02x14 - The Iago Syndrome

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x14 - The Iago Syndrome

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Yes, who is it?

It's Joseph.

Oh, well, come in, Joseph.

Well, good morning.


Mr. Carrington?


Yes, what is it? Is
something wrong?

Well, I've been thinking.

Since, uh, you can see again...


And since

you still don't want
anyone to know about it...


Well, if there's a plan
that you have in mind,

couldn't I be more
helpful to you if, uh...

If I knew what it was?

Well, thank you very much,

but what I have in mind, I'm
gonna have to do by myself.

Oh, incidentally, Joseph,

there's no need for you
to sleep here anymore.

If anybody asks,

just say that I'm getting
used to my blindness.

Yes. All right.

( dramatic theme playing)

Hello, Steven.


Well, I'm glad to see

that you're still keeping
yourself in shape,

even at your advanced age.

You know, when
you were a little boy,

you used to brag to me,

"Mummy, I did
push-ups today."

Well, I think that, uh,

now might be a good time

to get a few things
settled between us

about your little wife.

She has a name, Mother.

Sammy Jo.

Sammy Jo.

Yes, I keep trying
to remember that.

Maybe one day I shall.

Or maybe not?


Preferably not.

Steven, why did you tell her

that Fallon wasn't
Blake's daughter?

I never did.

Then how did she find out?

Do you talk in your sleep?


( dramatic theme playing)

She overheard us
the day you came in

and pulled me outta Dad's room.

When you read me the riot act.

Well, she heard just enough
to ask a few questions.

Well, you didn't
have to answer them.

There was no g*n to your head.

What do you mean, g*n
to my head? We're married.

Well, what's that
got to do with it?

A lot. We're man and
wife. We trust each other.

You know, maybe if you and Dad

had trusted each
other a little more...

That's enough, Steven.

Look, I told her to
forget what she heard.

She said she would.

And she will.

I'm sure she will.

That's like telling
a rattlesnake

to forget how to strike.

Now, look, you pass the
word on to your wife, Steven.

If I ever hear of another time

that she has breathed a
word about Fallon's paternity,

I will personally attach
tiny hand grenades

to each of the wheels
on her roller skates,

watch her do one of
her ever-loving pirouettes

and applaud as she explodes
into a thousand smithereens.

Is that understood?


Hi. Good morning.

Did you lose my
phone number again?

I've been driving
around since dawn.

Come on in.

I couldn't sleep.

Want some coffee?

No, thank you.

What's bothering you, Fallon?

Well, I wanted to
talk to you about...

the way my mother
came to see you.

That's okay.

Just call it a maternal gesture.

It isn't...

It's okay.

It isn't okay.

Uh, she...

Sit down.

She had no right to try and
turn you around about me.

I'm so ashamed.

What are you ashamed of?

You had nothing to do with it.

I really didn't, you know?
I hope you believe that.

I believe you.

As far as the visit's concerned,

let's say I was more
entertained than anything else.

Because I mean so little to you?

Oh, no, Fallon. That's not it.

( dramatic theme playing)

You know...

if we had met sooner, uh,

you know, maybe...

This other woman,
are you in love with her?

(clears throat)

Well, it's the last thing in
the world I planned on but...

yes, I am.

Well, I guess...

Goodbye, Nick.

(soft dramatic theme playing)



(phone ringing)

Toscanni here.

Nick, Blake Carrington.

I guess we missed each other

at the hearing
last Tuesday, huh?

Yeah, well, Blake, I
had an emergency call.

Well, I hope you got a
little more time this morning,

because I must talk to you.

Oh, say, in my office, about ?

Blake, what's this all about?

Can't we handle it on the phone?

If we could, would I ask
you to come to my office?


All right, I'll see you at .


( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Joseph, is that you?

It's me, Blake.

Oh, Krystle. Come
in, sit down, won't you?

I've been waiting for Joseph
to read the editorials to me,

but later.

I was hoping that, uh,

you'd be free to have
lunch with me today,

here at home.

Are you?

Yes, I'd love to.


It's been awful seeing you
eat all your meals alone.

Well, I didn't think I'd
be very good company.

Anyway, at lunch, there's
something rather important

that I wanted to
talk to you about.

Something like what?

Oh, just something.

I'll see you then, all right?

All right.

Oh, and, uh, while you're here,

would you be good enough
to call up and ask them

to bring my car around front?


( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

And I'd like very much for
you to go on that field trip

with Jeff tomorrow.

Is that why you asked
me to meet you here?

How many times do we have
to go through this damn waltz?

Steven, you really don't
want to work for me, do you?

I mean, for Denver-Carrington.

That's right. That's right.

You wanna be a
racing-car driver.

How many times do we have to
go through that ridiculous waltz?

You know something, Steven?

If you'd spend
some time with Jeff,

some of his more
industrious qualities

might rub off on you,

including a sense
of responsibility.

Look, do me a favor, Dad.

Give up on this son.

Why don't you adopt Jeff?

( mellow theme playing)

Sorry, I was delayed downstairs.

You have a visitor.
The ex-Mrs. Carrington.

I'll be outside.


Alexis, I'm very
sorry but I'm busy.

Didn't Marcia tell you that?


Yes. Yes, she did.

But I have to
talk to you, Blake.

It's about Steven's wife.

She's been charging
things to him.

Well, what sort of things?

Well, a full-length
mink coat for one.

I saw her myself ordering it
at the furrier's the other day.

And then Deirdre
called me this morning

and, uh, told me that
she had seen her admiring

a very expensive emerald
brooch at Carlyle's.

And I overheard her
telling one of the servants

that she just loved the Jaguars

and was planning on
buying one for herself soon.

Not the cat. You mean the car.

(sighs) Definitely not the cat.

Well, doesn't she know that
Steven can't possibly afford

to pay for all those things?

Yes, of course she
does. I told her that myself.

Then she threw me one of her
cheap little dime-store smirks

and stalked off.


Blake, I know you're busy and...

And I probably could have
telephoned you about this,

but I was in town
shopping, and...

Oh, that awful letter's

been on my mind.

What letter?

Well, you mustn't
be angry at Fallon

for telling me about it.

She was so upset.

And... And so am I.

Oh, Blake, how could
anybody be so cruel to you?

Thank you for your
concern, Alexis,

but, uh, it's not
that important.

Oh, Blake, it is important.

A poison-pen letter about...

Krystle and Nick
Toscanni having an affair.

It's vicious.

Well, letters like that
belong in the trash can,

and that's the end of it.

No, no, it's not the end of it.

What do you mean by that?

Well, I've been thinking.

Maybe it's somebody
from the old days.

Somebody who really
hated you for your success

and bore you a grudge.

Now, they knew that you
couldn't see the handwriting,

but maybe i-if I saw
it, I could recognize...

Well, didn't Fallon tell you?

That letter was not handwritten.

The words were cut
out and pasted together.

No, no, she...
She didn't tell me.

She was too distraught.

You're upset.

I'm sorry I brought it up.
I was only trying to help.

No, no, no, I understand.

And you are right.

I do have an enemy
out there but...

I'll deal with him.

I'll deal with him by myself.

( mellow theme playing)

It's so wonderful to
see you like this again.

That splendid Carrington pride.

It's what I always used
to love most about you

when we were married.

And in Italy.

And now this morning.

( romantic theme playing)

I suppose that's taking
advantage of you.

But isn't that what you did
that night at Rashid's villa?

In the garden, that kiss?

Which I apologized for.

Yes, but I'm not apologizing.

(intercom buzzes)


MARCIA: Excuse me,
sir. Dr. Toscanni is here.

Oh, well, send him
in please, Marcia.

Well, I better be going.

I'm sure you both
have a lot to talk about.

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: Remember
how you once said to me,

"Whoever hurts me or my family,

we never fail to pay them back"?

Did I say that?

Right in this office.


Well, you know me, Blake.

Brought up on Italian operas.

Lots of passion, big emotions.

How about revenge?
Now, that's a big emotion.

I know how that feels.

The overwhelming
need to pay back a man

who has ruined your life.

Wait a minute, Blake, uh...

Did you get me up here to
talk about who threw the b*mb?

No, not my revenge.


Against me.

Now, what the hell
are you talking about?


Where'd you get this weird idea?


I've checked into your
family background.

I know about your
half-brother, Gianni Mullaney.

I know...

that you blame me for his death.

Well, for some
godforsaken reason,

you're holding me to blame

for your brother's
death, aren't you?

And you came here to
Denver so you could...

Make you pay. That's right.

Thank God, it's out in the open.

Except that it's
absolutely wrong.

I never knew anything at all

about your
brother being in jail.

Now, don't you
hand me that crud!

A kid gets locked
up on drug charges

and they forget to notify
the people he worked for?

I was notified. They
sent me a cable.

But I got it a week
later, out in the field.

It was half the world
away. I was in Indonesia.

If you want proof of that,
you can check my itinerary...

Forget it. Itineraries
can be altered.

Well, mine wasn't.

Now, you listen...
No, you listen.

One word from you could've
saved my brother's life.

One word.

But you conveniently
lost your voice, didn't you?

In your book, I'm
devious and I'm corrupt

and you don't believe me.

But do you honestly believe
that I'd be stupid enough

to tell you any of this if
my hands weren't clean?

( dramatic theme playing)

Do you?

Nick, you've got no reason
to bear a grudge against me,

and you know it.


That's a lot of rug
you're trying to pull

from underneath me.

Uh, you know, I've been
carrying this for a long time.

Waking up in the
middle of the night,

seeing my brother...

Kid brother just...

In that prison there
alone, nobody to help him.

Just hanging there in a cell.



And here we are
standing face-to-face.

And you're talking
to me and uh...

What you say, it
sounds almost logical.

It is, 'cause it's honest.

And in your
emotional state, you...

You could have been
misled, you know?

I guess maybe I
did you an injustice.

You mean that?


Well, you didn't
actually do anything.

You planned a vendetta,
but you didn't do anything.

Or did you?

No, Blake, I didn't do anything.

But I guess that...
tears things with us.


Why? You're too
valuable a man to lose.

Unless, of course,

you feel uncomfortable
about something.

No, Blake. I can live with it.

Good, good.

Well, Nick, as far
as I'm concerned,

this meeting clears the air.

Shall we shake on it?

Thank you, Blake.
Thank you very much.

( dramatic theme playing)


will you call my wife

and confirm the fact
that I'll be home for lunch?

And I expect her to be there.

(car honks)

Here's to good fortune.

(piano playing soft music)

Is it about Lindsay?

My people finally managed it.

We've traced your daughter.

Oh, my God.

Where? Where is she?

Tracking her down
was quite a job, Claudia.

I know.

I'm very grateful to you.

Quite a job. We, um...

We had a whole platoon
of my men working on it

all through South America.

Must have cost a lot of money.

Listen, I will pay back
every penny that you spent.

I promise. It doesn't matter
where Lindsay's concerned.

The money means nothing
to me, you know that.

What are you getting at?

I'm a businessman. I make deals.

A good deal is one in which
both sides get what they want.

I want my daughter.

Of course you do.

And I want something from you.

Access to Denver-Carrington's
oil-shale extraction process.

There's a camera in here.

It's very easy to operate.

In a few minutes of your
lunch hour next week,

I want you to take a
couple of snapshots for me.

You want me to spy for you?

Hardly that, Claudia.

I'd call it returning a favor,

between two people
who need each other's...

What's the word, uh?


You won't do it.

No, I can't.

Can't you? No.

Why not?

Out of loyalty to
Blake Carrington,

your benefactor?

"He paid the hospital
bills after the accident.

"He let me live in
his house for a while.

He got me a job
with his company."

These were the very words
you used to me, remember?

Yes, I remember.

Well, isn't it too bad
you can't say now:

"He's the one who knows
where my daughter is, finally"?

What is it, Claudia?

Don't you really want her back?

Of course I want her back.

You know there isn't anything
I wouldn't do to get her.

But I'm not gonna
turn into a thief for it.

Excuse me.

Well, at least you
can stay for lunch.

It's already been ordered.

And we'll drop
the entire matter.

( majestic theme playing)

Find them?

Yes, they're here.

You're gonna have
to be my eyes, Jeff.

You check out those oil leases.

If they look good
to you, buy them.

That's one hell
of a responsibility.

What if I'm wrong?

I trust your judgment.
You won't be wrong.

And after all, now you
have a double stake

in bringing in some winners.

My interests and
those of my grandchild.

I, uh, feel I should be honest
with you about Fallon and me.

I know.

Things are not going
smoothly, that's pretty obvious.

But who knows?

Who knows? After
the child is born...

After the child is born,

Fallon gets her divorce
and I get the child.

That's been the
agreement between us.

It's about time
one of us told you.

Jeff, I don't wanna
lose my grandchild.

Well, you won't. I promise.

We'll be nearby.

And I don't wanna lose you.

Lose me? How?

You'll have the pleasure
of my terrific company

five days a week.

And I'll even throw in weekends.

After the divorce,
if there is a divorce,

how would you feel about
my legally adopting you?

( sentimental theme playing)

Are you serious?

Never been more serious
about an offer in my life.

Forgive me. I...

I'm truly honored.

But I just can't.

I was born a Colby.

I guess I'll just have
to stay that way.

Well, the offer is
open, remember that.

Oh, I...

I better get these back to
the office and check 'em out.

I'll talk to you soon.

Hanged himself?


I didn't mean to upset you.

And I hope you realize

that I had nothing to
do with the boy's death.

I do. Of course I do.

And you're not upset with me?

No. Good.

In fact, I'm still pretty
annoyed with Toscanni,

very annoyed,

for potentially using my family
to avenge himself against me.

Namely you.

Me? What are you talking about?

Don't you know?


You've never been
alone with him?


Well, how about those
sessions I set up for you

after you lost the baby?

Well, a few times then.

And he never showed any
interest in you other than...

Than professional?

Blake, now you are upsetting me.

Why? I'm not accusing
you of anything, Krystle.

I'm not even accusing Toscanni.

I'm merely talking

about some men who seek revenge.

Of course, the classic
tactic is for the avenger

to turn the enemy's
woman against the enemy.

To poison her mind. To use her.

To use her soul

and her body.

But I know you,

I know what kind
of a woman you are.

Strong and moral.

Able to resist whatever
kind of damage

he might have tried to cause us.

( majestic theme playing)

You know, I was just about
to call you when you phoned.


Why? B-because I've missed you.

I've missed just
hearing your voice even.

Oh, Krystle, it's good
to see you again.

Don't, Nick.


What's the matter?

Blake told me about
your meeting this morning.

I see.

He wondered about us.

There wasn't much you
could tell him, was there?

He wondered if
you'd been using me

to destroy him.

What? Oh, my God, come on.

Did he actually say that?

He implied that.

Tell me he was wrong, Nick.

He was.

Look at me and tell me.

( soft dramatic theme playing)

Krystle, li...

Listen to me, just for a second.

In the beginning,
maybe there was...

There was what?

I don't know,
some such notion...


You call trying to seduce
a man's wife a notion?

What kind of a man are you?

Krystle, no.

I love you.

Please, believe me.

I... Ugh!

I'm ashamed of myself.

Ashamed and disgusted

I almost divorced
my husband for you.

Oh. You've got it
all down, don't you?

You gonna walk out on me, walk.

Go on.

But you're wrong, damn it.

You're wrong!

( dramatic theme playing)

How very nice to see

you haven't
forgotten your uncle.

This doesn't mean you've
had a change of heart

about coming back to Colbyco?

You oughta know by now

how I feel about your
way of doing business.

Then what is it you suddenly
needed to see me about?

Those oil-shale lands
at Devil's Canyon

I researched for you
when I was working here.

Denver-Carrington is thinking

about picking up the
options you dropped.

My leftovers?

How very appropriate.

We'd like to buy
the research findings

you commissioned at the time.

It would give us a head
start of several months.


We're willing to
pay the full cost

of the assessments you had made.

Tell me, Jeff, did, um...

Did Blake send
you on this errand?

No, it was my idea.

That shows some initiative.

Do you really expect me to give
a head start to my competitor?

Well, don't you think

you owe him that
at least, Uncle Cecil?

I don't owe Blake
Carrington the time of day.

Even after you stuck it to him
on those offshore oil leases?

Which your father-in-law

would never have
dreamt of doing to me.

No, he wouldn't have.

You know, sometimes you make
me almost ashamed of being a Colby.


Then change your
name. I won't mind.

I just might do that.

( dramatic music playing)

Really? To what?


Blake offered to adopt me.

I said no.

But considering what
you've done to our name...

( dramatic theme playing)

(buzzer rings)

CECIL: Send in
Mrs. Blaisdel, please.

Come in, Claudia. Come in.

Well, the short time
you've been in Denver,

you've made quite a name
for yourself, Dr. Toscanni.

I don't know about
that, Mr. Crayford,

but, uh, I guess I've
helped a few people.

Let me ask you something.

Why would you wanna give
up a profitable practice like yours

to get a job on staff with us?

That's like a colonel wanting
to be a corporal again.

I guess it is.

Well, I worked in a
hospital in New York.

New York is where
I'm from and, uh...

Well, I know it's no
shortcut to getting rich,

but I liked what I was doing.

And you don't like
what you're doing now?

No, not any longer.

Babysitting for spoiled rich
wives or spoiled athletes,

it's just not my idea of
what a doctor's all about.

Well, I don't often hear
doctors complaining

about making a lucrative living.


I guess not.

I can't avoid the cliché, um...

I came into medicine
to help people

who needed to live and...

Well, I-I think it's all there
in the application I filled out.

Forgive me, but
you're not in any kind

of legal difficulty, are you?

What does a guy have to do
to get a job around this place?

Twenty years with
Albert Schweitzer?

No, I'm not in any
difficulty, legal or otherwise.


Well, I'll contact the head
of Psychiatric Services

and go over your rather
impressive credentials here.

Be my guest.

For instance, this
item on Vietnam.

You transferred
from neurosurgery,

where I'm sure they
desperately needed you,

to psychiatry?

May I ask why?

Yes, I had no choice.

I was hit by shrapnel and,
uh, I was obliged to retool.

All right.

We'll keep in touch.

Good meeting you, doctor.

Nice meeting you.

( somber theme playing)

Take a letter to a
Dr. Morris Adman,

the surgeon general's office,

Department of the
Army, Washington, D.C.

Dear Morrie, is it possible
to do a computer rundown

on a Dr. Nicholas Toscanni,
served and wounded in Vietnam?

( majestic theme playing)

Fallon. Oh, what
a lovely surprise.

How did you know I'd
been out shopping for you?

I didn't.

Well, I spent half the day

picking out the
prettiest layette.

What's wrong?

I'm sick.

Oh, darling, you're pregnant.
Of course you're sick.

I'm sick about that miserable
letter we sent Daddy.

How could you make
me take part in that?

Well, you didn't appear to
be too sick about it at the time.

I didn't know what I was
doing. I wasn't thinking.

But I'm thinking now

and I just know how
much I've hurt him.

I'm gonna tell him. I have to.

I think that that would be a
very serious mistake, Fallon.

Don't worry, Mother. I'll
leave your name out of it.

Oh, that doesn't worry
me. It's you that worries me.

Your, um...

disoriented thinking
about all of this.

That letter told
the truth, Fallon.

I mean, it was you
who convinced me

that Krystle and Nick
were having an affair.

Look, all I know is that
I hurt my father cruelly.

I'm probably being
punished for it now

because I lost the man I love.

But I'm not gonna
lose both of them,

so I'm going to tell him.

I wouldn't do
that if I were you.

( sad theme playing)

What's Nick going
to say about this?

I mean, how's he going to feel

when he knows that
you sent that letter?

That you were part
of that cruel plot?

You'd do that?

Well, let's put it
this way, darling...

I'd do anything to prevent
you from running to your father.

Let's face it.

We're doing him a kindness

by getting Krystle
out of his life.

And that's what we're
talking about now, Krystle.

Not you, not me, not Nick.

Just Krystle.

( suspenseful theme
swells dramatically

( majestic theme playing)



MARCIA: Mrs. Carrington
is here to see you, sir.

Oh, thank you.



Oh, you've come to pick me up?

I came to read something to you.

"Why do so many frustrated wives

"end up in bed
with their shrinks?

Ask your wife."

Apparently, someone's
already read this to you.


Well, I think you owe
me something, Blake.

An honest confrontation.

Really? On what honest grounds?

If I hadn't accidentally
found this letter,

how long would you've
continued with the charade?

Until I had the
truth, all of it.

The truth.

You wanna know the
truth about Nick and me?

I'll make it easy on you.

Yes, I was attracted to him.

You were attracted to him.

But I fought it.

But you fought it.

Yes, it wasn't easy,
I'll admit that. But...

But what?

But I never forgot
I was your wife.

( sad theme playing)

So now you expect me to
believe you about Nick Toscanni,

while you don't believe
me about Alexis in Rome.

Believe what you like, Blake.

I don't care. I just
don't care anymore.

Oh, Krystle, come in.

I'm just making
a delivery, Alexis.

Oh, that's, uh,
very sweet of you.


Well, I suppose you're wondering

what I was doing in
Blake's office, hm?

We had some problems
that we had to discuss

about that girl that
Steven's married to.

My niece.

Oh, yes, your
money-grabbing little niece,

who's been drawing
rather heavily

on the Carrington credit.

I thought that Blake should
know what she's been up to.

After all, Steven's his son too.

All this sudden
concern about Steven.

I've always been concerned
about my children, Krystle.

That's why I moved back here.

Now, I'm busy.

That it?


I think the reason
you moved back here

was the same reason
Willie Sutton robbed banks.

Because that's
where the money is.


Do go on. This is so colorful.

Even when Steven almost drowned,

what it meant to you
was still another chance

to move closer to Blake.

The brilliant way you
arranged for Blake

to join you in Rome without me.

Another little Alexis
ploy, wasn't it?

And I wouldn't
be a bit surprised

to find your fine,
artistic hands

behind that letter some ghoul
wrote my husband about me.

Letter? What letter?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, you know what
I'm talking about, Alexis.

What was it you said to
me about Blake and you?

"Two people meant
to be together."

Yes, that's how we
started out our marriage,

Blake and I.

A union, a bond that
was strengthened

when I gave him two children.

And that's a bond

that you can never
have with him, Krystle.

You're right, Alexis.

You and Blake do
deserve each other.

And there is a connecting
flight from Chicago?

Thank you.

Mrs. Carrington, will you
be gone for very long?

Yes, Jeanette.

I don't know why you're going,

but I wish you wouldn't.

The house just won't
be the same without you.

I mean that, Mrs. Carrington.

I have to go, Jeanette.

I just have to.

I have to.

( dramatic theme playing)

There you go, Mrs. Carrington.

The flight has been delayed,
but only for minutes.

You'll be in Seat A.
Have a good trip now.

Thank you.

WOMAN (over PA):
Your attention, please.

Flight to Cleveland
and Dayton, Ohio...

There she is.

Boarding at Gate .

Please have your
blue boarding pass

out of the envelope
for collection.

Krystle? Krystle?

Blake, what are you doing here?

I've got to talk to you.

My plane leaves
in a few minutes.

I have to board now.

Joseph, tell them that, uh...

That Mrs. Carrington
will be late in boarding.

Look, I want to go now.
There's nothing to talk about.

At least you can tell
me where you're going.

Back where I came from.

To Ohio?

Yes. Back to where people
are just what they are,

not wearing a dozen faces.

But you've got
no one back there.

You've got no family, no...

I have friends, Blake.
People I went to school with.

Common people,
as Alexis would say,

but wonderful people.


Yes, but your home is here.

Alexis has got
nothing to do with that.

Doesn't she?


Well, tell her.

And while you're at
it, tell her she can have

that divorce she's
always wanted for you.

And she can have
you and your world.


Krystle, you're my
world. My only world.

Then it's a sad world, Blake.

Filled with manipulations
and deceptions

and your not trusting me.

I'm sorry about that,

but you know what
I've been going through.

I know, Blake.

I know.

But I just wanted to help you

but you wouldn't let me.

I didn't want pity. I made
that clear to everyone.

I didn't want pity.

It wasn't pity.

It was caring.

I was caring about someone
who didn't wanna be cared about.

Excuse me, but they say

if Mrs. Carrington
doesn't board now,

she's going to lose her
seat. There are standbys.

Yeah, standbys who wanna
go home just like I do, Blake.

I'm leaving.

Krystle, wait.


( stirring theme playing)

I know that I'm going to
be a whole person again.

And when I am, I'll make
plans for the two of us.

Things that we
haven't been able to do.

Like our honeymoon.

We never did complete
our honeymoon.

We'll go anywhere you
want for as long as you want.

We've been through this, Blake.

I know. I know I'm difficult.

I know I'm... I'm a
complicated man,

but I love you.

I need you.

You don't have to
move in with me.

You don't have to do
anything you don't want to do.

Just be near me. For
a while longer, please?

Just a while longer.

I can't.

WOMAN (over PA):
Final call for Flight .

All passengers
should now be onboard.

(engine whirring)

( uplifting theme playing)

Thank you.

You'll see, it'll work.

We'll make it work.

FALLON: Why did you phone me?

Hey, even shrinks need to, uh...

talk sometimes.

Well, wouldn't it
have been better

to leave things as they were?

I mean, you said it all
this morning, didn't you?

No, I didn't, Fallon.

What I said this
morning wasn't true.

I know that now.

You know, you're what
a woman should be.

You're honest,

not calculating.

I get women who crawl
into my office every day.

Like parasites.
They hate their lives.

They can't make a
commitment to true emotions

because they're afraid.

You're not like that.

You don't tease, you don't
do numbers on people.

Is that what you
called to tell me?

I called you to tell
you to have your baby.

Get your divorce.

( tender theme playing)

No more secret meetings.
Everything out in the open.

I want...

I want us to be together.

( majestic theme playing)

Nick, that woman you said
you were in love with was...

Was, Fallon.

That's right. Was.

( majestic theme playing)
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