03x26 - It's the Pet Fest! - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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03x26 - It's the Pet Fest! - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

What's some fun stuff for people and pets to do at Pet Fest?

Well, we could have lots of yummy food.

And plenty of fun activities for the pets.

Oh, and you've got to have some of your fashions there, too!

We're still missing a BI.

I'm Bernard Solid.

Manager extraordinaire of the world-famous singing sensations,

the Soul Patches.

I am seeking the services of this fine establishment

with regard to this extra fine little beastie.

Lady Yodely of the High-D.

Jason Number One's personal pet?

Jason Number One is in town doing work

for the 'Endangered Animals Fund'.

I just got my Big Idea!

I could make Pet Fest a charity event for the E.A.F.

with The Soul Patches as headliners.

Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we did something at the Pet Fest?

Let's get together and form a Pet Fest band!

These girls and their daddy have a lot of influence

in Downtown City.

I'm sure they can get us the use of Downtown City Park

for the big day.

Oh, yeah.

Like we can totally get the park.

Don't even worry about it.

Consider the Soul Patches committed to the Pet Fest!

OK, everybody it's Pet Fest Day!

The equipment's all here so let's start setting up!

You need a permit to hold an event in a city park.

Whittany, Brittany...

Show our permit to this man.

A permit?

No permit, no festival.

We've got no place to hold the Pet Fest!

What am I going to do?

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

Now Blythe, whatever you do, don't panic.

Don't panic? Who's panicking?

[nervous laugh]

This is nothing but a speed bump!

Ha ha ha!

A mere detour!

Ha ha ha ha!

Blythe's saying the right words,

but I'm sensing she doesn't mean them.


[shocked squeals]

Oh, who am I kidding?



Blythe, I'm sure the Biskits are sorry

about forgetting to reserve the park for the Pet Fest.

We are?


She means, like...

we are.

So, call your dad!

I'm sure he can find a new place to hold the festival.

OK. Sheesh, what's her, like... problem?

I don't know.

Hello, Daddy?

Can you like, book a new place for us to hold Pet Fest?

Uh huh.

Like, uh-huh.

Like, mm-hmm.



Well, he can.


But he won't.

Why not?

He said we should have done what we were, like,

supposed to do. Blah, blah, blah,

something about having some reprehensibility.

You mean, 'responsibility'?

Yeah. That was it.


This is the moment Fisher Biskit decides to show

good parenting skills?

Blythe, maybe we can come up with another place

to have Pet Fest.

There is no place in all of Downtown City

that would just postpone everything

and let us hold a gigantic festival there.

Name one place we could use, and...

I'll eat my shoe!

What about The Pawza Hotel?

Anyone know a good shoe recipe?

You'll let us hold the Pet Fest at The Pawza?

Oh, Sophie, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,


Pet Fest is BACK ON!

[happy barks and squawks]

There's no time to lose.

Let's head over to The Pawza!

Whittany, Brittany, stay here and let everyone know

that we moved the festival to The Pawza.

Uh, and why do we have to do that?

Because you two are the reason it's not happening here!

OK, Mrs. Twombly, to The Pawza!

Hello, Daddy?

We did what you said about being respectable and all,

and now we have a job to do.

So, we're going to need Francois to do it,

like... for us.


Uh huh.

Like, uh-huh.

Like, mm-hmm.

Like good-bye, Daddy.

He says that we didn't learn anything,

and he's ordering the limo to go home,

like, without us.

We should just, like, leave.

How? There's no limo!

Pet fest, Pet Fest, PET FEESSSTT!

Music! Food! Fashion!

And FUN!

Blythe, upside down!

Oops! Sorry!

Come down to celebrate your pets, with your pets!

We'll have the hottest music,

with very special headliners...


All to benefit the Endangered Animals Fund.

Get there early and have your picture taken

with EAF's very special poster pets...

Together we can make a difference,

so these beautiful animals will no longer be endangered.

Hey, I wonder what those guys are 'in danger' of?

Perhaps they are prone to accidents?

Or just super clumsy.

Hey, not everyone can have perfect coordination like me.



Well, if they're really in danger...

...they'll need some protection while they're

at Pet Fest.

Great idea, Sunil! We'll protect them!

We will?

Yeah! We'll be the Pet Fest 'pet security team'!

We're the perfect ones to make sure nobody gets hurt!



Russell: OK, everybody, this will be the Pet Fest's

official 'Pet Fun Park!'

Plenty of stuff to romp around on.


Plenty of pet toys to play with.


How's that zip line?

The zippiest! Whoo hoo!


Zippy zipline. Check.

Russell, I haven't heard you 'check' anything

about finding the perfect spot for our stage yet.

Oh, right.

I've got a spot picked out right over there.

Oh, this is going to be fabulous!

Heidi is used to really professional stage stuff,

so we'll have to include a laser light show,

a smoke machine for a magical haze

that floats at our feet.

And a hydraulic lift for my big entrance.

No pressure, it's just super important to me.

Both: OK everyone!

We've got a lot to do and not much time!

Let's go!

Nice clipboard.


It's a Clipinator Three-thousand.

Triple holding power. Yours?

PowerClip X-Seven.

Extendo-length to keep crazy long lists.

Hey, Madison.

How's everything going, Blythe?

Changing the Pet Fest from an outdoor festival

to an indoor one at the last minute?

It's the most exciting...

...and most terrifying thing I've ever done!


Pet and People Fashion booths.


Music floor.

The Dull Shinies; check.

Adam and the Spider Monkeys; check.

Polar Vortex; check.

...and Josh Sharp!

[sigh and giggle]


Food booths for people and pets!

A very yummy check.

Well, everything seems to be under control.

Just in time, too, because our featured guests

should be arriving soon.


The Soul Patches' pets are here!

♪ [yodelling]

Heidi, darling, welcome to Pet Fest!

This is going to be total-lotal-oh-hoohoo!

and bow wow wooo!

You're going to love the stage we built for the band!

Oh, look! The endangered animal VIPs!

OK, move along.

Nothing to see here.

We have secured the area.

Suspicious characters have moved along.

'In danger' animals are safe!

Repeat: 'In danger' animals are safe!

OKAY, EVERYBODY, Let's get this Pet Fest started!


[excited yells]




[excited squeals]


Everything is under control.

Nothing can go wrong now!

Blythe, there's something wrong.


It doesn't look like the Soul Patches

will be able to perform.


Well, I've looked around, and don't get me wrong,

The Pawza is a slamtastic venue...

But there's no place for the band to set up.

Every stage is being used.

I forgot about a stage for the Soul Patches?

How could I have forgotten about a stage for the Soul Patches?

There's got to be some place in this hotel we can use!

Actually Blythe, I saw a spot that would work.

And there's already a stage set up there.

Madison: Well, there it is.

Uh, Madison...

Didn't it occur to you that this stage

is way too small for the band?

Well, I didn't really know how tall they were.

I don't have their measurements.

It's too small for any human!

Oh, never mind.

Do you know of any other space they could play?

Something larger?

The only place you haven't put anything,

is on the roof.


Madison, I don't know why people say

you never have any good ideas.

[shocked gasp]

This is my 'professional stage'?

I wanted Heidi to be impressed,

But this looks like amateur hour!

Well, what did you expect?

It was built by pets with squeaky toy tools!

Is this thing on?


Hello, Pet Fest!

So, what do you call a cow that plays a guitar?

A moo-sician!

[loud laughter]


Get it?

Ha ha, I'm milking it.



Time to wrap it up!

Now without any further adoggie-doo,

I would like to introduce...

Hey, what's your band's name, anyway?

Zoe's Pawfect Pet Band!

Heidi's Awesome Animal Band!

The Undecideds!

[cheers and barking]




[crowd roars]

That is your hydraulic lift?


We didn't have the budget for a real one.

What about the laser light show?


And the smoke machine?

This is all UN-fabulous!

Sorry, Heidi.

Normally, I wouldn't work in these dreadful conditions.


The 'in-danger' animals!



That was close.

Rest at ease.

You animals aren't in any danger with us around.

Well? What do you think?

What a great way to start a world tour!

The stage looks perfect.

How long till the Soul Patches get here?



Never mind, I think they're already here.

Blythe, this rooftop setting rocks!

Unfortunately, we're not going to be able

to perform here.

Why not?

The problem is Ted over there.

He's got this terrible fear of heights.

He can't play if he's shaking like a leaf.

And we can't play without him.

But, you're our headliners!

You've got to play!

Is there anything I can do?

Do you know how to play the bass?




So The Soul Patches can't play on the roof

because Ted's afraid of heights?

[sigh] So much for Pet Fest, Youngmee.

This time it's really, really, really, really,

really, REALLY-


Hang on Youngmee, I've got at least ten more

'reallys' to go.

Every time you've thought that,

someone's come through to help.

I did. Mrs. Twombly did.

The pets...

Even Madison did!

Proving the point that I can't do this.

But Blythe, you're the reason we're all here.

Yeah, but I'm just about out of friends with ideas.

I mean, who's left, the Biskit twins?

The Biskit twins!


Maybe I can pull this off after all!

The Soul Patches need us?

Well, that makes sense, but our limo left,

like hours ago.

Yeah, how do we get there?

I guess you'll have to walk.

Aww, this is going to take, like, forever.

And once again, ladies and gentlepets...

Zoe and Heidi's Awesomely Pawfect Band!

[cheers and barking]


How can we be fabulous without making an amazing

and memorable entrance

worthy of a seasoned musician like Heidi?

Nah, that's not me, that's the Soul Patches.

I'm just a pet who likes to jam and we can do that

with or without an amazing entrance!

Because, we've got...

Whoo! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Beyoing! talent.

You're so right, Heidi.

This is Pet Fest and we're supposed to be having fun,

but I'm just being a-


Do you hear something?


Sorry about Ocho.

He's all tentacles sometimes.

Are you OK?

Better than OK.


Inspiration just hit me...literally!

[rhythmic squeaks]

[backing up beeps]

What's going on here?

Blythe, you have nothing to worry about.

We built this safety fortress to protect

the 'in danger' animals.

Safety fortress?

It looks more like a jail.

Be that as it may, we can report to you

that these animals are no longer 'in danger'.

These animals aren't 'in danger'.

They're 'endangered'!

That means that there's very few of their species

left on earth.

Tomato, potato.

The point is they're safe, now.

That's right!

We're keeping them out of any danger!

Well, I can assure you that they're not in any danger

here at Pet Fest.

So, wouldn't it be nice to let these animals enjoy Pet Fest,

like everyone else?

Attention, Blythe.

Whittany and Brittany are here.

I'll be right there, Madison!

Great effort you two, but they'll be fine

without your fortress.


Yep. Our job here is done.

So you said Ted has a fear of heights, right?

That's right.

Well, we made it so there's someone higher up

than he is.

Is this, like, totally necessary?

So, now Ted can look up and know that he's not

in the highest spot!

Sick! What do you think, Ted?

Problem solved!

The show is back on!

Oh, I just remembered.

I made something for you.



[chicken squawk]

It was inspired by your pet, Heidi.

WOW! This is awesome!

I made one for all of the band members.

All right, Pet Fest!


We're going to play something we wrote

especially for today!

Ladies and Gentlepets...

the Awesome Pawsome band!

How's this for an amazing entrance?



♪ Oh, oh oh

♪ Hands up if you're here to celebrate, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, oh oh

♪ All the pets that make our lives so great ♪

♪ A new day and you head downstairs ♪

♪ You see your pet 'cause they're already waiting there ♪

♪ Their cute face has so much charm ♪

♪ You kneel down and they run straight into your arms ♪

♪ Hey hey hey!

♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Hey Hey hey!

♪ 'cause they brighten up our lives ♪

♪ Hey hey hey!

♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Hey hey hey!

♪ and they're always by your side ♪


♪ We believe

♪ in the human-pet connection ♪

♪ And we believe

♪ in the bond that we all share ♪

♪ You get so excited

♪ And the feeling you can't hide ♪

♪ You see their face brighten up ♪

♪ As they look at you with pride ♪

♪ We say Pets and Humans

♪ Humans and Pets

♪ Best friends forever

♪ Together we're the best

♪ Now you're playin' guitar in your bedroom ♪

♪ Your cat purrs every time you get it in tune ♪

♪ Kind of person who used to be shy? Well ♪

♪ Your pet turtle seems to get you out of your shell ♪

♪ But there's one more pet ♪

♪ That I've got to sing about ♪

♪ She's a special one, she's a special one ♪

♪ My little pup, you see

♪ I could never be without

♪ When she sings along with me.. ♪

♪ Pets and humans ♪ Hey hey hey!

♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Humans and pets ♪ Hey hey hey!

♪ cause they brighten up our lives ♪

♪ Best friends forever

♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Together we're the best

♪ We believe ♪ 'cause they're always by our side ♪

♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ In the human-pet connection ♪ ♪ cause they brighten up our lives ♪

♪ And we believe ♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ In the bond that we all share ♪ ♪ And they're always by our side ♪

♪ Pets and humans ♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Humans and pets ♪ cause they brighten up our lives ♪

♪ Best friends forever ♪ This is why we love our pets ♪

♪ Together we're the best ♪ cause they're always by our side ♪



Thank you!

Thank you, Pet Fest!

Today we've raised a record amount of money

for the Endangered Animals Fund!


I can't think of a better way to kick off our World Tour!

And it's all thanks to Blythe Baxter!

And I'm honored to announce that she's officially been named

Special Ambassador to the Endangered Animals Fund!



Thank you so much.

But I couldn't have done it without my friend,

Youngmee Song.

She helped me come up with the idea for Pet Fest.

And kept me from going completely cray

when things got difficult.

So I share this honor with her!

And of course, I couldn't have done any of this

without the pets of Littlest Pet Shop,

who inspire me every day.

They are the best pet friends anyone could have!

[happy meows, barks, and squeals]

You couldn't ask for a better ending than this,

huh, Blythe?

You're right about that!

But, I feel like there's something I'm forgetting...

Whittany: Like, hello!

Whittany, we should just, like, leave.

How, Brittany?

There's no limo!

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