03x25 - It's the Pet Fest! - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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03x25 - It's the Pet Fest! - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


OK, Youngmee, what's some fun stuff for pets and people

to do at Pet Fest?

Well, we could have lots of yummy food.

Oh, and music, and plenty of fun activities for the pets!

Oh! And you've got to have some of your fashions there, too!

That's a great idea!

But we're still missing a B.I.

A 'B.I.'?

Big Idea!

An idea so big that it brings all the different

little ideas together and makes them even better.

Got a customer, Youngmee.


Oh, your beagle is too cute!

May I help you?

Indeed you may, Miss.

I'm Bernard Solid, manager extraordinaire

of the world-famous singing sensations,

The Soul Patches.

D-D-D-Did you just say The Soul Patches?

The all-time best all-time recording group of all time...


Indeed I did.

I am seeking the services of this fine establishment

with regard to this extra fine little beastie.

Lady Yodely of the High-D.

Lady. Yodely. Of the High-D.?

Jason Number One's personal pet?

[swooning sigh]


Uh, Miss, are you all right?


[smashing glass]

Oh, I am so sorry, but you have no idea what a fan

I am of The Soul Patches.

Chillax, my lovely lady.

This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

Jason Number One is in town doing work

for the 'Endangered Animals Fund',

and can't give his itty bitty beagle

the attention she deserves.

So you want Lady Yodely of the High-D

to stay here with us!

That's so cool! That's so cool!




That's so cool.

High-pitched girly squeals is an occupational hazard

when you're the manager for The...

Well, you know who.

Take good care of Lady Yodely of the High-D,

Little Miss Pet Shop.

Oh, I will!

Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop,

Lady Yodely of the High-D!

Call me Heidi, and everything will be

[yodel] Yow!


♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me


It must be amazing to be Jason Number One's pet, Heidi.

How could it not be?

He's totally wahooooo-wah!


And he does charity work for the Endangered Animals Fund?

That's right.

If someone needs help, he and the other Soul Patches

are all badum-badum-bom!

OMG! I just got my Big Idea!

A friend and I have been talking about doing an event

that we're calling 'Pet Fest', and...

[monkey squawks]

Well, this certainly is a switch.

Huh! Not only that, but us painting while Minka models

is also the opposite of what usually happens.

Minka! Will you please stop moving around?

It's very difficult to paint a fidgety model.

Fidgety? First off, I'm a monkey.

Second... I'm a monkey.

And third... I'M A MONKEY!

[door opens]

I really like your idea, Blythe.

What idea?

Oh, hi pets.

This is today's day camper, Heidi,

and we were just talking about Pet Fest.

Which totally sounds yalaladoo yalahoodoo!

Is Pet Fest really going to happen?

I mean, you've been talking about it for a while now.

I know, but I just got the big idea!

Heidi's owner is Jason Number One of The Soul Patches!

He's in town doing some work for the

'Endangered Animals Fund'.

Oh, the E.A.F. does such nice things to help animals.

I know!

And I was thinking I could make Pet Fest

a charity event for the E.A.F.

with The Soul Patches as headliners.

I think Jason would be all yodelodel-wow over this idea!


Only one way to find out.

Tell him about the Pet Fest yourself.


Yeah, right.

And exactly how would I do that?

Easy. Jason is doing a bunch of interviews for the E.A.F. today,

and he likes to chill out beforehand

at a place called 'Cafe Cafe'.

And I bet he's there right now.

'Cafe Cafe', huh?

That's not too far from here.

Oh, but I could never just walk up and talk to him about this.

I'd be too nervous.

Nothing to be nervous about.

Jason is so very yodelodelodel-laid back!

Yeah, whatever Heidi said.

You can do it, Blythe.

I know you can.

You're right.

I have to do it!

If I can get the Soul Patches to perform,

I'm sure I can pull Pet Fest together as a big event

and raise money for a great cause!

I'll actually be exchanging actual words

with the actual

...Jason Number One!

[long scream]


I really appreciate you coming along with me, Youngmee.

I'm a little nervous about this whole thing.

Are you kidding?

How could I pass up an opportunity

to see Jason Number One?


Look, Youngmee, there he is.

♪ [angelic chorus]

[swooning sighs]

He's an angel.

Yeah. So dreamy.


Hey! Do you mind?

Oh, uh, sorry.

♪ [angelic chorus ends]

Oh, sorry.


No, we're OK.

Come on, Youngmee, let's get over there and talk to

Jason Number One before we lose our nerve.



Too late.

I already have.

Wow, you just said, 'I love you, Jason,' in cat.

I did?


Now stop kidding around.

Let's go!

I don't think I can, Blythe.

I just know nothing but animal noises will come out

as soon as I open my mouth.

Don't worry about it.

I'll talk to him myself.

What's the worst that can happen?

Woof, woof.



♪♪Heidi, I hope Blythe and Youngmee can convince

your owner to perform at Pet Fest.

Oh, I just know he'll love Blythe's idea as much as we do.

Pet Fest is going to be completely wahow!

Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we did something

at the Pet Fest?

Yeah! I've got an idea for something we can do.

Ooh, do tell!

Well, all the Soul Patch pets play instruments

and sing a little.

I sing, A LOT!

Then let's get together and form a Pet Fest band!

Oh! That's a fabulously fabulous idea!

And we can all help with the show, too.

I could design a super-cool special effects show

to support the musical acts.

It'd have lasers...

smoke machines...

and confetti cannons!

And we would run the control board for the show.

On account of we're both kind of high-techy and stuff.


Stop it, you two!


You may want to make sure those two have

something else to do.


Well, here goes...

[barking dogs]







Heh heh!



Um, hi, Jason Number One.

Are you OK?

[breathless] Oh, sure.

This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

So would you mind terribly if I talked to you

about the 'Endangered Animals Fund'?

Sure. Anyone who can pull off a tumbling act like the one

I just saw deserves my undivided attention.

[small squeal]

You know, I could warm up the crowd

before Zoe and Heidi's band takes the stage.


OK. So, here's a good one.

Penny Ling: We'll be the judge of that!

So, these three pets walk into Littlest Pet Shop, and--

What were their names?

It doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

Yeah, me too!


These three pets named Minka, Penny Ling,

and Pepper walk into--

Lose Pepper!

What? Why should I lose Pepper?

On account of she's going to make everybody sneeze.

What are you talking about?

How should I know?

You're the comedian named Pepper.

Will you please just let me tell my joke?

Go ahead.

Knock yourself out.

Oh, how I wish I could.

So, these three pets: Minka, Penny Ling, and Pepper

walk into Littlest Pet Shop and they...they...uh...uh

Oh, great!

All that interrupting made me forget my joke!

Peps, if you can keep your cool in front of a tough crowd

like this, you'll be badum-badum-bom!

Is that good?

[honking car horns]

Downtown City would be so much better without, like, cars.

Or truck thingies.

Both: Or people!

OMG, Brittany...

Look! It's Jason Number One!

You're, like, right, Whittany.

And he's talking to some girl who isn't us!

How sad for him.

Double OMG, Brit!

It's Blythe!

Blythe Baxter talking to Jason Number One?

Like, that is wrong on so many levels!

Francois! Pull over!

It's, like, an emergency!


You may not be aware of this, Heidi,

but I am the number one headliner

in all of the pet world.

You're right, I wasn't aware of that.

So we're agreed.

I'll be lead singer of our new band!

Heidi, darling, we need to get a move on.

I'll be called on stage any minute now.



Strike another!


Me! Moi!

[whistle blast]

Sorry, Zoe but your allotment of fantasy activity is

[game show buzzer]

Such is the life of a festival headliner.

There's only so much time to be fabulous.

...and that's why I think you and The Soul Patches

should perform at Pet Fest.

Uh, don't you think?


I totally get what you're going for, Blythe,

and I think it'd be a great way to raise awareness

for the Endangered Animal Fund.


Heidi said you would do it.

What? My pet Heidi told you I'd do it?

Heh heh!

Did I say 'Heidi'?

I meant to say 'Hy-Drangea'.

She's a friend of mine that you've never met

and is a human and not a pet

who I can understand and stuff.




We saw who you were talking to.


And we wanted to see if you needed help!

Hey, I know you two, don't I?

Like, yeah.

Your band performed at our party.

So the three of you are working together?

That's cool!

The Endangered Animal Fund needs all the help it can get.

Right, Blythe?

Yeah. All the help.

Uh, well... we're here to like help.

Yeah. We like endangering animals and stuff.

In fact, Jason, these girls and their daddy

have a lot of influence in Downtown City.

I'm sure they can get us the use of Downtown City Park

for the big day. Right, girls?

Oh, yeah.

Like we can totally get the park.

Don't even worry about it.

Wow! This day just keeps getting better and better.

OK, ladies. I've got to run,

but consider The Soul Patches committed to the Pet Fest!

I was just hugged by Jason Number One.

Like, we were, too.





Thanks for the ride, you two.

Oh, and don't worry about coming up with any ideas

for Pet Fest.

We're only depending on you

to get the Downtown City Park permit. OK?

[door closes]

Ugh! That was, like, the most horribly boring

ten minutes of my life!

Ugh! Yeah.

And now it smells like ordinary people in here.


What's with Blythe wanting us to do all of this work and stuff?

I know! Why would we get permission to use the park?

We've never asked for permission

to do anything before, so why should we start now?

Right, Brittany?

You are so, like, right, Whittany.

As if.


Like, uh-huh.


...and then we'll close the Fest with a cool performance

from The Soul Patches!

So what do you guys think?

Uh, I don't usually think, but that sounds amazing!

[excited chatter]

Heidi had a great idea for the Pet Fest, too!

Yes, a way for us to have our own little Pet Fest

within the Pet Fest.

Really? What is it?

Well, we were thinking of forming a little band

and putting on a show just for the Pet Fest pets.

Hmmm... I don't think that's a good idea.


No, it's not a good idea...

It's a great idea!


Oh, that Blythe and her mischievous wordplay.

She had us thinking she did not like the idea

of a pet jam band, and then at the very last moment

she pulled a verbal switcheroo

and revealed that she did like it!

Whoa, pal. Ha, you lost me at, 'Oh.'

Well, hello, Mr. Solid!

Greetings, Little Miss Pet Shop,

and thank you for taking care of Jason Number One's

number one pet.

She's obviously been well-cared for.

Well, that's what we do here at Littlest Pet Shop!

Um, have you had a chance to talk to Jason Number One

since this afternoon?

Yes, I have.

Mr. J One has given me the lowdown on the event

and let me say you are one righteous and solid lady

for helping out the Endangered Animals Fund.

No prob.

It's a great charity.

Well then, allow me to blow your mind

by telling you some of the other bands

that have also agreed to participate.

Other bands?

That's right.

The Dull Shinies.

Adam and the Spider Monkeys.

And fresh back from their tour of some vague foreign place

Polar Vortex!


Please don't squeal.

I'm running low on shades.

Oh, sure.

I thank you.

Anyway, we decided the Pet Fest appearance

will be the start of the 'Endangered Species World Tour'

for The Soul Patches new album.

Once it kicks off, they'll be on the road for over a year.

Wow! Sounds like you'll be busy.

And so will you, little lady,

planning a major festival in just two weeks.

Two weeks?

Did you just say 'two weeks?'

Mm hm.

Allow me to salute you, my lovely little lady.

You've taken on quite a challenge.

So, I've got two weeks to set up the biggest festival

that Downtown City has ever seen,

or else I lose The Soul Patches as the top act?

[swooning sigh]


There is absolutely no way in the world

I can do this in two weeks.

I'm--I'm just going to have to call Mr. Solid

and tell him to tell Jason Number One

that there's absolutely no way I CAN DO THIS!

You need to settle down, Blythe.

You can do it,

and do you know why?

You can do it because you're Blythe Baxter!

And you are awesome and you've pulled off

lots of impossible things before!

Hmmm. You're right, pets.

I can do this!

Youngmee will be there.

And I'll ask Sue and Jasper and Kora...

Dad and Mrs. Twombly to help.

And we want to help, too!

Of course I want your help!

It's going to be close,

but with everybody pitching in, we just might make it!

[enthusiastic shouts]

Thanks for coming, everybody.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for the help.

OK, we're going to need money to set things up

so the first thing on the list...

is get some sponsors!

Let's go!


♪ Oh oh oh oh I'm breathless Oh oh oh oh I'm breathless ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh


♪ Been rehearsing every day

♪ Every song we learned to play ♪

♪ Practiced every single move


♪ Put it all out on the line

♪ Never been a better time

♪ When there's nothing left to lose ♪

♪ To play the best show of our lives ♪

♪ To play the best show of our lives ♪

♪ You haven't lived until you've tried ♪

♪ And I'm breathless cause I've never felt so alive ♪

Blythe: OK, I've got to go rent some event equipment

and I need you pets to put together

all of the basic stuff you'll need to keep Pet Fest

looking professional and running smoothly.

Can you do it?


♪ Fought so hard, come so far

♪ Strummed a hole in my guitar

♪ Playin' every day and night


♪ But it's worth it in the end

♪ Show them all you're not pretend ♪

♪ Time to step into the light

♪ Got the word out to everyone ♪

♪ 'cause tonight is a night to remember ♪

♪ Make you dance till you see the sun ♪

♪ Goin' strong 'cause we never surrender ♪

♪ Feelin' so breathless Runnin' round restless ♪

♪ Got me so breathless

Great guys!

Get those posters up!

Let's do this!

♪ Feelin' so breathless Runnin' round restless ♪

♪ Got me so breathless

Everything looks so good,

but maybe I can do more!

♪ Feelin' so breathless Runnin' round restless ♪

♪ Got me so breathless

OK, Blythe, focus.

You've almost got this.

♪ To play the best show of our lives ♪

♪ To play the best show of our lives ♪

♪ You haven't lived until you tried ♪

♪ And I'm breathless 'cause I've never felt so alive ♪

Oh, you can park it over there, please.

OK, everybody it's Pet Fest Day!

[happy animal sounds]

The equipment's all here so let's start setting up!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Hold on there, missy.

What do you think you're doing?

Setting up for Pet Fest.

Only the biggest festival that Downtown City

has ever seen!

There's not going to be any festival here.

You need a permit to hold an event in a city park.

Oh. We've got a permit.

Whittany, Brittany?

Show our permit to this man.

A permit?

Oh no.

Look, worker man, we were supposed to get a permit

thingee, but we didn't.

So you're just going to have to give us one,



No can do.

You have to apply for a permit at least a week in advance.

Oh. In that case, we need you to let us put on the festival,

like...without one.

Yeah. Without one.

No permit, no festival.

What is wrong with you two?

I give you one thing to do and you don't do it!


Brittany, we may have kind of messed up this time.

If you, like, say so, Whittany.

We've got no place to hold the Pet Fest!

What am I going to do?
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