03x22 - Remembrance of Things Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". Aired: September 19, 1970 – March 19, 1977.*

Moderator: hapsullivan

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Mary is a thirty-something single woman who settles in Minneapolis after breaking up with a boyfriend.
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03x22 - Remembrance of Things Past

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Who can turn the
world on with her smile ♪

♪ Who can take a nothing day ♪

♪ And suddenly make it
all seem worthwhile ♪

♪ Well, it's you, girl
and you should know it ♪

♪ With each glance and every
little movement you show it ♪

♪ Love is all around
no need to waste it ♪

♪ You can have the town
why don't you take it ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪♪

Okay. Just to keep
everybody up to date:

Ted will be leaving for
washington on friday

Immediately following
his broadcast...

For a series of interviews
with national political figures.

Ted will take a 9:15 plane
from international airport,

Arriving at dulles airport
in washington at 12:20.

Uh, did you tell the hotel I need a board
under my mattress because of my back?

- Yes, I did.
- We also ordered sheets with
pictures of peanuts and snoopy.

All right. At exactly
9:00 saturday morning,

Ted will be driven to the
department of state for a briefing...

With william p. Rogers.

William p. Rogers is
the secretary of state.

I thought kissinger was
the secretary of state.

- I thought
he was president.
- [Phone rings]

All right. There's gonna
be time for questions.

Murray has made
some up for ted to ask.

She's here. Hold on. Mary. Mr. Grant,
could you tell 'em I'll call back later?

She can't talk right
now. Who's calling?

- Tom vernon?
- Uh...

Hold on. She can talk right now.

I'll take it in the other
room. It's an old friend.

I won't be a second.

Hello, tom?

You're kidding.
You're in minneapolis?

Well, well, well.

Yeah, it has. It's
been a long time.

No. I didn't realize it
had been that long.

Yeah, yeah. I'm still unmarried.

And you? Still "un" as well?

So how are you? Good.

Me? Yes. Also good.

I got lonely.

Gee, tom, I don't know if
we'll be able to get together.

You see, I might be going out
of town on a business trip.

Uh, wisconsin.

With, uh... I tell you what.

Why don't you call me a little
later, and then I'll know for sure.

Well, thank you. It was
wonderful to hear yours too. Right.

And welcome to
minneapolis. Good-bye.

Um, that was an old friend.

Who you didn't wanna
see. I know the feeling.

No, no, no. I really do wanna
see him. It, uh... Oh, never mind.

- Can we get on with it now?
- Yes. Of course.

Say, lou,

If you're gonna move the meeting,
the least you could do is tell a guy.


Questions ted's supposed to
ask the secretary of state?

- Yes. Right. The questions, murray?
- I gave them to you, mar.

Oh, well, then, they must be
in here somewhere. Uh, lou?

[Grunts] I've got a perfect question
that no one there will think of.

Mr. Secretary, ted baxter,
wjm news, minneapolis-st. Paul.

Tell me, sir: do
you sleep naked?

So the famous tom is back, huh?
When's the last time you saw him, mar?

Two and a half years ago. Two
and a half years and four letters.

And a postcard from atlantic
city with a picture of a diving horse.

And now, just when I
think I'm over him, he's...

Well, I'm not gonna see him.
That's all. There isn't time anyway.

- I've got all this
spring cleaning to do.
- Yeah. I can see where...

You wouldn't wanna pass up this kind of
fun to go out with a guy you used to love.

Is there anything here
you think you want?

Yeah, mary, there sure is.

How about these? I
meant from the box.

I was afraid of that.

Listen, kid, what can it
hurt to see him again?

I mean, just once. It can hurt,
rhoda. Believe me. It can hurt.

Boy, I remember... Once we were
on this picnic, and there we were...

On that mountainside,
sitting on the grass.

Yeah. Gotcha. Yeah.

Gentle slope, I assume. I mean,
you weren't clutching onto bushes?

Right. Gentle slope.

And we were having wine and
cheese and staring at the clouds,

And he turned to me and he said,

"If I were the kind of guy
who would ever get married,

This is the moment
I would propose."

Rhoda, it was the
worst moment of my life.

Ooh, you protestants. Someday.

Someday, mar, I will tell you...
When we're older, past caring...

The worst moment of my life.

You wanna hear it now?

It involved my high school
prom and a boiled potato.

Oh, I don't know. Why
don't we save that?

Did you want this? What is it?

I don't know. That's why I'm
throwing it out. Of course.

Boy, today, rhoda, when
he called, I got so formal.

I just... I couldn't relax. My
voice sounded like pat nixon,

Welcoming eagle
scouts to the oval room.

Hey, mary, I've never seen
this before. What is this?

Oh, it's just a family
photo album. Can I have it?

I could leave it open in my apartment.
People would think it was my life.

There are pictures of
tom in there somewhere.

Oh, is this him
here, mar? Where?

Standing right next to
you in front of this car.

Yeah, that's tom. It's a
very revealing photo.

Hmm. He's got the same lovesick
expression on his face as you do.

Only, he's looking at his car.

Exactly. Would you like me
to sum up our relationship?

Saturday, we'd go
out. Sunday, I'd cry.

Monday, I never wanted to see him again,
and by thursday, I prayed he'd call back.

Friday, he did. Saturday,
we'd go out. No, no. Not again.

- Maybe he's changed.
- You had to say that,
didn't you?

Rhoda, you know what this reminds me
of? A scene from beach blanket bingo,

And we're sandra dee
and annette funicello.

Oh, sandra. Sandra,
don't take it so hard.

Maybe fabian'll
ask you to the hop.

I know. I mean,
I'm 32 years old,

And I'm walking
around like... [Phone rings]


Oh, hello again, tom.

Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't talk
when you called earlier, but...

Right. Busy, busy, busy.

Uh, what's that you say?

No, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't
go out tomorrow night either,

Because as it does turn out, I will be
going out of town on the business trip.

How long will you
be in our fair city?

Just the week. Well, then,
I guess I'll miss seeing you.

Yeah. Sure. I'll write down
your number just in case.

Sure. 555-9372.

Extension 2176.

Right. Bye.

- "How long will you be
in our fair city?"
- I know.

Why do I talk like that?
Well, at least it's over,

And I'm not gonna have to
put myself through that again.

Are you sure, kid? I'm sure. That's why
I did not write down his phone number.

555-9372. Extension 2176.

You wanna write that
down before you forget?

Go ahead, mar. Why don't you
call tom? You know you want to.

Yeah. You're right. I don't know what
I'm making such a big deal out of it for.

Hello. Room 2176, please.

Did you see that? Did you see
the way my arm just hung up on me?

Isn't that stupid?
Maybe it knows best.

- Yeah.
- Wait. It's an arm. What can it know?

I don't think I've ever done
anything like that before in my enti...

Hello. Room 2176, please.

- It did it again.
- I tell you what.

Next time, try holding the
phone in your other hand.

You can't trust that one.

I can't believe I did
that. Why did I do that?

Any messages,
mary? Yes, mr. Grant.

Thanks. You can take the
rest of the day off. Why?

Well, I figured maybe you'd want to
see that old boyfriend of yours, tom,

While he's still
in town. Murray!

- Lou, I told you not
to say anything.
- Why did you tell him?

Lou, you told me you wouldn't
tell her. If I can't say something...

In confidence to you... I
thought it might help if he knew.

Why wouldn't you want me to
know? I'm as close to you as he is.

Besides, you could trust me. If you
told me, I wouldn't go blabbing it to him.

Oh, say, mar, I've been
going over this itinerary.

I think as long as I'm winging it to
d.c., I oughta meet the president.

Uh, ted, the junket has
already been set, and

Nobody is gonna meet
the president on this trip.

Here. Call the white house.
There is the telephone number.

Ted, I can't get the
president on the telephone.

Of course you can't, unless you
tell them you're calling for ted baxter.

Never hurts to be seen with the
president of the united states.

Might even help someday if I
decide to throw my hat into the fire.

You? Why not?

They asked cronkite to
run for the senate once.

I think "good night and
good news" is a lot better...

Than, "and that's
the way it is."

It's ringing. Hello?
White house?

- Is the president there?
- That's not the way to do it.

Hi there. Ted baxter,
wjm-tv, minneapolis-st. Paul.

I'd like to speak to the
president. It's personal.

It's busy? I'll hold.

Okay. Have him call me back.

Uh, tell him I'll be here
for a couple of hours.

Then he can call me
at home at 555-8737.

Tell him not to call
after 10:00. I'll be asleep.

When he calls,
I'll be in makeup.

That's the way you
call a president.

Mary, you still haven't
called tom. I know.

Mary, you wanna
call him. Call him.

Okay. And this time,
I am not hanging up.

[Clears throat]
room 2176, please.

Hi, uh, tom. It's mary.

Yeah. Right here in minneapolis.

I didn't have to go
out of town after all,

And so I thought if you
weren't doing anything tonight...

Of course, I'm
sure that you are...

You aren't? Oh,
that's wonderful.

Fine. 8:00.

It's 119 north wetherley.

It'll be good seeing
you too. Good-bye.

I don't know what I'm so happy about,
'cause I know what's gonna happen to me.

Hello, annette? It's sandra.

Rhoda, this is just
like him. He's already an

Hour late, and I have
been ready for two hours.

I mean, it's happening all
over again. [Doorbell buzzes]

There he is. I'll call
you back... After. Bye.

The reason I'm late is I've been
downstairs for 30 minutes finding out...

There is no great thing
you can say to a woman

You haven't seen in
two and a half years.

- What do you mean?
- Well, I mean,
"how you been?" Isn't it.

"You look wonderful."
That's not enough.

"It's good to see you
again." That doesn't work.

And definitely not
"it's been a long time."

You look wonderful.
It's good to see you.

How've you been?
It's been a long time.

Well, now that that's settled
away... Hey, I love your place.

But I don't see anything from your
old apartment, including your roommate.

I should've known
you'd get better looking.

You know, when you're 60,
I won't be able to stand it.

You sure you wanna go
out tonight? Yes, I'm sure.

I mean, sure, yeah, sure.

I thought we'd just stay
in and get reacquainted.

- Can't we reacquaint out?
- I guess so.

I thought we could order
a pizza, like the old days.

- I saw a place
in the next block.
- They don't deliver.

Now, tom, I insist. You are the
guest, and I am the tour guide,

And minneapolis has
a terrific nightlife.

All right. Of course, mary. You
didn't dress up just to sit home.

We'll go out and
have fun. Right.

But, you know, you
do look wonderful.

You're gonna love this
little restaurant I picked out.

You sure that place
doesn't deliver? Absolutely.

Because I remember once, I was giving
a party. It was no particular occasion.

Just a bunch of us
got together and...

And somebody suggested
we send out for pizza

Because the party had
gone on for some time,

And we'd sort of
run out of food.

Anyway, we all got on the phone,
and even after we pleaded and pleaded,

They still wouldn't deliver, and
finally, we just trooped on down there.

So let's get going,
'cause minneapolis awaits.

Okay. Let's go.

You know,

I know of this other
place that does deliver.

[Ted] and so, mr. And mrs. Twin cities,
immediately following this broadcast,

This reporter will be winging
his way to our nation's capital...

That's washington,
district of columbia...

For parleys with
our nation's leaders.

A lot of hard work has been
spent preparing for this trip.

His mother had to sew
name tapes on his underwear.

Many hours of briefings, research and
exhaustive study so that this reporter...

Can seek out the
news behind the news.

He asked me if washington was
named after the president or the state.

This is ted baxter, your man in washington,
saying good night and good news.

Ted going to washington. That'll
teach agnew to pick on newscasters.

Three good jokes, and nothing.
Tom hasn't called yet, huh?

No. And he said he'd
call me at work today.

Mary, you're still at
work. He could still call.

Yeah, I suppose.

Mary, would you run these
budgets down to accounting for me?

Yes, mr. Grant. Murray,
if any calls come,

Just tell him I'm down the
hall and I'll call him right back.

"Down the hall."
Wait. No, no. Just...

Say I'll be right back
and then put him on hold.

"Right back."
Wait. No, no. Don't.

Just say "just a minute"
and come and get me.

[Phone rings] I got it.
Newsroom. Lou grant.

The budgets? Yeah. They're
on their way down. Mm-hmm.

Boy, it's good to be a
foreign correspondent again.

A week in tijuana doesn't make
you a foreign correspondent.

- Well...
- So long, ted.

Good trip.

Gonna miss you, you big palooka.

Ted, you're only gonna
be gone for two days.

Murray, take care of
yourself, you hear? Right, ted.

I'm gonna really miss you guys. You
don't know how much I'm gonna miss you.

We promise we'll
write every day.

You sure you don't wanna
come along, lou? No, ted.

Murray? We can't, ted.

Ah, come on. Please.
We'll have a lot of fun.

Just the three of us
running around washington.

Please. I don't
wanna go by myself.

Ted, it's gonna be all right.

There will be people
there to take care of you.

Yeah. And we'll be
here if you need us.

Well, i... I guess I'll be
all right. Sure you will.

Well, so long.

Murray? No.

I can't take it.

Don't be so sad, mary. I'll only
be gone for a couple of days.

[Knocking] it's rhoda.

Well, hi. Well, hi, rhoda.

- Still haven't heard
from tom, huh?
- Nope.

Hmm. Mary, something
happen last night?

The worst possible thing.
We had a terrific time.

Oh, that's a shame.

At least I did. Well, it's my fault. I
should never have gone out with him.

I think I know what's
wrong. Mary, you haven't

Told tom how you
really feel about him.

Yes, I have. Big mistake.

- Rhoda, I don't believe that.
- You don't believe it? You're living it.

The only guy in your life you really
want, he's leaving town tomorrow.

Well, there's just
nothing I can do about that.

Oh, mary. There certainly is. Nobody
walks away from a game when he's losing.

Hey, rhoda, listen.
Just so that I can

Continue to respect
you as my closest friend,

Tell me you're not
suggesting that I do anything

As stupid as trying
to make tom jealous.

Yeah. I know. You're right,
kid. It's absolutely absurd.

People our ages playing games. I mean,
I'm sorry I even mentioned it. I'm ashamed.

But it works.

Come on, rhoda. You
can't build a relationship

That's gonna be
full and meaningful...

On a foundation of deceit.

Sure you can. [Doorbell buzzes]

You expecting him? Huh?

Rhoda, if it is him, promise
me you'll stay. Why?

Please. It'll make it
easier for me. I can't, mary.

Promise me. All
right. I promise.

Hi. Hi. I'm rhoda.

You've probably heard
a great deal about me,

And I've certainly
heard a lot about you.

Welcome to our fair city.

- That's my friend.
- I'd like to meet her sometime.

- I thought you'd be glad
to see me. Aren't you?
- Oh, surely.

Well, I know I was
supposed to call you at

Work today, but somehow
I just got involved.

Oh, really? No. I thought
that I was supposed to call you.

Anyway, I happened to be in the

Neighborhood, so I
thought I'd just drop in.

Well, good. That's good.

I'm just sorry we won't be able
to spend more time together.

- What do you mean?
- Well, I have a late date.

- How late?
- 10:30.

- 10:30?
- Well, see, that's when
he gets off work.

Nobody gets off work
at 10:30. Policemen do.

He's a cop? Detective, first.


He's... He's not a
detective, first.

He's not a policeman, and,
uh, he's not even a person.

I mean, I don't have
a date tonight.

Well, why did you say you did? Do I
make you do things like that, mary?

No, tom. It's not you.

You're not mad at me? No.

Everything's okay? Yeah. Fine.

Good. Let's have
the pizza. Okay.

Aw, tom, can't you even
remember that I hate anchovies?

I mean, I can take a lot, but I just
cannot take you walking in here...

With a pizza that's
smothered in anchovies.

I really don't think
that's being too

Demanding of me to
expect you to remember...

That I hate anchovies!

Why do I have the crazy feeling that
this isn't what you're really mad about?

- No, no. This is it. Right there.
- If you...

If you had to take a wild
s*ab at something else

That might be bothering
you, what would it be?

Nothing. No. Take
a s*ab, a wild s*ab.

- Our relationship.
- I think you got it.

Tom, I'm sorry. Listen, it's
nothing to be mad about.

I mean, you can't help
it if you don't... Care.

I don't, huh? I care.

Tom, it's just so hard not knowing
if I'm ever gonna see you again...

And only knowing that
when I do, you're gonna leave.

Sure. In the movie of my life, frank
sinatra will play the part, right?

Well, don't tell me you really
do feel badly when you leave.

- That's right. I do.
- Then how come you only...

Wrote me four times
in two and a half years?

I mean, reader's digest
wrote to me more than that.

How come you only wrote me three
times in the last two and a half years?

- That is different.
- Oh, no, it's not.

And the last two times, you
signed it "fondly" instead of "love."

That's because I didn't think
we were in love anymore.

I thought we were
more in fondness. No.

- I love you.
- I love you.

So how come we're
not happy about that?

Because we each
want different things.

Mary, you want a
deeper relationship.

You wanna be wife, mistress,

Mother, sister and friend.

I just don't think one out of five
is enough for you. You're right.

One out of five isn't enough,

But three out of five?

But, mary, you'd just
end up disappointed,

And I'd end up feeling guilty.

Boy, it really is
easy for you, isn't it?

No, it's not easy,
mary. Boy, it's not easy.

'Cause I know one
day I'm gonna call you,

And you're gonna tell
me about some other guy.

And that's just
gonna wipe me out.

Oh, yes, it will.
Believe me, it will.

I do. I do believe you, tom. I
guess you just can't change.

But, hey,

Did it ever occur to you that
someday you're gonna be alone?

It occurred to me.

Poor tom.

Poor me.

Poor us.

[Typing] mary, I thought you said
ted was on his way from the airport.

Well, he must be tied up in traffic.
He said he would be here by airtime.

We've only got a couple of minutes.
Tell gordy to stand by to fill in.

Right. I will.

Hi, guys. Ted, hurry up!
You've only got 30 seconds!

Does anybody even
say hello? Hi, ted.

Ted! All right. All right, guys.
Been gone a couple of days.

Nobody says "hello," "how
are you," "we've missed you."

- Here you go, ted.
- Say, mar,
that was a rotten trip.

I don't wanna do one of those
things again. You can't believe...

Well, at least he made it.

This is ted baxter. I just this minute
returned from our nation's capital,

Where all went well with my
talks with our nation's leaders.

There was, however,
one sorry exception,

One nationally known
political figure...

Who steadfastly refused to see
me, even when I stopped by his house.

Something to
hide, richard nixon?

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