07x05 - These sh**t Are Made for Joaquin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x05 - These sh**t Are Made for Joaquin

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Knock on door ]

[ Sighs ]

Hi, jill.

[ Sighs ]
i’m sorry, diane.

Come on in.

I, uh...

I don’t know what
to do about don.

It’s okay, jill.
Sit down, we’ll figure it out.

Want some water?

You going to throw it
on me?

Did you, um,

Did you see anything
on the news about don’s collar?

Diane: no.

I didn’t see anything.

That must be a relief.

Yeah, I was afraid I was going
to see it on the news.

Here you go.


I, uh, I feel like

I’m on one of those wheels
in a cage,

Which would make me
the rat in this story,

Which i’m trying
not to think I am.

Why would you
be the rat?

Because I made him
the boys’ father.

I loved him.

He was always
in trouble,

And ‐‐

And I loved that
about him, too.

I don’t know what
to tell the boys.

Maybe that means
don’t say anything.

I don’t want
to tell them anything.

We’ll see how things
shake out

With this move
the boss is trying.

Yeah, you know,
maybe if don gets a deal

And they don’t
make him testify,

Or if they use
his information

And they don’t make him
testify and he doesn’t
have to do time ‐‐


You know, what kind of sense
does it make, diane,

When someone like don

Has got people going crazy
over him,

And ‐‐ and someone
like bobby is dead?

We’ll just get
through it, jill.

We’ll just get
through it.

We got to get
to work.

This is work.

Ha ha.


D.o.a.’S ricardo montel.

He was watching tv
with his wife and kid.

sh**t ‐‐ dark male ‐‐
just walks into number 1 ‐‐

Couple shotgun blasts
to the chest.

Looks like nothing was taken.
Wife’s in number 6.

Yeah, we’ll go talk
to her.
Man: name’s rosie.

She’s crying upstairs.
You’re gonna have to get her
out of the bathroom.

We got it.

D.o.a.’S brother threw
sh*ts at him with this.

Joaquin enriquez.

I live next door.

How do you spell that?
Just put "joe" down.

You threw sh*ts
at the guy?
Damn right I did.

I heard the noise,
my sister‐in‐law screaming.

I grabbed my .38,
I come outside,

I see this prick running,
I throw some sh*ts.

You hit him?
Could be.

He tripped,
lost his r*fle.

Shotgun ‐‐ we got that.

You were just
waiting for a lull

To convey that you’ve got
the m*rder w*apon.

So what did this guy
look like?

I just saw the back.

You got a permit
for that .38?

Yeah. I work
in plumbing supply.

Cash business ‐‐ our office
ain’t exactly park avenue.

Who might want
your brother dead?

Could have been robbery.

Broad daylight, nothing
missing ‐‐ looks personal.

What kind of business
was rico in?

Same as me ‐‐ it’s
his business I work for.

Also, uh,
rico sometimes ‐‐

He loaned money.

Someone might have wanted
to cancel a loan.

Got any idea
who that could be?

I stayed out
of his way.

All right, thanks for your help,
mr. Enriquez. We’ll be in touch.

I’m going to get
my g*n back, right?

Yeah, yeah. That is,
if we don’t lose it.

So i’m waiting
for you to ask me

How it went
with that loretta beckwith

Of e. M. S. Last night.

Yeah, how’d it go?

I had some moment
of realization.

A couple
in the buffet line

At that lancotta’s
restaurant ‐‐

Girl’s maybe a fast 22,
guy with her’s mid‐40s,

And i’m thinking
to myself,

"What is
in that man’s mind?

Don’t he realize
the dopey contrast?"

I then look at this
e. M. S. Girl beside me

And I realize,
as far as age discrepancy,

Her and I are no different
from that couple.

In fact,
we’re a mirror image.

Brought me up short,
i’ll tell you that much.

Hey, greg, I passed
the sergeant’s test.


I’m number 67.

I heard the job’s going
to take the first 100.

Congratulations, buddy.

I can’t figure
i’m anything but nuts ‐‐

When I find out i’m in line
for a promotion,

It throws me
for a loop.

Well, james,

Moving up to sergeant’s
a life‐changing career move.

Yeah, more salary,

Better pension,
and steadier hours ‐‐

Who wouldn’t
have misgivings?

Well, how about a totally
new work environment

And loss
of prior friendships

On the other side
of the ledger, james?

Imagine spending
a whole shift behind a desk.

That’s what a lot
of them guys do.

Not to mention
loss of prior friendships.

Anyways, food for thought,
I guess, you know?

Oh, yeah, you absolutely

Got to give it
serious consideration.

Well, one thing
I guarantee you ‐‐

Whatever I decide,

The friendship between
you and me continues.

No, that ‐‐ that goes
without saying.

I mean,
you’re my friend

And godfather
to my child.

Absolutely goes
without saying, james.

Got a man d.o.a.
In his apartment,

Male hispanic,
sh**t fled on foot.

sh**t walks in,
gives him two in the chest.

Wife got some kind
of look at the guy,

But she was too upset to talk.
Locked herself in the bathroom.

We got her coming in soon
to look at pictures.

we got a shotgun.

Crime scene’s processing
that for prints.

Plus we got the d. O. A.’S
brother, lives next door,

Who threw sh*ts
at the guy.

That’s when the sh**t
dropped the shotgun.

He get a look?

No, joaquin says he only saw him
from behind while he was taking
target practice.

We’re also working
on dumping the phone records.

Good. Keep me posted.

Are there cases you don’t
want to keep posted on?

What’s the point
of saying that?

Okay. Get out
of my office.

Man: latent prints. I’d like
to speak to a detective.

This gentleman wants
to see a detective.

He gestures as if he’s
acknowledging a crowd,

And I think he’s saying
he’s uncrowned royalty.

Yeah, detective sipowicz,
detective sorenson.

How’s it going?


Do I appear to have
a fungo bat in my hands?

Do you think
you have one?

Preston ross ‐‐
latent prints.

On our job.

Latent prints ‐‐
preston ross.

Our computer
kicked out a hit

On those prints we lifted
off that shotgun

From your crime scene,
and I was so pleased,

I came to deliver
the message personally.

Who’s our man, preston?

I’ve got some charts
right here.

Do we have somewhere
we could post them?


Dactyloscopy, gentlemen ‐‐

The study
of the papillary ridges.

Andy: come on, ross,

You said the computer
kicked back a match.

Well, as you can see
on these lifts

From your shotgun,

Two, perhaps three
different people

Handled the substrate.

But on the left here,
that’s your man.

One of the persons
who touched this w*apon

Had greasy hands.

Now, because his hands
were greasy,

His print on the w*apon
is patent,

And because
the patent print

Is superimposed
on the latent prints,

We know
that the man who left it

Was the final handler
of the g*n,

And hence,
the likely perpetrator.

Terrell biggs,

I, uh, took the liberty
of running him through bci.

It’s mostly
penny‐ante stuff.

Terrell took some step up
with this whack, huh?

This is good.

Don’t thank me.
Thank the technology.

Oh, you thank
the technology for us.

Yeah, it probably
understands you better.

I‐i’ll just take a moment,
if you don’t mind.

Successful casework
in the field

Is a little new
for me.

Sure. Have a doughnut.

"Have a doughnut."

This is the widow.

Hi, i’m detective russell,
mrs. Enriquez.

We appreciate
your coming in.

Yeah, I recognize
your voice.

I’m sorry I wouldn’t
talk to you before.

We understand.

Locked herself
in the bathroom.

Wouldn’t talk to them.

My partner
jill kirkendall.


Sorry for your loss.

Oh, my god. I recognize
your voice, too.

Her husband m*rder*d
in their own apartment.

The victim was also
your brother, correct?

Rico was my brother,
also. Yeah.

I tried to sh**t that son
of a bitch who m*rder*d him,

But I missed
that son of a bitch.

Rosie, come sit here.

Come here.

So what do you want
to ask rosie?

Diane: can you tell us
what you saw?

Oh, let me see
if I can collect myself.

Uh, grab up some photos
from the cabinet.

for our boy terrell?

Yeah, photos in his area.
It’s a deep pool.

I was in the kitchen

Mixing rico’s
maalox and cereal.

I ran to the living room
when I heard the sh*ts.

Rico was just laying
on the couch, blood everywhere.

The k*ller was trying
to go through his pockets,

But when he saw me,
he ran.

Can you describe him?

Best I saw,
he was a black guy,

Big, maybe 30, but I didn’t
see him that good.

Oh, my god.

Everyone liked rico,
more or less.

Suppose you could look
at some photos

For the possible

For the guy
who sh*t rico?

This is
detective sipowicz.

I don’t recognize
your voice.

He talked to me
outside the building.

Yes, how are you?
Could you look at these?


But I don’t waive
my rights not to testify.

My understanding is you
only saw the sh**t
from the back.

Yeah, the back

Okay, well, why don’t
we get some coffee?

No, I want to support
my sister‐in‐law.

Okay. Well, then let’s go
sit down over here, okay?

Over there?

Yeah, sure,
over there’s fine.

Tell us if you recognize

Diane: take a look, rosie.

What the hell
is he doing here?

This guy didn’t have
nothing to do with it.

Who is that man?

This guy is some drunken bum,
hangs around my neighborhood

Picking through garbage,
sleeping in the alley.

He walks with a big limp.

The guy who sh*t my husband
took off like a jackrabbit.

What do you people do
with the taxpayers’ money?

Uh, why don’t you look
through the rest of these?

Probably picked up
the shotgun when the perp
dropped it, this tyrrell.

That’s why his
is the last print.

Gets rid of it
when he sees all the cops.

So much for ground balls.

I don’t recognize
any of these guys.

So that’s it for her?

That’s it for now.
We appreciate you coming in.

Before rico got sh*t,
the last 20 minutes,

Our phone rang
three different times.

The last time,
I made rico answer it

So he could give the business
to whoever was hanging up.

Last words
I had to hear him say ‐‐

"Kiss my ass.
Die, you dirty creep."

He wasn’t like that
that often.

We’re already getting
on your phone records
and we’ll check those calls out.

Thanks for coming in.

I’m going
to take her home now.

Take the whole day
from work.


He’s a candidate
for the homicide.

Oh, yeah.

You got
the heart to tell him

His fungo’s a foul?

Would you mind
letting me know

When we collar up
on this biggs?

Yeah, we think
we may even have

A place to look
for the guy.

That fast.

Yeah. They know one
of biggs’ recent places.

Preston: wow.
Oh, yeah.

Preston ross.

Detectives kirkendall
and russell.


How’s it going?

Latent prints.

Glad to be
on the team.

So, um, diane,
should I ask

How the negotiations
are going for don’s deal?

You know, ask the boss
how that’s going,

Do you think?

What do you think, jill?

When he told me he was going
to work something out,

The boss said if I didn’t
get don out of my head,

Nothing he did would make any
difference because i’d just
screw everything up,

So I wasn’t sure if this
was letting don into my head

Or just
seeking information.

That’s why
I asked your advice.

Don’t ask the boss.

Hey, how’s it going?

Hey, greg.


Phone dump info

From the d. O. A.’S
apartment coming in?

The three calls they got
just before the homicide

Were all from the same
cell phone.

The d. O. A.’S wife
didn’t put him on

Till the last call.

If the sh**t
was trying to confirm

The d. O. A. Was home,
that would explain three.

We’re waiting to get

The cell phone subscriber’s
pedigree from taru.

Isn’t it something how
fax‐dependent we’ve become?

What are you
waiting for, greg?

I guess technically
i’m violating regs.

A buddy of mine
at the bureau

Is checking
a credit app snafu ‐‐

Faxing me my trw report.


Yeah, that’s a document

I’d as soon not have
lying around the fax tray.

Not under here.

I’ve been checking it
pretty regular.

[ Fax machine rings ]

So how’s this
for a piece of news ‐‐

James martinez passed
the sergeant’s test.

Huh. I didn’t know
he had taken it.

Hey, when he’s of a mind,

My partner plays it
plenty close to the vest.

Kept me in the dark
as well.

[ Fax machine beeps ]

Who’s that for?


Cell phone’s registered
to a larry watson.


So now we get
to run larry through bci.

Yeah, information
superhighway, huh?

Proceed at your own peril.

Anyways, that’s ‐‐
that’s great for james.

Yeah, well, you know,

He’s still processing
the ins and outs,

As am i,
completely candid,

But on balance,
i‐i think it’s great.

Just great.

It’s bad, it’s bad,
it’s bad, it’s bad.

Let it be bad

Speaking directly down
at the floor, terrell.
Can we work that out?

The whole situation
is bad.

Are you chewing
that gum?

I ate the gum.

Give him more gum,
would you?

I know my breath smells.

Feels like I slept
with dog crap in my mouth.

Sit this guy
in the pokey.

Make terrell chew this.

You can’t make me
do nothing.

I’m here
on my own cooperation.

We got the phone dump
from the d. O. A.’S apartment.

The three hang‐ups
the widow was talking about

Came from the same
cell phone.

The cellular is registered
to a larry watson.

Bci is faxing watson’s
photo and rap sheet.

Join us talking
to terrell?

We’ll stay alert
for the fax.

Why I tend
to swallow them

Is the sugar
rots your teeth,

And I got a horror
of dying toothless.

Yeah, good.

Thanks, josh.

Josh: yeah, good.

Sipowicz: what are you
taking an attitude for?

We’re the ones staying.

You realize you’re here
on a homicide, right, tyrell?


What you talking homicide?
Come on, fewer h’s, huh?

Your prints are
on the m*rder w*apon.
It’s an open‐and‐shut case.

You better tell us
about that shotgun, terrell,

’Cause I don’t see
no johnnie cochran

Getting you off
for them fingerprints.

Listen to me ‐‐

And stand back, ’cause
i’m coming with it all.

Garbage day.

I’m out the front of
the building I sleep behind

for useful disposables,

And up jumps a firefight.

Poppety, pow, pow,
pow, pow!

From inside the building.

Couple seconds later,

Here comes a brother
down the outside steps.

Poppety comes from a window
on the first floor.

Big old fat ol’ thing
leaning out.

Brother drops the shotgun
and keeps on trucking.

I touched that shotgun,

And then I left it be,

And that’s all I had to do
with no m*rder.

One of those a recent
arrival from bci?

Uh‐huh, yeah.

Do you recognize
the brother, terrell?

I got eyes
to get back to my alley.

Think we want you
on a witness stand?

That the recent arrival?

That’s the one.



Hey, john.

I noticed your name
at the top of this.

You will not
believe this, john,

But i’ve seen
this document.

I must have left it
upstairs in the fax tray

After being doubly vigilant,
checking had it come in.

You must have
other things on your mind.

James martinez passed
the sergeant exam, john.


Yes, he did.

Took the test,
unbeknownst to me,

And wrote
some good score.

67Th on the list.

Am I happy
for james, john?

Of course I am,

But what I bet
he’s feeling also

Is one simple fact ‐‐

A boss never
has a partner.

He don’t have
a partner, john,

And a partner in a good
working partnership

Is hands down the absolute
best part of this job.

You’d miss him.

And that would
be true also.

I‐i was thinking of this
from james’ perspective,

But, uh, yeah, if he ‐‐

If he were to take
that promotion,

I’d miss james plenty.

Anyways, thanks
for taking my back.

Of course.

Uh, it’s a figure
of speech.

Ha ha.

Jeez, it stinks in here,
fellas, don’t it?

Yeah, it stinks
like a bum was in here

Who witnessed
a sh**ting incident.


Some bum witnessed
a sh**ting. Sit down.

Danny: we got a guy
sh*t this morning, larry.

We got three phone calls,
all within a half an hour

Of that sh**ting,
all traced to your cell phone.

Maybe someone
used my phone.

This phone? The one
we picked you up with?

Who’d you loan it to?

Oh, come on, man.

You know they can clone
them phones, man, please.

Yeah, there’s a criminal
element out there

Exploits every
technological niche.

Yeah, yeah, you know,
now that you’re saying,

I tried reaching
a friend of mine,

But I kept getting
a wrong number.

You’re picked out, larry.

You’re seen running
out the apartment building.

You’re seen tossing
the m*rder w*apon.

The world’s greatest expert
lifted your latent prints
off the shotgun.

We’re going to bring
the widow in here

And the guy who threw those
sh*ts trying to stop you,

And after they
pick you out,

You know what kind of wiggle
room you’re going to have?

What kind of wiggle room?

The wiggle room of scrunching
around, getting comfortable
in the gift box you’re in

When we hand you
to the d. A.

Hope your personal friendship

With governor pataki
gets you a pardon.

So you’re saying I got
no wiggle room at all.
That right?

You got something for us?

The guy who hired me
counts for something.

The guy who hired you
is big.

He’s a big fat slob that tried
sh**ting me afterwards.

I’m wiggling pretty good now,
aren’t i, hmm?

I’ll tell you,

I’m so full of public outrage
how i’m being handled.

We appreciate
your cooperation.

Man: detective russell?

Detective denby.
You got a minute for me?

What’s it about?

Is this young lady
on the job?

Come on, rosie.

Rosie: if you wind up
showing me another street bum

Or can collector
to identify

For my husband’s
possible m*rder suspect,

I’m going straight
to the national enquirer.

Okay, that’s a deal.


Can we talk outside?

Not till I know what
this is about.

I’m with
the narcotics task force.

I’m investigating
the information

Detective kirkendall’s
ex‐husband’s providing

To secure
his plea agreement.

None of this
is out of school.

Yeah, I like being outside
when it’s a little nippy.

No, i’m saying

If you want to tell
your partner we talked,

That’s perfectly okay.

See, that was my partner I
just walked in with, so she’s
gonna know that we talked.

Yeah, I know. I know
that was your partner.

Her ex‐husband beats jail

Only for a full
and total flip,

Which he is nowhere close
to doing yet,

And i’m presuming,
for her kids,

Even if she thinks
he’s a hard‐on,

She don’t want
this guy doing 20.

So are we getting close

To why i’m out here

I’m not looking
to hurt her.

If she’s got something,

She can help us with putting
pressure on this guy.

Even if that information
puts her in an awkward light,

She shouldn’t be afraid
to give it up.

She had nothing to do

With what her ex‐husband
was into.

If she needed to give it up
through someone else,

That’d be okay, too.

Did you hear
what I said?

Jill had nothing
to do with this.

Her ex‐husband
indicates otherwise.


He indicates she had

Some kind
of peripheral connection,

And he’s not going to say
nothing more about her
to protect her.

I want her to know

I could care less about
her peripheral connection.

I know what women do
to protect their families.

My sole interest is what
she can tell me about him

That I can use to get her
assh*le ex up in the air.

You should go in
and get warm.

All the tea in china,
I will not appear in court.

We understand that,

This i. D., If I make it,
is for i. D. Purposes only.

Let’s not get ahead
of ourselves, rosie.

That’s right, assuming I even
see the person in there.

We ready?

Oh, my god.

If you recognize any
of the men in that room,

Tell us which number

And where
you recognize him from.

Lift the frickin’ shade.

Oh, you dirty bastard!

Sounds like she may have
picked the guy out.

Yeah, that could be
a positive i. D.

Only sh*t
that guy’s got,

Give a statement up while
it still means something.

Means something
as far as what?

Facilitating the process.

Full disclosure ‐‐
once you’re i. D.’D

In a homicide,
that’s all you got left.

Full disclosure shows
cooperation and remorse.

Assuming he’s got
something to disclose.

Some aspect of the case
we have yet to fill in.

Last thing that guy in there
has got going for him.

The son of a bitch
that sh*t rico

Is in that room, joaquin.

Diane: okay, rosie, okay.

Positive i. D.
Go in and close the deal.

See if this guy’s got
anyone else to give you.

Rosie: take me home.

I don’t want that son
of a bitch glimpsing me.

H‐hold on a second.

Rosie: you say in my grief
I can lean on you.

I’m asking you
for a simple ride home!

I may have some
facilitating information.

Of what type?

Facilitating information

While an aspect of the case
is still open,

Showing cooperation...

And remorse.

You know something
about what happened

To your brother, joaquin,

That ruined
my life’s expectations?

We can give you
a ride home, rosie.

Yeah, take her home.
Take care of her.

Did you ruin my life’s
expectations, joaquin,

’Cause you had a hard‐on
for your brother’s wife?

She needs
to go home now.

Is that what this fat stinking
slob is talking about?

Okay, rosie, okay.

[ Rosie speaking spanish ]

My brother was a prick.

If she could love him,

I thought I could
make her love me, too.

Come on. We’ll go
in the coffee room and talk.

Believe me,
jail’s sometimes preferable

To what you would have
wound up with.

[ Indistinct chattering ]

I’ll bet rosie
was working

On a personals ad
riding home ‐‐

"Recent widow
seeks meal ticket."

Was it about me ‐‐
harry denby?

Yeah, it was about you.

And you haven’t
told me why?

And I haven’t told you

Because I didn’t know
what I should do.

He wants me
to give you a message.

I don’t know
if he can be trusted.

He’s a task force guy
that’s working with don,

Checking out his story.

And what’s the message
he wants you to give me?

Jill, looking back,
could you ever maybe

Have done something
for don,

Completely without knowing?

Sure, I could have.

I could have dropped off
boxes of pastries

His mother made
for private parties,

Help b*at a tail.

I did.


Whatever you gave,

Even if any of it
implicated you,

This task force guy
says he’d write it up

and unfounded."

As long as what you
did was unintentional,

He’d say
it never happened.

And we believe
the task force guy?

He wants don to realize
he’s got no leverage.

And we believe him?

I don’t know
if I believe him.

If he’d really write it
"investigated and unfounded,"

Whatever don
starts spraying,

I’d be protected.


If I can trust the guy.


Do I give it to him?

Not yet.

Let me get
into him a little.

Hey, boss.


I wanted to let you know

I passed
the sergeant’s exam.

Congratulations, james.

I wrote a 67th
on the list.

I surprised myself
a little, I guess.

Any word how many
they’re taking?


Well, that’s great, james.

Yeah, so, uh, I wanted
to let you know.

I know a lot of guys
take the test

But don’t necessarily
go ahead and leave the bureau.

They just want to see
what their options are.

That’s what
I was telling myself,

But the thing of it is,

My wife wants me
off the street,

So I got to take it,
you know?

There’s a lot
of upside to it, james.

Oh, there’s a hell of a lot
of upside, definitely.

No, a big part of me

Is really looking
forward to it.


Thanks very much.

I told her what you said.

Right now
she’s leaving it up to me.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt me

Getting to know you
a little better.

Do you have
some time now?

Sure. That’s good.

Okay, see you
in a little while.

Whoa. Hi.


I was looking to save
a trip to the photo bureau
on a skell.

Sure. You want
to check our files?

Yeah, please.

Sure, absolutely.
Right over here.

Come down
from anti‐crime?

Mary: yes, I am.

They’re split
at the m’s.

What did he say?

I’m going
to meet him at smitty’s.

I mean, did this
task force guy say anything?

"Meet you there."

Did you see danny jump
out of his skin a minute ago?

Yeah, when this girl
came down from anti‐crime.

She’s cute.

Took two paper clips
to show her the photo files.


It looks like i’m not
getting off till around 7:00.

That’s good, anyways.

Andy and me,

We’re taking
this guy’s statement.

Danny: so, do you think
anyone noticed anything?

I think it’s a good
thing you got out
of undercover work.

Mary franco, jill kirkendall,
diane russell.
Mary: hi.

Diane: how’s
it going, mary?

Mary’s in anti‐crime,
come looking for a photo.

Save a trip to one p. P.

Yeah, exactly.

Anyways, good luck
with that ‐‐

Putting that photo
to good use.

Okay, thanks.

Good meetin’ you, mary.
Same here.

Jill: bye.

Good night, diane.



Yeah, good night.

She’s cute, danny.


Oh, you mean mary
from anti‐crime?


Yeah, she is cute.

What do you got,
a date of some sort?

Yeah, sort of.

Good night.


Let me go back in

And help andy
with this statement.

I was on a foot post
in the bronx,

Two years a cop.

A couple of geniuses
in ski masks

Come out the front door
of a bank.

I got lucky
in the sh**t.

Job gives me
my gold shield,

Make some lucky collars
in narcotics ‐‐

You’re a lucky boy.

They upped me
to this task force.

I work regular hours,

Except when i’m
babysitting jerks

Like your friend don.

A new car every year,
which I drive home.

Who’s got it
better than me?
[ Chuckles ]


Thank you, my child.

Now i’m safely
in the lead,

You’re still not going
to drink with me?

No. No.

Is this tactical?

You abstain, find out
what denby knows

As he yields
to what is, admittedly,

A small problem
with alcohol,

Or am I in the presence
of conviction?

You’re in the presence

Of someone who doesn’t
want a drink.

No, I sense we’re drilling
in bedrock here.

Is it the old story?

One’s too many,
50 aren’t enough?

That’s got
a ring to it.

And have you now
seen the light?

This seems like
a good place

To take a turn
in the conversation.

Gets mean behind his
cocktails, this denby.

I apologize.

It’s okay.

So, do you come
bearing a message

From detective kirkendall?

"I come in peace"

Is as far as i’m ready
to go at the moment.

You come in peace?

Look what believing that
from a stranger

Got the indians.

If you’re prepared
to have a drink with me,

I could shed
some valuable light

On your partner’s situation.

How about
doing that anyway

Just ’cause
you’re a good guy?

Too intangible.

We need what the devil
would call

An exchange
of consideration.

I’m not drinking
with you.

Will you give me
a small peck on the cheek?

Yeah, yeah,

I’ll give you
a small peck on the cheek.

Well, this kiss would
have to be a priori.

You know
what that means?

Are you a victim
of a jesuit education, too?

Come on, denby.

A priori
means you go first.

You peck, I shed light.

Now, don’t you
feel like an assh*le?

No. Actually, I feel
rather good about the world.

I feel rather set up.

Your turn.

God did this, right?

When there was darkness
on the waters?

I would say this,

As it applies
to a federal prosecutor,

Are you familiar
with the legal term "wuss"?

Talking about the prosecutor
that would be going to bat

Against my partner’s

I’m talking
about a prosecutor

Who’s supposed to be
going to bat

Against six dominican
and two peruvian bad guys ‐‐

Against who,

Without your partner’s
ex‐husband’s testimony,

We have got evidence
up the ass.

So giving a deal to don

Is what makes
the prosecutor a wuss?

Real kiss,
you get the rest.

And I find myself
out of scotch.

Could he get
another drink?

And her, too.

Screw you, denby.

Screw me?

Nah, i’m a realist.
My price isn’t that high.

I’m not drinking.

I need a wet one, then.

You were a decent guy
this morning.

It’s not morning anymore

On this part
of the globe.

It’s good.

The rest
of the story’s good.

All right.

You first this time.

I can’t rationalize
that, diane.

The whole sorry history
of the red man’s trust

Is staring me in the face.

You must hate yourself
in the mornings.

Only sometimes.

Often, I don’t remember
anything at all.

I mean, how much do you
care about your partner?

You prick.

Now, now.

I believe this is called
hitting the daily double.


You better tell me.

The prosecutor’s new boss
is an anti‐wuss.

I don’t want to hear
any clever crap.

You tell me what’s going on.

The prosecutor’s new boss

Is going to make
the prosecutor

Go to bat
against these dealers,

With or without

Your partner’s
ex‐husband on the team.

Tell me what
I should tell her.

You should tell your partner
"sit tight."

Tell her not
to give me anything.

Can I have that
if you don’t want it?

Good night.

♪ ♪
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