04x12 - We Want Baxter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". Aired: September 19, 1970 – March 19, 1977.*

Moderator: hapsullivan

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Mary is a thirty-something single woman who settles in Minneapolis after breaking up with a boyfriend.
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04x12 - We Want Baxter

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Who can turn the
world on with her smile ♪

♪ Who can take a nothing day ♪

♪ And suddenly make it
all seem worthwhile ♪

♪ Well, it's you, girl
and you should know it ♪

♪ With each glance and every
little movement you show it ♪

♪ Love is all around
no need to waste it ♪

♪ You can have the town
why don't you take it ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪♪

How we doin'? Well,
we're up to the m's so far.

Oh, no. Come on. That's
more than halfway.

Mary, I'll never make it. My
tongue will be sticky for life.

You're both doing fine, and the
league of women voters thanks you.

Phyllis, I don't know where you find the
time to do this and your ecology thing.

Oh, uh... I'm not
doing that anymore.

Oh? Why not?

Oh, they got sort of snippy when i...
Showed up for a rally in my leopard coat.

I don't know why. I mean, it
was dead when you got it.

Wasn't it?

Anyway, i, uh, am glad for the extra
time because this year I'm chairperson...

For the concerned
democrats of minneapolis,

And we're going to choose a
candidate for the city council primary.

Well, phyllis. I'm
really impressed.

Well, I can't help being
one of those people who...

Who does more than her share.

It's one of my greatest
failings. I'm a giver.

Also a carrier.

Mary, let me ask you this.

Suppose my committee...

Wanted someone from your news department,
uh, to run for the city council?

Like who? Oh... Well, let's just
say someone with the right image.

Uh, someone trustworthy,
respected. Uh, a father figure...

- You mean mr. Grant?
- Someone, uh, whose face
is well known.

Someone with a deep
voice, uh, silver hair...

- You're kidding.
- Why would
you think I'm kidding?

- Hey, what? What?
- Well, phyllis just said
that-that she...

And-and apparently she means it.

You're not kidding?
I'm not kidding.

- What?
- That she wants ted
to run for city council.

You're kidding.

I think he'd make
quite a contender.

Phyllis, why would
anyone want ted?

You do. He does your
show. Yeah, he does.

And mr. Grant drinks, uh,
murray has an acid stomach,

And I'm very nervous.

Is ted a bad person?
Is he corrupt? No.

Unethical? No.

Why? Well, what then?
Phyllis, you don't know ted.

Let-let me try to
explain ted to you.

Uh, ted is... Not bright.

He doesn't have to be
that bright. I'm bright.

I'm bright enough for the
two of us. Oh, phyllis. Phyllis.

I have enough drive
for the two of us.

I have enough ambition
for the two of us.

I have enough education. I
have enough sheer concern.

Then why don't you run?

I don't have enough time.

Give me your honest
opinion, georgette.

How was I tonight, on a
scale of nine to 10? I think...

I thought you were
just marvelous.

But then I always
do. You know that.

That's true. And I think
you're on solid ground.

My friends are so jealous.

They keep asking, "what
is ted baxter really like?"

He's just a simple
reporter, doing a small job...

Vital to the survival
of democracy.

Ted, that's beautiful.
It's the newsman's credo.

It's on the masthead of
my high school newspaper.

That, along with our motto:

"We freely choose
and have no fear.

We print the news
from near and far."

That's funny. I always
thought that rhymed.

Get that, will you, honey?

Hey. Hi, georgette.

Hi, ted. Nice broadcast
tonight. Hi, mar.

Really good. Hope you mean it.

Uh-huh. You remember
phyllis lindstrom, don't you?

Oh, hi, phyllis. So nice
to see you again, ted.

Thanks, phyllis.
Hope you mean it.

Can I get anyone a cream soda?

Ted always has one after
the show. It relaxes him.

No, thank you.
None for me, thanks.

Okay. Please, sit down.
What can I do for you?

Well, ted, phyllis has this
really dumb idea... Ted, i...

I admired your editorial.
It was forceful, sincere...

Well, that's the kind of a
guy I am, phyllis. I can't help it.

If I believe in
something, I speak out.

Later, if I change my mind, I'm
not afraid to speak out again.

If you only knew how
refreshing that kind of honesty is.

Still later,

If I find I was mistaken to change
my mind in the second place,

I'm not afraid to speak
out yet another time.

Bravo. That's the kind
of man we're looking for.

Looking... Looking
for... Looking for what?

Well, as I started to say, phyllis has
this really ridiculous idea that you...

Ted, the concerned
democrats of minneapolis...

Want you to run in the
city council primary.

I'll have to go and
think about that.

Phyllis, I am telling
you he is not...

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Let him think about it, mary.

I'm afraid this is distracting
him. Is this distracting you, ted?

Well, we'll be quiet
until you're finished.

It's okay. I'm almost finished.

Ha. It's funny.

Just a few moments ago, I was just the
best darn newscaster in america and now...

Now this.

Ted, you can't do it.
You're a republican.

How can you possibly
run as a democrat?

I'll switch. What have the
republicans ever done for me?

It's out of the
question, so that's that.

Well, I told that to ted, mr. Grant,
but he wouldn't listen to me.

Because you weren't brutal
enough. That's my job, being brutal.

You see, mary, what
ted doesn't understand...

Is that the second he decides to
run, he's no longer my anchorman.

So there's no contest.
He's gonna stay.

Well, I'm glad
that's settled. Yeah.

I can just picture him
out on the campaign trail,

Kissing hands
and shaking babies.

Hi, g*ng. Hi, ted.

The people have made
their choice, and I accept.

Hey, murr, how do you like
this for my campaign slogan?

"From newscaster to news
maker." Eye-catching, yet simple.

Just like the candidate.

Ted, before you make any commitments,
I think you ought to talk to mr. Grant.

He wants to explain
a few things to you.

Oh. Hi, ted.

Oh, hi, gordo. How's
your new career going?

The news must be all over town.
Where did you hear it? You told me.

Oh. Th-that's true. Say,
so what do you think?

Do you think I've got what it takes
to make it in politics these days?

I'm afraid so.


Ted, get in here.
Oh, yeah. Okay, lou.

Don't, uh, talk about
me while I'm gone.

I'm only kidding. You
can talk about me.

I'm glad I caught
you alone, lou.

This is probably a good
time for us to have a talk.

No, it isn't.

This is a good time for
one of us to have a talk...

And one of us to have a listen.

Well, uh, suit
yourself. I'll be brief.

Now, I just thought that...

You're not running for city
council, ted. It's that simple.

Thank you for coming in. I'm
glad we had this little chat.

You got it all wrong, lou. I
am running for city council.

Let me make
something clear to you.

You can't be a newsman
and run for office.

Oh, sure I can. I'll budget my
time, take shorter lunches...

It's not my rule.
It's the f.c.c.'S.

You can't do both, and if
you do, I have to fire you.

Am I getting through to you now?

I understand that last part.

Therefore, you are not running
for city council. Yes, I am, lou.

No, you're not,
ted. Yes, I am, lou.

Comes a time when a man
must do what he thinks is right,

Regardless of
personal gain or loss.

You mean that? Yes, I do, lou.

Why, ted? I think you're sincere,
but I can't figure out your motive.

I only ran for office
once in my life, lou...

In high school, for
student council.

It may sound silly, but... That might
have been the happiest time of my life.

I'll... Never forget how it felt
to have people root for me.

- You win?
- I got clobbered.

But that was a
long time ago, lou,

- Before I became...
- Ted baxter.

I'm gonna go all the way
and show those people, lou.

So, fire me if you want to.

In fact, if it... If it'll help
you any, I'll... I'll resign.

You're that sincere? Mmm.

Okay, ted. Tell you what.

You resign for now,
then later the door will

Always be open if
things don't work out.

You mean, if the
unthinkable happens?

No, I mean if you lose.

Hold the work, everybody.

I'd like to make
an announcement.

Ted has informed me of his wish... To do
something for the people of minneapolis.

Towards that end, he is
resigning as our anchorman.

Mr. Grant? You'll always have
a friend at the city council.

What happened in there? I don't know.
I don't know. It was very confusing.

For a moment there he
seemed to make sense.

Ah, don't worry, lou. I
won't leave you in the lurch.

I'll help you find a successor, no
matter how long it takes. Gordie.

Of course I don't kid
myself it'll be easy,

But we'll stage a
massive talent hunt.

I will personally
screen all the candidates.

And if we're lucky
enough to find mr. Right...

Yeah, lou? You're the new
anchorman. Think you can handle it?

What's to handle?
It's a milk run.

Good. Good luck,
ted, and good-bye.

Good luck, man.

Good-bye, mary. Good-bye, ted.

Lou. Ted.

Murray. Good-bye, ted.

Bye, everyone.

Good-bye, ted.

Well, i... Guess
this is good-bye.

Good-bye. Bye.

So, until we meet
again, good-bye.

But not... Not farewell,
just-just-just good-bye.

Mr. Baxter, are you for
or against the school tax?

Against. I just don't think
school kids should be taxed.

They've got enough to pay for,

What with lunches, pencils,
maybe a movie on weekends.

Do you believe this? They think
he's being funny, that he's witty.

He's really impressed them.

Thank you, ladies and
gentlemen of the press.

That ends our conference. And phyllis
knows just when to get him off the hook.

Gee, mary, I gotta admit
this, though I hate to.

She has got him doing a
pretty good campaign so far.

Boy, whoever thought that ted and phyllis
would be working together like this?

Well, you know it's
like they say, mar.

Politics makes
strange bedfellows.

As a matter of fact, phyllis and
lars make strange bedfellows.

Come in.

Ted, hi.

Hi, mar. Nice to see you.

I was downstairs watching
the news with phyllis.

Oh, hi, rhoda. Nice
to see you again.

You're looking very
nice this evening.

Thanks, ted. Same to you.

Hope you mean it.

Hey, ted, I saw the latest
survey. You're really pickin' up.

Yeah, did you notice? I just
passed "undecided" in the polls.

I'm my own man, mar, going it
alone and doin' it my own way.

You're six minutes
behind schedule, ted.

You cannot monopolize
my candidate, you two.

He's public property.

I was just telling ted how
nice it is to see him again.

Gee, we really miss
you at the station.

Ted would like to see more of you, but
the campaign trail is a lonely road, mary.

Come along, ted. We're late.

Well, good-bye, mary, rhoda.
It was nice talking to you, ted.

Oh, uh, rhoda, I
want you to know...

That after the elections,
I hope to visit israel.


Well, no, you're just gonna
have to take a message.

It's so busy around here
today. Okay, thank you.

I'll be darned.

Ted actually has a chance
to win the primary. I know.

Well, the city's
loss will be our gain.

Hey, fred, uh, can we get a
film crew in the 11th ward?

Well, you know, just a random
sampling, interviews, things like that.

Hang on a minute, will
you? Yeah? Oh, really. When?

Well, how soon could
we have that tape?


Here he is, folks. The grand
old man of the newsroom.

Ah, fine. Hi, ted. Hi, mar.

Listen, frank, can we get a direct
line from election headquarters?

The old tiger makes
his triumphal return.

Ah, good. Mike, will you see if
we can get a feed from channel 9?

I figured you'd both be under the g*ns
by now and could use some seasoned help.

Get me research. Hey, murray.

Well, look who's here.
The manchurian candidate.

Well, I just thought I'd stop by and watch
the old team get ready for the big game.

Look, can you get me figures
on campaign expenses so far?

For background. A breakdown by
candidate. You know me, the old fireman.

I hear that bell
and... Thanks, grace.

No, I'll come and get it.

Say, mar... Yeah? Okay,
thanks. I'll be right there.

Say, mar, how'd that film of me at
the polls come out this morning?

Ah, well, we're not
gonna use it, ted. Why?

Because it didn't look too
good when they told you...

You couldn't vote because
you weren't registered.

Big deal. So I forgot. They still
let me pose in the voting booth.

You know something? When
nobody was looking, I voted anyway.

I gotta run. Uh...

- Ted, what are you doin' here?
- Lou.

Long time no see. Yeah, yeah.

Shouldn't you be, uh,
kissing babies somewhere?

Well, it's too late for that.
It's up to the voters now.

Uh-huh. So what's
news, big fella?

Well, listen, ted. Uh, we're
pretty busy around here right now.

Pretty busy. Love to
have a little chat with you,

But why don't you
drop us a line sometime?

"Although it's still much
too early to predict a winner,

"A number of trends
have developed...

Which experts could not
have prog... "Nosticated.

Hi, ted. Hi, gordie.
Pretty busy, huh?

Yeah. Nothin' like a
newsroom on election day.

You're tellin' me. You
wanna know something?

I... Miss it. Ah, we
miss you too, ted.

You do? Yeah.

Gee. Your audience
misses you too, ted.

Did I get any mail? Oh,
yeah. You got a lot of mail.

No kidding? From people, sure.

How many? Oh, uh, 650.

Wow. No kidding. Can I see them?

Oh, well, i... I don't...
I don't have the...

Well, just-just show me... Tell me where
they are... I think maybe murray has them.

Come on, mary. I wanna
see them. They're my letters.

That's only three.

Well, ted, why did you
make me show you anyway?

Hey, you know what, ted?
Everywhere I go, people yell,

"Hey, gordie, when's ted comin'
back?" No kidding. They do?

Yeah. Everywhere. Where?

How many yell that? 650.

I mean, men or what? Women, too?

Yeah, women too.
Yeah. Young women?

Would you say that the
women yelled more often...

Nobody yelled it, ted. They
didn't yell it. Nobody yelled nothin'.

Why do you make me do this?
You always push too hard.

Nobody yelled, huh? Well, a few.

How many? Three.

I think you're the
greatest, mr. Baxter.

I'll die if you don't win.

Hope you mean it.

Ted, hi. Hi, mar.

Hey, good luck tonight.

Thanks. I'm not taking sides,
mind you, but good luck.

Welcome to the landslide. Ah.

Mary, aren't you
working tonight?

Yeah, I am. Right here. I
asked for the assignment. Oh.

- How are the returns?
- Well, i-i don't have
the latest on ted yet,

But the party's
doing fine statewide.

I guess my coattails were a lot
broader than some people thought.

Oh, hi there. Thanks for coming.

Mary, look at my face. Do you notice
something? You look a little tired.

My eyes. What do you
notice about my eyes?

Um, circles under
them? A little red.

Possibly. But that
glow you see is the light.

The light, mary. I have seen it.

This is only the very
modest beginning.

Today, minneapolis, tomorrow...
Well, finish it for yourself, mary.

I will. I will. But I
gotta go check...

And make sure the crew's
ready for ted's speech.

See you.

Thanks for coming. Welcome
to the baxter bandwagon.

Oh, ted, I'm so proud
of you, I could burst.

Everybody here
feels the same way.

Ted, I want you
to be successful,

But it makes me sad to think about you
going to other places like washington.

I'm afraid you won't
have any time for me.

Are you kidding? When
they call me up in front

Of those senate
investigating committees,

You're gonna be sitting
there right there behind me.

Oh, ted, you always say
the right things. I try.

We want baxter! We want baxter!

- We want baxter! We want baxter!
- It's magic time, honey.

We want baxter! We want baxter!
We want baxter! We want baxter!

We want baxter! We want
baxter! We want baxter!

We want ba...

Thank you all for
coming here tonight.

I know you're all waiting to
hear me give my victory speech,

But... I think it would look much better
if we waited till the votes were counted.


But when those baxter votes start
pouring in, you'll be the first to know.

Yeah! We want baxter!

We want baxter! We want
baxter! We want baxter!

800 Votes behind?

Ted, y-you still have a
chance. I mean, it's not over.

You know, there are a couple of
big precincts that haven't come in yet.

You know, it's funny the thoughts that
go through your head at a time like this.

I remember when I was in high school,
running for student council, and I lost.

I went home and
told my mother I won.

She was so proud.

You know, to this day,
she still thinks that I won.

Well, i... Hope you win
tonight, ted. I... I really do.

Thanks, mar. I got... I gotta
go check with the station.

Ted. Oh, ted. Oh, ted.

Ted, I don't... I don't
know what to do. How to...

Ted, I don't know how
to break this to you.

This sounds like bad news.

We lost, ted. We lost.

Well, what about all those big
precincts that hadn't come in?

They came in!

We're finished, ted.

Crushed. Wiped out. Annihilated.

I don't like the sound of that.

I told everybody
I was going to win.

So did i. I believed in us.

I felt we had such bright,
untarnished hopes for the future.

I felt we had mountains
to climb, promises to keep.

But the light failed,
ted. The dream died.

Oh, my lord.

We gotta pick
up the pieces, ted.

We've gotta walk out
there, our chins high,

Show them what we're made of.

They wanna hear from
you, ted. Talk to them.

What'll I say? I don't care.

I could read my
victory speech, but...

That's such a happy
speech. Adapt it. Improvise.

My friends,

This is a great
night, except for me.

I humbly thank the
people for their mandate,

Though a victory would
have been even better.

My opponent put up a good
fight, even though he won.

Tonight the people of minneapolis
have taken a great step forward,

And if that's what they
want, the hell with them.

Gordie, here's the update
on the second ward.

Thanks, mary. How
much time have I got?

We go back on the
air in five minutes.

Okay. Hi, g*ng.

Ted. Hi, ted.

Would you believe it? Some
loudmouth told my mother I lost.

Oh, thanks, gordie.
I'll take over.

What do you think you're doing?

You said the door was open,
and you don't mind, do you, gordie?

No, of course I don't mind. I don't mind
going back to being just a weatherman.

I don't mind losing my
job as the anchorman.

I don't mind losing all that extra
money. What makes you think I mind?

See, lou? It's okay with gordie.

I really wanted you to win, ted.

Nobody wanted you to
win more than i. Nobody.

Believe me. Nobody.

That's touching.

Let's see.

"Peterson's victory in the
primary makes him a certain shoo-in...

For the $16,000-a-year post
as city councilman from..."

$16,000? That's all it pays?

Boy, am I lucky I lost.

Can you imagine anybody dumb
enough to work for $16,000 a year?

I work for less, ted.

Oh. Less, sure, but not 16,000.
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