01x19 - What Did You Say?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x19 - What Did You Say?

Post by bunniefuu »

( light dramatic theme playing )

( thunder rumbling )

( door opens )

( doorknob wiggling )

( hinges creaking )

( scary dramatic theme playing )

( panting )

( groaning )

( groaning continues )

Huh? Hmm...

Either the zombie apocalypse has started, or...


( sniffles )

I'm sick.

I'm no doctor, but something tells me you're right.

If I were you, I'd turn around and go right back to bed.

Uh-uh. I can't do that, Dad.

( sighs )

Ugh. Okay, I guess I can.

Wait a second.

Here, try some of this herbal cold medicine.

( gagging )

( swallows )

Ugh. It tastes terrible.

It's supposed to get rid of a cold fast.

Now back to bed with you.

I'll call your school

and let them know you'll be absent today.

Ugh. Gotta let Mrs. T know

that I won't be coming in to help around

the shop this afternoon.

( thud )

( Blythe coughing )

( Pets yelping and barking )

Yeah, I'm glad to see you too,

but I'm feeling terrible.

Is Mrs. Twombly in yet?

( yelping and barking continue )

What? How come you guys are going all "pet" on me?

( Pets yelping and barking )

Ugh. Please stop it with all the affectionate barks,

grunts and whines, and just talk to me.

( yelping and barking continue )

I can't understand a word you're saying.


I can't understand a word you're saying!

( dramatic theme playing )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( fly buzzing )

( slurps )

Come on. Come to Vinnie.

( suspenseful theme playing )

VINNIE: Oh, come on, land, you big blimp!

You're making me late for my breakfast.

( buzzing continues )

Oh, yeah. That's it. Stay right where you are.

( grunts )

Ugh. Maybe I should just switch to frozen waffles.


Up here.

Ew. You're all wet.

Thanks, I hadn't noticed.

Ugh! What do you want, Penny Ling?

Blythe came down from her room and she's acting really weird

and we think there's something wrong with her, you know,

like maybe she's sick or something.

( giggles )

Oh...and Russell sent me out to get you

so that we can all talk about what we should do.

( Vinnie grunts )

Okay, I'll be right in.

( buzzing continues )

( inhales )

( blows breath )

He said he'll be right in. How's Blythe doing?

Not very well.

Say something, you guys.

( Pets yelping and barking )

( sighs )

It didn't work. What am I going to do?

What if the pets need me and I can't understand them?

What if I can't talk to my pet buddies ever again?


I've got an idea that just might be crazy enough to work.

( bell ringing and toy squeaking )

( squishing )

( plungers sucking )

( banging )

Well, say something.

( Pets yelping and barking )

( sighs )

Sorry. I guess that was just crazy enough not to work.



I'm going to miss the confused looks

she gives me when I say things to her.

This is not good. Perhaps we need to take her

to the veterinarian.

People don't go to veterinarians.

Well, what do they go to? A humanarian?

Is that who people go to, Russell?

PETS: A humanarian?

( electronic pop playing )

♪ Humanarian

♪ When Blythe got up This morning ♪

♪ There was something wrong

♪ Something She couldn't explain ♪

♪ She came to hear us talking But instead of a song ♪

♪ Our words were all in vain

♪ Why can't she hear us talking Russell? ♪

♪ Russell Why can't she hear us speak? ♪

♪ A Humanarian

♪ You can be a Humanarian

♪ Take her temperature And make a plan ♪

♪ Because we need to cure This sick ♪

♪ This sick human

♪ Don't stop until She hears us talking ♪

♪ Don't stop until She hears us speak ♪

♪ Tap her on the knee And look inside her ear ♪

♪ Can you see anything wrong?

♪ Just scream really loudly To see if she can hear ♪

♪ Maybe I should play This gong ♪

♪ Why can't she hear us talking Russell? ♪

♪ Russell Why can't she hear us speak? ♪

♪ A Humanarian

♪ You can be a Humanarian

♪ Take her temperature And make a plan ♪

♪ Because we need to cure This sick ♪

♪ This sick human

♪ Why can't she hear us talking Russell? ♪

♪ Russell Why can't she hear us speak? ♪

♪ Why can't she hear us talking Russell? ♪

♪ Russell Why can't she hear us speak? ♪

I am not a humanarian! I am...an animal!

And I'm sorry I can't help Blythe.

Oh, Blythe, what are you doing here so early?

I came to tell you...

I'm sick.

Jumping jiving jalopies!

You look like something the cat dragged in.

TWOMBLY: I want you to get upstairs right now and go to bed.


TWOMBLY: March back upstairs this instant.

That's an order!

( Vinnie muttering )

Stay still, you, you, you-- moving thing!



( Vinnie yelling )

( dramatic theme playing )

( trash bin emptying )


( flies buzzing )

Oh, boy.

Looks like this lizard boy has gone to fly heaven.


( Vinnie grunting )

( Vinnie yelling )

( thuds )

( boulder falling )

( sighs )

( yelling )

( whistles )

( flies buzzing )

Holy schma-moly, that was close!

Thanks, little guy. I owe you big time for that.

Come on, fly. Vinnie don't like the looks of this dump.

Let's head home.

Home's in that direction?

Hey, you're like one of those GPS finder thingies,

but much tinier and with wings.

( mouse squeaking )

BLYTHE: Achoo!

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I mean, I know what's wrong with me,

I've been hit by a cold-pocalypse,

but why can't I understand the pets anymore?

That doesn't make any sense.

You're all different,

so shouldn't I be able to understand some of you?

Hey, where's Vinnie?

That, I understand.

( coughs )

Ugh! I've got to get some rest and kick this cold to the curb.

( yawning ): That's probably what's causing this.

Yeah, that's it.

This cold's why I can't understand you guys.


I was so concerned about Blythe

that I didn't notice Vinnie wasn't here.

Has anybody seen him?

The last time I saw him,

he was out back near the trash box.

He said he was coming in, but I guess he didn't.

( loud snoring )

When she gets rid of this cold,

she's going to have to go to a people vet.

Why's that?

To get rid of the bear she swallowed!

( ominous theme playing )

( birds crowing )

( flies buzzing )

VINNIE: What was that?

( gasping )

Stay close, fly. This place is kinda scary.

( banjo music playing on speaker )

Ah! Ah! Oh!

( grunting )


( sighs )

We don't know who we might...run into!

You're not from around here, are you?


( snorts ): See, I told you I smelled tourists.

You was right, Pete. Yeah, you was right.

But, in my defense, the allergies are acting up.

( sniffs ): Can't smell nothin'.

PETE: 'Round here, that's a good thing.

So let me guess.

You was playin' around the dumpster

with your little insect buddy there

and got taken away by the garbage truck.

Am I right?

Well, yeah, but how did you know?

Happens all the time.

Last week, we had one of those...

Uh, what do you call 'em, with the long pointy noses?

An elf?

No! Not an elf!

Uh... They eat ants. Uh--

( snaps ): Ah, anteater.

( mocking ): Elf.

We had an anteater, of all things.

Her name was Sally,

and she followed a trail of ants into a dumpster.

Sally was nice.

Yeah, a good singer.

I was sorry to see her...



Are you g-g-gonna eat me too?

Eat you? What are you, nuts?

We don't eat nobody.

Come on, I gotta get you home.


Sure. A dump ain't no place for tourists.

Let's go.

Hey, wait for us!

RUSSELL: Poor Blythe.

I wonder if there's anything we can do

to help her feel better, faster.

I always feel better when I eat more bamboo.

I never feel more alive than when I am battling

with the snake-folk.

Perhaps if we released a king cobra into her room--

Are you crazy?

A deadly snake?

No, what Blythe needs is to express her scent glands.

Works like a charm and will leave her feeling fresh.

Oh! I got it.

She should put on a huge, frilly collar

and do a big musical number surrounded by boy dancers.



I suppose all we can do is wait for nature to take its course

and let the cold go away by itself.

( all agreeing )

PEPPER: Besides, we've got another problem on our paws.

Where's Vinnie?

( light dramatic theme playing )

So, where are we headed?

Uh, Littlest Pet Shop.

Oh, sure, I've seen that place.

Word on the street is they take good care of you mooks there.

Yeah, they do. It's a great place.

Oh, and that place next door, Sweet Delights! Ho, ho!

They've got a dumpster full of goodies there to die for.

Speaking of "to die for..."

( gasps )

Okay, listen up. As bad as the dump might seem,

the streets of the big city are even worse.

Lots of scary and dangerous stuff out there.

Stick close to me, and whatever you do,

don't stop moving.

Right. Keep moving.

( grunting )

By moving, I mean in a forward-like direction.

Ha, ha, oh, yeah.

Ready? Uh-huh.


( dramatic theme playing )

( horn blaring )

( bird screeching )

( both screaming )

( bird screeching )

( both panting )

( growling )

( gulps )

VINNIE: Mommy!

( barking and snarling )

( bell rings )

You rang, sweetie?

I think it's time for more of that gross medicine.

Ha, ha, coming right up.

And some orange juice.

Got it.

Yes? Chicken soup too.


What? Nothing.

Just waiting for the bell.

( giggles )

That's my girl.

That means you're feeling better, which makes me happy.

It hasn't been fun to see you so miserable with this cold.

( sighs )

The cold's not the only reason I'm miserable.

So, Penny, you admit that the last time you saw Vinnie,

he was on top of the dumpster trash, here.

Yes, Russell, for the gazillionth time.

That's where he was.

Hmm. Curious.

Alley watch, report!

Ahh! What?


Surprise, surprise.

Vinnie the gecko is nowhere to be seen.


I hope the little guy's okay.

( dramatic theme playing )

( panting )

( gasps )

( both panting )

PETE: Incoming!

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Stop it. Ahh, not the face.

Get away from my beautiful rat face!

Birds! Ow!

Stop or I'm going to kick you with my short little leg.

( dramatic theme playing )

( panting )

( gasps )

There you go, little guy and fly.

Home at last.

Wow, look, Pete, I can't begin to tell you-- Oh!

Mommy, I found a baby alligator!

Uh-huh. That's nice, Alice.

Nice? I think a got another word for it,

and it ain't nice.

VINNIE: Oh, wow.

You've really done it to yourself this time, Vinnie.

Penny Ling tells you to come in, but do you listen?

No. You keep chasing that fly

and end up getting hauled off to the dump.

( grunting )

Now look at you.

Held c*ptive by a little girl who changes your name to--

ALICE: Princess Precious!

Your doll baby was crying.

You better hold her and kiss her and tell her you love her.


Give the baby a kiss!

( laughing sheepishly )

Aw, that's nice.

Baby needs a bottle!

You have to feed the baby right.

Like this.

( gulping )

( giggling )

Funny alligator!

You look like a little baby alligator now.

Oh, baby alligator, do you love your mommy?

( belching )

( laughing )

I knew it. You do love me.

Now, you stay here.

I'm gonna go change for our party.

Oh, this is the worst!

Hey, little guy! What're you doing here?

PETE: Grab on!

Hurry, before that little monster comes back.

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunting )

( door opens )

I gots the party food, Princess Precious!

( gasps )


Naughty, Princess Precious.

Naughty, ugly mouse!

Hey, who you callin' a mouse?

( dramatic theme playing )


VINNIE: Pull! Pull!

( Vinnie screaming )

I'm slipping!

( both screaming )

Princess Precious!

( bawling )

All in favor of never doing that again, say "aye."

BOTH: Aye.

( fly buzzes )

Well, you're looking better.

And there's no fever.

I feel better.

Not a hundred percent, but better.

Well, one more dose of this should do the trick.

( shudders ): Do I have to?

It tastes icky, like it's made from old socks.

( humming )

I don't see "old socks" listed as an ingredient,

but get a load of some of the weird possible side-effects.

"May impair ability to juggle, knit sweaters,

"properly polish silver, rebuild car engines,

"wax surfboards, ride a unicycle

and understand pets." What?

I know, isn't that weird? No one rides unicycles anymore.

You know, now that I've looked at this label,

I'm thinking it might be better for you just to rest

and do the whole "drink plenty of fluids" thing.

( giggles )

You have no idea how happy this makes me, Dad!

Uh, I thought I did, but I may have underestimated.

( upbeat theme playing )

Hey, everybody!

I just found out that the reason I couldn't understand you

when you talk was because of this weird medicine

I was taking for my cold!

Isn't that crazy?

So, say something.

VINNIE: I'm back!

Did anybody miss me?

( all exclaiming )

What's with the weird get-up?

From now on, you will address me as "Princess Precious."

( all disagreeing )

Well, it was worth a shot.

I sure did miss you, Vinnie.

I missed being able to understand

and talk to all of you.

Understand us?

What's she talking about, Russell?

Did I miss something?

( all laughing )

Aw, look at him back with all of his pals.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

Does a rat's heart good. Nice work, fly.

( buzzes )

Hey, what do you say we crack open that sweet shop dumpster

and live a little!

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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