02x15 - Under the Mistletoe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x15 - Under the Mistletoe

Post by bunniefuu »

I was beginning to think you
were gonna sleep all day.

Things got out of hand
last night, huh?

Was it that bad?

No. It was just the opposite.
It was terrific.

It was all I dreamt about.

Billy, you don't have
to be this neurotic.

Really, am I being neurotic?

Well, with how upset
you were at Alison

and me trying to deal with
Jake's and my breakup,

it's natural we'd end
up in bed together.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Then why do I have

this overwhelming desire
to apologize?

What for?

You were incredible last night.

Better than ever.

Who is it?

It's me, Alison.

Hi. Hi.

I wanted to catch you
before work.

I am so behind on
my Christmas shopping.

I wonder if
I can have the day off?

Come in and have some coffee.


You know Alison, I don't think I
have to tell you how the brass

hates it when underlings
miss the annual office party.

Oh, good morning, Nikki.

This is for you.

I made one for everyone. See?

It's got your name on it.

That's great.
That's really terrific.

I've got Jake's, too.

Could you give it to him?

Sure. You bet.

Merry Christmas.

There you are.

Man, where you been?

Alison got back yesterday.

She must have called five times.

I was at this club
all night partying.

There were these twins,

and somehow I ended up
back at their place.

Next time take me along.

My life went to hell yesterday.

What? You and Amanda?

Hit the fan with her old man.

He was arrested,

and she went ballistic...

Blamed me for everything.

She even threatened to throw me
out of the apartment building.

Do you believe that?

Man, that... that's awful.

I just want to get out of here.

Forget the airlines, I mean...

I've been trying for
a week to get a ticket

to see my mom
and my sister in Denver,

and every flight's booked solid.

If that's Alison or anyone,
I'm not here.

You haven't seen me yet.

Hi. Is he back yet?

Uh, I'm sorry, no.

Could you tell him
when you see him,

tell him I need to talk to him.

If he could just stop
by my office after work.

It's the office Christmas party,

but we can talk.

No problem.

O.K. Great. Uh, thanks.

I'll see you later, Jake.
Merry Christmas.

Did you get all that?


Sounds to me

like she's looking
for a reconciliation.

You don't understand, she went to
Steve's ranch to sleep with him.

She got back awful quick

if that's what she did.

If I were you, I'd give
her a chance to explain.

That's a hell of a lot
more than Amanda did for me.

Yes. No. Thank you.
I'll try again later.

Hey, how did it go?

Delivered them all.

Everyone really likes them, too.

I bet.

Ahh. Listen, still no luck
getting your mother.

The operator thinks that there's
a strike going on in Moscow.

But I'm sure we'll get a hold
of her before Christmas.

Did you mail my letters?

One to your mother,
one to Santa Claus... both...

on their way.

You still haven't told me

what you want for Christmas.

If you could have anything,
anything at all...

what would it be?

You already said
we're getting a tree.

As big as you want.

Can we have a party, too?

Have all the neighbors
and everybody over?

Sure, I think that
we could do that.

Is there anything else?

Well, the one thing
I miss the worst

that I haven't seen
in a long, long time

is snow.

I wish more than anything

I could see snow again.

Um, I tell you what,

why don't we rent
a video White Christmas?

Because here
in southern California,

that's as close
as we'll get to snow,

but the rest of it...
I guarantee.

Nothing like doing all
your Christmas shopping

in one lunch hour.

Did you hear it's going to get

down to the s by Christmas?

Next you'll be
giving me that crock

about L.A. Having seasons.

You're certainly
filled with the spirit.

I'm sorry. I'm having
trouble getting into it.

In fact all day today, I've
been trying to figure out

a way to go to bed tonight

and not get up till January nd.

Is this a lifelong
aversion or something new?

New. Last year with Jake and me

is when things got started.

Christmas eve
was our first kiss.

It's weird. I've always felt
Christmas could cure anything.

Except a maxed-out credit card.

You thought I was going to say

broken heart, didn't you?

I'm nuts, aren't I?

Billy's never
going to forgive me.

Before christmas? Unlikely.

Even with a miracle.

But I didn't sleep with Steve.

I went up to his ranch and
I told him I love Billy.

Steve and I are finished.

We never even got started.

When Billy finds that out,
it's got to mean something.

I wouldn't expect
too much right away.


I say you and I spend
Christmas together...

Sans men. Huh?

We should do something
decadent and fattening,

like drown our
sorrows in eggnog.

Ahh. The old
"bah, humbug" treatment.

That's it. Bah, humbug.

That's the spirit.


You know, the problem with
putting the tree here

is I can't see the TV.

I thought you were
getting the lights on.

I got halfway up, then ran
into a little obstacle.

Come on, it's not that big.

A dwarf tree would have been
better or maybe a gimp tree.

Maybe they have gimp trees,

trees for the handicapped,

no tree taller than feet.

Alright so what do you
want me to do?

Unless you can figure out a way
to get me out of this chair,

there's not a hell of
a lot you can do.

You're the only one
who can do that Michael.

At least, that's what your doctors
and therapists keep saying.

Oh, damn it.

Don't you see?

This is all a lie...

Decorating trees,

us living together,

me pretending I'll get out
of this chair someday.

And, uh...

you're in love with
someone else, not me,

and that's not going
to change, is it?

Once again,
this is about Robert.


this is about me
being half a man,

and that's not a life.

That's a joke.

What a delightful surprise.

Yeah, well, actually...

I tried all day
not to think about it...

What happened last night?

What can happen in the future
between the two of us.

I gotta know if you
told anybody about this?

Are you kidding?

I assumed for the time being,

we'd keep it our little secret.

Adds to the excitement
don't you think?

You know what you need?


Don't move.

Oh, you came.
I was getting worried.

Alison, look, uh...

Not here.
We need a place to talk.

Before you say anything,

I have to tell you what
happened at the ranch.

Doesn't matter.

Nothing happened.

I looked at him, and I realized

that he has qualities that
really aren't important to me,

that you're what's important
to me, what we had,

and still have...

The comfort of something
we worked so hard for

that in the end really works.

I love you...

and I want us to get
back together.

I know it might be too late.

It is.

Whether or not you slept
with him isn't the point.

You wanted to.

Billy, please.

No. The answer's no.

What was that all about?

Oh, nothing much.

Just another Christmas
wish up in smoke.

Here we are.

Hey, who's this?


Colleen, this is Michael.

How do you do Michael?

I thought we agreed no nurse.

I won't be here this weekend.

I'm spending Christmas
with Robert at his place.

I see.

And I don't have
any say in this?

No, actually, you don't.

I've decided that I won't
let you ruin my christmas.

I'm sorry
if that disappoints you,

but that's the way
it's going to be.

I believe this, I really don't.

Here's a list of numbers where
I'll be, names of neighbors'.

If you need anything...

What, no bedtime?

You always got to give
the sitter a bedtime.

Goodbye, Michael.
Merry Christmas.

I can't... Jane!

I'll put this
as gently as I can.

You're fired.

I'll see that you're paid
for the whole time.

Your ex-wife indicated

if you tried
something like that,

I'm to ignore you.

Look, you really want
to spend Christmas here?

You must have a family.

I get double-time
during the holidays.

I'll give you triple.

O.K., let me put this
as simply as I can.

Mrs. Mancini hired me.

I take my orders from her.

The self-pity act really annoys
me, so keep it to yourself,

and we'll both get along
a lot better.

Where'd you go to nursing
school, Guantánamo?

As you'll see, I'm no Florence
Nightingale, Dr. Mancini.

This isn't going to be a picnic.

First off, if that's
what I think I smell,

you, sir, need a bath.

No way. Somebody help.

Excuse me.

Cold enough out here or what?

I've got shopping left to do.

How's your father doing?

Your concern is ill-timed.

As for my threat to evict
you, it wasn't idle.

I'm still looking
for a viable way.

Although, you can relax.

I'm sure it won't be until
after the holidays.

I explained to you my position.

I didn't have a choice.

There are always choices, Jake.

Intelligent people,
caring people

try to make the right ones.

What would you have done
knowing what I knew?

My father isn't a criminal. If you bothered
to asked me, come to me, or my father...

What would you have said?
What would you have done?

I would have explained it.

The FBI didn't give me a
choice, I told you that.

They made me go along.

You could have warned us.

Now it's too late, now there'll be a trial.
My father's ruined.

And so is anything
that was ever between us.

Do you honestly believe
that he's innocent?

Yes, I do.

You know my father
warned me about you.

He said, "don't get involved"

with a gold-digging
grease monkey."

that was my one big mistake...

Not listening to him.

Here you go, Jo.
Thanks for the business.

Did you know that Matt's
putting together

a Christmas eve party for Nikki?

He'd like everyone to be there.

I'll try.

Excuse me, waitress.

Coming. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for waiting.
Can I help you?

No, but I can help you.

Lauren, I didn't
know it was you.

Can you take a break?

Not really, we're swamped.

Just for a second.

A little present to get
you through the holidays.

There's also a date
who goes with it.

I hope you don't have plans.

No. No sweat.

You know Syd, now that you're
my number-one girl,

you should really think
about dumping this job.

I can't, it's like my cover
with my sister and everyone.

Have it your way.

Merry Christmas.

Happy new year.

To you, too.

Hey, who was that?

Oh, just another irate customer.

Can't please everyone.

Syd, wait.

What's that for?

Your tip.

Oh, right. Thanks. See you, Jo.

Oh, look, a package from mommy.

Whoa, wait a minute.

Hey, slow down.

"For Nikki."

"To Nikki."

"For Matt."

See, she didn't forget you.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, check this out.

"Dear Nikki, here are
all your presents.

"I will miss you so much
this Christmas,

"but you will be here
in my heart,

as you are always."
Come here you.

What do you think
he'll bring you?

Me? I already got my present.

I get to spend
Christmas with you.

You're my best friend, Matt.

Know what? That makes me happy.

It makes me
very, very, very happy.

Nikki's just a kid. Anything
green will suffice.

You're the one who can't
make up his mind.

I found three already.

feet's a little high
for Matt's apartment.

So, why did we volunteer
for this anyway?

I can only speak for myself. These days
I'd do anything to avoid the building

and Alison and everything.

They should put sizes on
these things, like dresses.

Size would be perfect.

Wouldn't it, though?

I don't get you.

Alison wants to patch it up,

and you suddenly start
acting like an idiot.

You and Alison, that's too
good a thing to blow off.

Like you blew off Jo?

That's not the same thing. Jo and
I, we never would've worked out.

Were doomed from the start.

Look! Here's one.

It's a nice shape. It's a good size.
Excellent needles.

If it were a woman,
we could date it.


Wait a second.

Oh, my god. Excuse me,
but we were here...

We saw this first.

We've been here an hour.

What does that have
to do with anything.

There's, like, trees here.

We want this one.

Too late.

There's a solution here.

What, cut it in half?

We get one big tree.

We wanted a tree
for Nikki for a party.

You wanted one
for your apartment.

We'll get one huge tree.

We'll put it in the courtyard.

So everyone can enjoy it.

Works for me.

All right. Me, too.

So which one?

How about... that one?

Anyone bring a forklift?

So how do you want to start?

What's the matter,

you don't like me?

I don't know. I'm just, uh...

it seemed like a good
idea when I called,

but just now...

it's that sad old story...
Nowhere to go on Christmas,

no one to be with, you know.

Could we just... talk?

The price is the same.

Tell me about yourself.

You been doing this long?

No, not really.

I go to college, actually.

I'm going to be a designer,

a clothing designer.

Really? How did you
get into that?

See, I have this, like, really
right-on instinct for it...

What people like.

I just need the training.

It's really exciting to have
your whole life in front of you,

this incredibly bright future,

all the possibilities, you know?

You just have to pay for it.

I'm going to be really
important someday.

I am.

I really am.


There is nothing wrong
with my attitude.

Did I say there was?

You've been implying it
ever since you got here.

Now, I'm in a difficult

and I'm dealing with it, O.K.?

Oh, come on.
You're scared to death.

You're lashing out at everyone...

Me, your wife,
anyone who's in the way.

You think
you're the first person

that was ever handicapped?

Well you're not.

Go to hell.

Great. Deny it.

Look, I'm sorry.

It's just...

I don't know. It's...

it's like you said...
I'm scared.

You know, maybe
I'll never walk again.

Maybe I'll never
practice medicine.

Maybe this is it...

this chair.

Maybe I think
about myself too much,

not enough about other people...

what I've done
to other people...

like Kimberly.

Don't break the branches.

Turn it. Turn it.


Why don't you go out
and join your friends?

'Cause they're not
my friends anymore.

More burned bridges.

Too bad.
They look like nice people.


They're all right.

We'll need every
string of lights

from here to Santa Monica.

Actually Jake and I have a
box of stuff from last year.

Three boxes. They're down
in the laundry room.

I'll give you a hand,
if that's all right.

Sure, fine.

You know, Matt was looking

for somebody to play
Santa at Nikki's party.

You're the only one
I could think of

with actual experience.

That's probably why
he hit me up.

Oh, sorry.

Wasn't really a recommendation.

I just mentioned it.

Well, unfortunately, I'm going
to be leaving for the airport

first thing in the morning.

With any luck, I'll spend Christmas
with my mom and my sister.

Oh. Say hi to them for me.

I will.

Well, have a good trip and a
merry Christmas and all that.

You, too.

Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.

How long has it been since
your last confession?

I don't know. A long time.

A couple years.

I've lied...

to my family...

to my sister...

about what I'm doing...

how I earn my money.

I know I've hurt them by lying.

I mean, it feels that way.

See, father...

I'm a prost*tute.

I give men sex for money...

and I use dr*gs sometimes to...

make it easier.

It is a mess.

And I'm ashamed.

I am so ashamed.



and Sanders.

Sorry folks, that's all
we've got room for.

Excuse me, do you know when
the next flight to Denver is?

I'll take a connecting
flight, anything.

One through Houston
leaves in five minutes.

It's the "B" concourse.
What gate?

I think. Thank you.

Um, Denver, the next flight?

"C" concourse,
gate B, flight .

"C," "C."

Do you have any room
for standbys?

We're overbooked. Sorry.

When's the next flight?

To Denver? Our last
flight's at : .


Going out?

You're taking me to Robert's

where Jane is staying.

I am, am I?

I decided to go to the party.

Correct me if I'm wrong, you
weren't invited to that party.

Is that on Jane's list, too...

"don't let Michael out"?

I won't let you go over there and
make a fool out of yourself.

That's not my intention.

That's what's gonna happen and
you know it.

What happens happens.

I'm not letting this evening
go by without seeing her.

Yeah, I need a cab.

Melrose Place, apartment .

Oh, and by the way,
I'm in a wheelchair.

You have a problem with that?

Oh, good.

Thank you.

Well, this might
just turn out to be

a merry Christmas after all.

To my friends, to all of you,

but especially to Jane,

the first and only woman

to come into my life
and change it

so significantly,
so wonderfully.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas. Cheers.

Merry Christmas.

I'm so glad you're here.

Me, too.

Excuse me, Jane. Can we
borrow him for a minute?



My god, Michael. What are you doing here?
Are you crazy?

Hey! Hey!

Great. I didn't
tell the guy to wait.

Where's the nurse?
Where's Colleen?

Back at the apartment.

Look Jane, we got to talk. This
is going to amaze you, though.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

No, it can't. Michael please!

I'm not here to make a scene.

I wanted to say I'm sorry

to you and Robert both

for being such a jerk
for so long.

I couldn't let Christmas come and
go without telling you that,

without apologizing.

Whatever the reason,
you shouldn't be here.

What the hell is this?
What are you doing here?

I came to apologize.
I was just telling Jane.

I don't care, I don't wanna
hear it, get out of here.


No! I'm sick of this.

Every time we plan anything,

smart ass steps in to ruin it.

I think that would be wheels in.

Jane, come back inside.

Look, man,
I came to say I'm sorry,

and I'm going to say it.

Now, I am sorry, Jane.

And I'm sorry, Robert.

I have been a complete
bastard or a smart ass,

as you put it.

You know, I never wanted
to end up like this,

be this kind of burden
to anyone...

and I had no right,
and I mean no right at all,

to get in the way
of your guys' relationship.

I mean it.

Fine. Apology accepted. Jane.


We can't just leave him here.

Jane... Jane, he's right.

You guys go ahead. It's O.K.

Have a merry Christmas, you two.

Look, I'm sorry, Robert.

I'm not leaving him here.

I'm going to drive him home.

I'll call you later.

You know what? Don't bother.



Whoo-hoo! Put it in there.

Go for it.

Go for it.

Careful of the reindeer.


Whoa! It's huge! Yay!


Very well done.

All right.

This weather is unbelievable.

Yeah. I hear all the
apartments are freezing.

How's yours?

Nice and toasty, I bet.

Look I'm here for the kid.

If we're gonna get through this night, I
think we should just ignore each other.

You started it.

Ho ho ho!

Ha! Merry Christmas!

Hey, you can't hide from me.
I'm Santa Claus!

Come out and let me look at you.

How about a big hug for Santa?

What do you say? Come here. Ohh.

Ohh, ho ho.

Thanks for coming, Billy.

Billy? Who's Billy?
Never heard of that guy.

Come and get it!

We got gifts for everyone.

Dig in! There you go!

Where'd you get all this stuff?

The bargain table
at the airport gift shop.

This is for me? Thank you.

Hey, Santa.

How's it going?

Pretty fair, pretty fair.

Sorry there's nothing
special in there for you.

Ah, you're here. You stayed.

That's the best present ever.

Thank you, Santa!

What did you get?

Hey, Syd!

Where are you going?
Why don't you join us?

That's O.K.

You know me and parties.

Always a disaster.

Are you O.K.?

I'm fine.

Really I am.

I'm just kind of
all partied out.


Merry Christmas, though.

I really mean that.


It's perfect for you.

Hey, Matt, your phone's ringing.

You, come over here, you.

What is this?


Katya, hi.

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse ♪

♪ Open ♪

♪ Sleigh ♪ ♪


Yay! Yay!


This is the best party
I've ever been to.

Thank you, Matt.


That was your mother
on the phone.

I was gonna put you on,
but we got cut off.

But she had great news.

She's decided to stay in Moscow.

She's got you on a flight
there to be with her,

so I'm taking you
to the airport.


I'm going to see mommy!

Caught in the act.

I was hoping to be gone

by the time you got up.

I wanted you to have something.

I hadn't really
gotten you anything.

I didn't know
you still had your key.

Well, what can I say?

Unfortunately, I don't have
anything for you either.

Guess I'd sort of given up.

Yeah, well, I...

I gave you enough reasons to.

I can't blame you
for being angry.

I acted like an idiot,

like everything I don't
like in other people.

I overlooked the one
most important thing.

You chose me and not him.

Oh, Billy, it was always you.

You have to know that.

Well, I didn't.

But now I do.

You know, uh...

I always wanted
to kiss Santa Claus.

The lap-sitting
never worked for me.

Well, now's your big chance.

Oh, man, am I glad

I didn't get on that plane.

Me, too.

No, Michael.

I can't accept it.

Come on, think of it more
as a thank-you gift

than a Christmas gift.

I ordered it a couple weeks ago
when you agreed

to let me stay here.

Come on.


You always did have
good taste in jewelry.

They're beautiful, Michael.


You know me.

I always get gifts for everyone.



Well, at least they're not skis.

You're terrible.

I love it. This is great.



Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Listen, uh...

can you come outside
for a minute?

Go ahead. I'm fine.

Look, I'm sorry
about last night.

I... I just couldn't leave him.

No. I was the one
that was out of line.

This is for you.


Go on, open it.


I don't know what to say.


O.K., I'm coming.

I know. You don't
like me coming here,

but on Christmas, I like to
deliver my gifts personally.


Christmas baskets are
making a comeback, I hear.

All proceeds benefit...

planned parenthood.

Don't you love it?

This is all of it.

Yeah, your date called this
morning, said you were amazing.

I'm giving you all of it

because I'm quitting.

I'm getting out.

But I realize I owe you for
the dresses and the coke,

and I just want to settle up

and move on.

I was going to
call you today... later.

No further explanation needed.

I understand completely.

It's a shame.

But I guess we'll all survive.

You may be needing this.

You earned every penny
of what I gave you

and then some.

Good luck, Syd.

And remember,

you can always call me.



At this time, we would like
to announce preboarding

on flight to Amsterdam,

connecting to Moscow.

Now, you got your passport,

you got your money,

and don't forget your bag, O.K.?

I've got it.

If you have any questions,

you have any problems,
talk to the stewardess.

She's right there.

O.K., I remember.


This is it.

Goodbye, Nikki.

We'll see each other again.

I'll go there
or you'll come here.

Give my love to
your mother, O.K.?

Remember, no tears.

You promised.

Look at me.

No tears.


I love you, Matt.

I love you.

I love you, too, Nikki.

I'll never forget you.



Come on.

Wait a second.



You want to know something,

all joking aside?

I hope it's that you love
me madly and always will.

You can read minds, too.

It's amazing.

Look up.
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