03x06 - Halloween Candy

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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03x06 - Halloween Candy

Post by bunniefuu »

- Okay, how about this?

We're on a private jet,

Now, all the passengers,
they're asleep.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

And I'm the captain,

And you're
the flight attendant.

- Okay.

- Hello...Vickie.

- Wait, who's vickie?

- You are.

- Why can't I just be me?

- All right, okay.
All right, fine.

Fine, you're you.


Boy, I...Usually don't
cramp up when I fly,

But maybe you could

Take off your clothes
and rub my neck a little.

- Okay, wait, ray.

Ray, can you just be you?

- What--I can't be me.

I don't know how
to fly this thing.

- Just forget the airplane.

I just want to be here
in our bedroom with you.

- What kind of pervert
are you?

- Oh, no!
- What, what no?

Everything's locked,
turned off, or asleep.

- No, no.
I just remembered.

I think
I'm out of stuff.

- Stuff?
- Yeah, stuff.

Well, there might
be a tube of it

Around here somewhere.

- Tube?

- A tube, yes, a tube.

Unless you want to be a father
again, look for the tube.

Where--what does it
look like?

It's been so long,
it's probably expired.

Come on, everything
was going so well.

I was home.

You were awake.

Got it! Got it!
- You got it?

- Got it, yes.

- Ray, this is sunblock.

- Okay, now we're
on a beach, right?

Yeah, you're
the rich society--

I'm juan, the cabana boy.

Nice goin'.

- What's that
supposed to mean?

- I mean runnin' out
of the stuff.

Way to go.

- So you're blaming me?

- Well, you're the one
who's in charge of the stuff.

- Why do I always
have to be in charge?

Why don't you go to the
drugstore and get some things?

- Things--you know
I don't like the things.

- Well, I don't like the stuff.

- I don't even like
to buy the things,

Especially if there's
a lady cashier.

I feel--I feel all dirty,
you know?

Like "hey, hey! Guess what
I'm gonna be doin' later!


"if I can get
all the kids to sleep,

And if the moon
and the stars all line up."

- Well, there is
another option, you know.

- We discussed it--
a little snip-snip.

- Hey, hey, ow, whoa!

Watch with that kind
of talk, huh?

He can hear you.

Don't listen
to the crazy lady, okay?

No snip-snip.

No snip-snip.

- Why don't you
tell your partner

That it might be
in his best interest

To take over
this little responsibility.

He might get out more often.

- What are you saying there?

- I'm just saying that
if I wasn't in charge

Of absolutely everything,

I might,

Be more inclined to...
More often.

- Hmm.

But now, if we were
to do something this drastic,

We might need
something in writing.

- Well, I can't give you
any guarantees, but...

- Hey, my client is gonna need
some assurances here.

- I'm sure we can reach
a satisfying arrangement.

Why don't you two
discuss it?

- I'll bring it up
at the next meeting.

I know what I'm doin'.

- Hey, ray.

Happy Halloween.

- Hey, hey, nemo.

- It's good for business.

And stop undressing me
with your eyes.

- Excuse me.
- Right, right, yeah.

Hey, ha, hey, whoa!

- Welcome to hell.
I'll be right with you.

- Hey, hey, hey, ray.
- Hey.

- What's up?
- Sit down.

We're waiting to see
what angelina's wearing.

- Oh, yeah.

- Remember last year's
little bunny outfit?

- Remember?
I couldn't drive home.

- Hi, guys.

I'll be with you
in one minute.

- Please whack me
with your ruler,

Sister mary wowie
wow wow wow!

- Andy, she's gonna
spit in our food.

- Can I take your order?

- Sure, and then I'd like
to join your order.

- So you guys
want your usual?

- Yeah.

- You know what?
Just give me a ginger ale.

I gotta go.
- Okay.

- Where are you going so fast?

- I got a little
doctor appointment.

- You okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm all right.

It's just a--it's a--
it's a little procedure.

- Rubber glove, right?

- No, no glove.

- He doesn't use a glove?

- It's--it's not that,
all right?

Come on, can I have
a little privacy here?

- Yeah, sure, sure.
I understand.

- Well, I don't.

I mean, why are we
hiding things?

We're best friends.

I read you my poetry.

- All right.

I'm gettin' a vasectomy.

- Vasectomy?
- Mm-hmm.

- What rhymes
with vasectomy?

- You're getting
a vasectomy.

- Come on--

- Vasectomy?
Very courageous, raymond.

- Thank you, sister.

- There once was a man
from schenectady.


- Is debra okay with this?
- Okay?

She came at me
with a pair of scissors.

- Hey, ray, I heard
you're cuttin' the wires.

- Oh, come on.

- I just want to tell you,
it's great.

- You had one?
- Oh, yeah.

You're gonna get love
like you never got love before.

- Was he flirting with me?

- Here you go.

- All right, guys, listen.

Thanks for your advice
and all that.

- Ray, let me
just say one word, okay?

- What?

- Peplowski.

Guy on my squad, we went
through the academy together.

Had a great future.

And then he got fixed.

He was never the same.

- What do you mean?

- Well, let's just say
after the procedure,

He had trouble...

Saluting the captain.

- Saluting the captain.

- Yeah, he could protect,
but he could not serve.

- Really?

- Yeah, completely messed up
his head, you know?

Never got over the fact
that he was firing blanks.

He was working security
at the mall, the poor bastard.

- I don't want to work
at the mall.

- Just thought I'd give you
something to think about.

- We're gonna have
to have another meeting.

- Oh, you're back.

Oh, ray,
I feel terrible.

I wish you would have let me go
to the doctor with you.

Are you okay, hmm?

- [high voice]
I'm fine.

- Oh!

- Gonna be sore
for a little while.

- No, come on.

- [normal voice]
I didn't do it.

- Well, there are some risks.
- There are?

- Yeah, I was talkin'
to the guys at nemo's--

- Oh, the guys at nemo's!

Brilliant medical minds.

How did you get
an appointment?

- All right,
look, I changed my mind

About mutilating myself,

But I'm not
a complete coward.

There you go.
- What?

- In there.

- Are these--

- Things.

- I got the things.

- You did?
- Uh-huh.

- These are things?

What's with
all the fancy colors?

- Well, I mean,
it's Halloween.

He wants to dress up, too.

- Wow, I can't believe
that you bought these.

- I told the lady,
I said,

"hey, give me
the rainbow pack, lady.

"and whatever you're thinkin',
that's right!

"yeah, and I'm gonna
be a regular here,

So just keep
the tab open."

- You didn't say that.
- I did.

I said that, and then
I punched out a stock boy

And kicked over
the sucrets rack.

- Well, I'm proud of you.

- And you listen up here,
sweet sister.

From now on, all this,

This is--it's all
my responsibility, okay?

You don't think about it,
not at all.

Okay, I do it all.

I take your ticket.

I show you to your seat.

It's all on me.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, so you just--
you know, clear your mind...

- Mm-hmm.
- And your schedule

And give popeye
some spinach.

- Mmm, you got it.

Right after

- [groans]
- and the kids fall asleep.

- [groans]

- But I'm thinking
it could all happen by 9:30.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- All right, then it's
"sportscenter" at 10:00.

- Well, well,

I might not be done
with you by 10:00.

- Well, could we start at 9:15?

'cause I really wanna
watch "sportscenter."

- [shouts]

- Mommy, I'm ready for my wings.
- Hey!

- Ally, my little
angel girl.

- Hi.
Okay, come on.

Let's go put
your wings on, okay?

- See?

Every time
you buy the things,

Another angel
gets her wings.

- Come on.

Everybody say "cavities."


- [growling]

- [screaming]

- Frankenstein...


Eat children!

- Come on, dad.

Every year
it's the same thing.

Your bolts are rusty.

- Frank, frank.


- [growling]

- Give me back the candy.
I need them.

- [growling]

- It's for the children.
Please, come on.

I don't have enough candy.
- [growling]

- Stop being foolish.

I don't have enough candy!

- [growls]

- You think that's so different
from who you really are?

- [groans]

- Doctor make bad bride.

Frankenstein sue doctor.

- Okay, come on, let's go,
let's go, let's go.

Hey, frank.

- What's with the hat?

I'm a stewardess.

- Any--any chance
of preboarding?

- [chuckles]

9:30, after trick-or-treating.

- All right.

Come on, guys,
ten houses and out.

- Yeah, thanks for holding
down the fort, frank.

- Hey, you still got
the naked channel?

- Yeah, but it's
all scrambled.

- I don't mind.

- Where's your costume?

- This is it.

I'm going as the guy
who can't wait for 9:30.

[doorbell rings]

- [grumbling and growling]

- Trick or treat!

- [growling]

- He scared me!
- It's okay.

- What is wrong with you,
scaring children like that?

- I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry.

Look, look,
I'm not scary, see?

- He's scaring me!

- Aw, okay.
You like candy?

I got lots of candy.

Here, here we go.

Here you go, there you go,
there you go.

- You get some candy, too.
There you go, okay.

Don't toilet-paper
the house, okay?

My son's a cop.

- Boo!

- [screaming]

- Wow, that's a lot of candy.

That should be enough
for tonight.

- No!

- Honey, we've only been
to four houses.

Come on.

- All right, come on,
come on, come on.

- Trick or treat!

- Sorry, frankenstein's
house of tooth decay is closed.

- Aw.

- Well, what can I say?

All right, all right,
all right.

Here, here.

There you go.

- Frankenstein sucks.

- Frankenstein sucks!

Frankenstein sucks!

Frankenstein sucks!

- Frankenstein no suck.

[doorbell rings]
all right, all right!

[doorbell ringing]

[doorbell ringing]

- Candy, candy, candy.


Here we go!

- Trick or treat.
- Trick or treat, yeah.

- Oh, sweet dears,
you look terrible.

- Yeah, you look
like a cupcake.

- Thank you.
Come on in.

- You know, marie,
we really got to go,

'cause we got to
put the kids down.

- Put them down here, honey.

They could spend the night.

- Could we, mommy?
- No, honey. Marie--

- That's a great idea, ma.
No, that's good.

You kids, you want to spend
the night, right?

- Yeah, you see there?

Old grandma's
got lots of candy.

- Yeah!

- Come on, sweetie.
- Come on.

- Here, look, look.
Go get it.

Go get it.

- That's very clever.

- Yes, ladies and gentlemen,

We have clearance
from the tower.

Please enjoy your flight.

- You made it
just in time, kid.

The last one.

I almost ate it myself.

- Thanks, frankenstein.

- Hey, dracula.

Hey, dad.
- Hey, frank.

- Where are the kids?

- Oh, they're gonna spend
the night at your house.

- You know, you didn't
leave me enough candy.

- Really?
Because that bowl was full.

- I almost had
a riot on my hands.

Good thing I found
those chocolate coins

You left in the cupboard.

- Chocolate coins?

- Chocolate coins in
brightly-colored wrappers, ray.

- The things?

You gave out the things?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, so what?

- So?

You don't go
in somebody's house

And go in their cabinets

And take their things
and give 'em out, you maniac!

- It's Halloween.

You got to give the kids
what they want.

- What's going on here?

I'm getting complaints
about the treats

Coming from this house.

- Oh, my god.

Oh, my god,
ray, the neighbors.

We're going to have
to move now.

- Why? Were you saving them
for something?

- Yes!
As a matter of fact, yes!

- All right, ray, all right.

- The things, debra.
We have no more things.



- I don't get it.
What's the big deal?

- What's the big deal?

- You are sick.

- And again,
we are very sorry, jean.

No, no, no.
It was not--

No, it was not
a political statement.

Well, it was just
my father-in-law.

Yeah, and I'm sorry.

Believe me, I'm sorry.

Okay, bye-bye.

- Don't go to sleep.
Don't go to sleep.

Got it.
- You got it?

- Got it, got it, got it.

I had to go through
15 draculas

Until I found
the right one,

And then
I bought it off him.

- Did he know what he had?

- No, but I didn't want
to get him suspicious,

So I also bought
a popcorn ball,

A marshmallow ghost,
and a box of raisins.

- Do you know how many parents
I've had to talk to tonight?

- Well, if it's more
than two dozen,

Then we're not the only ones
giving out the things.

- No, now people
are going to think...

Oh, god.

- What?

- That we're having wild sex.

- Well, as long as
they're going to think it...

- How can you
still want to?

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Come on.

- Wait, let's remember
why we did all this, huh?

Look, I know it's easy
to get distracted

By all these
little distractions here,

But we got to keep
our eye on the prize there.

I have a dream!


There's the smile.

There's the kiss.

- All right.

- There's my client.

Oh, no.

- What's the matter?

- Chocolate!

- Trick or treat.

- Hey, captain hook.

Did you get any candy
from frankenstein?

No, no, honey, come on.
Stay awake, stay awake.

Come on, get u--
that's it, bright-eyed.

Come on, bushy-tailed,
let's go.

No, no, no, stay awake.
Let's sing.

john jacob jingleheimer schmidt

Da da da da da da da

Hey, you!

Did you get any candy
from frankenstein?


I know where
you live, casper.

No, no, no, no, no.

Honey, come on,
come on.


I hate Halloween.


Ah, "sportscenter."
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