02x30 - Devil with the G-String On

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x30 - Devil with the G-String On

Post by bunniefuu »

God, I hate this.

No one will tell me anything.

I'm sure they will as soon
as they know something definite.

It's so weird, Jake.

Just when I'd come
to accept this baby

and start to plan,

I mean, this happens.

You got to think positively.

I can't help it. I'm scared.

Looks good, Jo.

We've all studied the ultrasound
and monitor readouts,

and everything appears fine.

Your baby's in great shape.
No trauma whatsoever.

Oh, thank God.

We need to keep you another day
for observation.

It's purely cautionary
and nothing to worry about.

That's a tough little kid
you got in there.

Thank you, Doctor.

All right. I'll stop back later.




Hey, how is she?

Uh, we're not really sure yet.


You look dreadful.

The baby's okay.

They're both going to be fine.

Can I see her now?

I don't see why not. Matt,
why don't you show her the way.



we'll come back tonight.

Come on, Billy.

Amanda, I'll see you at work.

I assume since you came
with Jo in the ambulance

that you'd need a ride
down to the dock.

Don't you have a charter today?

I canceled it.

I figured I'd stay here today.

If you really think
that's necessary.

She doesn't have anyone.

A really lousy excuse, Jake,

and you know it.

Radiology, ER two, STAT.

Radiology, ER two, STAT.

So, what's up
with you and Amanda?

You must have radar
or something.

Let's just say I've
observed enough animosity

between the two of you
to recognize the signs.

If I tell you, you have to
swear not to tell a soul.

I hate it when you say that.


Okay, I swear.

I worked late last night, right?

I'm heading in to see Amanda
to confront her

about Chas and how
little he's doing,

when I see them,

Chas and Amanda
in the conference room,

and they are kissing,
I mean, passionately.

You kidding?
Her mother's fiancé?

I don't know what's going on.

If this is Amanda's way
of getting back at her mother,

or if she really has
the hots for Chas.

I just keep obsessing
about Jake.

He's the one
getting screwed over here,

and he has no idea.

Yeah, and he's not
gonna have any idea.

You can't tell anybody
about this.

Amanda will k*ll you... or Jake.

Remember what happened when he
found out about Amanda and me?

You don't understand,
Chas saw me.

He knows I was watching.

So play dumb.

Tell him... tell him
you wear contacts,

and you didn't have them in.

I just keep thinking, poor Jake,

he doesn't deserve this.

Well, you made me swear,
now I'm making you swear.

Not a word about this
to anybody, especially Jake.

Swear. Okay, I swear.

Good. End of discussion.

Unless someone
brings it up first.


Hey, darlin'.

I heard the good news about Jo.

Oh, yeah, and why is good news
always followed by bad news?

For weeks, I bitch and moan
for a profit-loss statement

from Jane's company.

When she finally
messengers it over,

it shows nothing
but red ink, loss after loss,

when I know she's doing
better than that.

You never were
very good at numbers.

Let me have a look.

That's right.

Daddy was an accountant.

An inherited talent.

I've got a nose
for discrepancies.

You actually think
she'd cheat on these figures?

With anyone else, no.

With you, most assuredly, yes.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you go back
to your rounds

and leave
the ex-Mrs. Mancini to me.

I'll see you at home then.


Good morning, Mandy.

You have no business
being in here,

and I have no
intention of discussing

what happened last night.

Don't you think
we should, though?

It's all I've been
thinking about.

Well, keep
your thoughts to yourself,

because what happened happened,

and there's no need
for further rehashing.

Fine, no problem.

Anyway, I'm more concerned
with what's going to happen.

Nothing's going to happen.

You're engaged, and I'm
involved in a relationship.

You know, Amanda,
there's nothing wrong

with losing a little control.

It can make life
a whole lot more exciting.

A whole lot more dangerous, too.

From now on, Chas,
our relationship

will be confined
to business only.

Is that understood?

Sure, you're the boss...

and I'm not.

♪ ♪

I start all the new girls
out at lunch

before it gets too crowded.

Now, you gotta dance
to two songs in a row.

The first song,
you lose the top.

The second song, the bottom.

Any questions?

Just one.

How do I look?

I'll let you know
after the second song.

Okay, kid, you're up.

And now presenting
The Body Stocking's

latest addition...

the very pert and lovely...

What do you want to be called?

Your stage name?


Just Jane?


I give you the very wild
and weird Jungle Jane!

♪ ♪

And then when you're done,
cut off all these little strings

with some scissors.

I know I should've...
I should've called first.

Is there someplace private
we could talk?

Jane, you've done
very well for yourself.

Look at this place.

I can see career-girl life
really suits you.

Aren't those the statements
that I sent to Michael?

Oh, he asked me to look at them.

He was concerned by
the amount of red ink.

So I did some calling
to the stores

you're doing business with,

and they say they've ordered,
in some cases,

as much as four times
the amount indicated

in your statement.

Now I could yell embezzlement,

unless you'd like to cop
to an accounting error.

Admit it, Jane, you've been up
to a little creative accounting,

haven't you? No.

But it sounds like you've
been taking Sydney lessons,

or is that what happen to anyone
who gets close to Michael?

You owe my fiancé money.

If there's an error,
I will look into it.

This is not an error!

This is a deliberate
act of deception.

Take care of it, Jane.

Don't, and it'll be,
"See you in court."

♪ ♪

We appreciate your time

and look forward
to your decision.

Thank you. Thank you.

Excellent work, you two.

Alison, the artwork was perfect.

And, Chas, you charmed
the hell out of them.

So if you guys don't mind
finishing up here,

I'll make my report to Bruce.

What's the deal here?

You gonna pretend you didn't
see anything last night?

Exactly what I'm gonna do.

Whatever game you
and Amanda are playing,

it sounds way too weird for me.

And you think
I'm proud of what went on?

I wouldn't know.

I didn't plan it.

In fact,
it's the strangest thing

that's ever happened to me.

This woman Amanda, she's got
a screw loose or something.

This is none of my business.

One second we're talking,
and the next thing I know,

she's all over me,
and then we're down on the floor

doing it right where
you're standing.

I don't know
if it's some campaign

to get back at her mother
or what,

but, I don't know,
she practically r*ped me.

I tried to tell her
it wouldn't be right,

because of Hillary
and that Jake guy,

but she said, "Whatever they
don't know won't hurt them."

And now she's trying to pretend
like nothing even happened.

Chas, it's unfortunate
what I saw,

but I don't care about the rest.

I'm just trying to do my job.

Hey, try being me.

Every time I'm alone with her,

I feel like
she's going to pounce.

Good night, Chas.

Alison, are you all right?


Really, I'm great.

♪ ♪

I wish you guys would
stop making such a fuss.

You heard the doctors.

My baby and I are fine.

Come on, last couple of steps.

I'm serious.

You both have lives
to get back to.

Sarah, I've seen your schedule.

I called Hillary 's office
and told them

I needed a few days off.

Superstardom can wait.

Jake, what are you doing?

I'm getting things
more comfortable.

Well, that's very nice of you,

but I think I'm just going
to go lie down for a while.

I can do it by myself.

Not that I'm not
appreciative, 'cause I am.

You both have been great.

You know,
the police still aren't

having any luck finding Hank.

Do you have any idea
where he might've gone

after he checked out
of that hotel?

I don't know,
back to Iowa maybe?

Without you? I doubt it.

Come on, think, Sarah.

Where else?

There was this place
he used to go,

um, to play pool...

The Eight-Ball Sports Bar.

I think it's on Sunset.

I know where it is.

Wait, I want to come, too.

I got you guys into this,
I mean, I can handle him.

I'm sure you can,
but right now I need you

to stay here
and keep an eye on Jo.

Lock this behind me.

You're a hard man to track down.

Something's come up
with my mother.

It's her birthday,

and Chas suggested we try
for another reconciliation.

I know how passionate
you've been in that area,

so I thought you might
like to come along.

It's tonight at :
at the Bel-Air Racquet Club

if you don't have
any other plans.

Why don't I meet you there?

I have some things
to take care of.

So long as one of
those things isn't Jo.

You could be a little
more understanding.

I could be a lot more

but where would that get me?

See you tonight.


From sleuth to snoop.

Is this becoming a problem?

What do you want me to do,
ignore what I know?

That Amanda
is stringing Jake along

while she has an affair
with Chas?

You've only got
Chas' word on that.

Why would he lie,
why would he risk everything?

Who knows?
People are complicated.

As long as I've known you,
I still can't figure you out.

And I'm sure, despite
what you might think,

there's still some
mystery surrounding me.

You mean like
what you've got planned

for this bachelor party?

I have no idea.

Michael's taking care
of the details.

You can trust me, Alison.

You, I trust, him, I don't.

You love the fact that
he's planning this, don't you?

Michael's just sleazy enough
to guarantee a great time.

You're paranoid. Aml?

We'll have a few beers,
we'll knock back some sh*ts,

and we'll get drunk and stupid.

Make a fool of yourself?


Why not? It's tradition.

You wanted
a traditional wedding.

Will the opposite sex
be involved?

Again, you're going to
have to ask Michael about that.

He's probably lining up
the student nurses as we speak.

What are you doing?

Seducing you.

What's it look like?

Well, gosh, if you insist.


I am going to put
such a smile on your face,

keep you so content
and fulfilled

that whatever
the guys throw at you

at this bachelor party,

it is going to mean nothing,

nothing in comparison to me.

♪ ♪

Hey, Hank.

Hey, how you doing?

Hank, right?

Do I know you?

You do now.

I'm a good friend of the woman

you pushed down
the stairs the other night.

I just want you to know
that the woman

and the baby she's carrying
are both fine.

You a cop?

No, no, I'm not,

but they're looking for you.

Good idea checking out
of your motel quick like that.

Now, I'm here to suggest
you check out of L.A.

Yeah, well, I'll have
to think about that.

Is that the best you can do?

Why don't you
put down that pool cue,

and we'll settle this
like gentlemen.

Get him!

Come on, Hank! Get him! Get him!

LAPD's on its way.

I just wanted to make
sure I got to you first.

♪ ♪


A little tender, huh?

Any allergies
to any medications?

Oh, penicillin, all types.

What do we got?

A ruptured appendix,
it looks like.

All right, this one's mine.

Nurse, schedule an O.R.,
I'll scrub.

You care to assist, Doctor?

Definitely, I'll get
the patient ready.

Nurse, take
the patient back to four

and prep for emergency surgery.

I'll file that.

I don't understand you.

After what happened in
the conference room last night,

I'd think you'd want
to keep my mother

as far away from me as possible.

You're the one who said
pretend nothing happened,

and I figured with Jake here...
when he gets here...

I will not be made
to feel guilty

about what happened between us.

There she is.

Who's that with her?
She looks familiar.

Probably because
she's on the cover

of "Cosmopolitan" this month.

That's Teri Stevens,
Hillary's number-one model.

I didn't know she was
bringing her.

Substitute daughter.

They all are.

I'm not kidding.

They had me sitting
on a block of ice

with a hundredth
of an inch of spandex

between me and frostbite.

God, Hillary, when will
I have outgrown bikini sh**t?

When they stop
paying you $ , a day.

Teri, how are you? Chas.



Well, what a
delightful surprise.

Well, I thought...

I'm not sure what I thought

after our little fight
the other night.

Chas felt I should come.

I didn't know
it would be a surprise.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, mother.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Darling, I'd like you
to meet Teri Stevens.

Teri, my daughter Amanda.

How do you do?

You're even more
beautiful in person.

I'm sure everybody
tells you that.

Sit, sit.

We'll get you a drink,
and then I can get a full report

on how Chas is doing at work.

According to him, he's already
in line for vice president.

Oh, yes, he's very
good at what he does...

sometimes too good
for his own good.

Whose damn rule is it anyway?


Excuse me.

A tie, you've gotta be
kidding me, this is Los Angeles.

I'm sorry, I should've
said something.

It's a house rule, ma'am.

Thank you. He'll wear it.

Come on.

Ugh, don't tell me,
more defending of Jo?

It must be wonderful

having your own
private Lancelot.

It was as much for Sarah
as it was for Jo.

You know, Jake, I am the least
possessive person

you'll ever know,
but this is ridiculous.

If I carried on this way,
you'd be furious.

I can have
my own friends, you know.

Fine, have them,

just don't let them
fall in love with you.

Now, can we go to the party?

Enjoy your dinner, Amanda.

I stay out of clubs that would
never have me as a member.

It's weird.

It's like it's not really me.

Sometimes I wonder,
can I really do this?


You know you can.

I want it so badly,

to succeed, to make it work,

to be like Teri Stevens
and the other top models.

It's just the dream,
it's so scary.

What if it doesn't come true?

You know, Sarah, I may not
know what I'm talking about,

but there's something very
wonderful about you,

especially on film.

Stay put. I'll get it.


Hi, Sarah?


Oh, my God, where are you?

It doesn't matter.

I'm leaving town.

I just wanted to say goodbye.

Do you... you want to be
this big model.

Good. You go and you try.

I got a feeling you're
gonna be back in Tama county

in no time, just begging
for forgiveness.

You still there?


I'll tell everybody
how well you're doing.

♪ ♪

He's going home.

Yeah, well, good riddance.

He's a terrible guy, isn't he?

He wasn't back home.

Everyone thought I was so lucky.

He was the coolest
guy in high school.

Well, watch out for cool guys
in high school.

You know, he...

he was my first boyfriend.

I thought maybe...

I know, I know.

Ampicillin Sodium,
milligrams IV, Q- hours.

I'll check the chart.

Forget the chart,
I've seen the chart.

Look, I don't like that fever.

Now, do it now, nurse.

Code blue!

Code blue - - , code blue.

Code blue, I'm coming through.

I'm ready, Doctor.

Give him diphenhydramine...

IV push and epi . , sub-Q.

Right away, Doctor.

Oh, my God, ampicillin.

Who the hell ordered ampicillin?

This patient is allergic
to all forms of penicillin.

I wouldn't know.
Dr. Mancini did.

I wanted to check the chart,
but he said no.

I want a complete blood workup
once this patient is stabilized.

A written report, nurse,

And not a word of this to Dr.
Mancini, is that understood?

This is my patient now.

Yes, Doctor.

I'll tell you one thing, Doctor,

if Mancini screwed up here,
he's in serious trouble.

Wouldn't that be a shame?

I'm not arguing, Jane.

You do have some rights to
withhold payment from Michael,

but to justifying it
would take time.

In the long run, it's just
easier to cut him a check.

Do you have any idea
how humiliating this is?

I'm a tax attorney, Jane.

I go by what's in
the rule books, not what's fair.

If you want to keep
Michael out of your life,

keep his coffers full.

That's my advice.

Thank you. Where is he?

Who? Oh, hmm. Michael.

I have no idea.

Excuse me.

You should know, Doctor,

that I've nearly completed
my investigation,

and it's looking very bad
for your boyfriend.

I can only imagine.

I've always had my problems
with that young man,

but I'm surprised that even
he would be this sloppy.

Well, we all have our bad days.

Mm-hmm. I was thinking...

it's possible, you know,
to remove a caution tag,

then replace it later.

Yeah, well, why would someone
want to do that?

That's a question
I'm not going to ask.

As a matter of fact, I think
I'll just send my findings

along to the board.

As you're bound in honor to do.

You're a very complicated
woman, Dr. Shaw.

Why, thank you, Dr. Levin.

Dr. Fisher, - - - .

Dr. Fisher, - - - .

Hi. Hi.

They said at reception
that I could find you here.

Presentation first thing
in the morning.

I'm getting a head start.

Meticulous preparation.

I'm famous for it myself.

Actually, I, uh, came
by to see Chas,

but I understand he left early.

He went to a bachelor
party with Jake.

I guess Jake's
impatience with me

doesn't extend to Chas.

You know, I don't think
I told you, but, um,

thank you for
joining us the other night.

Teri just loved you.

She's been with me
forever, you know.

She and her sister Carrie,

well, I practically raised them.

You're really into hands-on
management, aren't you, Mother?

Oh, I guess it's more of that,

uh, meticulous preparation.

So tell me something,

how did Chas slip
through the cracks?

I'm afraid in don't understand.

I'm asking how well
do you really know him?

Very well,
or as well as I need to.

Like you, I have devoted
the better part

of my life to my career.

The rewards have been huge,

but they haven't always
been satisfying.

So Chas comes along,
and it's what,

a chance to feel young again?

Mandy, we love each other.

He's years younger, Mother.

, actually,

but no one other
than you is counting.

I just think if you
end up hurt by him,

it won't have been worth it.

♪ ♪

That won't happen, Amanda.

I hope not.

What are you doing here?

I was looking for Michael,

but I guess you'll do.

His profit check. $ , .

My attorney suggested
I deliver it in person

to avoid complications later.

Well, good for you, Jane.

You've got more common sense
than I've given you credit for.

Oh, let's not talk
about common sense.

If you're referring to Michael...

You know what,
to hell with Michael, okay?

That check is to keep
things copacetic

and to keep the two
of you out of my hair.

Profit participation
in my company

doesn't include socialization
or fraternization.


With you?

I'm not Sydney.

I don't give a damn about you.

You know, if I was
feeling better,

I'd say we crash
that bachelor party.

Oh, are you kidding,
Billy has this thing

so shrouded in mystery,
even the FBI

couldn't determine
its whereabouts.

Besides, Jake is my inside man.

And he promised if things
get out of hand,

he'll whisk Billy home.

Is Jake the perfect guy,
or what?

You guys are
the perfect couple, too.

I know you said you
weren't compatible,

but I don't see it,
I really don't.

Alison, yours is
coming right up.

She's right, you know.

Look, I'm not going
to deny my feelings.

I mean, I still
can't look at Jake

without wondering
what could have been...

maybe what should have been.

We can speculate all we want,

we know how faithful Jake is.

Yeah, but can we say
the same thing about Amanda?

I mean, I once lost
Billy to Amanda,

and now we're engaged.

In my mind, Jake and Amanda
are not a done deal.

I mean, heck, just a shove...

one little shove.

In my condition, please.

I'm not about to do any shoving.

Look, any opportunity
in had with Jake is gone,

and I just have to accept that.

♪ ♪

Drink up, gentlemen!

Okay, has everybody got a beer?

A toast, toast, toast, toast...

To Billy Campbell
who's about to go

where only I have gone
before twice now,

and soon to be three times.

I give you Billy,
a condemned man.

Speech, speech, speech.


All I can say...

is that you guys are
a bunch of degenerates.

And now, gentlemen, the wild
and wacky Jungle Jane.

Think I'm gonna puke.

Well, well.

Jungle Jane.

Wait up, come on, wait up!

Hey, wait!

I've had it with you.

You're fired.

Wise choice.

Come on.

Stay away from me.

Come on, Syd, be a sport.

So what, it's not enough
for you to see me this way,

humiliated, having to take
a job like this?

You have to come out here
and throw salt in the wound.

Heck, no, Syd.
You were great, I mean it.

You were a real class act.

Here's your tip, sweetheart.

You earned every penny.

Yeah, come on. Let's go.

Whoa, whoa, you got him?

Yes, I got him.

Where do you want him?

The pool, perhaps?

Oh, God, I knew
this would happen.

I'm gonna throw up.

No, you're not gonna.

He's all yours, guys,
I got an early shift tomorrow.

Two beers.

I swear that's all I had.

Yeah, every five minutes,
two more beers.

I suggest a whole lot of aspirin
and take him straight to bed.

Oh, you promised.

It was Jake's fault.

Yeah, yeah, it was my fault.

I take full responsibility.

Look, have you seen Amanda?


I've been calling her
all night, no answer,

I guess she had to work late.

You are so amazingly trusting.

Why shouldn't I be?

Don't worry, Chas was
with us the whole night.

You want to explain that?

What's he talking about?

Uh, I can't...

Go ahead, you're dying to.

Billy, I swear to God...

What is this?


I saw something...

at work...

between Chas and Amanda.

They were, um...


and then they closed the blinds.

It was after hours, and...

In her office.

No, in the conference room.

Today Chas indicated...

He said that it wasn't
exactly innocent.

It got pretty heavy.

Look, I didn't
want to get involved,

but now that you know,
I'm glad you know.

She's just not right for you.

♪ ♪

Jake, wait.

Stay out of this.


I want to know if what
Alison is saying is true?

No B.S.

Are you sleeping around on me?

Look, I don't know
what she said.

Answer me.

Did you sleep
with this Chas guy?


I'm not kidding, Amanda.

I said no, it's a lie.

Oh, my God,
you believe her over me?

You bastard. Get out.

Get out!

Dr. Wong, cardiology.

Are you okay?

Because you don't look okay.

In fact, Mancini,
I'd have to say

you look downright terrible.

Well, don't act like
you don't know why.

Heard you had a meeting
with the board.

What did they do,
give you my job?

No, they revoked
my chief residency.

They're saying I, uh,
endangered a patient's life.

Oh, man, that's tough.

You know, I was looking
for you last night.

I wanted to give you
a chance to explain.

Apparently, you had more
important things to do.


You have to do
something here, Doctor.

Now I'm demanding
that you go in there

and you set those guys straight.

Otherwise, I've got
the name of that hooker...

You know, your little
sex kitten Ingrid.

As I understand it, the report
was sent to the board

by the legal staff.

You know how touchy they can get

when it comes to potential
malpractice cases.

So you tell them
it was a mistake.

But you make it go away.

I can't, Mancini.

The board'll make up
its own mind.

They won't listen to me.

You just love this, don't you?

No, Doctor, I love justice.

I love it when somebody
who's had it coming

for a long, long time

gets it right between the eyes.

You have a nice day, Michael.

Morning, Amanda. You're fired.

Fired? You are a pathetic,
sick excuse for a man.

And if my mother wants you
so badly, she can have you

and all the crap
that comes with you.

You have five minutes
to pack up and be gone

or I call security.

All set for the presentation.

You deliberately destroyed
my relationship with Jake

without coming to me, without
asking for an explanation.

You took Chas' word,
shaped it into a very long knife

and plunged it into my back.

Of all your neurotic,
stupid, ill-timed antics,

this is the worst.

I only said...
Shut up.

Just shut up and listen to me.

Chas is gone, he's fired.

And my first instinct
was to fire you, as well,

but on reflection, I realized
that's way too easy.

No, Alison, I'm going to do you
the way you did me,

and when I'm done,

all you'll be left with
is that proverbial wish,

that you'd never been born.

Now, I believe
we have clients waiting.

♪ ♪

You again?

Yeah, it's me again.

It's amazing what a good
night's sleep will do.

Even my morning
sickness is gone.

Something on your mind, Jake?

When I saw you lying
in the hospital bed,

I... I realized something.

I mean, I had a feeling.

What are you
talking about, Jake?

Amanda and I,
that's... that's over.

I mean, that's...

really over.

But, you see, even if
it was still going on,

I'd feel this way...

about you.

Oh, my God.

Jo, come on.

Don't do this to me.

You're the only person
I can really talk to.

With everyone else, I feel like
I'm just putting on this show.

You can't just come in here
and say these things.

I did.

I am.

Amanda isn't just
going to go away.

This doesn't have
anything to do with Amanda.

It has to do with you and me.

Damn, I hate having
to do all this talking.

Then don't.

Hi, Lauren.

I hope you're not here
to steal clients.

Actually, I'm here
to ask for my old job back.


Isn't that interesting?

You once said I was
the best girl you ever had.


A martini...

for the best girl I ever had.

I've just been a little
down on my luck.

So you figured you'd go back
to doing what you do best.

Hey, it makes perfect sense.

A toast, then.

To the only thing you'll
ever get from me, Sydney...

that drink.

I don't deal in tramps.

Get your hands off me.

Let go of me.

And don't forget, Syd,
you still owe me $ , .

That whore, I swear to God,

somebody ought to kick her ass.

I don't deal in tramps.

What does that make you, Lauren,


Looking for a ride?

Like a hole in the head.


Motel's just around the corner.

What do you say?

I just want you to know,

you're getting
a hell of a good deal.

There you are.

Yep, here I am.

Drinking on duty.


Nothing's that bad.

You haven't heard, then.

The board sacked me
as chief resident.

I'm back on regular rotation.

Actually, I did hear, and...

I'm sorry.

Why don't I take you home,

cook you a nice big dinner,

and then lick your wounds
all night long?

Unfortunately, not even good sex

or good food could
cure this melancholy.

Hmm. How about...
cold cash, then?

How would that make you feel?

All warm and fuzzy inside.

Mm-hmm, $ , from Jane.

Officially, she's calling
it an accounting error.

You're phenomenal.

What can I say?

When there's something I want,

nothing gets in my way.

Hey, wait a second,
where are you going?

Back to my shift.

Hey, sweetheart,
what do you say we open

a joint account with this money?

That's a great idea.

I've been meaning
to suggest that.

Sure, you have.

♪ ♪

See you later, darlin'.

Miss Smith?

That's right.

You can understand, I don't like

doing these things
over the phone.

So this guy you want
to off, he's a doctor?

I've got $ , .

Lady, I don't know
who gave you my number,

but a professional hit
costs $ , .

All right, maybe
I can scrape together ten.

Sorry, lady,
for that kind of money,

you're better off
doing it yourself.

♪ ♪

Then that's exactly
what I'll do.
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