06x09 - Grime Scene

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x09 - Grime Scene

Post by bunniefuu »

Hiya, danny.

How’s it goin’?


[Pager beeps]

Excuse me.


How’s it goin’?

Good mornin’, andy.

Yeah. Where?

Morning, greg.

Kirkendall: ok, uh...

Hey. How’s it going, danny?

Slow down, slow down.
Wait a minute.

Okay, uh...

How’s the t*nk?

My neons are
a little listless.

Fancy: got it. Thanks.

Tell kyle
mommy’s on the way.

A stabbing victim
at a convenience store

At second avenue
and third street.

Andy, you’re up.

Kyle saw it.

He saw the stabbing.
He was in the store
when it happened.

Her 9‐year‐old.

Everyone on backup.

Come on, jill.
I’ve got the keys.

If you need to bang out
for the rest of the shift,
that’s fine.


Do what you gotta do.

I’m going to.

[Woman crying]

Miguel! Oh, miguel!


Are you ok?

Oh! Ok, kyle. It’s ok.

Danny: hey, come here
and talk to me.

What happened?

Kid’s in the store
with the sitter.

She’s in the john.

Perp robs
and stabs the clerk.

Anybody else
in the store?

Nah. Just the kid.

You’re not hurt?


All right, baby.

What’s the problem?

Who are you
working for, gary?
I freelance.

My name’s
danny sorenson,
i’m with the 15th squad,

And i’m gonna
need the last film
you just sh*t.

What do you mean?
Well, what part?

With the mother
and her boy.

That’s great stuff.

I don’t want that part
circulating, gary.

You do me this solid,
i’ll get you
some exclusives

On walkouts
from my station house.

I don’t know.

Sure, you do, gary.

I’ll take real good
care of ya,

And i’m gonna be
on this job a long time.

All right.

Let me rewind.

The man
in the store’s dead.

And the other man
stabbed him
with a Kn*fe.

A d.o.a.
At that homeless camp
over on fourth street.

You’re catchin’?

Yeah, we’re
the lucky team.


Aaah! Aah!

[Screaming and crying]

Let’s get him
outta here.

Woman: no! No! No!


Ipor qué!

[Crying and screaming
in spanish]

¿Por qué? No! ¿Por qué?

How long you been
married to sipowicz?

A little over 3 years.

Let me tell you once,

How grateful I am
for what you’re doing‐‐

Jermaine slung dope
on that corner.

If this m*rder’s

And suarez was
a bought patsy,

Jermaine ought
to know about it.

Listen, about jermaine
being sissified,

Don’t let that fool you.


He can handle himself
on the street.

Man: I see you in there,
detective dornan.

Here I am, jermaine,
and it’s sergeant dornan.


Assistant district
attorney costas.

How do you do.

How do you do?

[Pushes chair]

Assistant district attorney.

Yes, well, i’m afraid I can’t
speak to you just now

Because of an urgent
denture problem.

What’s this, now?

It’s gettin’ on 16 days
i’ve been askin’
to see the dentist

To have my upper plate

And i’m afraid that
whatever cooperation
you’re looking for

I can’t provide
until that happens.

Let’s take care of that
right after this.

No, no, no.

It will not take long.

My mouth is
very important to me.

All right.
Can we get him in

For a denture
adjustment now?

Thank you very much.

I expect you
to cooperate when
you get back here.

Oh, i’ll be very cooperative
with my plate repaired.


D.o.a.’S head’s caved in.

Bloody 2 x 4
next to the body.

They said
his name’s vic.

He lived in the lot.

Apparently, he was
the campus assh*le.

Yeah? No one’s too sorry
to see him dead?


He’s banged up good,

But not a lot of blood
in the cart.

His hands are torn up
like he was in a fight.

Vic learned the lesson
of S*ddam hussein in kuwait.

Expand upon your neighbors,

The eagle of death
swoops on your shoulder

And takes a huge dump.

We mapped out can territory‐‐
picking up cans.

Vic didn’t stick to it.

Rat bastard was a poacher

With an enemies list
the length of your arm.

Did that include you?

Hey, I only found his body.

Psst! Psst!

I can give you a suspect,

But, uh, money‐wise,
it’s a hard world.

Thanks a lot.


Another 20
if you’re right.

Vic b*at the crap out of him
a couple of nights ago,

And ed swore vengeance.

Ed’s the guy
that’s passed out?

He’s not as passed out
as he looks.

He’s, uh, partway
playing possum.

He says this guy’s
worth a conversation.

the one passed out?

You stay here.


That bodega sh**ting
that never cleared,

This is the cough syrup junkie
that we talked to outside.

Oh, yeah.
He told us about
the crackhead hooker

Going down on guys
in the basement.

Yeah, he was straight
with us about her,
as far as that goes.

Hey! [Kicking]

Wake up!

What’s goin’ on?

There was a guy
m*rder*d over here.

What do you
know about that?

Next to nothin’.

He’s got blood
on his sweatshirt.

Yeah. This vic that’s dead,
you have hard feelings
with him?

No more than the next fella.

But you may have
had some?

Maybe some small amount.

All right,
ya gotta come with us.

Let’s go.

Ah, jeez!

Maybe you won’t
be gone long.

Hey, I got
a nice buzz goin’. Come on.

that’s the breaks.


Gum and dog crap.

Yeah, the dog crap here
is terrible.

We came
into the store

Coming from
dr. Kendall’s.

You and rebecca.

She took me
for my ear infection,

And coming home,
we went in to get
a super cone

And for rebecca
to use the lavatory.

Who was in the store then?

it was just the man
behind the counter.

But when I was over
at the machine,

The other man came in.

This was the man
who wound up hurting
the man behind the counter?


What did that man look like?

He...he was white

And about my dad’s size.

Oh. How tall is your dad?


And he was, like,
maybe 5 years younger
than my dad.

Maybe 30.

And he told the man
behind the counter

He wanted all the money
from the cash register

And all
the lottery tickets.

And the man
behind the counter

Didn’t even really get
a chance to answer him.

And then the other man
stabbed him.

Kyle, did the man who stabbed
the other man see you?

He saw me,
and he sort of
pointed at me

When he was
running out.

He had a bunch
of lottery tickets

And...some money.

And the other man,
who was stabbed,

He was trying
to follow him,
but he couldn’t

Because he
was bleeding.

And then he fell
to the floor.

And after he ran out,

The other man sort of
reached his hand out,

And then he laid
his head down.

And that’s when
I got rebecca.

Ok, kyle.

You’ve been really brave
talking to me about this.

If I saw him,
i’d recognize the man

Who stabbed
the other man
with the Kn*fe.

We can talk later

If you’re actually
really sure about that.

You take a little time
with your mom.


I’m really proud of you,

[Door opens]

How’s he doing?

Jill’s right with him.

Did he give you
any sort of description?

He gave me a decent
general description.

Didn’t really get
a good specific look.

Yeah. I’m not sure
if he could pick
the guy out.

The sitter’s got nothin’,
this rebecca.

[Door opens]

Fancy: hi, jill.


Any other witnesses
on canvass?

Narcotics and anti‐crime
are following up
on the corners.

They may very well
come up with something.

In other words, we got
nothing except for kyle.

Does kyle want
a soda or anything?

I’m getting him one.

I just need to use
the john for a second.

Cut the sitter loose?

Fancy: yeah.

Dumb‐ass d. O. A. Don’t have
a surveillance camera.


Kyle watched
this evil son of a bitch

s*ab a man in his chest

And the man bleed out
in front of him.

Now, bad enough he’ll
carry those memories
the rest of his life...

Without having
to relive them
a week from now

In that grand jury room

And then in front of
another group of strangers

In a courtroom hearing
6 months from now.

And then a year later,

Have to sit
on the witness stand

While that same
evil bastard

Scares him
with his hateful looks,

And his assh*le lawyer

Tries to break my boy down
and humiliate him.

Jill, if you want,

We’ll walk kyle
out the door,

And no one will
ever see his name

In a single piece
of paperwork

with this case.

I want the case made.

I just pray that kyle doesn’t
have to go through more.

All right.

This is gonna be
all right.

Jill’s all upset?

She’s worried for her boy.

She’s supposed
to be worried for him.

We need a confession
in this case.

Yeah, a confession
would be good.

Yeah. We need to get
the assh*le who did this
to confess.

I have to say, dolores,

Whatever benefit
you’re getting from
organizing your thoughts

Cannot outweigh
the negative impression

You are making
by being late.

I want certain things
understood downstairs.

This is not the time
to be making conditions.

It is also not the time
for anyone in that squad

To be looking strange at me
or down their nose.

Lieutenant fancy
would have replaced you

If he didn’t want this
to work out.

Unless he wants me
under a microscope
like a virus specimen

To look down his nose at.

Or his female detectives
lookin’ down their nose.


In fact, you know what?
Just ask him, write yes or no.

What are you
talking about?!

Take this downstairs,
hand it to lieutenant fancy,

And at the bottom
of the list,

Ask him to write
yes or no.

I’m not going
to do that, dolores.

Well, some friend
you are.

So who’s
the impersonator‐‐

The girl
who called crying
3 different nights

Or the...smart‐ass
in front of me now?

Someone called you at home,
said she was me?

Called, told me
she was doing things

She didn’t want to
and didn’t understand,

That her life was
spinning out of control

And that if she
got her job back,

That would mean
she could help herself.

You better get
your number changed, john.

Some wacko’s got it,
pretending to be me.

Want to make
a paper plane?


And i’m not gonna
change my phone number.

Guy stuck up
a convenience store,

Pretty much fits
the description.

Vincent shaw.

Yeah. I got
a vince shaw, too.

Vincent shaw
from 23rd street.

I checked him
an hour ago.

He’s doing
a pound upstate.

Crime scene’s
got no lifts

From the counters
inside the store.

No description
matches so far

In similar‐pattern

A woman caught
the plate on a sedan

That sideswiped her car
and kept going 2 blocks
from your crime scene.

The time fits.

Plate comes back
to a john falcone.

Works over
at the fulton market.

I got 7 minutes
till a commitment
with sylvia.

Diane and me
can grab him up.

Yeah. Ok.

So much these days
is confusin’ to me.

That cough syrup will
bring you to your knees.

I got bronchitis.

[Coughs] chronic.

That’s what
knocks me over.

Anyways, ed,
our specific concern

Is the blood
on your sweatshirt.

I often get
my balls b*at off.

What’s the crime
in that?

So you’re saying
that’s your own blood.


Where were you
last night, ed?

Big part of the night
at that oil drum fire

We get goin’
outside the garage
on lafayette.

Who can back that?
Because of the cold.

Yeah, it’s gotten
very chilly.



Who can back you being

Outside the garage
on lafayette?

The people there
with me!

Yeah, good.

We’re gonna take a ride
over to lafayette later, ed.

The fellas there had better
be able to back your story.

They will!

If that was the night
that we had the fire.

When did you last see
vic frawley?

Look, he took
my can route,

But I didn’t
k*ll him.

Was it vic that
b*at on your head?

Many people b*at on me.

The story we’re hearing is
vic b*at on you takin’ over
your can territory.

Him coming up dead,
we gotta look at you
as having a motive.

If we take your sweatshirt
to your lab, ed,

And it comes up positive
for vic’s blood,

You’re facin’
a m*rder charge.

Ed, if you did
somethin’ to vic‐‐

Maybe completely

Over him bullying you
off your can route,

The time to say so is now,
before the evidence
paints you into a corner

Where you don’t get
no credit for remorse!



It’s stuck.

[Snoring continues]

Honey, I need to be here
paying attention

So your brother doesn’t
get more involved with this.

And I want kyle with me so
I can keep him good company.

No, no. But that’s why
I want to keep him company‐‐

So he doesn’t get scared.

Now, what you can do
for mom is‐‐

No. Honey, I don’t
want you down here

Or kyle here a minute longer
than he has to be.

Just give mom
a couple of hours

So I can look out
for your brother,

And then me and kyle
are coming home.


Then we’ll all talk about
what happened, frank.

’Cause i’ll bet
hearin’ what happened’s
been scary for you, too.


I love you, son.

Yeah, mom loves you.

Big kiss in your account.


Leo, what are you doing?

He’s sleepin’, huh?

Kyle’s takin’ a nap.

What a nightmare for him.


He actually
saw the m*rder?


Well, ’cause it would
be that much more
of a nightmare for him

If he actually saw
the m*rder take place.

Yeah, well,
it’s not really clear
what he saw.

I’m not here as assistant
district attorney, jill.

I’m not even the riding d. A.


I mean...we do have
a relationship.

Leo, if you’re
here for support,

Show it by walking away.

You work in
a part of the system

I just can’t trust
right now.

You think
I would hurt kyle?

Oh, the system never
means to hurt anybody.

I’m sorry.

I gotta count on my own.

Since I was
the one who accepted
mr. Suarez’s confession

And recommended
his incarceration
to the judge...

And if that confession
was bought and paid for,

As now seems possible,
or even likely,

And with mr. Suarez
now having been m*rder*d

While serving
that sentence‐‐

You would feel bad.

Dornan: you being smart,

If I was smart,
would I be locked up?

You were
on that corner.

When the m*rder
happened, yes.

Did suarez do it?

I really
appreciated your help
with my dental plate.

$250 In your
commissary account.

For everything.

Well, I would need to know
what everything means.

$250 In your
commissary account

For what happened
on the corner

And here inside.

I worked the corner
for freddie asuncion.

Genero lopez
used the same corner
late at night,

to the chronic fiends.

Now, genero and freddie
come to disagree

Over what exactly was
late at night

And what was
early the next morning.

What time asuncion
took the corner back.

Gettin’ the drive‐time
junkies headin’ for work.

See, that’s
a lucrative trade...

And freddie asuncion
is a greedy person.

And being
a greedy person,

Freddie asuncion did
what he felt he had to

To genero lopez.

He k*lled him.

Freddie then looked
to juan suarez,

A timid youth, who was
searching for respect

After genero brained
his brother with a crowbar.

Juan was afraid
to take his revenge,

But then freddie
offered him

A monthly amount of money
for his wife

If juan admitted
to the k*lling.

And, by searching
for respect...

Juan agreed.

Thing about the inside,
assistant district attorney,

Cop to a m*rder,
you better be capable
of m*rder to defend yourself,

Or you end up treated ways
you don’t enjoy.

And if freddie asuncion
decides, while you’re
in the slam,

He wants
to bang your wife

Instead of paying
her quiet money,

Then one of those ways
you don’t enjoy...

Could be a shank
in the laundry room.

Freddie asuncion.

Freddie asuncion.

Uh, give me somebody working
for freddie we can flip.

Tommy ibarra.

Use someone pretty.
Tommy’ll offer him
discount dope for sex.

Lovely suit.

Have a seat in here, john.

she speaks to me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You don’t tell me nothin’
about nothin’.

We gotta talk about
a situation. What situation?

You’re being very secretive,
very covert.

Very enigmatic.

The car thing?

All right.
I guess I shoulda stopped

When I brushed
that other car.

of the moment, john.

That’s exactly
how it happened.

Heat of the moment,
and I did somethin’ stupid.

I mean,
nobody was hurt, right?

Were you by yourself
in the car, john?

No. I was with a friend.

What’s the friend’s name?

Vince what?


I mean, the woman
wasn’t hurt, was she?

If she’s saying
she’s hurt now,

She’s scamming you.

What did my partner
ask you?

I’m just saying that
this is turning into
some major atmosphere here.

The atmosphere’s
gonna get major,

If my partner has
to ask again this
vince’s last name.

Bardello, all right?

He’s like kenneth starr...

Like perry mason
with the questions.
He don’t let up.

You ever commit
a violent crime?

Absolutely not.

Absolutely not.

I never drove away from
a violent crime in my life.

We’re not asking
you about the
woman no more.

He askin’ about
a second violent crime?

3 Minutes before
the one you admitted to,
and 2 blocks away.

3 Minutes before,
i’m parked on the street.

Where were
you parked?

Around the corner
from somewhere vince
went in to get smokes.

A convenience store.

Yeah, huh?

Where did this
violent crime
take place?

Where do
you think?

Oh, man.

How did vince act

When he came back
from the store?

He was all right...

Until, like,
a block later.

Block later,
we’re at a light,

And vince starts going,
"jump it, jump it!"

He said he boosted
the smokes.

You know what
"acting in concert"
means, john?

Being wheel man for
a stickup is like
doing the stickup.

A m*rder goes down
in the course of
the stickup,

You’re guilty.

A m*rder? I didn’t even
know a robbery took place.

I was just driving
the crazy son of a bitch
home from being fired.

Yeah? Well, you
better tell us
all about that‐‐

Everything you
got on vince.

I will...
I will!

Look...we‐we’ll talk
about it tonight.
I gotta go.

Hey, greg,
the d. O. A.’S blood

Don’t match
the blood on
ed’s sweatshirt.

Oh. Good.

Because god forbid
we should be spared

Interviewing 50 more
lice‐infested bums.


Annie couldn’t give
her notice.

Her boss is laid low
by an allergy att*ck.

I’d like him
laid low by a bus.

Hi, andy.


How’s it going,

Sorry we’re late.

What’d you find out?

Freddie asuncion.

Did the m*rder suarez
copped to, or...

Had suarez k*lled
in prison?


This is not about
finger pointing.

Suarez was
a convicted m*rder*r,

And naming asuncion
in a letter from prison
was not enough to go on.

We got a guy
to flip.

Deals dope
for asuncion?


Tommy ibarra.

He’s in custody?

Nope. We have to
put him in custody.

I hope she wasn’t proposing
no vigilante tactics

On the ride back
from rikers.

I’ll take care
of the tactics.

So, this
dorothy natale

That filed
the complaint‐‐

The woman whose car
you sideswiped‐‐

I did not sideswipe
her car.

That your buddy john
sideswiped her car.

What’s john wanna
involve me with that for?

We asked him to
involve you, vince,

Because this
dorothy natale,
whose car john hit,

Has been breaking balls
all day.

We got half
an idea she’s building
some insurance case.

That’s on us,
vince‐‐asking john
for your name.

We asked him was
there someone who
could corroborate

He only did
minimal damage.

Minimal damage.

He only minimally
damaged her car?

Uh...a minor

John said
you got fired today.

I was fired, yeah.

Will that jam up
your parole?

No. I wouldn’t
assume so.

Who’s your p. O.,
Mother teresa?

Maybe it will jam me up.
I don’t know.

Not your problem,


If I get jammed up
on my parole,

It’s not really
your problem.

for your day.

What does my day
have to do

With john falcone
sideswiping some
ball‐breaking bitch

Lookin’ to earn on
a fender bender?

If I ask you
to account for
your day, scumbag,

Start accounting
for your day.

Woke up about 7:15‐‐

What were you doing
just before you hit
that lady?

Heh, I didn’t hit
that lady.

No. You k*lled
that store clerk.


Just before your
buddy john sideswiped
that lady’s car,

Driving fast
like you told him to,

You pulled a Kn*fe in
that convenience store

And put it in that
store clerk’s chest.

He was not there.

If he told you he was,
he lied.

The store clerk’s
dead, vince.

We’re gonna lock
you up for m*rder.

John was not
in that store.

2 Other people
were, vince‐‐

A man and his wife,

And after john
gave us your name

And we got your photo
from b. C. I.,

Them 2 people
picked you out.

There was not
a man and a wife
in that store.

I guess that means
you were.

Who said I wasn’t?

Look, I purchased my smokes
and then walked out.

John putting me
in that store

Does not make me guilty
of m*rder or anything.

And you’re making
them 2 people up.

Was there a little boy
in that store?

What’s this now?

Was there
a little boy saw you
stick the store clerk

Before the clerk even
had a chance to give you

The money or lottery
tickets you wanted?

Did you point
your finger
at that little boy

To thr*aten
and intimidate him
before you ran out?

He’s got me confused
with somebody else.

No. He saw you,
and you’re
getting locked up.

But the best luck you’ve had
in your sorry life, vince,

We don’t want that boy
to have to testify...

So if you cooperate

By giving us
a statement,

I’ll personally
guarantee i’ll
go to bat for you...

And detective russell
will also.

If you and the clerk
had some prior

That little boy
didn’t see,

We will go to bat
for that.

If he provoked you
some way,

Disrespected your
purpose being there...

We know a lot
of situations,

A guy only
shows a Kn*fe

To let the clerk
know he’s serious.

Now, the clerk
insults him
some way,

Tells him to
shove the Kn*fe
up his ass...

The whole picture
changes behind
the clerk’s provocation.

And now, here’s
the alternative, vince.

If you do not
make a statement,

Knowing we’ve
got an eyewitness
to what you did inside,

And your buddy john
you were there,

You make us put
that little boy on,

Detective russell
and me, we’ll take
a vow in this room

That we will
crucify you.

I got a lot
of friends

In the district
attorney’s office,

And so does
detective sorenson,

And we will
call in every
favor we’re owed

To make this
a death penalty

Give it up, vince.
Tell us your side.

My life stinks...

Day one till today.

All right, all right.

I’ll tell.

Stand in the dark...

Our toes frozen...

Talking to
a procession
of wet brains.

That’s how
our evening’s
shaping up, james.

Know what I don’t like?
Them embers...

From their barrel fires
getting in your eyes.

I can have a dark mood
come over me
in them alleys.

We’ll make it a 2‐hour sh*t,
maximum, all right, greg?

Or 9 p. M.
Absolute maximum.

Yeah, all right.

’Cause 9 p. M.,
The rats start
scurrying around.

Whoa! Hey,

You wanna stop
right there for us?

Yeah, sure.

How’s it going?


What do you need?


Need a Kn*fe, huh?

Put your arms up.



What’s the matter?
Your head hurt you?

Could you show me
the magnet you use
for the mind salvation?

We’re not allowed
to do that.

They make us keep it
under wraps.

Vic just threw it
in there!

Vic took my Kn*fe
and threw it
in the sewer!

What happened
after that?

I lifted him...
In the postal cart.

Which shoulder
did you have him on?

You got some...
Blood on there.

Did you hit vic
before you put him
in the cart?

Damn right I did.
I caved his head in.

Remember what
you used to do it?

Yeah. I used
a good, strong
piece of 2 x 4.

All right,
let’s get you
on your feet.

You are gonna help me
with the mind salvation?

Yeah, oh, yeah.

Wait. We’re going
in here to talk.

That’s where
we’ll help you with
the mind salvation.


[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

I am so proud of you.

Free hors d’oeuvres is
free hors d’oeuvres, right?

Not just for
the people at the bar.

We’re patrons,
citizens of this country.

I tell you, keeping kyle
from having to be involved,

Jill must’ve been some kind
of grateful to you two.

Well, I am the bearer
of glad tidings.

What’s going on?

Uh, the girl
i’ve been seeing?

We’ve had a lot
of strain lately

On the subject
of indecisiveness.

Did you tell her
you cleared
a case today?

She’s the one
that’s indecisive.

Any event,
uh, the job she hates,

That, uh, has been
a bone of contention,

Annie just told me
she quit.

Good. Good for ann.

That’s great,

Yeah. That was a big
hump she went over.

Anyways, uh...i’m
gonna go see her now.

Actually, she’s, uh,
coming over to my place.

We, uh...

We did an honest day’s
work today, didn’t we?

Yeah, we did.

We all did
an honest day’s work.

Good night, diane.
See ya.

I think
there may be a hump
in greg’s future, too.

Excuse me.

Thanks for working
that with me.

Yeah. We worked
that good.

3 Beers and a soda.

Greg left a soldier
in the fort.

Waste not, want not.

This jerk
locks the door.

And he didn’t have to.
He was only pissin’.

I could hear him.

The nerve.

Ha ha!

Oh, I get it.

Ha! These are a pair.

Different views.

They’re probably
by the same artist.

Hey, that was
big for diane‐‐
going out with us.

Yeah. I expect
she hasn’t been

It’s the first i’m aware
since bobby passed.


And i’ll tell you
something else, danny.

I was glad enough
that the two of you

Worked together today
on that case.

Maybe broke
the ice a little.

I’ll tell you,
straight out,

Diane’s been reserved
toward you.

Makes sense, no?

Well, i’m glad
this may have been
the breaking of the ice.

Hey, james,
does diane enjoy
a beer, do you know?


Is she a teetotaler,
or what?

I never noticed
her drink,

But if that’s hard
and fast or not,
I don’t know.

I never seen her drink,

But I also never heard
her say that she don’t.

Yeah, well, anyways.

Why do you ask, danny?

’Cause i’m out of
things to ask about,
and i’m freezing.

Hey, hey, danny,
it’s 10 p. M.!

And I feel no urgency
catching the train

’Cause it’s the sofa
for me anyways.

What, house policy?

Well, 10 p. M.,
The iron curtain
tends to descend.


Anyways, let me
catch my train.

All right.
All right?

Hey, james?

You got
the squad roster
on your casio?

Yeah. What number
you want?

Yeah, let me get
andy’s number
off of it, please.

I’ll do it.

What, you think
i’m losing my manual
dexterity? Huh?

Hey, I enjoyed working
with you today...

Hey, thanks a lot.

Spending time

Same here.

All right, danny.


You seemed a little iffy
at the bar.

Not that it’s any
of my business...

Not that it’s any
of my business...

[Telephone ringing]

hi. This is diane.
I’m not in right now.

Please leave
a message. [Beep]

"Oh, I see.
They’re a pair.

Probably from
the same artist."

Ha ha...
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