03x18 - Reunion in Singapore

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x18 - Reunion in Singapore

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on.

Oh, that's a good boy.


What a good boy
you are, huh? Yeah.

Now, how did I know
that I'd find you here?

It's a nice place to be.

God bless you.

Well, the babies look like
they're about to fall asleep.

What about us?

I've got a long trip to
make in the morning.


That's what I was thinking
about when I couldn't sleep.


I wanna come with you.

Bring Danny and both
of us come with you.

Well, now, darling,
this is no kind of a trip

for an infant to put up with.

Denver to San Francisco and
then that long haul to Singapore.

That's jet lag enough
for three adults.

But Steven should see his son.

If it is Steven.

I got a telephone call
tonight from Dan Cassidy

about that young man who
claims that he's Ben Reynolds.

He's not sure. No, he isn't.

Well, what about the
belt with the initial C?

It could be what he said.

It could be that he
borrowed it from a friend.


I know it's Steven.

And I want to go with
you and bring Danny.

Now, darling, I know you.

I know that you're doing
this partly to help me.

But try to understand that...

I can't.

You're flying out there
prepared to be disappointed.

Now, I don't understand.

Once you believed
that Steven was alive.

Yes, but I finally had
to give up that belief.

I can't leave myself
open for that...

That kind of a
nightmare once more.

Don't you see that?


Please, come to bed.

I need you tonight.

More than I've ever
needed you before.

You're getting to be a
regular Ron Cey, Sister Agnes.

Is that a compliment?

Sure is.

Are you having pain now?

No. There's less every day.

You're not happy
about something.

Ben, what?

Your Dr. Chen. He's a pain.

Translation: He troubles you.

A lot.

Every time he checks on me

he comes on like a
prosecuting attorney.


Always implying that I'm
hiding something from him

from my past.

Do you happen to know
where he got that idea?

Ben, when a good doctor

has been as closely
involved with a patient

as he has with you,

his caring goes beyond the
surgical repair of your face.

He's concerned with your
morale, your adjustment.

That man.

Who is he? Do you know him?

Which man, Ben? There
were several who passed.

All I'm asking, Daddy, is
that you change your mind.

There's still time.

You mean time for
you to go with me.


You know, if it is Steven,

he obviously doesn't
wanna come home

or he wouldn't have
given another name.

Whenever you two had
disagreements in the past,

I was always the one who
could get through to both of you.

Yes, I know that, darling.
I've always loved you for it,

but look at it this way:

I've refused to let my own
hopes get too high about this.

I have to.


I'm sure you'd like to
have your son back.




There's somebody who insists
on saying goodbye to you again.

Bye-bye, Danny.

Daddy, you'll call
as soon as possible.

Yes. Yes, I will.

It's chilly out there.

Don't come out
to the car with me.



It's time for the babies' baths.

Oh, thank you, Jeanette.

Oh, you're getting heavy,
Little Blake, you know that?

Oh, look at me.

You'd never guess
how happy I am.

Because it is Steven.

And he's coming home.

And we're all of us
gonna be happy again.

Except, oh, Krystle...

What, Fallon?

I know how you must feel.

I mean, you love Steven
as much as anybody,

but you've poured so
much love into his son,

and knowing that he might
become yours in a matter of weeks...


having a child means
everything to me.

But having Steven
back means even more.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

Tom. Paul just arrived

and we'll be ready for
flight in about minutes.

Good. Thank you.

Don't bother getting out.

You're not coming
with me this time.

This is my car, Blake.

I get in or out
of it as I please.

I warned you last night.

It's taken every ounce of
self-control that I have in me

not to wring your neck
for what you did to Jeff.

I didn't do anything to Jeff,
and that is not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

I'm here to give you a warning.

A very strong warning.

If he does turn
out to be Steven,

and if you dare try to
poison his mind against me,

you're going to regret it.

I haven't finished yet.

At this very moment
my people are out

looking for those
missing board members

that you conveniently
arranged to disappear.

But I'm going to
find them, Blake.

And I'm gonna win.

Don't count on it, Alexis.

Don't count on a damned thing.

Hello, Neal.


My plane arrived right
on time. How about that?

Well, I wouldn't
expect anything less

of Colorado's most
esteemed congressman,

and one who happens
to own his own jet.

Well, life has been good to me.

Not to mention some
of your constituents.


Neal, when I
phoned you last night,

I told you that I had managed
to delay Alexis' convening

a meeting of the

board of directors

by getting a majority of
those members out of town.

And you only have
one week's grace.

Exactly, seven days.

Now, during that time,

I want you to have contacted
the right people in Washington.

It's imperative that
we get the SEC

to hold off on any consideration

of a merger of my
company and Colbyco

until I can mount a
court trial against Alexis.

That's going to be difficult.

Now, when you
want something done,

if you want it done
badly enough,

you'll get it done, Neal.

I understand.

Wait in the car, Bennett.

Neal. Alexis.

Well, you look
surprised to see me.

I am.

But not unpleasantly surprised.

No. Never that.


Why don't, um,

I give you a lift in my car?

We can go and have a drink.

Sorry, but I can't take
you up on either offer.


All right, then why
don't we just talk here?

I, uh... I saw you
talking to Blake.

And I can imagine what
he wanted. Help, right?

But you're not going
to help him, are you?

Because you didn't reach
your position and title in life

by placing your money on
a lame, a very lame horse.

Alexis, I learned late in life,

but not too late,

that I must never ever get
caught between you and Blake.

Oh, but you don't
understand, Neal.

I'm going to win.

And you'll be on
the winning side.



No deal.

No way.

What a fool you are, Neal.

And what a fraud.

You know, this is the second
time that you've let me down

and for me, twice is enough.

Take me to the office, Bennett.

Hello, Mr. Hess?

It's Alexis Colby.

I have another little
job for you, Mr. Hess.

Oh, no, no, no, it's not
about Mark Jennings this time.

The subject's name is
Congressman Neal McVane.

I want you to dig
up every bit of filth

you can find on him.

And I happen to
know there's a lot.

You see, Mr. Hess, he's
running for reelection,

and your job is to help
me see that he loses.


How are you feeling?

Better, thanks.

Every day a little bit better.


Guess you've been
trying to figure it out.

You mean, what made
me sick in the first place?

What it was that
was poisoning you.

Well, I try not to
think about it, Fallon.

Because I feel that nobody's
ever gonna find out about it.

And whatever it was,
wherever it happened, it's over.

So now, Jeff Colby's back to
his same old unexciting self again.

Jeff, please.

Don't put yourself down.

Is that what I did?

I thought I was just
making a statement.

One that you would buy easily.

Well, I don't buy it.

Don't you?

No. Not for a minute.

Jeff, if I'd been some
other woman out there,

I'd probably have felt
differently about you

all these years.

But I'm me.

Probably unluckily for me.

Do you know what
I'm trying to say?

Not really.

One of these days you're
gonna meet a very lucky woman

who's gonna find
you very exciting.

You know, Fallon, I think
you would be a great novelist.

You have a way with
good-for-the-moment words.

Come on, Jeff.

Let's be friends.

I mean, that's what
we've always been.

I wanna be your friend.



Well, listen, and another thing,

I don't want you to
rush into any plans

about moving out of the house.

Well, I, uh, don't think I
exactly belong here, Fallon.

Why not?

I'm comfortable with you here.

I want you to be as comfortable.

Especially with Little Blake.

And while you're convalescing,

you'll have that much
more time to spend with him.

You said it once yourself,
and you were right:

A baby should have
a mother and a father.

And even though we're divorced,

he's not gonna
know the difference,

as brilliant as we
both know our son is.

I've said this to you before,

but I feel I should
say it again.

I'm sorry about what happened.

I never meant to hurt you.

You were very sick.


Thank God that's in the past.

Get on with my life now.

Yes, Mother, I know you asked me

to find those missing
board members by today.

I didn't ask, Adam. I ordered.


And I'm working on it.

Sam Dexter.

Where is he?

Have you located him yet?

He's on a chartered fishing
boat somewhere in the Bahamas.

When they zero in
on exactly which boat,

I'll send him a radio message

telling him about
the board meeting.

Just as the others
will be notified

as soon as they're located,

which they will be.

Well, they better be.

What a wonderful homecoming
gift that's going to be for Blake

when he gets back with my son.

My other son.

Mother, you seem certain
this man in Singapore is Steven.

Oh, I am, Adam.

Something in my
heart tells me that he is.

Just as something told me,

here in this office
that afternoon,

that you were Adam.

My two sons.

Back in my life again

and with a powerful and
new empire to share with them.

From what I understood,

Steven had no interest in the
executive side of the business.

Well, of course he didn't,

because it meant going
to work for your father.

Coming in with me is
something entirely different.

You see, Steven
had gravitated to me

until his father ruined
everything and drove him away.

I understood him.

His perversion, you mean?

His lifestyle is his own affair.

I'm talking about his
sensitivity and his decency,

his capacity for love,

and for people.

Jeff, come in.

I see you've
redecorated the office.

Oh, yes. Do you like it?

Not particularly.

Well, the color was
wrong for mother.

Now, was it?


After all, this is the office

that Cecil hoped that I
would occupy one day.

Oh, save it, Alexis.

I'm not here to
talk about offices.

Jeff, would you
like a cup of coffee?


Jeff, should you be
out and about so soon?

Oh, you mean, why am I here?

To fix a mistake.

My mistake.

I was wrong signing
that document

giving you control of my son's
shares of Denver-Carrington

along with my shares of Colbyco.

And I want them back.

Oh, but, Jeff, everything's
already in the works.

And you more than
anyone should realize

that you did a very wise thing

when you signed
over control to me

when you're not that well.

Meanwhile, I've been talking
to the SEC about the merger

between Colbyco
and Denver-Carrington.

We are going to be a huge
and formidable company.

We're going to rule the roost.

We're gonna be
kings of the heap.

And dethrone Blake.

That's what you want more
than anything in life, isn't it?

What I really want, Jeff,

is for you to believe this:

That I am only thinking of
you and your best interests.

After all, you were
Cecil's nephew,

you still own half of Colbyco.

All you have given me
is the right to deal for you

while you're away
getting better.

And for dessert...

Are you ready for
dessert, if not, for coffee?

Adam is working on a deal
that is going to bring us millions

in leases in the Far East.

And when did this happen?

I've been working
on it for weeks.

In fact, Kirby and
I are driving down

to Colorado Springs this
afternoon for a conference.

Kirby? What does she
have to do with this?

Well, the people we're
dealing with speak only French.

And can you think
of a better translator

than our lovely
Sorbonne runaway?

But, Jeff, I promised.

Don't you understand?
Kirby, I do understand.


Come here.

Now, Adam is a
shark. He's a k*ller.

You have to know that.

Well, whatever he is,

I appreciate your
concern, I really do,

but I agreed to do it
for him, just this once.

So don't worry, okay?

What time are you leaving?

He's picking me up soon.

It's only a short drive.

I'll be back by tonight.

And don't worry about your son.

Jeanette's agreed to
take care of the babies

till I get back.

Thank you for caring.

I do care.

A lot.

Yes, Mrs. Carrington
is in the solarium.

Thank you.

"And what brings
you by?" she asks.

Oh, hello, Mark. What does?

Just these.

Legal papers I got from
my lawyer about our divorce.

Look them over, sign them,

mail them back to
him, and, uh, that's it.

There you go.

You always wanted
a baby, Krystle.

I'm... I'm happy for you
that you finally have one.

Well, he... He may not
be mine for very long.

Uh, how did you know
about the adoption?

Did Fallon tell you?

Yes, as a matter
of fact, she did.

I saw you two together

the morning she
came back from Haiti.

Well, go on, Krystle.

You have something
more to say, don't you?

Like, "Don't hurt her, Mark.

She's had a rough
time. She's a nice girl."

That and, uh...

That I don't think she's ever
known anybody quite like you.

Me being what you think I am.

Like I know you can be.

Well, these aren't
quite Brooks Brothers.

Translation: Two guys who
used to make some of my clothes.

The hospital gave me these.

I trust they'll be on the bill.

Ben, I did as you asked.

I found you a travel bag.

For which I thanked
you, Sister Agnes.

I won't say I'll
convert for you,

but I sure do thank you.

Isn't the bag proof enough

that no one is trying to keep
you here against your will?

Ben, you are Dr. Chen's patient

and he hasn't returned yet.

And what I said about
waiting till tonight to check out?

Well, now it's tonight.

So Dr. Chen or not, I'm going.

And so it seems.

What's the rush, Ben?


I owe the hospital a big
hunk of money, doctor.

Because I'm well now.

And because seeing
how many oil companies

there are here in Singapore,

the sooner I can get
a job with one of them,

the sooner I can start
paying off my debts

and get on with my life.

I must forbid you
to leave right now.

You can't forbid anything.

I'm going.

And jeopardize my position here?

Is that what you want?

What are you talking about?

Dr. Liu, my superior,
has been in Hong Kong.

He's returning early tomorrow

to review the work
I've done on your face.

But if you leave...

Ben, stay until he comes back.

Please, Ben.

Steven, that vase
is worth a fortune.

How much, Dad?

Half a million?

More than that?

As much as Ted Dinard's life?

My God, are we
back to that again?

I told you, it was an accident.

Well, my love for him wasn't.

It was decent and honorable,

but you wouldn't accept that.

You had to make me over to
fit your image of a Carrington.

I wanted you to be a man.

I am. Just not your kind.

I tried to live a
lie to please you.

Well, from now on, I'm
living my life my way.

I'm a h*m*, Dad.

I'm gay.

I want you to face that.
Your son Steven is gay.

May I get you a
drink, Mr. Carrington?

Uh, no, thank you.

By the way,

do you know whether we've
made up the delay to Singapore?

Uh, yes, we have. We
will be arriving on time.


Is someone meeting you there?

I hope so.

I hope so.

Well, these look
good enough to eat.

I told Frank just a
whisper of vermouth

in your martini, Mrs. Colby.


Thank you, Dean.

So soon Blake's going to
be in Singapore with Steven,

and then Steven will
be back with us again.

You know, there's been
far too much separation

in this family recently, but
I'm gonna change all that.

First, I want Steven and
Adam to become good friends.

And second, you
want me to help see

that they become good
friends, pave the way?

Yes. As it were.

Well, as it is, Mother,

I don't think you
should be concerned

about Adam
fitting into all this.


And what?

Well, I just don't want you

to leave yourself
open for a broken heart.

Oh, Fallon, Steven's
alive. So don't start.

Mother, you know what
Daddy went through

when he said Steven was alive.

It nearly wiped him out.

We nearly almost
lost him, emotionally.

"We" being Krystle and you.

"We" being everybody
who cares for Daddy.

Fallon, admit in your heart

that you know what
I'm talking about.

Hello, Mrs. Colby.

Nice to see you.

Well, it's good to see you.

Why so formal, Mark?

Alexis. I'll talk to you later,
Fallon. Excuse the interruption.

Do his interruptions always
make you smile, Fallon?


Well, he came into the room
and, uh, you started smiling.

A very special smile,

and you're still smiling.

Well, part of that's
for you, Mother,

for getting him to come
to Denver in the first place.


Well, I know that maneuver
was intended to hurt Krystle,

but what happened was
you really brought me a friend.

Did I?

Well, why don't you fill me in

on this new and, uh,
very interesting friendship?

Well, it's short
and sweet, literally.

When I went to Haiti,
Mark followed me there.

And he stayed with me
the whole time I was there,

when I truly needed a friend.


I don't think there's
anything particularly sweet

about you having a...
A thing with a tennis pro.

Well, Mother, you
may not believe this,

but I didn't have
a thing with him.

I mean, unless
having a nice time,

talking with a nice guy
is a thing in your book.

Well, when I do
write my book, Fallon,

I'll make sure to give that
an extra special chapter.

Mother, I have to go see a room

I just redecorated.

Oh, all right. Do you
mind if I use your phone?

I have to call the office.
Of course not. Go ahead.

Bye. Bye, Fallon.


I'd like to speak to
Mark Jennings, please.

Oh, he's left?


No, no. No message.

I'll, um, talk to him
later, personally.

Hi there, little fella.


You got a frown tonight.

What's the matter?
Do you miss Kirby?

Well, I'll let you in on
something. Between us guys,

so do I.

Mm, she's pretty, isn't she?

You bet she is.

Well, as it should be.

A father having a
man-to-man talk with his son.

I came in to check up on Danny.



I remember one evening,

uh, you and me,

in here, talking about
first love and recovery.

Do you remember?

Yes, I remember.

And I told you I'd
just about reached

rock bottom with Fallon,

and I didn't wanna
hear what you had to say

about loving more than
one person in a lifetime.

Jeff, are you trying to tell me
you've found someone else?

Just that you're
a very wise lady.

And what wise ladies tell you,

you should listen
to and believe.


What's the matter?

Why are we here?

I took the back
road as a short cut

to get you home sooner
and the car broke down.

I'm sorry, Kirby.

Luckily, we're near this motel

and we just coasted in.

Cars can be fixed.

Sure they can, in more
civilized spots than this.

I checked with the manager,

there's not an overnight
garage for miles

and you can't rent a car here.

I have to call the house.

It's been taken care of.

I phoned and explained,
so no one's worried.

Now, the motel has
two rooms available,

and I've rented both
of them for the night.

Now, I know it's not La
Mirage or the Brown Palace,

but it beats
freezing in the car.

And I did say two rooms, Kirby.

Carrington residence.

Hello? Papa?

Kirby, where are
you calling from?

Hav... Haven't
you heard from...?

Heard what? From whom?

Papa, I want to speak to Jeff.

You didn't answer
me, young lady.

I asked you a
question, not Jeff.

Joseph, who's on the phone?

My daughter.

Well, is there anything wrong?

I'm not sure.

Do you mind if I speak to her?

Kirby, it's Jeff.

Oh, Jeff.

I need you. I really need you.

Air Malacca passengers,

Liz paging. Please
return to the ticket counter.



Yes, darling. Good morning.


I just arrived and I
thought I'd say hello

before I took a car
out to the hospital.

Krystle, is something wrong?

No, I... I'm just confused.

Is it yesterday morning
there or tomorrow morning?

It's tomorrow.

And you know something?

I love you even more
tomorrow than I did yesterday.

I love you too, darling,

whatever time it is or wherever.

You must be tired.

Yes. Yes, I am, but
I'm... I'm sort of keyed up.

And hopeful.

Well, I'm not building up my
hopes too much. I... I can't.

I... Not again.

I know, darling.

I know.

Hello, can you tell me exactly

when Dr. Liu is expected
from Hong Kong?

Not for a week.

I see.

Thank you.

Are you interested in this?

In what?

In, uh, my equation
of the two of us.

Two very superior people

who deserve more
than life has given them.

I'm not complaining.

Oh, no?

Stand back sometime
and look at yourself.

Your body language
when you're playing nanny.

Your eyes when you look
into the Carrington dining room,

see all the royalty dining.

With your father
standing nearby,

supervising the other help.

Because that's all he is, Kirby.

Just as you are.

Kirby Anders, who
should've had everything.

But, who through an accident
of birth, was born downstairs

instead of upstairs.
Just like me.

Adam Carrington.

Born upstairs.

But robbed of what was mine.

Had to go through all those
years deprived what was my due.

Deprived? Mm-hm.

That woman in Montana who
said she was your grandmother

sent you to Yale.

Mm-hm. Hm!

Where I waited on tables.

Serving supper to the rich kids.

So you see, I was help too.

Just like you.

Well, I've had quite a day.


And I'm really exhausted, so,

why don't you bring the
wine back to your room,

and we'll meet
again in the morning.

One thing about a Yalie,

he never leaves a lady
in the middle of dinner.

Now, you've hardly
touched yours.

That's a paraphrase
of Etiquette Three,

an elective course in which...

I got...

I got top honors.

I think you've had
enough of that.

Enough of the jug, maybe.

But being with thou,
never being with thou.

Adam, I told you I'm tired...

I am getting kind of
weary of your attitude.

Sick of it, in fact.
Angered by it.

What is the matter with you?

Why can't you...?
Why can't I what?

Retire for the night happily?

I can't do that, Kirby.

I've sat here with you
and I've talked with you,

and I've poured
out my heart to you.

I've revealed more to
you of my inner feelings

than anyone else in this
spinning Earth of ours.

Because you and I are
alike and we belong together.

But instead of trying
to understand me,

you're playing some
kind of stupid game.

The hard-to-get special.

Well, it doesn't exactly
suit the girl I once knew,

once knew very well,

and that she wasn't
all that hard to get.

Stop it, Adam. Stop it. Stop it.

Adam, stop it!

Adam, get your hands off of me!

Please, Adam.

Kirby, it's me, Jeff.




Lo, the iceman cometh

to rescue his shivering icicle.

You phoned the
house, didn't you, Kirby?

Well, I should've
known you couldn't wait

to get back into
domestic harness.

Because if one is born
with the soul of a nursemaid,

then one's duty first and
foremost is to one's charges.

Get out of here.

You're welcome to her, Jeff.

Somebody has to look
after the dirty diapers.

You were right.

I shouldn't... I shouldn't
have gone with him.

Oh, God, what's
the matter with me?

Does every man
think that I am so easy?

Oh, no, no. This
man doesn't think so.

He thinks that you're beautiful

and... And loving and giving.

And he wishes you'd stop
crying and look up at him.

I ca... I can't.

And I'd like to see your eyes
when I ask you to marry me.

Uh, there he is, Mr. Carrington.

Oh, thank you, doctor.

Hello, Dan.

Mr. Carrington, good to see you.

He's down here.
Thank you very much

for waiting here in Singapore
till I arrived. I appreciate it.

Well, let's just say
that I remember

what you went
through there in Bali.

How you never once
gave in to the thought

that your son was dead.

And now, it looks
like you were right.

And if the boy in
that room is your son,

that's gotta be the...

You said "if."

Don't you know if
he's my son or not?

I mean, haven't
you questioned him?

Well, he claims to
be Ben Reynolds.

To tell you the
truth, I couldn't make

a positive identification
of either of them.

Especially now.

You see, this boy's face
had been altered by surgery.

And then too, I
only met him once.

But I remember
Reynolds having dark hair.

And this kid's a blond.

Well, my son is blond.
Why didn't you question him?

Well, when I saw
him, he was asleep.

And Dr. Chen thought
it might be a good idea

if I kept out of sight, just
in case it was your son,

because if he saw
me and recognized me,

he might've taken off
before you got here.

We've had our
differences in the past,

but that's all behind us. Good.

Doctor, I'd like to see him now.

Of course.

Empty. He was here
less than ten minutes ago.

Hello, get me the gate.

This is Dr. Chen.

If you see a young man,
blond, with a suitcase,

he is not to leave the grounds.


Look, I've got nothing to say

to either Dr. Chen
or this other man.

Dr. Chen insists.

Now, he's waiting
for you over there.

Mr. Cassidy, look, I don't
know why you've come here...


Thank God, it is you.

I never believed in miracles.

Not until recently,

but this is one of them.

The miracle of my
son brought back to me.

Even though you've
chosen to be someone else,


It's a miracle.

Why didn't you just
accept me as dead?

Well, how could I?

How could any of us?

You want me to come home now.


Yes, I do.

And... And Fallon, and...
And Krystle, and your mother.

We all want you to come home.

Well, that's too bad for
everybody then, isn't it?

Because I don't wanna
be a Carrington again.

I've broken with
that family, Dad.

I've gone through hell

and come out the other side.

There's nothing waiting
for me back in Denver.


Steven, listen to me.

You can walk out
on the rest of us,

but can you walk out
on your own child?


Your own infant son.
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