03x12 - It Was Fascination, I Know

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". Aired: September 19, 1970 – March 19, 1977.*

Moderator: hapsullivan

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Mary is a thirty-something single woman who settles in Minneapolis after breaking up with a boyfriend.
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03x12 - It Was Fascination, I Know

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Who can turn the
world on with her smile ♪

♪ Who can take a nothing day ♪

♪ And suddenly make it
all seem worthwhile ♪

♪ Well, it's you, girl
and you should know it ♪

♪ With each glance and every
little movement you show it ♪

♪ Love is all around
no need to waste it ♪

♪ You can have the town
why don't you take it ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪

♪ You're gonna
make it after all ♪♪

[Rhoda] hey, that's a terrific
dress. Is it new? Yeah.

Mmm. It's smart, it says
it, and it's you. [Chuckles]

Thank you. Hey, I
thought you had an iron?

Yeah, I do, but you need two of them
for a grilled cheese sandwich, you know?

I was... I was watchin' television,
and there was pat boone,

And I suddenly got
this urge for a grilled

Cheese sandwich and
of course a glass of milk.

Yes. [Phyllis] yoo-hoo! Mary.

Mary, I'm glad I caught
you alone. Are you busy?

Well, phyl, as a matter of fact,
i... Oh, good. Rhoda, close the door.

Oh, yes.

Bess... Is outside
with her young man,

And they're going to the school
dance, and she's so proud of him.

I just know how much she'd like you to
meet him. Oh, sure. I'd love to meet him.

Oh, and, um, mary,

When I bring them in, um,
don't make a big fuss over them.

Don't treat them like children.

They're not children, you
know. They're little people.

I would love to meet
your little people.

Why don't you just slide
them under the door?

Mary, you know what I mean.

Young people find it, um, embarrassing
to be gushed over. It's so patronizing.

Promise me you won't gush. I promise. I
won't gush. I cross my heart. No gushing.

I'm going to bring them in now.

You can come in now.
They're coming in now.

Here they are. Hi, aunt
mary. Hi, aunt rhoda.

Oh, bess, what a cute little...

Uh, nice... Good dress.

Thanks, aunt mary. This is my friend,
william campbell. Mary richards.

Hello, william.
Nice to meet you.

- You didn't tell me your aunt
was such a beautiful woman.
- Well, thank you.

[Phyllis] isn't he
cute? And so polite.

Hiya. Rhoda morgenstern.

Beautiful aunt mary's
good-natured friend. Yeah.

Nice to meet you. Aren't they the
cutest little things you ever saw?

Phyllis. Miss richards, bess mentioned
you work in a newsroom at wjm.

Uh-huh. Well, I'm very
interested in news.

Well, I tell you, anytime you want to,
come down to the station and look around.

Thanks. I'd like that.

Okay. Everybody, I am
late. I'm sorry. I gotta run.

I gotta meet my date
downtown in five minutes.

Well, if miss richards is
going downtown, maybe

She could drop us
off and save you a trip.

[Phyllis] oh, mary? Yeah,
sure. I don't see why not.

Well, you two have a
wonderful time now.

Remember, there's no curfew.

Whenever you two decide to come home,
it's all right with lars and me. Good-bye.

And I'll be in the
parking lot at 9:45!

Well, here you are again, rhoda,
watching the girls go off on their dates.

Huh. I know what you
mean, phyllis. I have

To go up those stairs
to that lonely room...

Aw. And spend an unexciting
evening with a book,

Whereas you get to spend
an exciting evening with lars,

Watching him try
to wake up his leg.

Good morning.
Well, good morning.

Remember you told me I could come
down to the newsroom and look around?

Yeah. Right, I did. It's just that I
didn't expect to see you so soon.

You really look beautiful
this morning. Well, thank you.

Don't you have school
today? Nope. They let me off.

Well, I'm gonna do a story
for the school paper,

You know, all about television
news programs? Uh-huh.

So they let me
off. Oh. Well, well.

Well, this is the newsroom.
Uh, not much goin' on right now.

Did you have a nice time last
night? Yeah. Yeah, it... It was okay.

You know, I don't think it was right of
your date to have you meet him like that.

I mean, I may be old-fashioned,
but the right thing to do...

Would have been to pick
you up at your apartment.

You know, I couldn't
agree with you more. Hmm.

Guess we're both
old-fashioned, huh? Yeah, I guess.

That guy you were out with
last night... Do you see him a lot?

No. Boy, you really do an
in-depth interview, don't you?

Morning, mar. Hi,
murray. Coffee's ready.

[Murray] ah, terrific.

Murray, I would like you
to meet william campbell.

William is doing a story on the
newsroom for his school paper.

Ah, I'm always pleased to meet
a fellow journalist. Thank you.

May I have a cup of
coffee? Yeah, sure.

How to you take
it? Black with sugar.

How many sugars? Six.

Thank you. Here you go.

Now what are you gonna
do? Now what am I gonna do?

I... Guess I'm gonna sharpen
a pencil. [Sharpener whirs]

You know, you really could learn a
lot from murray about news writing.

I mean, around here, news writing
is one of the most important jobs.

That's right. If it weren't for me, people
would turn on the six o'clock news,

See a grown man with a silly look
on his face saying, "good evening. I'm"...

"I'm"... Hi, guys.

Hiya, ted.

Oh. Hi, sonny. [Chuckles]

Any fresh coffee? Uh,
yeah, ted. I'll get you some.

Sit down, miss
richards. I'll get it.

Thanks. He's a cute kid.

How many sugars
do you take? Six.

Uh, ted, I'd like you to
meet william campbell.

William's doing a story on the
newsroom for his school paper.

Oh, really? Well,
pleased to meet you, bill.

I hope you don't mind
my calling you "bill"?

No. Good.

Well, bill, it all started in a 5,000-watt
radio station in fresno, california.

- You!
- Me?

Yeah, you, kid. In my office.

Uh, mr. Grant... Not now, mary.

I'll wait till you're finished
with your meeting, bill.

What did mr. Grant want?

Well, either I shape up, or I'm
fired. He thought I was the mail boy.

That's lou. Everybody under
the age of 20 looks alike.

Mary, will you
handle this? Yes, sir.

Mail. Sorry I'm late.

- You're not the mail boy.
- No, mr. Grant. This is the mail boy.

Come here, kid.

Uh, listen, um, about,
uh, that in there...

About, uh, what I said... Uh, you
know, if... If I sounded a little...

Tough, well, that
was, uh, because, uh...

Here's a buck.

Anyway, the turning
point in my career came...

One night when I heard the lonely
clickety-clack of the railway train.

It seemed to be saying
to me, over and over,

"Go into television. Go into
television. Go into television"...

And then the train said,

"And you'll be bad. And you'll
be bad. And you'll be bad."

He wouldn't let me
out of his sight the

Entire day. Hm. I cannot
figure it out, mar.

He met you and I at the same
time, and yet he picked you.

It was sort of sweet
though. I mean, he helped

Me off with my coat.
He opened doors for me.

He kept telling me
how beautiful I was.

You know, I had somebody in
love with me like that once:

Freckles, chocolate stains
on his face, runny nose.

He was a stockbroker.
[Door buzzer sounds]

Who is it? It's me,
mary... William.

"Mary." "William." Ho-ho.
First-name basis already, huh?

Hello. Hi.

You really look beautiful
tonight. Ah. This is where I came in.

See you later, mar.
Nice to see you again.

Uh, rhoda, must you go?

That's very nice of you, mar, but you
know what they say: "three's a crowd."

Besides that, I can tell, you two
young people would like to be alone.

I was in the neighborhood,
and there was something...

I felt I had to tell you. Oh?

Mary, I lied to you.

I'm not on the school
paper. I just used

That as an excuse to
spend the day with you.

Would you forgive me?

Well, uh, yeah. I
don't see why not.

Good. Can I come
in for a minute?

Well, yeah. Sure. Come on in.

I also remember you told me
you liked a good conversation,

So I thought maybe tonight
we could just sit around and...

Get to know each other better.


No, uh, thanks. I-i don't smoke.

Neither do i. Well, then I guess
we won't be needing these, will we?

Tell me, mary... Why haven't
you ever gotten married?

Uh, just never met
the right guy, I guess.

But you have lived with
somebody before though.

I-ce cream.

Ice cream. That's what
we need, is some ice...

I haven't had any desert, and I bet you
haven't had your desert either, right?

So why don't I just go down to
the store and get some ice cream,

And I'll have bess come up here, and
then we'll all have some ice cream. Bess!

Hi. Aunt mary told me you were up here.
How come you weren't in school today?

Um, I didn't feel like going.

Bess, sit down. There's
something we have to talk about.

What do we have to talk about?

Bess, I like you. Thanks.

I like you too. Only, there's
somebody I've met that I like better,

And I don't think we ought to
go out with each other anymore.

I know who it is. It's that new
girl, isn't it? Carmella corcione...

The one with the
big... Sweaters.

You're never gonna get it by taking
wild guesses. Is she in our homeroom?

- No. She's not in our homeroom.
- Is she in our class?

No. Is she older?

Yes. Older... Does
she have brown hair?

Yes. Is she in the 10th grade?

Tenth grade... No.

Dori daniels. No.

Does she go to our school? No.

Do I know her? Yes.

Older. Older. Doesn't
go to our school.

Brown hair...

William, what are you doing
in aunt mary's apartment?

Nothing. I was just talking to
her. You have eight questions left.

It's aunt mary, isn't it?

Yes, it's mary.

Do you know something?
You're really bananas!

We don't think so.

Aunt mary is past 30, and
she's taller than you are.

I don't think height should be a
barrier if two people like each other.

Aunt mary doesn't
like you. You're a kid.

[Sputters] you're really
bananas, you know that?

There's nothing you
can do about it. Oh, no?

Well, mr. Bananas, I
can tell your mother!

Mother? Ice cream, everybody.

The flavor of the
month: orange marmalade.

No thank you, aunt mary. I don't
feel very much like ice cream.

[Slams] what's the
matter with bess?

I think she's upset.
What's wrong?

I told her about us.

- Us?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh-h-h, look at that.

Came for you when
you were at lunch.

Oh, look at that.

They're from william.

Oh, you mean that nice kid who was
writing that story for his school paper?

He's not on his
school paper. Oh.

Who's not on his school paper?
That nice kid who was here yesterday.

What? The one I spent four hours
with tellin' my whole life story to?

I'm gonna report
him to his school.

Who sent the
flowers? The nice kid.

Well, if he thinks I'm gonna forgive
him just because he sent me flowers...

Ted, he sent the flowers
to me. See, he's got kind of...

A crush on me.

Oh, what am I gonna do? I don't wanna
hurt his feelings. He's such a sweet boy.

Say, mar, I was watching a rerun
of ozzie and harriet the other night,

And ricky had the same problem.

Oh? He fell in love with his
high school english teacher.

Ozzie took him into his den.
You know that den that he had?

Ozzie told him. He said, "ricky,
in this world, when you cheat,

You're only cheating yourself."

Ricky was cheating with his
high school english teacher?

I must have gotten that
mixed up with the episode

Where ricky had david
do his homework for him.

Well, anyway, it all
worked out in the end.

Of course, I don't think
it'll be so easy for you, mar.

That's right, mar. You don't
have an ozzie to talk to.

Any calls? No. No calls.

Lou, you ever have a crush on
anyone older when you were a kid?

Yeah. Mel ott.

[Murray] no, a girl. Nah.


[Quietly] yeah. Once.

She was a senior,
and I was a freshman.

Her name was margaret.

She didn't even know I was alive.
Isn't it funny how I almost forgot that?

Yeah. Margaret.

She had this... Golden hair...

Color of buttercups,

And eyes as clear and blue...

As a fresh mountain lake.

She had the best
rear end I ever saw.

So firm, you could
crack an egg on it.

That's about as tender
as we'll ever see him.

[Rings] newsroom.

Yeah, she's here. Hold on.

Is it... Mm-hmm.

Do you date anyone
else who calls me "sir"?

Hello, william.

Yes, it's me.


Well, william, I really
don't think that we sh...


Well, all right. Uh, I think maybe it
is a good idea for us to have a talk.

All right. Fine. See
you then. Good-bye.

[Singsongy] ♪ mary's got a
boyfriend mary's got a boyfriend ♪

Can you imagine? William is taking
me to la parisienne for lunch.

Well, it's not that expensive, mar.
You know what kind of place it is?

Out front they have this big sign that
says, "over two million escargot sold."

Well, I just figured
that lunch was as good a

Place as any to get this
whole thing cleared up.

Yeah. [Knocking]

- Are you expecting someone?
- Uh-uh. You don't suppose it's him?

Don't know. Worse... It's her.

Uh, rhoda,

If you don't mind, i... I'd like to
speak to mary on a personal matter.

- Go ahead.
- Well, phyllis,

If the personal matter
is william, rhoda knows.

Mary, um... [Clears throat]

I came here tonight
to assure you,

Before this trivial situation gets
blown up out of all proportion,

That you have nothing
to feel guilty about.

In fact, bess and
lars and I all agree...

That it is really the best
thing that could have happened.

Uh, what's the best thing
that could have happened?

That william chose
you over bess.

Oh. Oh, phyllis.

Come on, now. Is that the
face of the other woman?

Rhoda, speak not of
what you know not of.

After all, mary, you may be
the first rival bess ever had,

But you're certainly
not going to be the last.

Phyllis, I am not bess's rival!

I think lars said it for all
of us when he said to bess,

"Bess, you'll get over it."

Of course, he meant
so much more than that.

That's lars. He always speaks
not of what he knows not of.

I had a... A rather similar
experience in high school.

There was this boy
that I liked very much.

And then there was
this... This other girl...

Little miss personality,
bright, cheerful...


Perky! Oh, you
know the type. Yeah.

A-a girl not unlike you, mary.

Oh, I'll admit she had a kind of
surface charm, but no real depth.

So, naturally, I was... Hurt...

When he invited her to
the prom instead of me.

But i... I got over it.

Oh, there were a
few schoolgirl tears,

A few dark nights of the soul.

It wasn't easy
accepting the fact that...

I was the only girl in...
[Sighs] my senior class...

Who didn't have a
date to her own prom.

I was so ashamed
i-i didn't have a date,

I told my father I was meeting
this boy at his house. [Chuckles]

Isn't that ridiculous?

And that night I put on my...

Green organdy
formal evening gown...

And my purple orchid
wrist corsage...

That I had sent to myself,

And I went out
alone to the movies.

I sat through three showings...

Until it was time to
go back to my house,

Where I cried myself to sleep.

Well, sure was
fun talking about it.

Sort of a catharsis,
you might say.

I feel like a million. I'll see you
later. I gotta go wash my hair.

And for desert... [Clears throat]
may I suggest our pastry tray?

You don't have orange marmalade ice
cream, do you? She seems to like that.

No, I'm sorry. Okay,
the pastry tray.

I promise you. You will have
everything just the way you want it.

Thank you. And could I talk
to the violinist now, please?

Certainly. Maurice?

Maurice, this young man would like you to
play something for him and his young lady.

With pleasure. May I suggest...

♪♪ ["Fascination"]

Yeah. That'll be great.

Here. Thank you.

♪♪ [Violin, in distance]
ah, may I help you?

- Uh, yes. I'm supposed
to meet somebody here.
- Mary!

Oh. Oh, right this way.

Thank you.

You really look
beautiful this afternoon.

William, I want you to know that the
only reason I came here this afternoon...

Here. It's for you.

William, I don't want you
buying presents for me.

I can afford it. I got a great paper
route. Aren't you gonna open it?

Oh, william. Look... At that.

It's beautiful. Thank you.

- It's not real gold.
- Oh.

Shall I help you
put it on? Sure.

Uh, mary, is it too late to ask
you to the movies saturday night?

William, I cannot go
to the movies with you.

Friday? No.

Monday? I'm usually not allowed
on school nights, but... William, no.

It's bess, isn't it?

Just because you're friends with
bess, you don't want to go out with me.

It has nothing to do with
bess. Is there somebody else?

William, there doesn't
have to be somebody else.

Doesn't it bother you that I am 15 years
older than you are? ♪♪ ["Fascination"]

Well, i... I try not to
think about that part.

Well, you're gonna have to. Well, what
difference does it make what people say?

William, it's just
not gonna work.

Why? Because... ♪♪ [Louder]

[Softly] thank you.

Mary, I want you to know
that it's not just physical.

Let me... Let me... Let me
explain something to you.

Um, you, william, are a boy,

And i, mary, am a grown-up lady.

And, you see, grown-up ladies
just do not go out with little boys.

So you're a grown-up. Big deal.

- That's right. It is a big deal.
- Well, who said?

I said. Well, you're
really lousy, you know?


Well, you shouldn't
have told me you liked me.

[Kicking] please stop kicking the
table. You're gonna spill the water.

William, listen. Listen to me.
These things sometimes happen.

Sometimes two people meet, and
they're just not right for each other.

And it's nobody's fault.

William, can't you
understand that?

I mean... William, look.
I-i can't fall in love...

With every... Man I meet, can i?


Yeah, I guess not.

Good. Now, sit up straight and
eat your lunch. It looks delicious.

Mary, you know, I really
liked going with you.

Thanks. Me too.


Who is it? It's me. Bess.

Come on in.

Aunt mary, I'd like you to meet roger
henshaw. Roger, this is mary richards.

Hi, roger. Hello.

- We're going to the movies.
- Oh, great. I hope you have
a wonderful time.

We'd better get goin' now. Okay.

It was nice meeting
you, roger, and I hope

I'll see you again...
With bess... Sometime.

Okay. Uh, bye. Bye-bye.


- Aunt mary...
- What?

- He didn't even notice you.
- Great!

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