07x10 - Who Murders Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x10 - Who Murders Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, please,
take this off me.

I don’t know
what else to do.

I try to keep care.

If I don’t write
to my sisters enough

Or if i’m not
saving enough money,

I don’t know why.

I’ll tell you the truth.

I don’t know
what else to do.

Please help me
to feel normal.

[ Floor creaks ]

Hi, mary.

Stay asleep.
It’s only 20 to 5:00.

Where are you going?

Uh, i’m restless,
you know.

I figured i’d go out
for a walk.

You stay asleep, okay?


I’m going to get dressed
out in the living room.

You have a good day.

Okay, danny. You, too.

Morning, squad.

Yeah. What do we got?

Workmen pulled a skeleton
out of that bricked up wall.

He’s the one
that discovered it.

Went and bought a camera

To get a sh*t
of the skeleton,

But I wouldn’t let him
back down there.

No pictures.

He wants to sell it
to the tabloids.

If it wasn’t for me,

Nobody would realize
there was a skeleton there.

Over here.

Looks like she was,
what, around 8 years old?

There’s a little metal showing
in the leg bone here

Just above the knee.

Looks like a fracture
with a pin in it.

Make sure crime scene
notes it.

How long they been
putting pins in fractures?


That’d give you
your time parameter.

Go back over there
where the skeleton is.

I think I should be allowed
to take a picture.

Did you notice the size
of that skeleton,

The little flowered dress?

That’s a little girl.

I spent money
on a camera.

You’re not going
over there.

What about freedom
of the press?

About freedom of the press?
Shove it up your ass.

D.o.a.’S blair reynolds, 23.

Had 12 bucks,
one snot rag, one key,

One vial of cr*ck,
one cr*ck pipe,

One lighter.

How many b*ll*ts
it look like he took?

One entry wound
in the chest,

Exit in the back.

That woman’s dog took one
right in the snout.

Yeah, I want
to talk to her.


Oh, boy.
He’s a longhair.

He’s calming down now.

I gave him a sh*t
of morphine.

Got to be a painful place
to get sh*t.

This is mrs. Kenyon.
This is detective medavoy.

Sorry about your dog.
Did you see who sh*t him?

No, I didn’t see it.

I heard a sh*t and saw
someone running away,

And then jerry
started howling

Like I never
heard him before.

Can you describe the person
you saw running?

It was just a man.

I think he was white.

How many sh*ts were there?

Just one.

The b*llet must have gone
right through the d. O. A.

And logged
in the dog’s nose.

Jill: that guy upstairs,
he didn’t see anything,

And he hopes the dog dies.

Man: 15th squad on the air.

I want to get jerry
to a vet.

Okay, just a moment,
mrs. Kenyon.

Go ahead, central.

Sector boy advises
that he’s holding one

With a g*n and a fanny pack,
avenue a and 12th street.

He’s transporting
to the house.

Okay, 15th squad,
advise sector boy

We’ll 10‐85 him
at the house.

That could be our sh**t.

I want my dog transported
to the nearest veterinarian.

I can’t do that.

We’ll arrange transportation
for your dog, ma’am.

He should be transported
in an ambulance.

Help put the dog
in a car.

I can’t transport a dog.

We realize that.

That’s why i’m asking you
to help put it

In detective russell’s car,

And I don’t suppose you could
administer some benadryl

For a full‐blown
allergic reaction

To longhaired breeds.



How’s it going, calvin?

How’s it going?

I’m detective medavoy.

I hope you’re going
to straighten this out,

Because my whole world
has been turned

100% Upside down.

Calvin, I got to talk
about that g*n

Officer avila
found on you.

Sit down.

Okay, okay. Let me explain
about the g*n.

It’s not my g*n.

That’s what you got
to understand.

Not yours?

Yet there it was
in your fanny pack.

That’s the thing ‐‐
it’s not my fanny pack.

I found that fanny pack.

No, you didn’t find
that fanny pack,

But just for the sake
of discussion,

How long did you have it
in your possession?

Just a few minutes
before the cop grabbed me.

Before the cop
found the g*n on you

With one round expended,

Somebody was sh*t
on 7th street.

Now there’s an empty round
in that g*n?

I didn’t know that.

I didn’t even know
there was a g*n

Till the cop took it out.

I found that fanny pack
laying on the sidewalk,

And I wasn’t on 7th.

I was hanging in that joint
up on avenue a ‐‐ the owl.


The owl. Check it out.

Then I come out,
found the fanny pack,

And the cop stopped me.
I don’t know what for.

You were running or walking
in a suspicious manner.

That’s just
how I run and walk.

Maybe I had
too much coffee.

What do you know
about a blair reynolds

That me and my partner
found dead?

Never heard of him.

I have a feeling
that as the day progresses,

We’re going to put you
and him together ‐‐

You and him
and that p*stol.

I’m back in the cage?

Back in the cage.

Feel free
to stand on your head

If it helps
your orientation.

Hey, baldwin reach you
at the vet’s?

Yeah, baldwin reached us.

The lady didn’t see anyone
with a fanny pack,

But the concept’s sure going
to be fresh in her mind.

Between us, we said it
three, four times.

What’s her position on getting
the b*llet out of the dog?

Her position is no.


No what?

The b*llet that k*lled
the d. O. A.

Is stuck in a dog’s nose,

And, no, the owner
won’t let us retrieve it.

The b*llet’s
in a dog’s nose?

Yeah, in the snout.
We hit a snag at the vet’s.

The lady that owns the dog
won’t let the vet operate.

The dog is 12.
There’s a 50% chance

He won’t make it
through the procedure.

He leaves it in,
jerry will survive.

This woman understands

We’re conducting
a m*rder investigation.

Yeah, she understands.

Jerry’s all she’s got.

So, we got the suspect,
the g*n,

And the b*llet
that will convict him

In the snout of a dog
we all got to hope

Will die of natural causes
before we retire.

Is that where we are?

You think you could get
a court order

Based on exigent

Yeah, yeah,
i’d like to go to bat.

I’d ask the judge
to have the b*llet removed

From the dog’s nose

And take the 50% chance
the dog will live.

That’s kind of cold,

Well, sue me if I don’t
happen to be a member

Of the dog lobby.

I’ve been allergic my whole life
to longhaired breeds.

You want to go to bat,
greg, go to bat.

And I know exactly the judge
i’ll go before ‐‐

Who is judge levalle,
who I happen to know

Was once viciously bitten
by a rottweiler,

Because I saw him being treated
in the bellevue e. R.

If he’s sitting,
we are over like fat rats.

Sorry, andy.

What happened to you?

I walked up
to central park.

You walked up
to central park?

I walked up
to central park.

Next I know,

It’s 8:45
and my beeper’s dead.

You caught a d. O. A.?

Are you all right now?

Yeah, i’m good.

Remains of a little girl
bricked up in a building.

Missing persons
just matched her.

Read the information,

Then we’ll go see fancy.

Help me run it for fancy.

He don’t know I wasn’t
at the crime scene.


Lieu, we got an i.d.
From missing persons.

The little girl’s remains?

A girl disappeared over
in hoboken nine years ago

Wearing a red and pink
floral dress with bows.

It’s the same dress.

Had a pin in her leg
from a fracture ‐‐

Same leg, same place.
It’s her.

She was 8 ‐‐
name was alice lowell.

Vanished walking home
from visiting a girlfriend.

I want to talk
to the head detective

Who worked that case.

We’ll want to see him
before the girl’s parents,

Get his take
if they were ever suspects.

Let’s get moving.

Detective hoffman?

Detective hoffman?

I’m him,
but i’m retired.

Right. Andy sipowicz, nypd.

I talked to you on the phone.

Oh, yeah.

My partner danny sorenson.

How’s it going?

All right. You want
to talk to me then?


Hey, go on, go on.

Go on in there.
We’ll talk in there.

Uh, is there some
peanut brittle there?

Yeah, him and me
don’t care for any.

So, like I told you,

This is regarding
the alice lowell case ‐‐

That I told you
we found her remains

This morning
over in manhattan.

How can I help you?

Well, we want
to see the material

That you said you had
on the case.

Not one thing turned up
in that case.

I kept boxes of stuff
on that case in my closet.

We were wondering,

What was your opinion
on the parents?

They moved like four
or five years later ‐‐

Down someplace
in north miami.

Oh, the heartbreak
for them two.

She was their only child?

The only child.
When they left,

He left me all his records,
his files

In case I could ever
make any use.

I kept them
with my own files.

No lead ever developed.

I promised him
i’d contact him

If an arrest was made.

Well, how about those boxes?

Oh, yeah, the boxes ‐‐
i’ll get them for you.

Let me give you a hand.

What, are you
cracking wise?

He’s not cracking wise,
mr. Hoffman.

That’s my case.
I’m working that case.

Tell him he’s retired
and what year we’re in.

I promised them parents.

I keep their phone number
in my wallet.

It’s area code 305.

Try to take that case
out from under me,

Me and you are going
to have a problem.

You were going
to get us those boxes.

Them boxes stay
in my possession.

Nobody wants to take
your boxes from you.

I go where them boxes go.

Good. Great.

All right then.

I think there’s
peanut brittle there.

Yeah. I’m going
to have a piece.

Oh, i’ll be back
in a few minutes.

I got it in the closet.

Oh, for god’s sake.

Would you let me carry one
of them boxes, please?

No. I recall i’ve worked
a few new york cases.

Yeah, you were saying.

Not in this station house.

This is going
to be great.

Why don’t we set up
in the coffee room here?

Where’s that going to be?

Follow me.
Right in here.

Oh, for gosh sakes.

It’s okay.
No harm done.

Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.

What’s going on?

the hoboken detective

That worked
the girl going missing

That won’t let you put hands
on the case materials

Without him around.

But he’ll let you
look at them.

under his supervision.

Here’s the ownership
and tenants list

From the building
where she was found.

Guess you can check them
against his records.

Give me my box.

Here you go.

Half senile
and living by himself.


Yeah, i’ll take a cup,
if you don’t mind.

How do you take it?

My usual.

I usually have a spoonful
of that creamora with it.


Look, we got
an ownership list here

And a tenants list here

On this houston street

From when this little girl
went missing,

And we want
to compare them names

With all them names
on the receipts

And so forth
you got in your boxes.

Thank you.


What you got
to understand,

We can’t have you
controlling your boxes

Like you’re at fort knox
or so forth,

Doling them
case materials out.

As much as we respect your
keeping faith with the case...

We got to do this

I got them rubber banded
and labeled

In different ways ‐‐

Lists of the people
the parents knew,

Canceled checks
to merchants,

Income tax and the like.

I’ll put them out here
on the table.


You can go through them

And ask me
what you don’t understand.

Good. That’s a good plan.

All the kids in her school

And schools they had
sporting events against.

How’d it go at court?

Not that good.

Judge wouldn’t issue
an order

To have the b*llet
taken out?

He lacks the courage
of his convictions.

If you can talk this guy
into standing in a lineup,

Jill and diane got
the woman who owns the dog

To agree to take a look.

Agrees to look at a lineup
this woman,

Yet won’t allow
a simple surgical procedure

On a dog’s nose.

Time to be thinking about
your man in the pokey, greg.

Yeah, all right.
Yeah, point taken.

This may be
your lucky day, calvin.

Ready for your world
to go right side up again?

What happened?

Looks like maybe
your alibi holds up.

Waitress at the coffee shop
you said you were at

Remembers seeing someone
matching your description

Being there the same time

As the sh**ting
on 7th street.

She does?

She does.

I’m out of here?

You got to stand
a little informal lineup

So she can see you again
to be sure,

But then you’d be out.

I don’t know if I want
to do a lineup.

It’s an informal lineup.
It’s doing you a favor.

The guy the waitress
said she saw

Sounded just like you.

He fit my description?

To a "t."

Come on, it’ll just
take a minute,

And then you’re back
on the street.

She’s committed
to picking me out?

This is what I meant

About it being
your lucky day.

Yeah, okay.

Tell her next time
i’m in for coffee,

She’s in for a big tip.

Let me set up
the logistics.

[ Knock on door ]

How’s it going?

That’s paul hoffman
from hoboken.

Worked the girl going
missing nine years ago.

Art fancy.

Paul hoffman.

Looking to connect names
with the building

We found her in.

Appreciate your help, paul.

Excuse me.

I tried to live
a good life.

I know it’s in there.

It’s to do
with them boxes,

But I don’t know

How it’s in there
no more.

Herb garnett construction
tears down a shed

Behind the lowells’
house ‐‐ $127.

What’s that?

Herb garnett,
3% ownership

On the houston street

Probably payment for contracting
on the building.

Is that something
from my materials?

Someone had access to both
the house in hoboken

And the building here
where her body’s found,

And herb’s
still in business.

I’m going to reach out
and offer the guy.


Want to stick around?

Sure, i’d be happy to.

As long as you want.

Any help I can be.

The man who sh*t the g*n

Isn’t who I was
paying attention to.

Maybe this
will jog your memory.

How can it jog something
I didn’t see?

I was paying attention
to jerry.

Just look at each
of the men carefully,

And if you
recognize anyone,

Identify him by number
and tell us where from.


Each of them
has a number on.

Are they all criminals?

We don’t know that yet.

All set?

Let’s get it over with.

Don’t be in a hurry.

I could stay
in here all day.

I don’t recognize
the person who sh*t my dog.

How about
who sh*t the man?

Any of these people
ring a bell for that?

I don’t have any idea.

That’s why we need
that b*llet.

I’m not discussing that b*llet
in jerry period.

Let me out.

Sure. Why don’t we get you
a cab back to the vet’s?

Probably demonstrates
against the use of lab mice.

Can we kick
the guy we like, too?

Kick rowley, too?

Yeah, let me try
a little something.

Kick all six.

Yeah, put them on the street!
I didn’t recognize anyone!

Calm down, mr. Jones.

I didn’t see
no bald son of a bitch

Running off down the street,

And I see my half brother
on his knees bleeding to death

After this bald son of a bitch
prick must have sh*t him!

What the hell
is that about?

What do you mean?

You said it was going to be
a waitress looking at me.

You weren’t picked out, calvin.
You’re free to go.

You said it was
the waitress from the owl.

Let’s get your vouchered
property returned,

And then we’ll put you
out on the street.

Follow me into the squad.

Into the squad?

Follow me in.

You don’t
take that seriously,

The thr*at you heard
him issue?

If you’ve been doing this
as long as we have,

You’d be thick‐skinned about
outbursts from relations.

"Go screw" is an outburst.

That guy is waiting
to k*ll me.

Once he’s outside, calvin,
breathes some fresh air,

His perspective’s
likely to change.

Sure, let’s roll the dice
with my life.

Get him
his vouchered property.

You ought to be getting me
an armed escort leaving.

Sure, yeah.

Any particular type epaulets
on their uniforms?

What’s he alleging,

He himself doesn’t allege
he saw me waste the guy.

I‐i think
what he specifically alleges

Is not seeing you flee
several seconds afterwards.

Forget about not,

Because he does
allege seeing me,

But my point is,
two seconds is an eternity.

Is your point that
he actually may have

Seen you running down
the street

And misconstrued your role,

This huge, black,
grief‐maddened half brother?

If possibly he saw me
running down the street

With a fanny pack,

That does not mean that
I sh*t his half brother.

Are you saying now
that you weren’t

At that owl coffee shop,

As you previously averred?

I may have confused
being at the owl then

With some other time
I was at the owl.

You were on the street
when the sh**ting happened.

An innocent bystander.

Who wound up
holding a m*rder w*apon.

Who is that psycho
outside the station house?

Says he’s going to k*ll

Someone we’ve got
in custody.

How’s it going?


Have you ever heard
the expression "bagman"?


Well, I am literally
the actual bagman,

That I was given
this fanny pack by my brother

To dispose of after
he sh*t this other guy,

And I will tell that
to the judge.

After you take us
to your brother.

No problem, no problemo,
and I will tell you

The whole sick story
on the way.

Sit there till we talk
to our boss,

Then we’ll straighten
things out.

I’m just at a loss.
How can you put me involved?

Just relax there
a minute, mr. Garnett.

Alleged i’m involved
in a traffic accident.

Oh, no.

What is this now?
What the hell is this, huh?

John, where’s that old cop?
He’s not in the coffee room.

He may have stepped out
while I was upstairs.

That guy won’t know
what borough he’s in.

Is this going to delay
my disposition?

We’re going to get
to you in a second.

That old cop walked out?

He may have. I was
in the observation room.

We were running a lineup
on another case.

He shouldn’t be walking
around this neighborhood.

You want me to notify

With his description?

Yeah, ’cause he don’t have
all his faculties.

That’s the guy we wanted
to talk to about the girl?

Herb garnett.

Do the interview.

I’ll put
the description out.

Make sure they know
he’s a retired cop

And for them to be
respectful and gentle.


Now you.

Come on.

What I don’t get is,

If my car’s involved
in a traffic accident,

How could I not know
about it?

I mean, that’s why I think
you guys’ bookkeeping’s off.

Sit down, mr. Garnett.

I‐i got
a good driving record.

I misspoke saying traffic.

This is
a property problem.

What property?

That you used to be
a part‐owner of

On houston street.

Houston street?

You don’t remember that?
You’re a working guy.

How much property
could you have owned?

No, I remember it.

There were a group of owners
on that property.

I had a small piece.

I sold out
quite a few years ago.

The problem is
from when you owned it.

Up on the second floor.

Why does this concern me?
What about the other owners?

Herb, it’s your problem,
nobody else’s.

You’re the one guy who owned
a piece of that property

Also tore down a shed
for the lowell family

Over in hoboken.

I never heard
of that family.

We got a canceled check
paying you for work

With yours and your son’s
signature on the back.

Look, I work a lot of places.
I don’t remember the lowells.

They had an 8‐year‐old
daughter ‐‐ alice lowell.

I don’t remember.

You remember bricking up
any little girl’s body

On the second floor
of your rat hole property

On houston street
nine years ago?

Absolutely not.

either you’re a raping,

scumbag pedophile,

Or your son is
and you’re covering for him,

And you don’t walk
or crawl out that door

Until I find out which.

What do you got to bring
my son in this for?

He did it or you did.

Somebody cuts
his mother’s head off,

My partner’s going
to keep me in line,

But a murdering pedophile,

Us cops
look at that different.

My partner
won’t step up for you,

And I am
the excitable type.

I want to cooperate, but what
if I don’t know anything?

Don’t you have
something to do?

I’m going upstairs.

Don’t go!

I only stay, you volunteer

What he’ll get out
of you otherwise.

My son did not r*pe
this girl.

He did not k*ll her.
They was just playing,

And something happened.

She choked on something
she swallowed.

Stay with that, i’m going
to b*at your balls off.

Well, go ahead.

You think I helped him
otherwise, you’re crazy.

You’re admitting
you took her body

And bricked her up.

Look, he was so afraid
of going to jail.

He didn’t have a mother anymore.
It was just him and me.

Look, he’s always
had problems.

I had to do what I could
to help him.

Yes or no ‐‐ you transported
that dead little girl’s body

And bricked her up.

I brought her over
to this building...


And went on living
and working

With a murdering r*pist.

He did not harm
that little girl.

Yeah, he did! He did all
those things to her,

And a part of you
knows it,

And god help you
if he did it to anybody else

All these years that you
have been protecting him.

Write down where
we can pick him up.

He’s my son.

Don’t say another word.

His condition,

That’s the right place
for him ‐‐ my brother.

Absolutely, till he becomes
fully conscious.

That stomach pumping’s
an ugly thing.

I’ve never seen that done
up close.

They do what’s necessary.

what he was mumbling,

Cursing me
for ratting him out ‐‐

That’ll count
as a confession, no?

For a start,
but we’ll want him

To dot the i’s
and cross the t’s

Once his system’s cleared.

What are my chances
for an interim release?

Those would be nil,


Being accessory
to a homicide, correct.

After the fact.


Still nil.

Oh, god!

Oh, god, sh**t him!
He’s coming for me!

Nah, he’s just going
to his desk.

His desk?

Yeah, his desk
is over there,

Next to
detective kirkendall’s.

This is sick,

Everything about
what you people do.

You still work
with your father, billy?

Yeah, certain jobs.
Not all the time.

Sit down.

Hey, I didn’t
borrow his car,

If that’s
what you want to know.

You a good carpenter
or bricklayer?

I’m all right.
Mostly I do labor.

Your father’s in a lot
of trouble, billy.

He’s maybe going to prison.

What for?

Remember an 8‐year‐old girl,
lived at a house

You and your dad tore down
a shed at over in hoboken?

What do you mean
my dad’s going to prison?

We’re talking
about nine years ago.

Remember that girl

That was the daughter
of the people?

Her name was alice.

She had a red and pink dress
with little flowers on it ‐‐

Brown‐haired girl,
real pretty.

I don’t remember.

Come on.
You remember that girl.


It’s his father.

What do you mean?

Billy, your father owned
a piece of property here.

There’s a little brick wall
on the second floor.

We found the remains
of the girl in there.

Your father k*lled that girl,
and now he’s going to pay.

He wouldn’t do that.

Then who would?

He’s a good father.

Good father, huh?
Well, who knows?

Maybe he’s good
to his own kid

While he goes around
murdering other people’s kids.

My dad didn’t k*ll
that little girl.

Don’t tell us you did it
to try to protect him.

If you’re lying, i’m going
to see it in your eyes.

He didn’t.

How did you do it?

I didn’t.

It was an accident
she had on her own.

Help me!

I’ll k*ll you
and brick your body up!

Say it!

Say what you did!


Something made it happen!

You want your father in jail
for something you did?

’Cause that’s what’s
going to happen.

Say it! Say it!

All right, all right!

[ Sobbing ] it was me.

Sit with this guy
three minutes.

No problem.

Little shook up.

You want to keep him
that way?

No, just let him
cool out.

Murdering bastard.

The worst.

Defenseless little girl.

No, that’s the worst.

So maybe we clear our heads
a couple of minutes,

Then you tell the old man
his kid went.

And you take
the kid’s statement.

You don’t want to k*ll
that assh*le, danny.

You want to fob me off
on the old man

’Cause you don’t trust me
getting that statement.

What’s wrong, danny?

Okay, so then
i’ll tell the father,

And then
i’ll notify the d. A.

What’s wrong?

Hey, danny.

How’s it going?

He gave it up, this kid.


I went off on him.

He k*lled a little girl.

Andy’s going to take
his written statement.

I should maybe think about
working at blockbuster’s,

Where you don’t lay hands
on nobody.

Would you give me some rhythm
on my late fees?

Yeah, i’ll absolutely
let you slide.

I just wished
I felt more

Like I knew
what I was doing.

You know
what I mean, diane?

The next thing
coming out my mouth,

Or when i’ll wind up
sitting next to a lake.

This guy k*lled a girl,
and you got emotional.

Andy didn’t let it
go too far,

And you’re there
that way for him.

Thank god
for our partners, right?

Anyways, let me go talk
to his father.

Are you seeing mary?
Want to get a bite after work?

You’re not busy?


Do you want
to go to mac’s?

There’s a fresh idea.

Sector boy found
your retired cop,

But they can’t get him
to come in.

Old guy
handled himself good,

Making that phone call
to north miami.


Some relief to the parents,
knowing there’s a collar.

So how do you feel that’s
a one‐way street, danny, huh?

My reaching out for counsel ‐‐

"Do I pinch‐hit escorting
eddie gibson’s niece?"

That’s okay
for me asking you,

But with the shoe
on the other foot,

Or you needing advice
or the like,

You go through life

If I knew the question to ask,
you’d be getting it.

Then i’ll ask you one.


Now, the bastard
in that room,

That’s one thing,

But what’s this walking
the city half the night?

See, that’s it.

Nightmares and so forth,

Where i’d rather
walk the streets.

that can be doozies.

Some i’ve had,

You’d prefer canvassing
the whole borough.

What’s the subject?

Hey, I don’t care
what any of it’s about.

I’m not one
for big interpretations.

No, but give me
a for instance.

When my sisters
are getting b*rned up

And I fail
to get them out.

That one
is pretty frequent.

You’re responsible for them,
so that makes sense.

Walking down the stairs
with them from the airplane,

Holding their hands when
we’re coming down the stairs.

Well, that’s real life,

But that’s one
I see all the time.

Coming over from norway.

Here I come, walking them
down the stairs,

Holding their hands

Like I know what planet
we just landed on.

How old were you,
like, 6?

The little one’s 2,
lori’s 3 1/2.

Here we come down the stairs
not knowing the language,

Not knowing
what the hell i’m doing.

"Take care of your sisters"
is my sole instructions.

"Look out
for the little ones."

I bought the manual ‐‐
"how to raise a 2‐

And 3 1/2‐year‐old
when you’re 6 yourself."

So that can get exhausting,
you know?

Those dreams.

Your mom
never stayed in touch?

I’ll tell you, andy,

I’d settle for just knowing
how to live.

You know what I mean?

I’d as soon not have
another dream

Or understand any of it.

You’re doing good, danny.

It’s early in the game,
you know.

I don’t want to wear out.

You get tired...

You lean on me.

All right.

Thanks very much.

You never drink any sort
of spirits, do you?

Exhausted my quota.


Does this
make you uncomfortable?

No, no.

After someone dies,

They say every first thing
you do is hard.

After bobby d*ed,

You were the first new friend
I was able to make...

And you’re precious
to me for that.

You’re precious to me.

Any way I can help.

That’s all
i’m trying to say.

Man: here you go.

The thing in life you got
to be lucky about ‐‐

Everyone gets this or that
portion on their plate,

But where you definitely
get your fighting chance

Is friends.

I’m real lucky
with the friends

I’ve made in our squad.

I’ll tell you,
my appetite’s back

Like i’m going
to the chair.
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