02x20 - Parting Glances

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x20 - Parting Glances

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Mmm. I feel so comfortable.

Why is that?

I've always been afraid
of the ocean...


I don't know.

Maybe you never met
a captain you could trust.

Mmm. Not so fast.

I'm running late and so are you.

What we need is a jump-start.

Another one?

I mean coffee.



You scared me.


Couldn't resist
this neck and this back.

What's down there?

Oh, it's just a cargo
hold for valuables.

I hate lugging stuff on and
off the boat all the time.

Has it always been there?

Not the alarm.

I, uh, just installed it.

Hey, reed, come on. Let's go.

Got to go.

Hey, it's Thursday, man.

We've got to get this
thing scrubbed down,

the chrome polished and waxed
for the charter coming up.

Look, it was canceled.


Since when?

I found out yesterday. The owner
needs the boat that afternoon.

Aw, that's perfect.

I just fronted bucks I
don't have for this stuff.

Sorry. I would have
told you sooner, but, uh,

I've been pretty busy.

Yeah. I can see that.

Hi. Want some coffee?

No. Thanks.

When did you reschedule for?

I haven't.

But look, I'll get on it
real soon, O.K.?

You know what you
ought to try, man?

Taking this business
seriously for minutes.

Hey, Jake, come on...
Look, look...

I want this to work out
as much as you do.

Believe me.


It's against the rules

for you to be here, you know.

I'm sorry.

I'm just so worried about him.

Can I stay five more
minutes, please?

All right. But no more.
He needs his rest.

Listen to me. I'm telling you.

Heavy medication.

He'll be babbling like
that for a while.

No need for concern.

Five minutes.

Please, listen.

You got to...


The cops...
I heard them talking.


You got to fix it, matt.

If Kimberly dies...

I... I was drunk.


It's manslaughter.

Please, Matt.

I... I...

You have access.

Change the records.

Michael, what are you
talking about?

I'll go to jail. Please.



You got to do it.

Chan... changed
the records, Matt.

Please, change the records.



Rough night?

Not really.

Just had a little trouble
getting to sleep.

No word from New York,
I take it.

Billy's phone
hasn't been connected yet.

Being new on the job,

he probably doesn't want to
make a lot of personal calls.

There's the time difference
and all.

Yeah. Of course.

Phone tag.

It happens...

I wouldn't worry too much.

It takes time to get to know
a new city, new people.

I'm sure he's just very busy.


Every square inch is yours.

This is unbelievable.

In L.A., I had this cubicle
the size of a pencil cup.

In New York, writers
share an assistant,

get monthly expense accounts,

and have catered staff
meetings every Monday morning.

To think I ever had
doubts about moving here.

Yeah, well, shake it off, pal.

'Cause this is the city, and
I'm your personal key to it.

Cool. Thanks, Greg.

No sweat.

Oh, well, that reminds me.

Somebody named, uh, Alison
called for you earlier.

Is she business or pleasure?

Girlfriend who I've
been trying to reach,

so, actually, I'll
try it right now.

Oh no... no time. We're late for
the art department meeting.

It can wait, can't it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.

O.K. Come on.

Well, the commander's
my father's best friend.

He's been my mentor since I
graduated from Annapolis.

You're like a son to him.

More like a pet project.

See there's a way of life for an
officer and he wants me to lead it.

I'm supposed to have,
like, a wife, kids, dog,

socialize with
the other officers,

live next door to
them... the whole thing.

What do you do about that?

Live with it.

It's not easy.

I've even gone on blind
dates he's arranged, right?

I... I mean, they never
work out, of course.

I'm having trouble coming up
with excuses for why not.

Now you know how lucky you are
to be out of the closet.

Well, it doesn't solve

I-it does feel good to be
honest with family, friends.

I'll bet.

How long can you keep this up?

I don't know.

It's... it's like this vise
inside me sometimes.

It just gets twisted tighter
and tighter.

I can hardly breathe anymore.

So what's keeping you there?

Half the time, that somebody'll
blow the whistle on me.

And the other half?

I might have to do it myself.

Jeffrey, until people are willing
to stand up and be counted,

policies like
don't ask, don't tell

will continue to
tear us all up inside.

You shouldn't have
to lead a double life.

Hell, the truth is, I don't
even know if I can anymore.

Then there's really only
one thing you can do.

Alison, are you there?
Hello... pick up.

Well, I guess you're not home.

Listen, they haven't
connected my phone,

so you're not going
to be able to reach me.

I'll just try again later.

I miss you.

All right.

By all reports,

you've been doing enough
moping for people.

And I'm not doing
too hot myself,

so we're going to
sh**t for a drink.

We could both use. Oh, no.

Yes, we are going.

Come on. Let's go...
No arguments.

As if my appetite
weren't spoiled enough.

Hello, Sydney.

That's not a very nice way

to talk to someone
who saved your life.

You did not save my life.

I took a couple of extra pills
and passed out for a few seconds

right when you happened
to show up.

I would've come to on my own.

Fine, Michael...

if that's what you want
to believe... whatever.

But we both know
what really happened.

Matt said they've put you
on some kind of probation.

What's that all about?

I'm on administrative duty.

Could be as long as a month.

Well, look on the bright side.

No one's taken away your
medical license yet.

Oh, no you don't.

I won't have you staying
all night again.

Out you go.

See ya.

Can I ask you something?


Is there a place where the
blood records are kept?

Central files.

Is it possible
for me to see those records?

Absolutely not.

You have to be
a hospital employee

to get into the computer system.

You know, I think a
friend of mine works there.

Maybe you know him...
Matt fielding.

In social services? Sure.

If he wanted to see
those records he could?

Under the right
circumstances, I suppose so.


That's all I needed to know.

You're off to a late start.

Yeah, well, there's no reason
to go in, thanks to Reed.

I don't understand.

What'd he do?

Oh, nothing major...

Just canceled the only
charter we had booked.

And he didn't offer
an explanation?

Oh, he came up with some
lame excuse I didn't buy.

Fact is...

I just started with this guy,

and already I feel like I'm
carrying the whole operation.

How so?

To begin with it's been a week.

Reed's done nothing
to attract charters...

Not an ad, not a phone
listing, nothing.

You're a businesswoman.

You know it's difficult
to get a business started.


I also know how easily
a business can fail...

when it's mismanaged I mean.

And based on what
you're telling me,

this one sounds days away from
going under.


All right.

Considering we both have a vested
interest in this business,

action needs
to be taken quickly.

I'll talk to reed.


I'll talk to him.

Jake, I'm responsible for
getting us into this thing.

I'll get us out.

He's my partner, Amanda.
I'll handle it, all right?

How about we both talk to him?

Fine. The sooner, the better.


Have you seen Michael?

He's not in his room.

Um, actually, he checked
out this morning.

He wanted to get
right back to work,

even if it's just
administrative duty.

Really? Well, I guess that
means he's doing better.

So he says.

Well it's a good thing
I ran into you.

Those crabby nurses wouldn't tell
me a thing about his condition.

I'm sure they were
just doing their job.

Listen, will you excuse me?

You know, it must be so
rewarding to work here.

I mean, you get access
to all areas like...

Surgery, emergency room,

hospital computer systems...

plus, you know people to
have drinks with at lunch...

like Michael.

Actually, Michael
can't drink on duty.


That wouldn't be too smart

in a place where they could
test your blood alcohol

right on the spot.

You know Michael... get him
anywhere near a bar or restaurant,

and watch him knock back
those cocktails.

To tell you the truth,
I've never noticed.

In fact,
if I didn't know better,

I'd say Michael was probably
drunk the night of the accident.

Don't work too hard.

♪ ♪


Hey, what's up?

We gotta talk, now.

What about?

Get your ass down here.

All right, man...
Just calm down.

No, I'm not gonna calm down.

This is a business.

There are other people involved.

Between Jake's time
and my investment,

it's only fair we should have some
say in the way things are handled...

or mishandled as
the case may be.

Oh I see... well, if
you don't like

the way I'm running
things around here,

why don't you start
a suggestion box.

Well, remember,
it's my damn boat.

You're not getting
this, are you?

If this is the way
you're gonna do business,

neither one of us wants
to stay involved.

If you want to desert
like a rat, fine.

For your information,
this boat isn't sinking.

You're dreaming. For Jo's
sake, I hope you wake up.

Enough out of you...
Get the hell out of here.

Amanda gets her money back now.

A cashier's check is preferable.

Is tomorrow soon enough?

No, it's not,

but I guess it'll have to do.
Come on... let's go.

Hi, guys.

What's up with them?

Oh, I never should have
taken any other investors.

All I needed was you.

Come on.

This is Beth...

and this is Jill.

How is it that you personally
know so many models?

Ah, I call it a hobby.

Yeah, it must be nice.

You know, I'm not just
showing off here,

I'm on the welcoming
committee, remember?

Whatever happened
to plants or casseroles?

Look, I don't do this
for just anybody, Billy.

Why am I the lucky one?

All right. There's
somebody in particular.

She's a friend of mine.

Great personality.
Smart. She's a knockout.

Trust me you two have
a lot in common.

She'd be perfect for you. I
can feel it in my bones.

I'm involved. End of story.

Oh, right, right.

The girl back home
and all that crap.

Let me tell you something... you
honestly think she's just sitting home

waiting for the phone to ring?

What time is it?

Um, : .

Great. We have less than an hour

before the account
review meeting

and the Jensen file's not here.

Oh, I'll get it.


Conference room.

Hey, Amanda. It's Billy.


It's so nice to hear your voice.

How's it going out there?

It's good.

Is, uh, Alison around?

Actually, no.

She just stepped away.


So how's she doing?


She seems to be holding up.

Really? Glad to hear it.

I got to get going. Let her
know I tried to reach her.


Take care of yourself.

You, too.

Here it is.

Oh, there you are.

You just missed Billy's call.

You didn't ask him to hold?

He, uh, said he had to go.


How'd he sound?


♪ ♪

I, uh, just blurted it out.


Well, sometimes
that's the best way.

Just getting it right out
there right off the bat.

How'd he take it?

Ha ha ha.

Not too well.

It's going to be rough
right now,

but you really got to give
people adjustment time that's...

What the hell was I thinking?

I mean, was I out of my mind?

I never should have
listened to you.

Wait a minute.

This was your decision.

Y-y-you couldn't possibly have
known what it would mean.

Look, you're upset,
and you're scared,

and you want somebody to blame.

I understand...

No, you don't.

I might have to resign,

or be discharged.

Do you understand how
humiliated my father will be?

My whole family...

I think you should wait
to see what happens

before you decide
this is a mistake.

It's easy for you to say

with your cushy
little hospital job.

You know what,
Jeffrey, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry this is happening,
but to be honest,

I don't know why
you'd want to be

part of the military
to begin with.

What's that supposed to mean?

Why be part of an
organization so closed-minded

that they don't even
want you as a member?

It's that organization
that defends this country

and allows you the freedom
of thought you have.

You get something
real clear, matt.

I'm damn proud of what I do.

Thanks for the beer.


Oh, I can't believe it.

You're actually on
the other end.

Hi. Yeah, well, with work
and this apartment thing...

How are you?

I'm good. I'm fine.

How are you?


Do you like it there?

It's O.K.

You know, it's different.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.


What are you wearing?


I'm just curious.

Is this what we've been
reduced to... phone sex?


we are on opposite sides
of the country, huh?

I mean, what are
the alternatives?


That's pretty cynical.

No, it's just practical.

This is what you wanted it.

I wanted it. You took
the job out there.

After your hard sell on
this long distance thing...

promising me it's going to work.

Obviously it doesn't.

Well, excuse me for
being an adult, Billy.

I was trying to be
supportive of your career.

Don't do me any favors.


listen, Jane's coming over,

and we're catching a movie.

Why don't we talk about
this later?



Have a good time.




♪ ♪



Since you'll be out all day,
you might get hungry.

Thanks. Thanks.

Where's the owner?


He couldn't make it.

Oh. I wanted to meet him.

So... wow.

Where are you going?

Oh, I don't know, uh...

Catalina, maybe.


Can I go?

What about work?

The world isn't going to come
to a halt if I miss a day.


Jo Reynolds,
are you playing hooky?

What can I say?

You bring out the best in me.

All right.

You said you're a hockey fan.

This must've set you
back a few bucks.

I'm sorry.

I, uh...

I want to apologize for
what I said last night.

Not only was it unfair of me but
it was disrespectful of you

and the choices you've made.

And... and I don't think
you should resign.

I mean, you are a
decorated, dedicated sailor

serving this country, and...

you're too good
a representative.

And people need role models.


Want some coffee?


Matt, I didn't mean
to blame you.

That was just me panicking.

And you're right.

I was scared.

I still am.

But you can deal with this.

And I want to be
there for you...

if you want me to be.

You know...

one of the reasons
I've never had

a long-term relationship
was 'cause...

I mean, most guys
just don't understand

why I want to be
in the military.

To tell you the truth,

I never met anybody I particularly
wanted to explain it to, either.

For the first time...

I... I want someone to know why...

I want someone to know me.

♪ ♪

The Gibson figures?



Do you want to talk?

About what?

It doesn't take a
therapist to figure out

that you and Billy are
having relationship trouble.

Trouble would be
overstating it, Amanda.

Everything's fine.

We're just...

adjusting, that's all.

Look, Alison, you don't
have to pretend with me.

It's perfectly understandable
how you feel...

Isolated... like
Billy 's slipping away...

like the relationship
is dying a slow death...


That about covers it.

Ordinarily, I'm not one
for giving advice,

but it seems to me

by giving Billy
a little time and space,

he would only
appreciate you more.

Oh. The old "absence makes the
heart grow fonder" routine.

It works. You should just relax,

take it easy,
enjoy the time alone.

It'd be good for both of you.

That's what I'd do anyway.

Thanks for the advice, Amanda.

No problem.

Be right back.

Yes. Uh, Beachwood Travel?

Hi. I'd like to book the
next flight to New York.

Nancy I'm gonna grab a quick
bite if anybody calls...


I want you to meet
my girlfriend Jennifer.


And this...

is Andrea.

Nice to meet you.

Likewise. So Greg
tells me you're from L.A.

Yeah. Yeah. Is this when you make
the avocado and suntan jokes?

Hey, I'm from there. I've
heard all the same cracks.

Listen, why do
you join us for lunch?

We're going to the Carnegie
for some sandwiches.

I got to run some errands.
Maybe some other time.

I don't know about you,

but I'd love to spend some
time with a fellow Angeleno.

Maybe we could get together
for dinner sometime...

tell some stories about
our old stomping grounds?

Yeah, we could do that.

How about tomorrow night?

Sure. Why not?


Sometimes I'm so amazed.

Yeah? By what?

I don't know. At how quickly
things can turn around.

Oh. That kind of amazed.

The kind that's enhanced
by a bottle of wine

and a few stars in the sky?

No, I'm serious.

Six months ago,
I was in hell, and...

look where I am now.

Off the coast of L.A.?

Some people might not see that
as much of an improvement.

Well, they'd be wrong.

I'm on a beautiful boat
with a beautiful woman...

and, um...

I love you, Jo.

I'm glad you said it first.

I love you, too.


You have a minute?

Not really. Being
on administrative duty

is all-consuming as you can see.

It's important.




you and Sydney, um...

you're very tight?

No, we're not tight. Why?

You'd never tell her
anything about the accident?

You wouldn't take a stupid
chance like that, would you?

Hey, cut to the chase,
Matt, will you?

I ran into her
here at the hospital.

We had a conversation.

A weird one.

That's par for
the course with Sydney.

She seemed to be baiting me...

about your drinking the
night of the accident,

about my access
to the hospital...

like she knew something.

Hey, look, Sydney's
no rocket scientist.

You're being paranoid.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

she even brought up the subject
of your blood alcohol.


So what did you say then?


I gave away nothing, believe me.

Fine. Then as long
as you don't crack,

there's no problem, right?

It's all there, right?

Give me the other one.

Let's get out of here.

What's all that noise?

Just a cruiser passing
by a little too close.

It's a beauty, though.

Nothing to worry about.

Come on.

Let's go to Dios,

get some eggs, and
drink too much coffee.

I'd love to, but I've got
a thousand things to do.

Yeah? Like what?

Hustle up some charters,
make some calls...

person's still got to eat.

And I will, later.
I got to get going.

O.K., O.K.

I'll walk out with you.

Actually, um...

why don't you go ahead?

Is it just me,

or am I getting
the bum's rush here?

Maybe because if I don't
get you out of here quick,

I might never let you leave.
All right?

All right?


All right,
Mr. Strictly business.

I'm going.

I'll see you later.

I'll call you.

Hi. I was told I could
find Matt Fielding here?



What are you doing here?

I got transferred.

Why? I mean...
because you came out?

I'm not sure. I, uh...

Come on.

I put in for
a transfer last year,

so it may not be related,

but then again, it wouldn't be
that much of a stretch, either.

Where? When?

East coast.

I'm shipping out
in the next few days.

I know. It's not
that much notice.

At least they didn't
discharge me...


It's still their
prerogative, you know.

Kind of flies in the face

of that "all men are
created equal" thing

I dedicated my life to defend.

So, um, how's this work?

What will it be like
for you on the new base?

More than likely, my
reputation will precede me.

After years of being known

as a sailor of
distinguished service,

now I'll just be known
as a sailor who's gay.

I'm sorry.
I don't know what to say.

It's all happening
so fast. I mean, I...

Not just the transfer.
I mean, what does it mean...

for us?

I don't know.

When I met you, I thought,
you know, dinner...


Jeffrey, I never, never wanted

to see your life get turned
upside down like this.

I'm sorry.


I didn't come here
for an apology.


I came here to thank you.

Things may not be ideal, but...

They're better.


They're honest.

You know...

my dad always said

that a man's greatest virtue

is to be true to himself.

He's right.

I'm going to miss you.


Me, too.

If this is about getting
Amanda's money back,

you have to deal
directly with Reed.

Can I come in?

Actually, I was on my way out.

Before you go,
take a look at this.

I did some checking.

Serial numbers are fake.

According to the registration
office, reed's boat doesn't exist.

You ever consider that maybe
the boat's from another state?

Yeah... except reed told me it
was registered in California.

Well, I'm sure there's
some explanation.

Maybe the papers
haven't been filed yet.

I think reed's
up to something illegal.

You amaze me, Jake.

Number one... it's not really
your concern anymore.

Number two...

Just because you were
rooked by Amanda 's father

doesn't mean that everybody
you work with is a criminal.

And, anyway, if you and Amanda
were so unsure about reed,

neither of you should have gotten
involved in the first place.

I'm just looking out for you.

Well, stop.

You're an old boyfriend, Jake.

Doesn't exactly make us family.

Fine. You don't want anyone else

to give a damn about you,
you got it.

I'll spread the word around.

I don't think I'll ever get used to
ordering food at a New York deli.

If you don't know what you want
the second you walk in there

they make you feel
like the biggest moron

that's walked the earth.

There's a different philosophy
about food service here.

At least in L.A., they
say "have a nice day"

after they've been rude to you.


I kind of miss it. Don't you?


Yeah. I don't know
if you know this,

but, um, part of the
reason I'm homesick

is that I'm involved
with somebody there.


Funny. I was in
the same situation

when I moved to New York.

Oh, don't tell me. It
didn't work out, right?

Well... maybe you'll be luckier.

Yeah, I hope so.

So I hear the magazine found
a k*ller apartment for you.

Yeah, the, uh,
Alexander building.

I'm living with
friends right now

who will probably be ex-friends
if I don't move out soon.

Is it true every apartment
in the building has a view?

Well, I don't know
about anybody else's,

but mine does, yeah.

It's... it's pretty awesome.

I'd like to see it sometime.

Sure... whenever.

I'm glad I caught you.
I brought some soup.

We just need to warm
it up when we get home.

Don't plan on tagging along.

I'm tired. I'm turning in
the minute I get there.

Don't be silly, Michael.
It's only : .

Sorry, I just worked
my first full shift,

and I happen to be exhausted.

Well, another hour or
two won't k*ll you.

It's chicken with barley.

I thought you'd like it.

What makes you think you
know anything about me...

much less how I think?

The truth is, Michael,
I know a lot about you.

I'm going home.

Be a good girl. Do the same.

I'll tell you one thing I know.

Someone should've told you
never to drink and drive.

Good night, Michael.

Sleep tight.

Oh, I'm so glad you're home!



What are you doing here?



What do you...
You just got here.

Well, I can see
you have other plans.

She's a friend. She came
up to see the view.

Oh right...

come on there's nothing going on.
You've got to believe me.

No, I don't.

You're crazy.
What are you doing?

You just flew , miles.

And now you're gonna
turn around and go back?

You're absolutely right.

I flew here
to tell you something.

We are through, Billy.

Oh, this is so stupid.

No, I am...

for thinking you
might actually try

to make this work between us.

I am trying!

Like that?

Don't bother.


Are you here?


What the hell is this?

Answer me!

I don't know what you mean.

You going to stand there
and play dumb?

It's down there.
I saw the cocaine.

You shouldn't have
been snooping around.

I don't believe this.
You lied to me.

You lied about your prison
time, about this boat.

You... you lied about...
About everything!

Everything was going so well.

You had to do it...
Didn't ya?

You had to ruin everything
by being curious.

You know what? It
k*lled the cat, Jo.

I'm leaving.

I don't think so.

Let go of me.

You're not going anywhere.

Let go of me! You're
hurting me! Aah!

♪ ♪
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