondering,
how did Blake find the woman

who impersonated you
in their more intimate moments?

There were no intimate moments,

You mean there was nothing
between them?


Poor Blake.

Then I suppose it was just business
as usual, huh?

Meaning what?

Meaning that if she was as boring
as you are,

then he wouldn't have noticed
the difference anyway.

Follow me, Derick.

The prodigal daughter returns.



Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?

I'd have sent a plane for you.

I didn't know until two minutes before
I left I was going to come home.

You don't mind, do you?

Mind? You can come home
any time you want to.

You know that.

Did you bring L.B. with you?

Mm-hm. He's already run upstairs
to see Danny and Krystina.

Oh, Daddy, it's so good to see you.

Hey, is something the matter?


You're sure?

Just a little homesick, that's all.
I missed my father.

Well, your father happens
to know you very, very well.

Now, come on, now, what is it?

I'm fine, really, Daddy, I'm fine.

Just a little tired from the trip,
that's all.

As soon as I freshen up
I'll be as good as new.

- All right?
- All right.

Steven filled me in on everyhing
that's been happening here.

I felt so helpless,
a thousand miles away,

knowing there was nothing
I could do.

Yes, it was very bad.

But it was hardest on Krystle,
I'm afraid.

She's putting up a brave front,
for my sake,

but she's been terribly shaken
by this whole thing.

Is there any way I can help?

Yes, yes, darling, talk to her.

Let her know that she's safe.

And, of course, seeing you
will be a great tonic to her.

I know it is for me.

I'll talk to her.

So is my old room available?


Now, listen, if there's anything,
anything at all that's bothering you,

this is the place to talk about it.

This is always your home.

What do other girls do
who don't have you for a father?

Krystle, do you--?


What are you doing?

You were here, you saw her.

Did she wear this? Or this?

Krystle, take it easy.

Oh, God, when I think of her,
wearing my clothes,

and sleeping in my bed.

- I'll get Blake.
- Oh, Steven, no.

- Please, don't.
- I've got to.

Don't. Oh, Steven.

When I think of her
wearing my clothes,

and holding my baby,
I feel so violated.

Krystle, you're shaking.

Steven, please.

Don't tell Blake.

Don't tell anyone. Promise me.


Got it all out of your system now?

I'm not here to fight.

Good, a simple apology
will be just fine.

I'm here to get my things.

Dex, darling, aren't you
being a little overly dramatic?

I don't think so, Alexis.
I've given in as much as I can.

You've given in?

You have been harassing
and bullying a crippled man

to get your own way, and because it
hasn't worked, you are punishing me?

I am through
trying to explain it to you.

- I'm going upstairs to pack.
- Dex.

As long as Galen is in this house,
I am not.

[SlNGlNG] Hot dogs and mustard
Ice cream, frozen custard

The bird's in the tree

- You can't catch me
- You can't catch me

Oh, my God, Fallon.

Oh, it was one thing to talk to you
on the phone in L.A.,

but to see you here,
to have you here...

You think I'd leave you alone?
How did you get along without me?

It was tough, I'll tell you that.

Nobody to foul things up for me,
nobody to get me into trouble.

Who? Me?

Get anybody into trouble?

Like the time you talked me into eating
the chocolate fudge cake

Mrs. Gunnerson had baked
for the school bazaar.

You can't pin that one on me.

You were the one with chocolate
all over your face.

You were a willing accomplice.

Fallon, what's wrong?

You're smiling,
but you don't look happy.

No, I'm fine.

Tell you what.

Let's ask Mrs. Gunnerson
to make us a chocolate cake.

We can stay up all night talking.

Like old times?

Together again.

Tell me this, are you and Dexter
business partners,

as well as husband and wife?

We own the Lex-Dex Corporation,

which controls
some mineral rights in Canada.

- Why?
- What about Colbyco?

Does he have any control in that?
Or are you the sole owner?

Why are you asking me
all these questions?

As your friend, I'm thinking ahead.

I wonder how badly he can hurt you
if things deteriorate.

You don't have to worry
about me, Galen.

Colbyco is mine, and I always
take care of my own interests.


Excuse me.


Yes, this is Alexis Dexter.


I'll take the call.


That's not possible.


Thank you for telling me.

Bad news?


It's nothing. It's, um...

It's just some business things.
Nothing that I can't take care of.

Miss Morell, you're as stubborn
as you are beautiful.

That's not the first time
I've received that mixed compliment.

What seems to be the problem?

You've been released
from prison two years early.

Alexis Dexter is hot news now.

A press release on Sister Dearest

would create a groundswell
of interest in the book.

I don't understand.
Why do you insist on this secrecy?

I have my reasons.

All right, if you insist.

But I must tell you,
I think you're making a mistake.

Did you run into any problems
when you went to Denver?

No, no.

No, I made my investigation,
did my research.

I'm on chapter now.

Blake Carrington on trial
for the m*rder of his son's gay lover.

Was your sister cooperative?

I didn't see my sister.

She doesn't know about the book?


Alexis thinks that she's a world-class

But she's about to be outclassed.

Now, you just do as I tell you.

Don't release any information
until I give the word.

I want the world
to know the true story.

All of it.

Excuse me, Miss Fallon.

There's a gentleman
waiting to see you in the library.

He wouldn't give his name.

Well, thank you, Gerard.

I thought it might be you.

What is it, Miles?

I had to see you.

I came here to get away from you.

I couldn't eat or sleep,
think, do anything

until I saw you.

Until I told you how incredibly sorry
I am for what happened last night.

It wasn't something that happened,

It was something you did.

Against my will, over my objections,

in complete disregard for me
or my feelings.

You can't say anything to me
that I haven't already told myself.

I behaved like an animal.

I don't wanna talk about it.

We have to talk about it.

I love you, Fallon.

Can't you see what I did
was because I love you?

Let go of me.

What happens next?
Are you gonna r*pe me again?

All I want is to be close again.

We both have to want it, Miles,
for it to mean anything.

I can't defend what I did,
but I didn't mean to hurt you.

I know I have to change.
I want to, so I will.

Believe me, baby, there isn't anything
I wouldn't do for you.


You can't just take me, Miles,

as if I were a possession or a thing.

Mr. Carrington.

I don't know what's gone on
between you and Fallon,

but I'll put it very simply.

I don't want my daughter hurt.

I know what Fallon means to you.

Believe me,
she's every bit as precious to me.


Because if I ever hear that you've so
much as harmed a hair on her head,

there won't be words enough
to express how sorry you'll be.

Fallon changed my life, sir.

I love her.

All I wanna do is make her happy.

I mean every word of it.

I'm going back to California tonight.
I'm not gonna press you.

I just wanted you to hear
what I had to say

before you make up your mind

between me and Jeff.

Goodbye, sir.

Oh, why can't it be easier?
I don't know what to do.

Oh, darling, you'll find the answer.

Just listen to your heart.

- I'll wait out here, Mrs. Dexter.
- Thank you, Tom.

Zachary Powers, please.

Zach, it's Alexis.

It's been so long,
I didn't recognise your voice.

Alexis, it has been long.

Why, it must be five years.

Yes, listen, I just got a phone call
from Caracas.

- She's out of jail.
- Is she?

Yes, I've got to see you right away.
Can you fly to Denver?

Fly to Denver?

Alexis, I'm right in the middle
of some very important negotiations.

Zach, there's nothing more
important than this, nothing.

- It's vital.
- What can we do?

That's exactly
why I need to see you.

We've got to decide what to do.

- Divorce?
- She seems determined, Father.

I don't know what to do
or say to stop her.

Well, think of something.

You can't let her leave you.
Not after all the plans I've made.

I love Amanda, she's unhappy.
Just what is it you want me to do?

Do something,
anything to make her happy.

I warned you more than once,
you must make your marriage work.

You're jeopardising my future,
my life, everyhing I have worked for.

Father, you're standing.

Yes, Michael, l...

But it must be a secret between us.
You are to tell no one.

Well, why? This is wonderful news.
Why keep it a secret?

I said tell no one.
Do you understand, Michael?

You're manipulating Alexis
into keeping you here,

into paying for your work.

And I will not have you ruining

You've used every one of us.

All my life, I looked up to you
and respected you.

But now you even lied to me.

Will you stop at nothing
to get what you want?

Don't you stand in judgement of me.

I'd do all that and more
to win my country back.

And you should know better
than to be shocked.

You don't shock me, Father.

You make me sick.

Something wrong
with your artichoke?

No, no, it's just...

I'm sorry, Mother.
It's so wonderful seeing you.

But being here brings back
so many memories.

Just try to think
of the good ones, darling.

There were good ones,
weren't there?

Before that terrible time,
when the headaches started.

Don't talk about this now.

No, it's good for me.

Being home
has filled in so many gaps.

If only it could answer some questions,
resolve the conflicts.

You mean about Jeff and Miles?

I feel split down the middle.

Now I wish I could be two people.

Fallon, you know, when everybody
thought that you were dead,

Jeff never gave up hope.

He was like a man obsessed.

One thing you can really be sure
of is that Jeff loves you.

And so does Miles.

Jeff knows you
for who you really are.

He accepts you, he adores you.

Oh, Fallon, you'd be a fool to give up
a love like that.

You sound
as if you're talking about yourself.

Has Dex come back yet?


You've had fights before.
I'm sure it will work out just like others.

I wonder.

All my life, Fallon, I've fought
to make it in a man's world

and I've played by their rules.

And believe me, it is a man's world,

because when a man is ruthless,
he's admired.

But when a woman is ruthless,
she's despised.

He'll be back.

The chef here makes the most
divine chocolate mousse pie.

Shall we have some dessert?

You pushed me into this marriage,

overriding my very strong feeling
that I needed time alone.

I now see that, though you said
you were on my side,

you were on your side,
the only side you seem to care about.

So it's goodbye, Adam.

Don't try to find me.

I need more than ever to be alone.

Claudia Carrington, please.

Mr. Carrington, there's a woman here,
says she has an appointment

with Mrs. Carrington
about being the new nanny.

Then send her up.

Very well, sir.


Checked out?

Did she leave a forwarding address?



Do you want me to stay,
Mrs. Carrington?

No, that won't be necessary.

I'm sorry,
did we have an appointment?

Yes, I'm Betty.

The agency showed your husband
my references.

He must have forgotten to tell you.

But we're not looking for a nanny.

Oh, I'm sorry.

There must have been a mistake.
I'll call.


I would so love to take care
of this little angel.

She is an angel.

Oh, you poor darling.

You must have missed your mommy
terribly while she was gone.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Carrington,
I couldn't help seeing the newspapers.

Well, we're back together again,
and that's all that counts.

You poor dear.

I cannot imagine
how you lived through it,

being held c*ptive by a madman.

Mrs. Carrington, I don't mean to pry,
but everyone's talking about it.

Had you ever heard of him
before he kidnapped you?

Had you ever seen
any of his movies?

I'd rather not discuss it,
if you don't mind.

Oh, of course.
It must have been a dreadful ordeal.

Did you get to know him well?
He is so handsome.

I understand he has a very sexy way
with women.

I beg your pardon.

It must have felt awful,

knowing that another woman
was holding your baby in her arms.

- What thoughts consoled you?
- Who are you?

How did it feel knowing that another
woman was taking your place?

Did you feel violated?

Depressed? Cheapened?

Who are you?

- Get out of here.
- Why should l, Mrs. Carrington?

You haven't given the press
one piece of information,

and this is the story of the year.

The public has the right to know.

You're a reporter.

How dare you come into this house
under false pretences?

How long do you think you can keep
a lid on a story like this?

Get out of here.

Get out.

Get out!

Blake. Blake!

You people in your mansions,
with your fancy cars and your jewels.

You've forgotten what it's like
to live in the real world.

What is it, darling?

Blake, she's a reporter.


- Get this woman out of the house.
- Yes, sir, Mr. Carrington.

You cannot isolate yourselves
in an ivory tower.

Wouldn't you know?
Alexis and one of her sweet little tricks.

I think I'll straighten this out
right now.

No, don't leave me.


Stay with me.

You are ravishing.

All for me, Alexis.

Oh, not really for you, Galen.

I'm just getting ready for a business
appointment I'm having here later.

Come and look, Alexis.
Look what arrived today.

- What is it?
- Open it and see.


Before the revolution,
some of the crown jewels

had been sent
to Switzerland to be refitted.

And fortunately,
we were able to recover them.

Oh, Galen.

They're absolutely fantastic.

Look at this tiara.

It can be yours.


No, no, l...

I don't think that this is the time.

I mean it, Alexis.

If you agree to be my queen.

Galen, I'm...


But I love Dex.

My marriage is very important to me.

I couldn't throw it away,
even for a crown.

Try it on.

- I couldn't.
- Go ahead.

Just to see how it looks on you.

All right.

Allow me.

Well, now,
you finally got what you wanted.

Both of you.
I am sorry to interrupt the coronation.

I came back to apologise.

That was pretty damned stupid of me,
wasn't it?

As usual, Dex, you're jumping
to the wrong conclusions.

- Am l?
- Yes.

You mean, I was wrong
not to trust His Majesty?

You scum.

How dare you come into my house
and make a play for my wife?

Dex, stop it.

If you had those jewels all along,

why didn't you hock them,
instead of bleeding her?

- Why, oh, why?
ALEXlS: Stop it, Dex.

Stop it.

You moved out, now stay out.

Thank you.

Zach Powers.
What the devil are you doing here?

I'm here on business.

You're in the shipping business,

and Denver's a long way
from the ocean.

I'm sorry you're suspicious of me,

when I'm really here only to make
you a very favourable offer.

Well, I'd be a fool
if I wasn't suspicious of any offer

that you might make to me.

But I don't suppose I have any choice.
What is it?

Jason Colby's tankers have been
banned from the San Miguel Harbor,

a very unfortunate dumping
of sludge.

So you're being forced
to sell the oil you loaded

onto his tankers
for whatever you can.

You're telling me something
that I already know, Zach.

A forced sale
means a sale price, Blake.

This must be costing you
a great deal of money.

Will you please get to the point?

My supertankers are welcome
in San Miguel.

I am here to let you know my fleet
is available to you at your command.

Well, if I'm forced
to do business with you,

I'll be in touch with you
when the time comes.

But for now,
I have some rather pressing

personal business to attend to.

So my butler will see you out.

That's very kind of you.

Thank you.

Buy me a drink?

Look, Amanda, I have had,
as they say, one of those days.

I had another fight with your mother.

I can see that.

Now I'm going to do
what angry cowboys have done

from time immemorial.

I'm gonna get drunk.
And I'm in no mood for company.

I'll take my chances.

Could I have a glass
of champagne, please?

So, what sorrows are you drowning?

I'm not.

I'm celebrating.

My new life as a free woman.

I'm getting a divorce from Michael.

Well, congratulations.
What happened?

Sleeping Beauty woke up.

Well, here's to us.

Two real winners
at the game of love.

Why does it have to hurt like this,

The trick is not to care.

I haven't got that down just yet,
but I am working on it.

No, I'm serious.
I know I said I was celebrating.

But when you realise
a relationship is over, it's so painful.

That just proves my point.
You care too much.

Oh, don't pretend to be so tough.

I know when you don't get
what you want,

you suffer just as much as I do.

You know what I want, Amanda,
more than anything else?


To get as drunk as I can
as fast as I can.

Adam, I've been looking for you.

How could you let that reporter
in this house,

when I specifically told you to keep
the press away from here?

It was a trick.
I didn't know she was a reporter.

Well, damn it,
it's your business to know.

Father, it was a human error.

Yes, with potentially dangerous

Krystle is still very shaky,
to say the least.

You allow something like this
to happen

against my implicit instructions.

I'm sorry. I repeat, it was a mistake.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Yes, but you've made more
than your share.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Excuse me, sir.

Mrs. Carrington just drove off,
I thought you should know about it.

What are you talking about, Gerard?
Drove off where?

Don't do anything stupid.

Remember what I said
about your baby.

You think you're pretty smart,
don't you?

It won't help you get out of here.

I thought of everything.

Don't tell me what I mean
and don't mean.

You don't want your baby hurt.

If you try anything stupid,
anything at all,

the price will be more
than you want to pay.


What in the world
are you doing here?

I had to come back, Blake.

One last time.

I don't understand. Why?

I had to know
that I could be in this room

and be able to walk out, that...

That it's true.

That I'm free.

But you are.

You are free.

I used to lie on this bed

thinking about us, together.

You and me. You holding me.

Hold me now, Blake.

Hold me tight.

Now take me home.

You know something, Amanda?

I never should have left Wyoming.

I never should have come
to Denver.

It was a big mistake,
my coming to Denver.

You know what?

I need the air, the trees.

I need wide-open spaces.
That's what I need.

I think you've had enough.

You're right.

Enough is exactly what I've had.

I've had it up to here.

I don't know
how much more I can take.

I mean, you've had enough to drink.

Why? I'm not driving.

I got nowhere to go.

Do you know

that I live here?

Got no place to go.

Come on, Dex.

I'll take you home.

- Home?
- Come on.

Where's home?

Come on, come on.

It was always you, Dex. Always you.

But why?

Why should they release her
from prison two years early?

I mean, what is the reason?

Who do you think is behind it?

I am sure
there is a perfectly simple explanation,

and you're working yourself up
over nothing.


She's probably already flown back
to England.

What future is there for her here?

All that happened five years ago.

You know her better than that,

You know
what really interests me, Alexis, is you.

How ravishing you are.

Even more beautiful
than on that yacht in Venezuela.

You do remember it?

Oh, yes.

And those evenings together
in Acapulco.

You know, I've never forgiven you
for leaving me to return to Denver.

You were the most exciting woman
I had ever known then.

And you still are.



I'm a very happily married woman.

Then where is your husband?


He's out, working in the field.

You never were a very good liar,

Zach, what you and I had once
was good and it was special.

That was in the past.

What Dex and I have is...

Is in the present and it's good.

It's more than good. It's perfect.

And it's forever.
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