06x02 - Cop in a Bottle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x02 - Cop in a Bottle

Post by bunniefuu »

I came
out of the diner,

I saw the stickup
goin’ down,

And I did what
I could to help.

Mike, the waitress says
you left the diner

An hour and a half
before she heard
the sh*ts.

Well, then that aspect of
my time frame’s outta whack.

Outta whack in the sense
there’s a big blank spot
needs fillin’ in.

Have it your way.

Hey. We got a perp
and a civilian d. O. A.

Well, don’t impugn me,
seein’ a stickup, for
comin’ to help out, andy,

Outta whack time frame
or not.

Get this rumhound
some coffee.

I got some coffee
for him.

some coffee, mike.

Come here.

Give me your g*n.

The particulars
elude me.

Do I want ’em
to elude me? No.

All right, just
drink that coffee,

Try to think out
what happened.


Some whores
trickin’ out of those
construction trailers.

Yeah, uh, several
of the diner patrons
indicated that.

probably know.

We were thinking
probably when
the sh**ting started,

The hookers booked.

Might be worth
canvassing the strolls.

Yeah, good.

This walsh
from the 2‐7 squad,

He’s got his load on
good, huh?

I got half an idea,
if he could remember it,

He was out here
doing the right thing.

Andy, donny landers
that I was in academy with

Briefly partnered
with this walsh.

So donny says he shows up
for work one day‐‐

Walsh was intentionally
standing naked

In a locker‐room

I mean, this guy
really enjoys drinking.

I mean, now, obviously
the, uh, the drink
has become a problem.

Anyways, we’ll do
this canvass.

Are you ok?

I am ok.

Are you sure?

Hey, diane.



That mike walsh?

Yeah, come on a stickup
while inside
a cutty sark bottle.

Best case‐‐the perp
kills the civilian,

Walsh kills the perp.

These are
the d. O. A. S here?

Yeah, those‐‐those
would be the d. O. A. S.

I’m gary tweedy.
I own the diner here.

They recover
the perp’s w*apon?

I’ll show you
the shell casings
over here.

What do you know about
this here, mr. Tweedy?

I want to correct my waitress
caroline’s impression
concerning mike walsh.


Your refresher
on novice detective work?

He’s having so much
trouble breathing, andy.

Yeah, I know.
I been noticin’.

Well, it’s getting
worse and worse.

This morning,

He was having trouble
putting his clothes on.

I’m afraid
to have him out here.

Yeah, I been noticin’
with this chest cold.

Tweedy: what i’m
tryin’ to get across,

Between the john
and her smokin’,

Caroline’ll be
off the service area
5‐ or 10‐minute stretches.

After leavin’
the restaurant before,

When caroline
saw him go,

Mike could very well
have returned,

Saw this incident
through the window,
and gone back out to help.

Are you saying
you saw him do that?

I’m saying
it’s very possible.

So this isn’t so much
a witness statement, huh?

This is more like a friend
giving a mike walsh
character reference.

Oh, god.
He can’t stand up.

Medavoy! Martinez!

Bobby, what’s wrong?

I’m havin’ trouble here.

Tweedy: he may be havin’
trouble breathin’.

I’m gonna go
get the car.

Yeah. I need
to get looked at.


I need
to get looked at.

Should we ride
on the bus?

No. No, no.

Let’s just
go in the car.

Here. It’s, uh...
It’s just‐‐

It’s just this‐‐
this chest cold

Knocked the wind
outta ya.

Lean on me.
Put your weight
on me.

What’s goin’ on?
Are you ok, bobby?

It’s just this,
uh, chest cold.

Oh, yeah,
those are m*rder.

Don’t do no talkin’,
bobby. Just save
your breath.

There you go.

Transport walsh
to the squad. Ok?

Uh, jill’s working
a 4:00‐to‐12:00.

Maybe the boss can
have her come in early

To take over
our canvass.

Where are you goin’, andy?
You’re goin’ in with them.

I’d be more comfortable
with you.

Shut up!

Can you lean forward
again for me, please?

His results
are printin’ out,

And they got no doc
yet to read ’em.

When I tell you,

Take a deep breath
and hold it.

If I could do that,
I wouldn’t be
in here, man.

Do your best.


[X‐ray beeps]

Lean forward.

This’ll be ready for
the doctor to look at

In just
a few minutes.

There’s an optimist.

You feeling
more comfortable?

I’m ok.
Still no chest pain?

No, no pain. I’m just having
trouble catching my breath.

Want this blanket
over your feet?

No, i’m good, andy.

You don’t wanna...

Yeah, sure.

Hi. Can you step back
for a bit? Thanks.

I’m dr. Edison, robert.

How’s it goin’?

He’s had a sublingual nitro.

Here’s his ekg.

Cbc, cardiac enzyme,
renal lytes.

You find yourself
short of breath?


He’s been short of breath
going on 10 days.


Your neck veins are
a little distended.

Can you lean forward
for me?

There you go.

Take a deep breath.


That’s the last deep breath
I got for you there, doc.

Yeah, you got moist
rals both bases.
What’d he say?

Lasix, 80 i.v.,
2 Of morphine,
both i. V. Push.

We’re gonna clear some
of the fluid out here
in your lungs, robert.

Call me bobby, doc.

Lasix is a diuretic,
clears fluids systemically.

Morphine is to dilate veins

So less blood’s going to
the right side of your heart.

And he’s fighting off
some chest cold’s
at the root of it.

I’m having a heart
att*ck here, doc?
What’s up?

We worry about that
with symptoms of
shortness of breath,

And you do have
some subtle changes
in your ekg.

But I understand you don’t
have any chest pains,

And essentially
you’ve described symptoms
you’ve had for 10 days.

I’ve been feeling winded
for about a week now.

Maybe a little more.

Have you felt crummy besides
the shortness of breath?

Muscle aches? Coughing?

I’ve been coughing
a little, yeah.

You bring anything up?

Not really.

Do you have heart disease
in your immediate family?


Sustain any wounds
or injuries recently?

He got cut last week
making an arrest.

Kn*fe wound?

Carpet Kn*fe.

Clean? Dirty?

How soon after you were cut
did you get treatment?

Bobby: same day.
We come right
to the hospital.

Do you smoke or drink


High blood pressure

Or take medicine
for any other illnesses?

Do you use cocaine?
Your answer will be
kept in confidence.

Does he use cocaine?!


Do you use any other dr*gs

Not till just now.

Teeth cleaned recently
or other dental work?

He had his teeth cleaned
about a week ago.

Yeah, the dentist, he‐‐
he cut me right there.

All right. Uh...can you
excuse us for just a sec?

I want to listen
to bobby’s chest again.


What do you think’s
wrong with him?

Let me look at his x‐ray,

And then I want to listen
to bobby’s chest again,

And maybe
i’ll have a better idea.

Don’t go runnin’ off.

P.a.: Wheelchair,
please come to admitting.

Asks a million questions,

Gives you no idea
of his thinking.

Your heart shadow’s a little
big on x‐ray, bobby.

Bobby: uh‐huh.
And that doesn’t surprise me

Because I hear a lot
of pulmonary congestion.

So what do you
think’s going on?

You’ve got symptoms
of heart failure,

Which doesn’t mean
your heart’s stopping,

It’s just working
inefficiently for the moment,

And we need
to figure out why.

Could it be
a heart att*ck?

Your blood work
will tell for sure,

But I don’t think you’re
having a heart att*ck.

You need to be admitted
so they can run
some other tests.

Who’s they?

You should be admitted
to coronary care.

All right.

Who should I talk to
about what’s going on?

I think just my wife.

You get my partner upset,
he’s liable to start, uh,

Putting your staff
in the other beds here.

You wanna come back in?

Let’s get a bed
in c. C. U.

Oh, boy.

Mrs. Simone will be
back to talk to you
in just a second.

They’re gonna need to
keep me for a while, babe.


Bobby has some fluid
buildup in his lungs

And an enlargement
of his heart,

And that needs
to be evaluated.

The doc says if,
uh, I made him guess,

He don’t think
it’s a heart att*ck.

Do you have any idea
what it is?

I really don’t know
at this point.

Could it be
from the dentist?

It could be infection
that migrated

After dental work

Or from the wound
on his wrist

Or from a whole range
of other things.

And that would be

I’d certainly hope
we’d be able to treat it.

So, uh, maybe we should
tell andy to go back
to the house.


They’ll get you ready
to go upstairs.

Thanks a lot, doc.

He don’t think
it’s a heart att*ck.

No, but they want to
keep him a while.

So that’s good

He says bobby’s
heart’s enlarged.

Uh, could that be
a temporary malfunction?

That’s what
the doctor said.

It can be an infection,
and they can treat it.

I’ll call when
we get some news.

Don’t let ’em
put you in room 5.
The tv’s on the fritz.

Ok, partner.

Ok, partner.

Here we go.

They’re keepin’ him in.

Uh, it’s, uh, something
with his chest.

it’s a heart att*ck.
They’re not sure.

Diane’s with him.
She’s gonna let us know.

What’s walsh doing?

Um, declined a delegate.

Won’t give a statement
except to you.

He’s getting the shakes now
pretty good, andy.

What’s up, sipowicz?

Where do you keep
your bottle?

What are you
talkin’ about?

I need a bottle for walsh
from the 2‐7 squad

That’s upstairs
with the shakes that
I need a statement from.

Oh, you lookin’ to
jam him up the way
you did my guy?

No, but i’ll jam you
pretty good if you
give me any trouble.

Ok. Come with me
to the john.

Is that the right
thing, andy?

The label’s just a ruse.
He gets 2 drinks.

You be ready to talk
in 5 minutes, mike.

Have we heard from diane
how bobby’s doing?

No. Nothing yet.

What’d you get off canvass?

5 Minutes after
our sh**ting,
a man was assaulted

And his car was stolen
on henry street,
3 blocks away.

The owner see
who took him off?

No, his skull’s caved in.
Looks like he’s going
out of the picture.

We followed a blood trail
from the point where
the car was jacked

To within 80 feet
of the diner lot.

So maybe the guy
who stole the car
is the second assailant

In the stickup
walsh interrupted.

I don’t know.
Did walsh say anything
about a second perp?

Walsh hasn’t told us
as yet about anything.

He needs to get
his alcohol ratio
in balance.


[Telephone rings]

15Th squad.

Oh, hi, sweetie.


Did you come home
for lunch with emmet?

I’ll tell ya, andy.

I am absolutely
more able
to reconstruct this.

That’s not gonna last,
and you ain’t gettin’
more drinks,

So let’s get started.

[Walsh clearing throat]
all right.

[Clearing throat]

Chain of events:

I see a struggle,

Uh, between
an early 20s hispanic

And a middle‐aged
white male

Maybe...100 feet
away from me,

Near the diner‐‐

Hey, are you ready
to tell us a straight story

Of where you were
coming from?

100% Candor‐‐

I was, uh, having a belt
out the trunk of my car.

I, uh, draw my w*apon.

I identify myself,
running forward.

Closer look,
I realize this is
a struggle over a g*n.

One sh*t.
Uh, white guy drops,
kid turns on me,

I empty out into him.

Spanish kid come up wrong
on b. C. I.?

6 Collars on his sheet.
When are you gonna tell me
about the second perp?

We know there’s
a second perp?

Don’t trifle with me, walsh.

I tell you
I am so relieved.

I, um,
I made a second guy,
an accomplice,

And i...i threw
some sh*ts at him,

But then
I got so terrified
that this was some

innocent bystander
runnin’ for his life.

How did we confirm
that this was
a second perp?

A blood trail
from your crime scene

Goes around the corner
to a same‐time
carjack as*ault.

Now give me a description
on the second perp.

Well, it was dark.

Uh, he looked around 5’8".

A gangbanger
or fresh off the boat?

It was dark.

I‐‐i just thank god
that this was a bad guy.

You think I want
a second perp, huh?

I got a partner sick.
I want this cleared.

Now you give me somethin’
on this second guy‐‐

A zit on his ass
or somethin’.

Maybe he had
a ponytail.

Maybe he had
a ponytail.

Uh...he was comin’ at me
between 2 cars,

Um...about 50 feet away.

He must’ve been
a lookout.

It was dark, but I am
80% on the ponytail.

Your partner simone
is sick?

Uh, 5’8", hispanic,
with a ponytail!

Wanna call your boss
or your wife?

Oh, no.
Not at this point.

Don’t start
signifying, mike.

You’re not getting
no more drink.

Doctor: ok.

[Surging heartbeat
through ultrasound]



You want me to bring
your wife in while
we talk about this?

Please. Sure.

Come on in.

How’d it go?

I’m about to tell
your husband what I see.

Your echocardiogram
shows the same
heart enlargement

The x‐ray picked up

Now with the echo we can
also measure what’s called
your ejection fraction,

Which is how your heart’s
actually pumping blood.

And that’s
lower than normal.

Is it a heart att*ck?

Your first enzyme tests
have come back
a little elevated,

So we can’t rule that

But your other symptoms
don’t really point
to an infarct.

You’re running
a degree of temp,

You’re a little anemic,

And you’ve got
some minor elevation
of your white count.

Now putting that with
what your echo shows

Makes me feel you’ve
got some kind of...

Infectious or
inflammatory process
in your heart

Which is giving you
the symptoms.

So what do you do
about that?

If this is an infection,

Over the next
12 to 72 hours

The extra bloods
we’ve drawn

May help us pinpoint
what we’re dealing with.

And then you’d know
how to treat it?

With an infection
that responds
to antibiotics,

You’d be looking at
a complete recovery.

Oh, that’d be
so wonderful.

So I guess you need me here
while you wait on those results.


I don’t want
to release you.

We’ll have to run
a second enzyme

To absolutely
rule out an m.i.

And we’ll need
to run some other
tests as well.


What would be the earliest
my husband could come home?

Till we’re sure what
we’re dealing with,

I’m really
not comfortable
giving you a time frame.

I understand.

The best case‐‐
3 or 4 days.

That’s not too bad...
For you to walk out with
a complete recovery?

Start breathin’ again,
i’ll definitely settle
for that.

We’ll have your
second enzyme series
later this afternoon.

And that may speak
more definitively
on the heart att*ck.

But that’s not
what you think this is.

Right now, if you held
a g*n to my head
and made me guess,

I’d say no.

The meds should
get you stable

And a little
more comfortable
over the next while.

Now let the nurse know
if you’re having
any problem,

And she’ll come get me.

Otherwise, i’ll see you
in a few hours.


Thanks a lot, doc.


He seems
like a nice guy.

Really nice.

He didn’t
talk down at all.

I mean, he sounds
really optimistic.

Once they figure out
what this bug is.

I wish you didn’t
have to stay here,

But for
a complete recovery,

I guess 3 or 4 days
isn’t such a sacrifice.

Shall I call the squad

And let them know it’s
not a heart att*ck?

or he doesn’t think
it’s a heart att*ck.

Let’s hold off until
these next tests, ok?


You know,
you call the squad,

And you tell them
it’s not a heart att*ck,

And then if it is,
this doc kid
who we like so much,

He’s gonna die
in a hail of b*ll*ts.

You, um, you want
to see what’s on tv?

He saw the struggle
from about 100 feet away.

Yeah, detective walsh
explained that he
was out at that hour

Because he’d been
having trouble sleeping.

Yeah. Well, we’re still
putting it together,

But, at this point,
it certainly looks that way,

Looking to do
the right thing.


Well, none on the horizon,
at this point.

Yeah, all right, chief.

And thank you.

Steve graham,
2‐7 squad.

It’s good
to meet you, steve.

You got my guy
walsh here?
Yeah, mike’s here.


Yeah, he’s conscious.

How about telling me
what went down
without the lube job?

What do you mean
lube job, steve?

I mean, out at
4:00 in the morning,
how mike was.

In my own experience
with this assh*le,

The 6 weeks
i’ve had that squad,

I figure him for drunk
at the sh**ting

And fighting off
the d. T. S now.

Right now, it’s looking
like your guy came
to a civilian’s aid

During a stickup.

He dropped
one of the 2 perps
and wounded the other.

Unless it’s material
to that conduct,

I’m not real interested
in mike walsh’s story.

Of course.
He’s not hanging
around your neck.

Your internal management
problems with your squad

Aren’t really any of
my business, either.
That’s correct.

Where you got him?

In the coffee room.

Busy night, huh, mike?

Oh, yeah.

So how are you
feeling now?

I’m ok, you know.

Graham: I smell booze
in this room.

Uh, they‐‐they
had a skel in here
a little while ago.

Must be
his leftover fumes.

Those sh**t
are coming up good,
lieu, uh...

Everything they’re
coming up with,

I‐‐i was doing
the right thing.


coming out of you.

Oh, feel free.

Here’s one of the d. O. A.
Perp’s running buddies.

He has a ponytail.


Ricky rodriguez.

Yeah, here it is.

Lists his, uh,
mother’s address

Off a collar
7 weeks ago.

That might
still be good.

Should we look to pick
this rodriguez up?

You got to be vigilant
finding a window

To get a boss’
permission to do
actual police work

Off they spend
80% of their shifts
on the phone.

At a family picnic once,

My, uh, uncle was
so short of breath,
he went blue.

Well, we took him
to the hospital,

And it turned out
he was asthmatic.

I know, asthma
can get you real
short of breath.

Yeah, but how late in life
can that come on?

I think what james
is trying to say

Is that you can
have it since youth,
andy, and not know.

You don’t know it’s
asthma, but you know
you got something.

This what simone’s got
is some sudden,
fresh onset.

You don’t get suddenly
asthma that late.

The m.e. Put
the .22 slug in the victim
and 2 .38s in the perp.

The 2 .38s matches
walsh’s w*apon.
He only hit the perp.

We got maybe somebody
we like for that perp’s
running buddy.

The, uh, d. O. A. Perp
had 6 collars.

One of
his accomplices
had a ponytail.

This ricky rodriguez
was bailed out on a
collar 7 weeks ago,

Listed his
mom’s address
on the sheet.

Yeah, pick him up.


Graham: yeah, bye.

I’ve asked the police
surgeon to come and
evaluate walsh.

Police surgeon?

Let’s talk over here.

do you really want
the borough chief

Knowing you brought
the police surgeon
over here,

Raise the question
of a cop’s fitness

And all the possible
liabilities to the job
that that entails?

Then have
my investigation show

That his condition
wasn’t germane and that
he behaved responsibly?

’Cause I got to
tell you, lieutenant,

This is looking to shake
out that walsh’s sh*ts
were good.

The m.e. Says
that walsh’s b*ll*ts
were only in the perp.

Every day, I got a period
of time in my tour called
"the walsh hour,"

Worrying how that guy’s
gonna screw me up.

So why don’t you put
the police surgeon
on hold,

Go back to your squad,
stand by,

And if walsh
turns out derelict
or irresponsible,

I’ll call, and you
can come crucify him.

I’ll call off
the police surgeon...

From downstairs.

So, um,
go grab the guy up,

And if there’s any
word on bobby, i’ll
get ahold of you.

Rodriguez: I run into
my mom’s house like that.

And good thing
she had a load on.

Jill: how’d you
hurt your arm?

how did I hurt it?

Dark how it was,
i‐‐i won’t say 100%,

But I do think
it’s him.

No, don’t make it 100%,

Because why make life easy
at any point, right, mike?

[Door closes]

I’d‐‐i’d sure like
to step out for
a meal or so forth.

Order something.
We’ll bring it in.

Says he fell
on a rake.

was a garden tool, yeah.

Where were you
gardening, ricky,

In that diner parking lot
with your pal miguel?

What’s your big crop,
ricky, wallets?

Uhh! Uhh!

Uh, what the hell
you doing?

No exit wound, ricky!

It’s making me
feel that rake left
a b*llet in your arm.

I got an old b*llet
in my arm from
a previous incident.

This is a cagey guy.

You better hope
that old b*llet

Came from the g*n sh*t
you last night, ricky.

Hey, half‐wit, you
were sh*t by a cop.

Now, you keep giving
no cooperation,

I’ll take that
b*llet out with
a pair of tweezers

Right here
in this room,

I’ll check the
ballistics against
the cop’s w*apon,

And when
it’s a match,

You will have
2 homicides staring
you in the face

From an incident
that you were just
standing lookout.

If you know I was
standing lookout,

How come you put me
in the main event?

Ricky, are you
willing to testify
against miguel?

Ricky: testify?

Are you willing at least
give a statement on him?

So miguel’s all right?

You throw
this guy a chance
to help himself,

He sits with his
thumb up his butt.

I mean, it looked like
miguel was dropped.

Why would we be
talking to you

If we weren’t looking
to put this on miguel?

Now, you are
circling the bowl,

You got 5 more seconds
before we let you
get sucked down.

I’ll write a statement,

But I will not testify
at miguel’s trial.

Ok, it’s a deal.

Hey, does it look
like we’re having
an interview here,



What’s up?

From the 10th avenue

Said she heard
we were looking.

She’s got something to give
on that sh**ting
outside the diner.

She’s gonna
give it, huh?

Yeah, not exactly.

Got some credit card collars
she wants help with.

I know you.

Were we close?

Uh, you helped us
with the, uh, 2 guys

That m*rder*d the son of
one of our detectives.

Oh, yes.
How is that detective?

Anyways, uh, let’s talk
about this incident
outside the diner.

[Clearing throat]
I got a problem of my own.

Yeah, I understand
how it works.

[Knock on door]

You know,
i’m up for, um,
sentencing next week

On that credit‐card

Well, if your info’s good,
we’ll reach out for you
on that.

A date authorized me
using those cards,
then later reneged.

I understand.

Talk about the diner.

I’m not takin’
a b*ating for this
involving a cop.

You might take one
for runnin’ your mouth
and never sayin’ nothin’.


Last night‐‐
this morning, whatever,

I’m working those
construction trailers
over near the diner.

You’re hooking in there.

I’m with a cop
named mike,

Who i’m not looking
to jam coming forward.

No, this can do him
nothing but good.

I mean, when larry
got into trouble,

I didn’t go running
out to help.

He could have kept on
with his own business,
this mike.

Larry being
lawrence sanders,
presently dead?

I don’t know
his last name,

But it was him
got k*lled in
that parking lot.

So mike the cop hears
trouble outside and
goes and sees what’s up?

Well, he trips and falls
on his face running out
pulling his pants up.

You were watching
from where?

Out the trailer window.

While mike’s running,
larry’s struggling
with a latino,

Who I am sure is one
of the 2 greaseballs

That’s been taking off
our tricks.

2 Latinos.


Hey, i’m ok.

larry gets dropped,

And latino one
turns to sh**t mike.

Latino one
as opposed to who?

As opposed to
the second latino

Who comes from
between the parked cars
with another g*n.

Then after mike
drops the latino
that sh*t larry,

He takes 2 sh*ts
at this other one,

And I think
he winged him,

Which is pretty good aim
for a drunk can’t get
a hard‐on.

I mean,

Behind all that
heroic behavior,

I almost hate giving
mike up for whoring.

Tv actress: yeah, so,
you didn’t date her

’Cause, uh, you weren’t
attracted to her?

Tv actor:
susie, she was more of
a tomboy type, you know?

I mean, we were‐‐
we were best friends.

Now, do you believe these
people really don’t know
they’re gonna be reunited?

They look
happy getting
back together.

Bobby: ok, they’re happy,
but they have no idea
that something’s up?

Hey, doc.

How do you feel?

I’m more comfortable. Uh‐‐

Doctor: good.

These things
never work right.

Those remotes
will drive you crazy.

But if i’m gonna be here,

I’ll have to go into
detox when I get out.

Don’t worry
about the morphine.

That morphine’s part
of helping your heart
do its work.

We get
some more results?

No real change
in the second
enzyme series.

I’m still betting
this is infectious.

We’ll follow you
the next few days

Till your blood work
gets back

And eventually
do an angiogram

To rule out
the heart att*ck


The angiogram’s
not a very
invasive test.

We thread
a little catheter in

And take
a direct look at the
coronary arteries.

You don’t even
have to go to sleep.

But you’re still betting
bobby has an infection

And that
would be treatable?

Most of them are.


I wish I had more
specific answers
for you.

We just have to take
this one step at a time.

Ok, thanks a lot, doc.

If you
want to eat here

Instead of
the cafeteria,

The nurses can have
an extra dinner


Just fill out
a second menu
at the desk.


Thanks, doc.

My uncle was a cop.

Oh, yeah?
What borough?

Oh, not in the city.
He was up in boston.

My mother’s father
was a cop in newton.

Ah, just down the road.

Anyways, uh...

I appreciate what
you guys do out there.

Night, doc.

I’m on call.

Otherwise, uh,

I’ll see you
in the morning.


His uncle was
on the job, huh?


He’s really
a nice guy.

Nice guy.

So you gonna
call the squad?

I’ll call
in just a minute.

I’ll call when I go out
to fill in my menu form.


You do feel
more comfortable,
though, right?

I am, yeah.

If i’m gonna
stay here, though,

I wish these gowns
would cover what they’re
supposed to cover.

Once again, the curse
of the large privates.

Mmm, that’ll be the theme

When this, uh,
jerry springer guy
comes on next.

Order the jell‐o.

Even if you don’t want it.


James: i’ll tell ya,

Andy’s always goin’ for
that black‐cloud scenario.

That gets a little old
for me sometimes.

Hey, james,
marie’s first cousin

Enters the hospital
with exactly
bobby’s symptoms.

Released 4 days later
in perfect health

After i. V. Antibiotics.

It just happens
andy’s a worrier.

All i’m saying,
for me personally,
that negativity gets old.

What’d that whore say?

Walsh was bangin’ her
when the trouble started,

Then he went
outside to help.

You put any
of that on paper?

You think you’re the only
cop in the squad that knows
how to do this job, andy?

What’s your problem?

No, I didn’t
put it on paper

So as not to get
walsh in trouble.

See, that’s
the other side of
andy, though, james,

Putting himself out

Trying to keep
this boss from
hurting walsh.

All i’m saying is i’m
worried about bobby, too.

Yeah. No...

No question.

The second guy
you hit’s a collar,
and he gave it up.

So I come up right,

You got a whore
puts you banging her
when this went down.

Oh. Oh, my god.

That’s not
going in the fives.

’Cause, uh, my boss
gets ahold of that,
it’s the river.

Let me speak
my piece, walsh.

That’s not
going in the fives,

And my boss kept
the police surgeon
out of it.

Oh, believe me,
i’m gonna thank him,

I mean,
your entire squad.

I know what i’m saying now,
’cause we’re the same kind
of drunk.

You got no sh*t working
and keeping drinking.

Our cases are too advanced,

And when something happens
like outside that diner,

We don’t know
enough to hide.

These sh**t
came up good, andy.

Yeah, yeah,
these came up good,

And you still got a boss
looking to hang you.

And tomorrow night
or the night after,

When you go out
and you got your load on,

Maybe the next squad
don’t look to shield you.

Yeah. Yeah,

Food for thought.

Hey, my partner’s sick.

You will or you won’t.


He’s talking to diane.
Is it an att*ck?

Uh, i’m inferring
they don’t think so.

Off what, medavoy?

Shh, shh. Um,
is he up to visitors?

It’s a cardiac unit.
Probably only family.

they’re inclined
to infection,

Off the boss’ half.
Not a heart att*ck?

that’s my inference.

And they
can cure that?

Uh, the boss is
rackin’ positive.

You ever hear of
that attitude before?

Yeah, give him
our prayers and
good thoughts.

Yeah, yeah,
he’s right here.

I’ll tell him.

Who’s she talking about?

Yeah, take care, diane.

Well, diane says
the doctor thinks

It’s much more likely
to be an infection
than a heart att*ck.

Meaning what?
I’m telling you what
she told me, andy.

There’s sore throats
and bubonic plague.

What nature
infection is it?

It may take time
till they know that.

Diane says it’ll
take about 3 days

For the blood tests
to come back.

And what was
that last part?

You know,
just that, um,

She and bobby
appreciated you
bringing him over.

She don’t want
to talk to me?

Oh, you figure she’d
probably want to get
back to bobby.


Medavoy: hey,
i‐‐i‐‐i think we can
all count our blessings.

bobby’s got, uh,

Something like what my,
uh, ex‐wife’s cousin had,

You know, walks out
with a clean bill of health.

Tell diane
she’s welcome

Next time
you and her chat.

Excuse me.

Hey, uh,
good for bobby’s
the main point.

Where you going, andy?

My club.

’Cause if you don’t
have to get home
right away,

Diane wanted you to
stop at the hospital,
see bobby, you know,

Then take her home.

You let me to look
like half a jerk
before you tell me?

No. No, I thought i’d
take into account other
people not being asked,

And they might
have feelings, too.

Yeah, well,
that’s a point.

Walsh: i’m, uh,

Very grateful.

It’s a stand‐up squad.

Good luck to you, walsh.

You’re a stand‐up guy,

I’m also frequently
a pain in the balls.


Off the regular menu, too.

Mmm, well,
the jell‐o’s good.

You can always
count on jell‐o.

Ha ha ha ha.

[Monitor beeps]

Are you all right,

Uh, yeah.

Diane: he says
he doesn’t feel bad.

One of your leads
came off.

[Beeping stops]


If you don’t come in
with heart problems,

This alarm will give you
an even sh*t, huh?

Nurse: isn’t it awful?

clearing throat]

Hey, andy.

how’s it going?


I just set
the alarm off.

I, uh,
I used to do that

Any building i’d go
over the second floor.

How did walsh
come out?

Uh, he’s all right
with the sh**ting.

Overall outcome,
that’s an open question.

So, uh,

Uh, they think this is
some type infection?

Yeah, they’re gonna
run some more tests

To try figure out what kind
of medicine to give me.

But, uh, you’re feeling
a little better?

I’m feeling more
comfortable, yeah.

News anchorwoman:
and the president’s staff...

Andy: ha. Now, having
that lying phony...

Ha. Here’s a guy,
got over like that
on your daughter,

You’d give him
the b*ating of his life.

We got him
running the country.

Andy rooney.

Yeah, he should
get half a smack, too,
that guy andy rooney.

Nurse: i’ve got
your nighttime meds.



So ring, shaving stuff,
slippers tomorrow
morning, what else?

Just you.
Anything else is a bonus.


Love you.

Sleep tight, babe.

Diane: you, too.

You sleep tight, too.

Andy: yeah.

You take care.

Nurse: this is the lasix
for your heart,

And i’ve also got something
to help you sleep.

Oh, let’s see if maybe
I sleep on my own, ok?

Nurse: I have to give you
the lasix, though.

That’s to help your heart.

Yeah, I understand.

Do you think
he looked better
than this morning?

He said he’s definitely
more comfortable.


He’s liable to
come out of this
better than new.
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