05x22 - Honeymoon at Viagra Falls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x22 - Honeymoon at Viagra Falls

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: this is horrible.
It's horrible.

So you're not aware
her former husband and her
had any animosity?

I am not.

It's bad.

Hey, andy.


Her former husband
took interest
in the child.

When he had
a few dollars,

I know that
he'd make a point
to try to help her.

This was not
a bad man.

I understand.

what you're saying.

Pay stub that he
signed over to her.

That's what I was
tryin' to tell ya.

It wouldn't
have been him
that did this.

Mrs. Suarez kept
very much to herself.

Worked in
the jewelry district.

She loved
her little boy.

Looks like
she was trying

To protect him,
don't it?

Yes, it does.
It does.

You got nothing more
for us?

I told your partner,

There's been
some half‐ass
break‐in tries,

But nothing
like this.

‐I got that.
‐Yeah. Ok.

Excuse me.

So I'm gonna
excuse myself now,
all right?

I'd as soon
be excused.

Ahh. Morning.

Morning, diane.

Oh, thanks.

Ohh. I'm gonna get
even jumpier.

What are you
jumpy about?

Only reason
I don't say

Is not to put you
in an awkward position.

Oh, I got
my quota of them.

If there's someone

I've come to appreciate
and respect, it's you.

Well, thanks.
Back at ya.

Heh. And someone
I like to confide in.

Of course...

Positions that other people
might find uncomfortable,

I can, uh, I can
get myself around.


Bobby and I are
gettin' married.

I was hopin'
it was gonna be that.

Obviously we can't
make it public

'Cause of the job.

Oh, I won't
say anything.

Oh, I'm so glad
to tell someone.

Well, how about your mom
and your brother?

I haven't told them,

Don't ask why
'cause I don't know.


Well, how you
gonna do it?

Hmm. As much as
we always have,

Or I'm gonna be
really pissed off.

Or you mean
get married?

No. That‐‐that was
a good answer.


Lunchtime tomorrow
at city hall.

(Knock knock knock) hi.

Hi, shannon.

Guy's daughter's
missing from the park.

I looked around with him
for, like, an hour.

He's convinced that somebody
grabbed her up.


These detectives
are gonna help you.

I'm diane russell.
This is jill kirkendall.

Art mantel. My daughter's
name's chloe that I'm afraid
something's happened to.

All right, art.

They sing
in the park.

Let's talk in here.

I'll have a good thought
for your daughter.

Uh, thanks
for helping me.

Thanks, shannon.

How old is chloe?


I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

Art, we know
you're upset‐‐

She knows
not to walk off.

You need to focus

So you can tell us
what we need to know.

All right.


Tell us how you realized
chloe was missing.

Wandered off
from the place
where we sing.

This is in
washington square park.

Washington square park.
That's right.

You usually out this early?

There's people
goin' to work

Look forward
to seein' us.

And chloe sings with you
every day?

I take her to her bus
after we sing a little.

Then I sing without her.

Then we sing together
after her school is out.

That's a pretty busy schedule
for a 9‐year‐old.

How is this helping
get my daughter back?

Have you
ever had any problems
with child welfare, art?

Yeah, I've had
plenty problems

With people
who don't understand
I got to earn a livin'.

And I do right
by my daughter.

Nothing's ever
going to court.

You always take her
to the bus?

I take her,
and I'm there
to pick her up.

Oh, god. Something
has happened.

Art, when you
and chloe perform,
does anyone watch you

You'd consider

Yes, there's two

I consider
damn suspicious‐‐

Cy and teacher.

What's suspicious
about them?

They just like her
too much.

In a...wrong way

For an adult
to like a child?

I can't
prove that on 'em

I wouldn't let her
get to that position,

But...that's what
I'm frightened about.

Do you have
a picture of chloe?


Beautiful as she is
is how she sings.

Hmm. Let's go
to the park again
and look around.

She ain't there!

We looked,
and we looked.

Let's go over there,

Maybe she'll
be back by now.

Is it to look for them
suspicious ones

'Cause you afraid
she might've had
a crime done?

Art, calm down and
cooperate with us.
All right?

All right.

(Door opens)

Double with a kid, huh?

and a 5‐year‐old kid.

‐Anybody see anything?

Place was

Could've been
they interrupted
a burglary.

Super says that
10 days ago,

Someone tried to
jimmy open the doors

Of 3 different apartments
in that building,
this was one of them.

Victims have
any other family?

Neighbor said the d. O. A.

Separated from her husband
a couple years ago

Off him bein' an oiler,

And there's a sister
that we couldn't reach yet.

You might also check
the "stop and frisk"

For that area
from 10 days ago.

Try to hook this to the
earlier break‐in tries.

There's a thought.

What's up?

The kid's body's behind
the d. O. A. Female.

She's protecting him
in the corner,

So they must've
had to go around her

To sh**t this kid
in the head.

Who caught
the isabelle suarez

‐What do you know about it?
‐Did you catch it?

‐Yes, cohen.

This woman was my witness
in a stickup/homicide

In a jewelry store
in the diamond district.

You think
maybe that's
how she got dead?

No, I do not. I've got
a lot of reason to think

Her m*rder and being
a witness in my case

Are completely

Because I am
a 10‐minute conversation

From working
a plea agreement out

With the perpetrator's

Which is why
I'm wondering

If you could hold off
releasing her identity

Until after that
agreement's in place.

Do the papers have
the victim's names?

Not from us.

Martelli don't talk
to no press.

Martelli was
the first cop
on the scene?

Oh, I can't
believe this.

That's carney's lawyer.
That's the lawyer of the guy
I'm prosecuting.

Is he representing
someone in another case?

Fancy: not that
I know about.

They sent him here.
My office sent him here.

Is there anything
on the board about
the suarez homicide?


When have you seen a name
other than a cop's name

On that chalkboard?

Can you accommodate me?
The surviving sister

Agreed to cooperate.

When did you reach
the surviving sister?

At work.
Now she's at home.

Look, for right now,
they are willing to go
for manslaughter.

If it gets out that
this woman is dead,

Even this mope won't
let his guy plead

To spitting
on the sidewalk.

I'm very grateful.

That's what we live for.

Hello, larry?

Larry?! Gone.

How's it going, wally?

Larry carney
from prison.

We wants to make sure
we make this deal.

What are you
doing here?

Are we still on
for lunch?


Called your office.
They said you'd be here.

Yeah? Good.

Uh, got 3 seconds
for me to do this here?

It's trying to rain
out there.

Yeah. You know
these detectives?

I don't believe I do.

Bobby simone,
andy sipowicz,

This is
wally decarlo.

How's it goin'?


Pleased to meet you,

Uh, listen, you aware
of isabelle suarez

health difficulties?

Cohen: what do you mean?

Had occasion to call her
this morning.

What about, wally?

Relax, leo. I was just
updatin' the phone log.

At any rate,
I was call‐forwarded

To isabelle suarez's

And the sister said
she'd gone to the hospital.

Oh, I talked to the sister
a few hours ago.

I think she said
something about isabelle
having elective foot surgery.

‐Pfft. I see.
‐You ready for lunch?

Yeah. You got an umbrella.
It's trying to rain out there.

No. I'm all right.
Thank you.

Hey, good to meet you,

Oh, uh, put an ointment
on that skin burn

You're gonna get
from the rubbin'.

Sister hung up
in my ear.

Sister's hysterical.
She hangs up on me
all the time.

(No audible dialog)

(No audible dialog)

Miss suarez.
Miss suarez.

We are colleagues
of the district attorney,

And we know that your sister
is not in the hospital.

We'd just like to get some
background information

So that we can investigate
what happened to her.

Talk to this woman, cohen.
It's the d. O. A.'S sister,

And simone can't get her off
your cover story.

The cover story
doesn't matter anymore.

Decarlo found out
she's dead.

Excuse me.

I'll call you back
in 10 minutes

Or a d. A. Cohen

How did that
come out?

How's this for classic
defense lawyer behavior?

Decarlo's partner monitored
the ambulance calls.

And decarlo found this out
from his law partner how?

His partner beeped him
while we were at lunch.

That's 3 hours after
the ambulance call.

He'd been tryin' a case
all morning, decarlo's partner.

So he monitored
the ambulance call

While he was
trying a case?

What, he have little
headphones on in court?

Look, what is your point?

Leo, the partner
would've had to monitor
the ambulance call

Before he
went into court

And knowing
that this woman
being m*rder*d

Means decarlo don't have
to plead the client out,

He's not gonna think
to beep till lunch?

the partner monitoring
the radio call's bogus.

Suppose that ain't how
they know the woman's dead.

How do they know?

Suppose they're
frontin' for the client.

Who had her k*lled.

I can't imagine
wally decarlo

Having anything like
that kind of mind.

That's how columbo
got over all them years.

Oh, my god.

And she asked me
for protection.

When was this?

She called and asked me
for protection

After there were those
attempted break‐ins
in her building.

The day he's
talkin' about,

There's a pretty good
description on 2 guys

That got questioned
a block and 1/2 down.

They tried to jimmy the doors
on 2 other apartments as well.

I‐‐i just couldn't imagine
it was related

To her being a witness
in my case.

There's no point
beatin' yourself
up now.

I guess if they'd fake
a plea negotiation,

They'd be capable
of that kind of misdirect.

And if that's what happened,

I'm going after carney,
who had this woman k*lled,

And that son of a bitch

If they are
that clever, cohen,

You don't wanna let 'em know
that you smelled a rat.

Let us see
if we can track down

These 2 skels off
the stop and frisk card.

This way,
when you do go at 'em
with your vow of vengeance,

You'll have something
besides your finger to wag.

Leo, could you call
the sister, please?

Tell her
the cover story's off.

Yeah, I'll call
the sister.

So you were lookin'
for chloe, too?

Her father and the cop
were looking.

I became aware
that she was missing.

I had no other
demands on my time.

I'm sure you understand, cy,
with this girl missing

And you spending
a lot of time with her,

We wanna know why that is.

I spend time with her

Because I wanna
spend time with her.

And I don't gotta
defend myself to you
or anybody else.

You ever spend time with her
outside the park?

No, I have not.

Someone tells us

You're in
a world of trouble.

Look, miss,
I know what I did.

I know what
I didn't do.

Will you stop trying
to scare me?

We're not trying
to scare you.

We're trying to find
a 9‐year‐old girl.

The fact that a man your age
has been seen repeatedly
talking to her

Requires we take
an interest.

She's got a hard life,

Her and her father,

And that's why I try
to make it easier.

I bought her a coat.


I bought her...
Big straw hat.

What did you ask
in return?


I taught her the words
to "mares eat oats"

Because I wanted
to hear her sing that.

I didn't force her
to sing it.

She could've sang
anything that she wanted.

I tell her,
"the whole world
is not your friend.

You shouldn't be
talking to strangers."

She says...

"Then I never
would have met you."

Now they got her.

You know a guy they,
uh, call "teacher"?

Is he the bastard?

You know where
we can find him?

Oh, yeah. I don't
have to do with him,

But I am familiar
with his routine.

You ever, uh...

Done a homicide, arnel?

‐Hell no.

All right, look. Why don't you
tell me what it's all about?

You ever sh**t a child
in the head?

Man, I ain't
nothin' like that.

You are gonna wish that
you were dead and buried

If that turns out
not true.

Ok, I sh*t one person,
in the arm,

And it was my cousin
for stealing my bike.

So this home invasion
where a woman and her child
were m*rder*d this morning,

sh*t in the head‐‐

That's the same building

That you and your
assh*le buddy roger

Broke into 2 weeks ago.

Yeah, but we didn't
get collared for that!

You gonna say you didn't
try and break in?

Ok, ok, ok.
Just wait.

We jimmied them doors,

But we didn't
do nothin' today.

You are lyin',

And that means
that you sh*t that
mother and her child.

We didn't!
We wasn't there today!

He feels like
you're lyin'.

We were not supposed
to break in, ok?

We did what we were
supposed to do.

You talkin' about today?

I'm talkin' about
2 weeks ago.

We were supposed to just
mess with them doors.

Roger know which ones.

Thanks, josh.

He wants
a cigarette.

Man, I'd k*ll
for a newport.

So now we know your
asking price. Sit down.

So what is your name,
roger or van earl?

It's‐‐it's van earl, man.

You and arnel got hired
to jimmy some doors

In a building
on 12th street
10 days ago,

Make it look like
you were trying
to break in.

Well, see,
now you're gettin'
into a strange area.

Van earl, what comes
outta your mouth next

Is either the name of
the guy that hired you
or teeth.

Well, see, this is
where it's strange.

You know,
I couldn't tell you
for love or money

Who that gentleman was
who hired us

To mess with
those apartments, man.

You know, I don't know
where he came from

Nor how he knew me.

Hit him.

How did he get
in touch with you?!

Physically or‐‐

Well, evidently,
he knew the corner
I frequent, ya know?

He approached me.
He took me for a cup of coffee.


He broached the subject
of these apartments.

He said fool around
with the locks on 2‐b,
and, ya know,

Any other couple
of apartments

I and the accomplice
of my choice wanted.

But you had
to fool with 2‐b?

Yeah. Those‐‐those were
his instructions, ya know?

Then he gave me $200,
and...he stood up and left

As if...from
another dimension.

Hey, hey! You can b*at me
till next week, man,

But I can never fathom
where this guy came from.

So this criminal
possession collar

On your rap sheet
from 3 months ago,
van earl,

Who was your lawyer
on that?

Oh...man...i'm so far gone
in substance abuse,

I‐‐i can't remember that.

What did he look like?

Well...he had this very...
Very weak chin, ya know?

And a surprisingly
sloppy suit for an attorney.

Wally decarlo?

Wow. That‐‐that is
so "x‐files," man.

Hey, you think there's
some kind of connection

Between him and
that mystery person

That approached me
about jimmying the doors?

You think that
this mystery person

Is some mysterious emissary
from my former lawyer?


Oh, yeah...man.


this scummer lawyer
knew what was going on

Instead of just being
a dupe for this guy
that's locked up.

But it's not enough
to go at him with, yet.

Cohen's not careful,

We'll give him something
to wag his finger about.

When this is resolved,

I want you both to come back
to eisenberg's coffee shop

And to explain to the staff
and the customers

That I have been detained
and questioned in error.

You will either comply
with my request,

Or I will pursue my legal
remedies very volubly.

Louis...they say your
street name is teacher.

Which do you like
to be called?

I want you to call me
mr. Simkiss.

Hey, you need
to understand something.

You're mentioned
as possibly connected
with the disappearance

Of a 9‐year‐old child.

That is scurrilous
and untrue.

Now, if you
weren't involved,

My partner and I will
be glad to apologize
in that restaurant.

Right now...
We don't want to hear
any more about it.

You need to answer
the questions we ask you

In a way we think
is truthful,

Or you're gonna have
a lot more problems

Than what people
think about you
in that coffee shop.

What you think
is truthful.

So not only
do you detain me,

You serve as
my judge and jury.

You know what, louis?

I get the feeling
being smart hasn't
helped you much in life.

The more you run your mouth,
don't let us find out
what we need to,

The harder we look at you
for grabbing that girl.

I had nothing to do
with chloe's
being missing.

And I resent your facile

I have been an instructor
at new york university
and at hunter college.

Tell us about chloe!

Chloe is a bright,
sweet‐spirited child

Whose singing ability
her father exploits

To the detriment of
her overall development.

You feel he
exploits her, period.

I am not a confrontational

Or I would have
told him as much.

I believe child welfare
has been contacted.

Do you know
who called them?

I believe those contacts
are made anonymously.

Ever been
in the hospital?

I‐‐i have been hospitalized
for depression.

I am taking 20 milligrams of
prozac a day...faithfully.

So you're presently
under psychiatric care.

Do you want to talk
to my psychiatrist?

I will give him full permission
to talk to you.

we'd appreciate that.

Fine! Fine!
And be sure to ask him

If‐‐if‐‐if he thinks
that I am a pedophile.

And he will tell you
that I am not.

And you be sure
to ask him

Why I am such a failure
in life, even with a ph. D.

Your doctor
just come in, andy.


He said he wanted
to talk to you in private.
I sent him to the poky.

Yeah. Ok. Thanks.

Good night, guys.

Good night, bob.

Maybe he just needs
a ticket fixed.

Hey, andy.

How did my scores
come out?

Your psa score
is essentially zero.

You couldn't have
any better news.

Is that so?

I'll see you in 3 months,
I'll check you out,

But I want you
to think of yourself
as a healthy person.


It's not like snapping
your fingers,

And, we know, you've got
some things to adjust to.

Oh, yeah.

How's your urinary control?

Better. Thanks.

Have you and sylvia
tried having sex?


That whole sex thing,
it seems like
a foregone conclusion.

I'm not sure I follow.

It‐‐it seems, uh...


So you haven't tried
making love with sylvia.

I have the thoughts.

They just don't
translate themselves,

So I don't wanna
humiliate us.

You don't get an erection.

There's excellent
new medication now, andy,

For men who've had
your procedure.

How humiliating?

It's a pill.

A pill?

A pill, like aspirin.

Well...that don't
sound too bad.

Why don't I write you
a prescription.

Uh, fine.

I sure appreciate you
taking all the interest.

My pleasure.

Hey, andy.

Ahem. You think there's
a general disruption

Of weather patterns
with this global warming?


Are you applying
for a loan?


I wear this suit
all the time.



The shirt, detective.

Oh, that's it.

If schedules permit,
diane and me,

We're talking about getting
married during lunch.


As far as me not saying
anything before,

I figured the less I said,
the less I might have
to take back.

It was never
any question,
her loving you.

Anyways, um...

This is detective russell,
15th squad.

I called you last night.
I'm back in my office.

You've got my number.
Please give me a call.

Hey, andy.

Morning. Ain't this guy
a picture?

Good morning, jill.

Hey. Here ya go.

Nothing overnight
on the missing girl, huh?

No. Uh, diane and me
are doing callbacks
on the pedophile list.

A.d.a. Cohen
for either of you.


Bobby: cohen.
How's it going?

Yeah. This is
detective sipowicz,
15th squad.

Who's doing the ballistics
on them suarez homicides?

Fbi's been notified
and the tv stations.

How are you doing
on your callbacks?


I've got, uh,
just a couple of more.

So what time do you
want to do that?

Yeah, that's good.

No. Separate cars.


Corrections guard contacted
the d. A.'S office.

Inmate over
at the tombs says

He's got some information
on our homicides.

Andy: no. Why don't
you beep them,

Then let detective
morrisey know

We're lookin'
for the results.

Uh, why don't I just go?

No, no. It's good.

Let me just, uh,
talk to the boss.

Uh, we gotta pick
this one up.


He sounded wrong
on the phone, ya know?

"I've been
following the case."

"I'm so worried
about little chloe."

We got a place for him?

Works at some video store.

Pedophiles shouldn't
be allowed to work
in a place like that.

They shouldn't be
allowed on the planet.

Whatever this guy wants,
he gets.

You probably don't need
to tell him that
for openers, leo.

(Door opens)

How's it going, gentlemen?

Detective simone.
This is detective sipowicz.

‐Leon gaddison.
‐Andy: how's it going?

Bobby: assistant
district attorney
leo cohen.

Leon gaddison, mr. Cohen.

Leon: how do you do.

Also known as razor.

Also known as razor.

So detective sipowicz
and I caught the suarez
homicides, leon.

We got a message
you wanted to talk?

Uh, giving no offense...

Bein' an assistant,
you can deal?

I have full authority
in this matter.

'Cause I can help you
with this,

And I'm realistic
what I'm looking for
to give it up.

Well, leon,
you've got the ace.

Amnesty in the case
is without sayin'.

No. Nothin' is
without sayin', leon.

And you gotta say first.

If your information
warrants, in principle,

I have no problem
dealing with you.

Which is lawyer's
mumbo jumbo

For "you don't see ours
till we see yours."

I'll go all the way
through court,
get you convictions,

Take that assistant
out from in front
of your name.

Leon, you done yet
jerkin' off?

You wanna know what
I was approached on?

An update on
"america's most wanted."

They ran
a segment on me.

This other inmate saw it
in the prison here,

Come to me to do
this other thing.

Give me that other
inmate's name.

No, leo.

Don't ask razor to give up
the other inmate's name

Without first giving up
the name of the assh*le

That k*lled that mother
and child,

'Cause, see, that would
tend to make razor think

That these are 2
separate negotiations.

No. Th‐they
certainly aren't.

Who come to you
and who you hired...

We want all
the names together.

Otherwise not only
don't you get your deal,

It's liable to leak
you rat.


Give me a pad.

I'll write ya
all your names.

I don't want to die!

5‐Year‐old boy
and his mother, chris.

Look, the only reason
I would do what I did‐‐

Say what
you did first!

I k*lled
for hire, man.

And who hired you?

I was comin' out
of the tombs, man,

And I got hired
by razor gaddison.

Did he say who gave
him the contract?

Some other guy inside
about to go on trial
for a jewelry store heist,

And the woman
was a witness.

‐And why did you
k*ll that child?
‐He saw me.

Are you sure he saw you, chris?
His mother had him behind her.

Hey, man, look,
I needed money
for mexico, man.

My liver's sh*t,

And they don't let i.v.
Users in the treatment
program here, man.

It's the only reason
I'd do something
like that, man!

Are you sure
he saw you, chris?

I...i couldn't risk it.

As soon as I
let you go,

You are gonna write all
of this down, chris,

Or I'm gonna punch
you right where
your liver's sh*t.

I will. I will.

assh*le who did our double
is giving a statement.


We're gonna need cohen
to reach out to that
prick lawyer for us

Before it gets out
that this one gave it up.


Hi, boss.

This is todd ramsey.

We're gonna talk
to him about that
missing little girl.

How do you do?

How do you do?

Should we talk to him
in the coffee room?

Actually, I wonder
if I could use the
little boys' room.

Come on.

Nature calls.

Yeah, huh?

Registered pedophile.

Works at a video store
3 blocks from the park

Where the girl
and her father sang.

Talk to him
in the pokey.

I want to watch
the interview.

Can you move your guy?

Yeah. I'll get andy
to move him into 3.

And shall I call cohen?

Yeah, please.

Excuse me
a second, boss.

There's no law says
we can't do it first
thing tomorrow.


City hall's been up
a long time.

I understand why you
have to do this.


I wish in the past I hadn't
had my former problems,

But I know
I can't change that.

Shut your mouth,
ok, todd?

I understand.

Account for
your last 48 hours.

Worked monday,
8 a. M. To 6:30 p.m.
At the video store.

Had a sprout, avocado,
and tuna sandwich

At 7:15 after work‐‐

Are you being smart?

No. I swear I'm not.

Uh, I went home‐‐


Alone, yes.

Watched a video of
"the fifth element,"

"politically incorrect"
on commercial television‐‐

Go through
your day yesterday.

Went to work at 8:30‐‐

You open the store?

Mr. Epstein's
been kind enough

To have a growing confidence
in my managerial abilities

That he allows me
not to do that.

Did you walk
to work yesterday?

Well, I thought about not
because it was
wanting to rain,

But my gamble worked out.

You're gonna get hurt
if you don't start
answering yes or no.

Yes. Yes. Yesterday
I walked to work.

How close were you
to the park

At the closest point
in your walk?

I'd like you to consider

If there isn't an unfair
thrust in that question.


You know, that's
really unfair.

Did you see
that little girl
yesterday, todd?

That was a vicious
thing to do,

And I've done nothing
but try to cooperate.

Do you want to
get hit again?

Do I want to
get hit again?

Why would I want
to get hit again?

Did you see her?

If I did, I guess
that would make me

A valuable person
to your investigation.

Oh, you are vicious.

Do you know
where that girl is?

If I did, I guess that
would make me valuable
to your investigation.

You think you're
into it, todd?

We will k*ll you
and bury you

Where no one
will ever find you

In a field in nassau,

And then you won't
be into anything.

That little girl was
wandering in a position
of vulnerability.

She needed respite,

And she needed to be
off the street.

Oh, you sick
son of a bitch.

Where is she?
Is she alive?

Oh, well, such a predatory
and sick person,
I'm not sure.

I'll take care
of this.

Oh, my god.

Uh...wait a second.

Wait a sec. Wait a sec.
Wait a sec!

No. Wait a sec.

I'll tell,
I'll tell, I'll tell!


Might want to work on
your phone manners, leo.

That message
you left at my office

Sounded a little like
a summons from on high.

Would you rather I brought
them over to arrest you?

What the hell's the tone
here about, fellas?

It's about you being
a scumbag shyster

That set 2 murders up,

Excuse me, detective.

I'm not some
street hoodlum

To be intimidated
or insulted or beaten.

I'd like to b*at you.

I'd like to show you
the photos of that
mother and her child,

And then I would like
to kick your ass.

Are you endorsing
this type of behavior, leo?

Which type, wally?

The type where
you fake a plea
negotiation with me

While working
as your client's

Arranging a witness
getting k*lled?

You have absolutely,
not one scintilla
of viable proof

For that assertion.

Why are you so confident
with the "not one
scintilla," wally, huh?

'Cause you used beards
on all your errands?

The thing is, if we go
to your client in the
joint there, wally,

And tell him that
we know all about
razor gaddison

That he hired
to contract
this m*rder out,

Tell him that we have
the skels confession of
who did the m*rder,

No way, trying to b*at
a lethal injection,

Is your client carney
looking to give
the lawyer up

Who did all the legwork.

Give me that
cocky look again,

You frog‐faced hump.

I'm assuming the idea
for these murders

with your client
instead of you.

For the purposes
of this discussion,

Assume that's accurate.

Get his confession
on tape.

I'll work with you
on your plea.

You want me
to wear a wire
on my own client?

Hey, wally, discussions
of a separate crime

In which you're
both conspirators

Ain't covered
by privilege.


they still open?

Receptionist left,
but he did one
just 2 minutes ago.

Diane: sir?

Sir, we're cops.
We just got off
our shift.

(Sighs) ok.

I got the paperwork.

Diane: ohh.

Uh, who's your witness?

Bobby: excuse me,
can I ask you a favor?

Would‐‐would you be
our witness?

Go ahead. I'll wait
in case richie shows up.

We really
appreciate it.

Would you like
to use these?

Thank you.

Bobby: thanks.
Thanks very much.

My brother thought
he'd make it, but he
got caught for speeding.

Yeah, huh?

Ok, here we go.

What's your name?

Alex johnson.

Robert simone.

Hi. How are you?

Diane russell.

Hi. Nice
to meet you.

Ok, sign right here.

We're here to participate

And witness a special
ceremony of marriage

Which is the means
of establishing
and continuing a home.

Marriage is the joyous
uniting of a man and woman

Whose comradeship and
mutual understanding

Have flowered into love.

Today, robert simone
and diane russell

Proclaim their love
to the world,

And we who are gathered
here rejoice with them...

And for them
in the new life

They now undertake together.

Robert and diane...
You must always provide

Emotional and physical
support for one another,

You must lead one another,
but not be a burden,

Be strong and loving,
considerate and creative,

Respectful, faithful,
and understanding.

Robert, will you have
diane to be your
lawfully wedded wife,

To love, honor,
cherish, and keep her?

I will.

As a token
of your promise to her,

Place the ring
on her finger.

Diane, will you have
robert to be your
lawfully wedded husband,

To love, honor,
cherish, and keep him

For as long as you
both shall live?

I will.

As a token
of your promise to him,

Place the ring
on his finger.

Diane russell
and robert simone...

In as much as
you have proclaimed
your love for each other

And have consented
to live in wedlock

And have exchanged
these vows before witnesses,

Then by the authority
vested in me,

And in accordance
with the laws of
the state of new york,

I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

Thank you.


Could‐‐could we
witness for you?

My brother flew
all the way
across country.

We'll wait and
do it tomorrow.

We almost got married
tomorrow, too.


(Door opens)

Diane: is this
your brother?

Alex: yeah, he is.

One more.

Here. Lots
of happiness.

Same to you.


Gimme your ticket.

Thank you.

Want me to check on
theo in the living room?

In a minute.

Druggist said the company
that made that pill...

Their stocks have had
a tremendous uptrend.

I can see why.

Don't tell about
bobby and diane.

I won't tell.
You're the "daily gazette."

I confided in no one
that isn't sworn to secrecy.

Want to see if
we can get a twofer
out of this medicine?
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