02x28 - The Bitch is Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x28 - The Bitch is Back

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪


I thought you wanted to wait

until we got married.

I've missed you so much.

I like being missed.

The nightmares have stopped.

I'm tired of dwelling
in the past.

I want to concentrate on you...

and getting married...

and, uh...


And what?

And I don't think
I can wait another minute.

Oh, man.

Ah, a beautiful day, isn't it?

It makes you feel like you
could take over the world.

You've already done that.

I've been thinking you're right.

I'm always right.


No, I'm thinking about

getting out of the hooker
business for good, like you said.

I've got this hotel party
I'm throwing tonight,

but then that's it.

I'll just be a doctor's wife

and take care of you full-time.

You know what?

No one has ever
done that for me before.

It sounds really good.


I'll be home late tonight,

but it's the last time,
I promise.

And when I get home,

we can start our new life

with me taking care of you...

any way you want.


It couldn't be.

Are you all right?

Huh? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm fine.

♪ ♪

I'm telling you,

it's like a Stephen King novel.

I'm starting to see
Kimberly everywhere.

I'm cracking up.
What's going on?

It's got to be guilt.

My conscience
must be bothering me.

Michael, you don't have
one of those.

Then what is it? Why now?

I don't know, but I think
you're overreacting.

You don't think she's
still alive, do you?

Of course not. You are tired.

And you're just under
a little stress.

After all, you and Sydney had
a fairly exhausting courtship.

Yeah, I guess we did.

The honeymoon was
no picnic, either.

If you want something to feel
guilty about, you can start there.

I got your point, Matt... O.K.,
I just need to get some sleep.

I'll be fine.

Thanks, Matt. Thanks a lot.

Great. Thanks.
Bring the reflector.

We're going to want some gold.

Sarah, you're doing
great, just great.

You're tensing up here,

so just keep breathing,
and have fun, O.K.?

And forget about how you look.

You look great.

Really? I do?
I feel kind of gawky.

Gawky? No... you do
not look gawky.

If you don't look
great, it's my fault,

because with your
body and smile,

you'll sell ,
of these little sundresses.

O.K. I'm in your hands.

That a girl.

Michelle, I'm gonna want you
to be on the left, O.K.?

O.K... this kid's
too cute to live.

Tell me about it.


O.K., you guys here.

Um, and you two
can look at the ocean.

Sarah, come towards me.


Mel Gibson's telling you
to come over there.



All right!



Jo, I need to speak to you.

Amanda, what are you
doing out here?

My job. Let's talk.

O.K., in a second.

I'm getting
some great sh*ts here.


Uh, everyone take five.

All right. What's going on?

Why did you hire a girl
from Models Inc.?

D and D never uses
that agency. Never.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

It's your job to know
what agency I use.

Get rid of her.


Fire the Models Inc. Girl now,

and promote one of
the other ones.

I can't do that, Amanda.

What's her name?

Sarah. Sarah Owens.
Amanda, just calm down.

Sarah Owens, can you
come here, please?

This is the last time I
let you cast your own sh**t.

Hi. What's up?

I'm Amanda Woodward,
vice president at D and D.

Do us a favor.

Change out of the dress
and leave.

You'll get paid for today.

What? What does she mean?

Sarah, it's not you.

I mean you're fired.

What did I do?

You joined the wrong
agency, kid.

Now get changed
and get out of here.


You know, Amanda,
if I didn't need the job,

I'd just walk right now.

But you do, don't you?

So you better get to it.

Looks like a storm's coming in.

Mm-hmm, but you don't
have to do that.

It's a lot of money.

It's pouring out there!

Billy just got home.

Yeah, I'll be sure to tell him.


Hey, linguine and clam sauce!

Who's on the phone?

My parents.

I'll have to put dinner
on the table

before Billy eats it
out of the pan.

I love you, too.

This is too generous,
but thank you.

All right. Bye-bye.

What's too generous?

My parents want to help
with the wedding,

but they won't be here
for the planning.

That's the way
we wanted it, right?

Yes, but...

yes, we don't want them
here right away,

but they want to help.

So, they've hired a Beverly
Hills wedding planner

and they want to pay
for the whole thing.

She's supposedly
the best person in town.

Wait a second, I thought we
were having a small ceremony.

No big production.

I know, but I can't say no...
They just wanna help,

and besides, the bride's family
is supposed to throw the wedding.

Come on, let's at least
meet this person.

It'll make me happy.

And when I'm happy...

you're happy.

Is this a bribe?

The dinner's the bribe.

This is for me.


Sydney, you home?


Is that you?

It's nice to see you
again, Michael.




Is it really you?


Or maybe you're going crazy.


'Course it's me, silly.

You want to touch me
to make sure I'm real?

Rumors of my death, as they say,

were premature.

Oh, my God.

I lost so much time, Michael.

I was in a coma for months.

There's a huge gap in my life,

and I've come back to fill it.


you were dead.

Your mother said you were dead.

She called the hospital.

I know. She always was
a bit controlling,

but that's overstepping it a

don't you think?

I can't believe she'd do this.

She was trying to protect me.

She'd die if she knew I was
here talking to you now.

But here I am.

Oh, I missed you.

Oh, God, how I missed you.

If I had known...

I'd have been there for you.

It's all right, really.

Are you O.K.?

I mean, um...

how are you feeling?

I'm fine.

Good as new.


I made mistakes.


and I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

I still have this.

And that means I still have you.

I have to tell you something.

Not now. I have to go.


No, not yet.

I have a big day at the
hospital tomorrow.

I'll see you there.

Sleep tight.


Ha ha ha!

Whoa, there, big fella.

Seems like
you're a little on edge.




I'm sorry I was so late
getting home last night.

But I can make it up to you now.

Might help you
settle those nerves.

Syd, I can't... I got an early
meeting at the hospital.

I gotta go.

Amanda, do you have a second?

Just. What is it?

I'd like to take a
couple of personal days.

Allison, you've just begun
to concentrate on work again

after all of your
relationship drama.

Whatever you have to do,
you can do it on the weekend.

Actually, no, I can't.

It's kind of complicated.

My parents hired
this wedding planner.

I'm setting up a lunch
with her today

and she said we need a couple
days just to do the shopping.

Apparently, it's a big deal.

One day. Amanda, be reasonable.

Conference room. Now.

It's one or nothing.

I got a little phone call

from the owner and CEO
of Models Inc. Today.

It seems she's
very unhappy with us.

You have any idea why?

Oh, they must represent the girl
I had to replace yesterday.

It was unfortunate,
but necessary.

Where the hell do you get off

firing a model from a DD sh**t

because you don't like
her agency, huh?

This isn't Woodward Advertising.

This is DD! My shop!
I make the rules!

Bruce, let me explain.

I just haven't found any quality
clients repped through Models Inc.

That's crap, and you know it.

We ran a records check
after that phone call yesterday.

You've effectively
boycotted that agency.

They demand an apology and
you're gonna give it to them.

Is that really necessary?

I'll start using
their models, if you want.

I've got a catalog coming up.

You don't talk. You listen.

We're having a meeting with
them at the end of the day

to try to repair
this relationship.

You'll be called in
at the appropriate time,

and I expect you to... grovel.

Oh... and if I hear of another
incident anywhere close to this,

you can find yourself
another job.

Got it?

Got it.


Good morning, doctor.


I've been looking for you.

Well, you found me.

Isn't it romantic? I've even
got my old locker back.

It's almost as if the last
five months never happened.

We're right back
where we started from.

Of course, people look at me
like they've seen a ghost.

There's something
you have to know.


Well, I don't know
how to say this,

but, um...

when I heard
that you had died...

you know, grief and confusion...

Well, it's just, um...

I got married.


To whom?


To whom. Uh...

I married Sydney.

Now, the way it happened,

that was complicated.

It's kind of hard to explain.


It was blackmail, really.

Doesn't matter
why you did it, Michael.

You're just gonna
have to get rid of her.

Maybe I didn't make myself
clear last night.

I've come back
to claim what's mine,

and you're the first
thing on my list.

So, kids, I have put together
weddings fast before,

but this is gonna
be a new record.

Luckily, Allison, your father's
ponied up quite a handsome fee,

which will certainly help.

He was explicit
about one thing...

Only the best
for my little girl.

He must love you very much.

Yeah, we don't want
to get too fancy...

Listen to me, both of you...
This will be your day,

not your dad's, not mine.

We've got to do by end of day
tomorrow what usually takes weeks.

We have to make
decisions quickly,

but those decisions
will be yours, O.K.?

That... sounds fine.

Sure. O.K.

Good... but you'll also
have to trust me

'cause I do know
what I'm talking about.

Oh, you're a beautiful couple,

and it'll be a
beautiful wedding.

One thing that is important
to us is the food.

Wasn't this lamb terrific?
And the couscous? Delicious.

What I like about this place
is they do flavors,

but aren't too fussy
for a man's taste.

What do you think, William?

You're a meat and potatoes
kind of guy, aren't ya?

It's Billy.

Yeah, it was good...

Exactly. That's why
I met you here.

These people do weddings like
you wouldn't believe.

They'd be perfect, don't
you think, Allison? Well...

Oh, I'd stand by your man
on this one, dear.

Now, I'll get some
menus for you to look at

and we can cross this
decision off our list.

Be right back.

I hate her.

What are you talking about?
She's great.

She's taking over, and
she talks too fast.

She said the decisions are ours.

Oh, right,
Mr. Meat and Potatoes.

Your dad's paying for her, so we
might as well give her a chance.

"Stand by your man."...
What a load.

The important thing is
that we're getting married.

Nothing's gonna ruin that.

I guess you're right.

I hope... anyway.


Home for lunch.
What a nice surprise.

There's plenty of tuna salad.

You want me to
make you a sandwich?

Maybe you'd like something
more nourishing.

We have to talk.

What's wrong, sweetheart?

Let me put that another way.

I have something to tell you.

I want a divorce,

and I want you
out of my house today.


this is not a funny joke.

It's no joke.

It's time to pack it up.

I'll front you for a hotel
tonight, if you need it.

Stop it, Michael, please.

We're doing so great.

I'm a doctor's wife.

I'm gonna take care
of you, remember?

What can I say?

It's like I woke up
from a bad dream,

and now I want
to start all over.

Maybe you're forgetting,
but I can do you a lot of harm!

I don't want to,

but if you keep acting
like this, then I will.

Let's forget about
this conversation.

I'll just make you a sandwich.

Put your clothes in a bag

and leave now!

Are you crazy?

I will ruin you,
you smug piece of scum!

Come on, Sydney, let's
not start calling names.

Everything you've got is gone...
Ready for that, Michael?

You're going to prison,

and you'll be the wife! Get it?

I control what happens to you!

Oh, no. Not anymore.

We'll see about that, wise-ass.

We'll see.

Mmm, exquisite bead work here.

Thank you. Here's what
it'll look like.

I'm bringing the beads around,

following the line.

Jane has her own design studio,

if your other clients want a Mancini
original for their wedding dress.

Well, I'm impressed, Jane.

You're very talented.

I look forward to seeing
it when it's finished.

We'd better get going.

We've got a lot more
to talk about.

Pleasure meeting you.
Pleasure's mine.

Thanks for ducking out
of work early for this.

No problem. It's my shop.

I can do what I want.

We'll see you later.

Thanks. You're welcome.

Allison, you must be kidding.


You said your dress was white.

That thing's
practically eggshell.

It won't go with anything
else I've got planned,

and worse, the design
is very last year.

I don't think
that's true at all.

And I like the design,
I think it's beautiful.

And you said yourself
she's very talented.

Well, I have manners!

All right, it's your decision.

There's certainly
plenty more to do.

First thing tomorrow, William
gets fitted for an Italian tux.

I've already made a
deal for the tuxes.

The groomsmen can wear those.

William has to be
as special as you.

I prefer to be
called Billy, actually.

Why does it have to be Italian?

Look at the time! I've
got a bakery to talk to.

See you kids tomorrow
AM at Armani.

You'll love it. Trust me.

Just remember the important
thing is we're getting married.

I'll remind you when you're
in your tight Italian tux,

chewing on a lamb kebab.

Amanda, they're ready for you.


Bruce, there is no excuse.

This is not professional
behavior and you know it.

An apology is fine,

but I want
the person responsible.

Hillary, this is Amanda.

You wanted the person

Well, here she is.

I believe she has
something to say to you.




I'm sorry you had to apologize to
me in front of your superiors.

Bruce was
the only superior there.

The other two were there
to up the humiliation factor.

You didn't seem to be
humiliated at all.

You handled yourself quite well.

That means so much,
coming from you.

So, you knew where I was
all these years?

Yeah, Daddy told me.

All I wanted to do was make sure
I had nothing to do with you.

Happily, sometimes business has a
way of bringing people together.

I was sorry to hear about
your father's troubles,

but unfortunately he never
believed in an honest day's work.

Always a guy after a quick buck.

We may have to do
business together,

but you're never
to talk about him, ever.

You lost that right
when you walked out on us.


Sure, Amanda, if
that's what you want.

You know, I left years ago.

I can't make up for it,

but I wish we could
leave it in the past.

Some things you do
are permanent, Mother.

They don't go away
no matter how hard you try.

Look, Mandy...
Don't do this.

I still remember that day.

You were at school,

and I walked into your room.

All those fashion dolls
and the posters...

and all those -year-old
little girl's things.

I felt I would die at the
thought of leaving you.

But you managed to do
it anyway, didn't you?

There are things
that you don't know.

Your father's lawyers kept...

I don't care, all right?

I don't want
a relationship with you.

Good night.

Dr. Mancini, I'm just trying
to clear up some accusations

that were made by your wife.

the woman is deranged.

You're finished, Michael.

Let's try to stay on track.

On the night of the accident
when Dr. Shaw lost her life,

had you been drinking?

A little, it was nothing.

It's something
if you were drunk.

It's vehicular homicide.

I'm divorcing the woman.

She's making it all up!

You have access to records concerning
blood-alcohol levels of admitted patients?

No, not really, no.

He signed a confession.

My sister will attest...

You paged me, doctor?


Excuse me, detective.

Doesn't a homicide usually mean
there's a deceased person?

This is Dr. Kimberly Shaw,

the woman this little twit
is saying I k*lled.

Hi there, Syd.

Finally, the reaction
I've been looking for.

Hi. Can I help you?

Hi. Uh...

Is Amanda home?

Not right now, no.

I'm Hillary Michaels...
Amanda's mother.

She and I had a business
meeting the other night.

We're gonna be doing
a little work together.

No kidding.

Maybe she's mentioned me to you.

A little. Only...

That I left her
when she was little?


I'm sorry. I'm Jake Hanson.

I don't live here.

Uh, Amanda and I...
spend time together.

She's not gonna be home
for an hour or so.

You want to come in and wait?
I got an open bottle of wine.

I'd like that.

I was just marinating a
couple steaks for dinner.

A man who cooks.

Amanda's very lucky.

Not really.

I only do hamburgers and steaks

and the occasional
corn on the cob.

Are you O.K.?

What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

I look around my daughter's
home, and...

I'm just so proud of her.

She has a good life.

In a way, everything
I wanted for myself.

A caring man...


I couldn't stand the man,

but I held onto the work.

Do you want to sit down?


No, I should leave.

She wouldn't like
finding me here.

I thought you were
working together.

Look, we spoke,

and she's determined
to hate me forever

because I did a terrible
thing when she was little.

I thought if I could
talk to her one more time

and tell her how sorry I am,

and tell her that every night

I wish I could hold
that little girl in my arms

and make up for everything.

Hey, it's O.K.

I just need a chance to explain.

Look, don't worry.

Maybe I could talk to her.

Did you see that
little tramp's face?

I thought she was gonna
throw up when you walked in.

You didn't look too well yourself
when I showed up on your doorstep.

Yeah, but I'm doing
a lot better now.

Your drink taste all right?

Great... as a matter of fact, I'm
ready for another.

I think we should eat first.

Excuse me, could we get
some menus, please?

Certainly. Can I have
another one of these?

No, you won't.

Menus, please.

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.


what's going on?

I told you, I wanna eat.

You're mad at me about
Sydney, aren't you?

Look, I don't blame
you... let it out.

I deserve it.

I just hope you can forgive me.

I do forgive you.


So, uh...

what were you thinking
about me all that time?

You know, when you were hurt.

That you deserted me.

But you didn't, did you?

No, I didn't...
I love you.

Damn it.

Damn it.

That's it, tell me how you feel.

Michael, shut...
Shut up, O.K.?

It's got nothing
to do with Sydney.

It's my head.

I've been getting headaches
occasionally, all right?

Sure... sweetheart.


She wants to explain?

There's nothing to explain!

I know her, I know what
she did to me and my father.

This is not your business, Jake.

You weren't there
when I was a little kid,

crying for my mom,
when she was miles away,

going to parties, living
a life way too important

for a little nothing like me.

In no way did you have the right

to invite that woman
into my home.

You stepped way, way
over the line.

Look, she showed up,
tears in her eyes, miserable.

I couldn't just slam
the door in her face.

Why not? You know how
I feel about her.

Why do you care
if I make up with her?

What, I'm not good enough
the way I am?

You have to jump in, make me
cozy with my mommy?

Make me a little softer?

What did you think?

That I'd go, "Thanks for
making me all whole again"?

What is your problem?

She told me you were
working with each other.

She lies! That's what she does!

Jake, I've opened up to you.

That's not something
I do easily.

Hell, I don't do it at all,

because I can't stand
being hurt.

I can't stand it.

I've told you things
about myself...

Private things...
And all I ask...

is that you promise
to respect my feelings.

Of course I do.


I promise. Amanda, come on.

Then don't ever
mention her to me again.

You know...

my parents
aren't prizes, either.

My mom is a drunk.

I don't know where my father is.

But someday,
I still wanna see him,

talk to him,

try to understand him, not
because what he did was right.

Because good or bad,
he's a part of me.

I don't wanna hear this.

She's your mother, Amanda.

You can't run away from that.

Hi. I was wondering
if we could talk.

No, Syd, we can't.

It's just...

Oh, for God's sake, Sydney.

I can't help it.

You don't know
what's been happening.

It's a nightmare...
Kimberly's alive.

I saw her.

Are you out of your mind? No.

Her mom told everybody
she'd kicked the bucket

just so Michael would stay away.

Oh, this is so bizarre. Yeah.

It's like "Night
of the Living Dead".

And Michael kicked me out,

and he wants a divorce.

God, everything's fallen apart.

That's the problem, Syd.

Blackmail isn't a very good
building block for a relationship.

You're right.

I mean, you were
right all along.

God, I know I've been horrible.

Can I stay with you
for a little while?

No, Syd. I don't think so.

I... I think I would rather
set fire to myself first.

Please, Jane.

I really need somebody.

Michael kicked me out
like he never even cared.

He probably didn't.

And honestly,
neither do I anymore.

Damn it, Jane,
would you help me?

I'm having a nervous breakdown!

Then I wish you would
have it someplace else.

Jo! I'm back!

Isn't that great?

Yes, it is, Sarah.

Listen, I also
want to say I'm sorry.

When it happened,
I was mad at you, too.

Oh, listen, you were fired
completely unfairly.

You're allowed to get angry.

Maybe so, but I want you
to know I don't blame you.

You've been nothing
but great to me.

Let's get your makeup on,

or I won't be so great.


What happened to your neck?

Oh, that. It's... it's nothing.

I just fell on the stairs
in my apartment.


It'll cover with makeup.

Don't worry.

I promise you will
not see a thing.


Look, isn't the reception where
we go around thanking everybody,

and then we leave early?

We can do that in any
banquet hall in the city.

It doesn't matter.
It matters, Billy.

It's the send-off for
our entire life together.

And I want us to make a choice before
Sheila gets here and does it for us.

How about the Bel Air?

Great... we won't have any money
for our entire life together.

I know Daddy's footing the bill,

but it's too fancy.

You know, everything's
getting too fancy.

She's gonna be here any second.

How about Patrino's?

Good food, no lamb kebabs,
and they know us.


In the nick of time.

Remember... united
front, Campbell.

Oh, hi. Come in.

We were expecting
the dragon lady.

If you wanted
to fire me, Allison,

you could've told me yourself.

You know how much work
I've put into that dress.

Not to mention that we're
friends, and I cared.

You think that would've
counted for something.

Wait a minute, Jane,
what are you talking about?

I'm still wearing your dress.

Well, that's not what
your planner Sheila said.

She called me not five minutes
ago from her Mercedes

and said you picked out something
like Carolyn Kennedy's.

Ha ha ha ha!

Carolyn Kennedy?


I'm wearing your dress, Jane.

I want to look like me.

Hello. Hi.

Oh, so, this is good.

Everybody together.
No hard feelings.

By the way, Jane,
I was thinking.

Do you do tablecloths at all?

I was thinking...

I'm wearing Jane's
dress, Sheila.

I made that clear.

Now kids, it was open
for discussion.

I found this dress...

You went behind my back.

I spoke to William
at the tux shop.

And it's Billy,
and you're fired.

I beg your pardon?

Allison, what will
your father say?

I'm sorry, Sheila.

I'm gonna have to stand
by my man on this one.

I'm billing your father
for everything.

You won't have enough money left

to have your wedding
at a bus station.

Allow me.

sh**t, anyone?

I think it's time
for a celebration.

Sounds good to me.

I want to thank you two

for meeting us
for dinner tonight.

I don't care what some
stuffy people might say.

Love has no barriers,
does it, dear?

Not in my book.

You and Jake know
all about love, don't you?

We do all right.

Uh, he cooks, Chas.

Um, I dropped in
on him yesterday,

and he was, um, marinating...

Steaks. Cool.

And, Amanda,

I want you to know...

how difficult it's going to be

for you and I to repair
a relationship

that's already been damaged.

You mean non-existent, Mother.

Your, uh...

your brother David says hello.

Half-brother, and
I hardly know him.

Uh, Amanda, we can
have a future together

if you'll trust me.

I'll try to prove to you
that I'm worth it.

Look, I can't jump into
a big deal with you

just because you show up again.

No, I'm talking
baby steps, dear.

Baby steps.

Look, I'm not sure this
meeting was such a good idea.

Jake, can we go?

I've extended myself
to you, Amanda... damn it!

I think you owe me a chance.

Look, everybody. It's simple.

We can all do our best
to be a big happy family,

or you two can keep feuding,

and it'll just get nastier.

And Hillary knows a lot of
people in the business.

Not a good enemy to have.

If this is some kind
of lame threat, mister,

you're messing with
the wrong couple of people.

Jake's right, Chas.

I can't force Amanda to be any
closer to me than she wants.

It's up to you.

Keep a leash on your boyfriend.

He won't say another word.

Then let's eat.

Oh, it'll be beautiful here.

We'll hang some lights,
we'll have each other.

We don't need anything fancy.

Sounds good to me.

We can have sh**t cater.

We can have buffalo wings

and those little fried
onion rings they do.

That's perfect.

We're getting married
in the place we fell in love

in front of all our friends.

This is the way it was meant to be.
And no dragon lady.

I saw her kiss you, you know.

You didn't.

But I'm a hell of a lot better.

Sydney, what are you doing here?

I live here again,
thanks to Amanda.

Like it's any of your business.

I'm getting a divorce, O.K.?

Like the two of
you will someday.

Then again, we could elope.

♪ ♪

You're an animal.

I'll be back, O.K.?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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