01x12 - So You Skink You Can Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x12 - So You Skink You Can Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

( screaming )

( animal roaring )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( roaring )

Where is it?!

Who took it?!

( roaring )

What have you done with it?!

Where is the remote control?!

Uh... what's the matter with Vinnie?

This happens every week.

Someone is always walking off

with the remote control for the day camp's television.

Vinnie gets very, very upset

if he can't watch his favorite show, Shake-A-Leg.

Oh, I've seen that show.

It's not my favorite. Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh!

Blythe, never let Vinnie hear you say that!

He thinks Shake-A-Leg

is the best reality dance competition on TV.

( roaring )

Here it is, Vinnie. I'm sorry! I forgot I had it!

( humming )

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,

don't make me plead, and don't make me beg.

What's the name of the show?

AUDIENCE: Shake-A-Leg!

♪ You think About all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to Just be you ♪

♪ We can be, yeah ♪

♪ Who we want to be, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop, You and me ♪

♪ We can be, yeah ♪

♪ Who we want to be, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop, You and me ♪

So you guys go through this every week?

Pretty much.

Could somebody kindly help me down?

Coming right up!

I've had it with this madness!

It's time we found a permanent home for that remote

so Vinnie doesn't destroy our lives every week at .

Six central.

Why don't you just record it?

That way he knows he won't miss it.

Someone has filled our DVR with repeats

of The Duchess of Lancashire Lane.

Hey, it's the classic tale of a young duchess

and her trials and tribulations on Lancashire Lane.

( in British accent ) I'll not have it deleted.

VINNIE: Aw, come on!

What is this dancer thinking?!

When he does his -and- ,

he needs to do a three-eighth turn, not one-quarter!


Hey, Vinnie.

Okay, commercial. What's up, Blythe?

Well, the pets were just telling me

that you really like Shake-A-Leg.

Are you kidding? This show is the reason

Benjamin Franklin invented television.


sometimes my dad can take me along on trips,

and I know he's headed west next week.

Okay, Blythe, can you please move it along?

We're almost out of the commercial break.

Well, maybe we could tag along and see a taping

of Shake-A-Leg live in Hollywood.

Uh, Vinnie, are you okay?

( screams )

Huh. Guess there are two things that set him off.

Psst! Hey, Blythe, are we there yet?

Vinnie, we haven't even taken off. Just relax, okay?

( giggles )

ROGER: This is your good-time pilot, Rockin' Roger, speaking.

We'll be boogie-woogie-in' right outta here momentarily,

just as soon as our toilet paper supplies

have been refilled.

I like to test each restroom out before we fly

to make sure everything's operating at peak condition,

and don't worry, folks, I gave them all my flush of approval.

( toilet flushes )

Ooh, I can't wait! Can you believe

we're going to see Shake-A-Leg?

So what else do you want to do while we're in Hollywood?

See the sites? Hit the beach?

Nothing! Shake-A-Leg! Shake-A-Leg! Shake-A-Leg!

( giggles )


Guess what, everybody, I've solved our--

"Where's the remote control? Who had the remote control last?

Why can't anyone put the remote control back where it belongs?'

--problem! ( voices overlapping )

Well, I figured we just need to always keep it somewhere

where we'll always know where it is, and no one--

And by "no one", I mean Vinnie.

--will have to destroy the day camp to find it.

Great idea! Where are we going to keep it?

Follow me!

Minka, how are we supposed to use the remote

if it's all the way up there?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I totally thought of that already.

It couldn't be easier to reach.

( whooping )

See? Piece of ca--

( yelps )


TOUR GUIDE: Okay, everyone, now that we've had a look

at the Shake-A-Leg set, we should 'shake a leg'

out to the studio parking lot where you can get a close look

at the oil stains left by some of the dancers' cars!

Follow me.

Oh, I can't believe I'm here, Blythe.

Look, look, there's Igor Bogomolov

and Igor Posokhov and Igor Khomkolov.

Are all the dancers named Igor?

Of course not! There's Karina Tabokov

and Karina Mishnev and Karina Ivanov.

I've been watching these guys dance

since I shed my first skin,

and now here they are in person!

They all look so graceful.

I wonder how they maintain their composure

when the cameras are on.

They're so focused

they don't even realize there are cameras.

For them, it's all about the dance.

I always wanted to be on TV when I was younger,

but I'm way too camera shy.

ROGER ( laughing ): Hello, little baby Blythe!

( crying )

And here's my little Blythe doing her magic show.

Daddy, stop it!

Make a wish, Blythe.

Dad, No cameras!

I'd love to get past it, but I don't see it happening.

Not me! I'd go on TV in a heartbeat

just for a chance to dance with these legends.

Blythe, I really, really want to thank you.

I may not be on TV, but just being here

to watch my idols in person is a dream come true.

Well, I'm glad it worked out, Vinnie.

Now let's make your dreams even better

and go get some autographs!

Hey, everybody, I got it!

What do you got, if I may be so bold?

I like to call it the Pepper-Matic !

Whenever you're looking for the remote,

you'll always be able to find it on the Pepper-Matic !

Ooh, I'll take three!

No, Penny, I'm not selling it. I'm using it to solve

our "constantly losing the remote

followed by Vinnie losing his temper" problem.

Let me show you.

Russell, would you be our Vinnie for this demonstration?

Happily. Ahem.

♪ La, la-la, la-la

What are you doing? Priming my instrument.

Russell, please. Just act like Vinnie.

Okay, your favorite show is on

and you can't find the remote.

And go!

That's it. That's it. You're looking. You're looking.

But you can't find it.

Oh, wait! There it is on the Pepper-Matic !

( yelps )

( laughing )

I nutty-glued it to the table!

There's no way we're gonna lose it now!

( grunting )

Pepper, there's no way we can use it now, either!

( laughs )

Good point.

Wow, I got them all, Blythe.

Autographs from every dancer on the show.

How could this dream day possibly get any better?

I don't know. Maybe by meeting the judges!


( panting )

Vinnie, why don't you go and dance for them?

Maybe they'll put you on TV!

VINNIE: Do you think so? Why not?

I may be too camera shy for it, but you're not!

Come on! This is your big chance!

Hold my autographs.

No, no, but not like that.

You'll get fingerprints all over them.

And what do we have here?

( upbeat music playing )

Okay, I'm gonna be tough on you.

That was totally disjointed and lacked emotion.

Probably because you're just a lizard.

MALE JUDGE : The problem is,

the actual routine was awful.

He waddled out like a gadwall duck.

MALE JUDGE : You can't just swing your arms around

like you're somebody's pet!

Whoever trained you has to start from scratch!

No, this pet lizard just needs to go back

to whatever pet shop he came from.

This is how a pet lizard should dance!

Like this! See? Like this!

Well? What did they say?

They think I'm just a trained pet.

Who was I kidding?

I'll never be taken seriously as a dancer.


This is the best trip ever!

Ha, ha! Why haven't I thought to do this before?!

( laughing )

What if we take one of the leashes out front

and put it on the remote?

( voices overlapping )

Oh, are you still on about this remote control business?

Really, everyone, Zoe has already taken care of it.

ALL: Huh? It was actually quite simple.

Since Vinnie has one of his fits

every time his favorite TV show is on,

I simply got rid of the TV.

You did what? ( screams )

It was on that little wheelie cart thingy,

so I just wheeled it away.

Vinnie goes crazy when he can't find the remote, right?

What do you think he'll do when he can't find the TV?

Well, he'll just be...

What I mean to say is...

I'll go get the TV back.

( crying )

Igor, I hardly knew ye.

BLYTHE: Vinnie, there you are.

Why are you throwing your autographed photos away?

I'm through with dancing.

Though it's given me so much pleasure,

it's time for me to face facts.

I'm a pet, not a dancer.

What's with the outfit?

I got it in the gift shop.

I figured I'd use it as inspiration

to make you a dance outfit of your own.

Maybe if you look more like a dancer,

those judges will take you more seriously.

Okay, everybody ready?

First up Igor Bogomolov and Karina Ivanov,

then Igor Posokhov and Karina Mishnev,

and then Igor Khomkolov and Karina Tatarov.

Wait minute. I am supposed to dance with Karina Mishnev.

And I must dance with Igor Khomkolov.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, if you dance with Igor Khomkolov,

then who I will dancing with?

You are supposed to be dancing with Karina Tatarov!

Karina Tatarov?

( gasps )

Karina Tatarov is on vacation this week!

Great! Now no partner have I!

How we are supposed to do group dance without Karina Tatarov?

And we're on in five, four,

three, two...

ANNOUNCER: And now, ladies and gentlemen,

don't make me plead, and don't make me beg.

What's the name of the show?

ALL: Shake-A-Leg!


You! Your name Karina?

Nope. No, no, It's Blythe.

Close enough! Get that costume on, stat!

You're our third dancer!

But I don't know anything about dancing.

And I'm afraid of the cameras!

Hair and makeup!

Vinnie, you gotta help me! I can't handle the cameras!

But didn't you tell me

you always dreamed about being on TV?

I mean, my big chance was a miserable failure,

but yours doesn't need to be!

I don't know the first thing about dancing!

Apparently, neither do I.

No cameras!

( melancholic theme playing )

Maybe we build a second-littlest pet shop

across the street where we can hide

when Vinnie's show is on.

Look, Russell, we got the TV back.


What's this?

"Enter date and time"?

Anyone know how to program a TV?

I am quite sure Mrs. Twombly did it last time.

What do we do?!

Vinnie's gonna destroy the littlest pet shop

and we'll never have peace in our lives again!

( groans )

I'm not a dancer.

I'm a total fraud.

I'm nothing but a pet lizard, and that's all I'll ever be.

Psst. Hey, buddy. Yeah?

You say you're a dancer?

No. Well, I guess I used to be.

The name's L-zard.

And trust me, you want to come with me.

( hip-hop music playing )

Whoa. What is this place?

We call it "the docks."

It's somewhere for us to kick it,

where we can just be ourselves, be creative.

Yo yo! Gather up, y'all!

That's Forky, Lazy Suzan,

Fish Sauce, DGB... What up?

Bearded Lady, Lemonface, Ted Dancin',

And Skink-a-dink-a-dinkity-dink.

Fellas, this be Vinnie.

Uh, what up?

Yo, Vinnie, let's see your moves.

Ah, well, I don't know any. I think my dancing days are--

Kick it!

( hip-hop music playing )

( grunts )

Yeah, this is the best night ever!

Ooh! Vinnie, bro, your moves are the business!

You gonna straight-up crush that dance show, yo!

The dance show. Blythe!

( audience cheering )

It's bad enough I'm going to be filmed,

but to be filmed dancing?

Vinnie, where are you?

Aw, man, how could I mess this up so bad?

Blythe needs me, but I was too busy feeling sorry for myself.

She's never gonna talk to me again.

Chill, brolio.

We're gonna get you to that studio on time.

( percussion music playing )

♪ Well, we gotta get To the studio ♪

♪ Or my friendship with Blythe'll be through-dio ♪

♪ I'll teach her dance moves Like she never knew-dio ♪

♪ When we get To the television studio ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Yeah, we gotta get To the studio ♪

If it's the last thing We're ever gonna do-dio ♪

♪ I got some fly new friends In my crew-dio ♪

♪ Who are gonna get me To the television studio ♪

♪ Let's go!

♪ Well, we gotta Get to that studio ♪

♪ I got my confidence back And it grew-dio ♪

♪ And my moves got me Feelin' good too-dio ♪

♪ I can't wait For the television studio ♪

Oh, cool, we're here.

I can't believe it.

I'm gonna be a laughing stock on national television.

There you are!

You ready to strut your stuff? Mm-mm.

Good, 'cause you're almost on.

Vinnie, you're here!

Blythe, I owe you an apology.

You needed me and I let you down.

I just wanted to say I'm sor--

What's up with your hair?

Apparently this is how Karina Tatarov does it.

But that's not important right now

because those are real, live cameras out there,

and I don't know the first thing about dancing!

Leave that to me.

( audience cheering )

Okay, next team is up!

( cheers and applause )

Okay, here goes nothing.

( all cheering )

( announcer speaking in foreign language )

( all groaning )

What language is that?!

Fix it, Russell!

I'm trying!

Look, it's Blythe!

( announcer speaking in foreign language )

Blythe can dance?


( whimpering )

That's my daughter. That's my daughter!

( all cheering )

( all cheering )

Get out there! They love you!

Blythe, I had no idea you were such a good dancer!

To tell you the truth, Dad, neither did I.

Hey, everyone, that was my daughter dancing out there!

She got those mad dance skills from her dear old dad!

Vinnie, we did it! Actually, you did it.

We all did it, Blythe.

I've always secretly been afraid

that I don't have what it takes to be a dancer,

but these guys showed me that I do.

Speaking of fear, I was so nervous

about pulling off this crazy plan

that I forgot all about the cameras.


It's Blythe.

Whatever. You were magnificent!

I've never seen moves like those before! And the crowd loved you!

Thanks. I learned them all from my friend Vinnie here.

Anyway, what would you say to joining the cast?

We'll give you whatever you want,

your own dressing room, your own parking spot.

Heck, even your pet lizard can stay!

Sorry, but Vinnie's not my pet.

He's my dance coach.

And my friend.

And, we've got a plane to catch.

( upbeat theme playing )

You were so good, Blythe!

I could watch that a million more times.

And now you can! See?

They replayed it last night, so I recorded it.


I can't believe it,

but I'm actually enjoying watching myself on TV.

Wait a minute!

"Duchess in the Garden," "Duchess Visits the Duke,"

"Duchess Picks Blueberries." No!

You deleted the episode where they repave Lancashire Lane!

Pepper, how could you?!

That's the one where the duchess

has a heated discussion with the town council!

ANNOUNCER: Don't make me plead, and don't make me beg.

What's the name of the show?

ALL: Shake-A-Leg !

( upbeat theme playing )

♪ We can be, yeah ♪

♪ Who we want to be, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop, You and me ♪
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