02x10 - The Tangled Web

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x10 - The Tangled Web

Post by bunniefuu »

Morning. / Hi.

Man, not again.

Oh, I'll talk to the gardeners

about adjusting the sprinklers.

So, you two going out
to breakfast?

Work, actually.

Yeah, getting an early start.

Amanda, do you realize
this makes a whole week

I've gotten there before you?

How about that? How about that?

Oh, remember...

McMillan presentation. : .

Mmm. What's your hurry?

Work, a living.

That thing called a paycheck.

This is all very tempting, Jake,

but if it's O.K.,
I'd like to keep

nocturnal activities nocturnal.

O.K. I'll make us
a pot of coffee,

and we'll talk.

Somewhere I heard conversation
was important to a relationship.

You're not hearing me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Suddenly you got
something against talk?

I've been over here practically
every night, Amanda.

I just don't want to
start analyzing it,

is that O.K.?

Sure. No problem.

Besides, you have just as many
responsibilities as I do.

I know for a fact my daddy
hates his people being late.

Good morning. Escapade Magazine.

May I help you?

Uh... excuse me.

You know, there's no
smoking in this building.

Great. I can finally quit.

Look, if you're my assistant,
I need coffee fast,

unless, of course,
you don't do coffee,

and that would really stink.

Hi. Celia Morales.
New staff writer.

Yeah, Billy Campbell,
and you're sitting...

I lost my real job at the
city desk at the Times,

thanks to cutbacks.

Their excuse for "screw
her, hire a guy."

So are you my assistant?

Let me rephrase. Do you talk?

Yeah, yeah, occasionally
I come up for air.

No, I'm not your assistant.

I'm a staff writer,
the same as you.

Excuse me. How thoughtless.

Another senior correspondent.

You know, I'm curious, did the
word "no" ever come to mind

when you were offered this job?

That's the funny thing about

It a makes yes-man out
of the sturdiest of us.

You've met, I see. Good.

Yeah. We were just
getting acquainted.

Celia, sweetie, your desk is
the last on the left there.

Billy can show you around
once you get settled in.


Thanks for the loan, Campbell.

You got it, Morales.

"Pain in the butt" personality,

but she's really talented.

So listen to what she says.

She may get some fresh ideas.

Who is it?


How did you find me?

Does it matter?

Michael, I have nothing
to say to you.

I'm not here about me.

Michael, nothing
matters anymore.

I'm going home...
Going back to Cleveland.

That's why I'm here.

What is this, throw out
the career with the boyfriend?

I've made up my mind.

Look, Kimberly, I may be
the biggest idiot in the world

when it comes to relationships,

but I do understand
the medical world.

And you're on the fast track
to a good practice.

You'll have doctors
knocking down your door.

Stop this, Michael.

I don't want to carry
the guilt of that, too, O.K.?

The guilt that you blew your
entire career on account of me.

You're too damn good a doctor.

The hospital needs you.

O.K. Deal.

You come back, I swear
I'll leave you alone.

It'll be medicine only.

Doctors. Colleagues.

Just don't leave.

I'll consider it.
That's all I'll say.



I think you better leave.


That's it for the
initial print campaign.

Jo suggested a sepia tone.

I like that idea.

Well, let me jump right in
with my concerns.

I suppose this approach
could be perceived

as subtle and classy,

but you're focusing
on Steve's image

and overlooking the product,

a product that needs explaining,

a product that needs
technical data.

This is not a car.

We can't sell it on looks alone.

Anyway, I'm sorry to leave you
in ruins,

but I have a meeting upstairs.

I'm sure we'll
work something out.

Well, I suppose
there is some validity.

There's not a word of validity.

I love this approach.

It's right in line
with what we discussed.

Excuse me a moment.

Just when you think
it's working out.

At least it is in the
romance department.

Yeah, not that a romance is
something I want right now...

or need,

but Steve is so amazingly
interesting and bright

and available.

Oh, you'd have to be crazy

to walk away from
something like that.

Out of your mind.

You know, if you hadn't
set us up,

this never would have happened.

I owe you one.

Don't worry about it.

Amanda, have you got a second?

Of course.

I just want you to know that

I disagree with
your opinions %.

Well, that's certainly
your prerogative.

And it's my campaign.
I call the sh*ts.

Is that clear?



Mr. McMillan,

I have over five years
advertising experience.

I know what I'm talking about.

What I saw in there
isn't going to work.

Then it's all our butts,
isn't it?

No. Just Alison's.

She's bad news,
this Celia person.

I can feel it.

Give her a break.
It's her first day.

You just get confident
at a job, start to relax,

and along comes somebody
to screw it all up.

Give her some time.
I'm sure she'll warm up.

I hate double dates.

Billy, it's Friday...
The weekend.

No more grousing
till Monday, okay?

I was just expressing
an opinion.

They should make
every night dance night.

Two beers, please.

Is he a great dancer, or what?

Another surprise.

I'm surprised myself.

All I keep hearing about
is how hard you work.

Well, Jo's a good influence
on me... or a bad one.

Come on, I like this song.
Come on.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm too tired.

Alison, go dance with him.


Billy, stop it.

If I make this, we win.

Keep at it, man,
we got bucks on this.

Don't scratch.

Aah! bucks, guys.

I'll get it, I'll get it.
You got the drinks.


Like he can't afford it. Shh!

I've got a great idea,
why don't you all

come up to the ranch
this weekend.

We'll get an early start,
we'll do some horseback riding,

some swimming...
What do you say?

Yeah, I've been dying
to see that place.

It is so beautiful.

Billy, it's up to you.

Who am I to stand
in the way of a good time?

Great. It'll be fun.

Oh, one last dance.

You are wonderful.
Do you know that?

Yeah, a real saint.

Look on the bright side.
It's Friday.

You got the whole weekend
ahead of you.

I'm working this weekend.
We're two cars behind.

All weekend?

Just about. I'm sorry.

I could talk to the boss.

I don't think so.

It was a joke, Jake.

What do you say we
go straight to bed?

Now, there's
something different.

Is that a complaint?

Did it sound like one?

Get the lights, would you?

Good night. Good night.

I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.

So where'd you learn
to sh**t pool like that?

Oh, around.




Isn't it incredible?

Reminds me of the Ponderosa.

Hoss, little Joe, we're here.

Thank you for doing this.

Hey, now, none of that
till after sundown.

Jo's down at the stables
checking out the horses.

I still don't get why you
insisted on bringing two cars.

Yeah, I've been wondering
the same thing.

Well, emergencies.
You never know when

someone may have
to go back early.

I'll give you a hand
with those bags.

That's O.K., I got it.

Go ahead, Alison. I'll catch up.


It's the last door,
end of the hallway.

I hope Amanda's
calmed down by now.

What's the story there anyway,
office politics?

Worse. She used to be
Billy's girlfriend.


Really, I think it's
just a slight grudge.

I mean, really,
we're all over it.

If she's still upset,

it's subconscious or something.

Still, that puts you in
an awkward position.

Yeah, it hasn't made things
any easier with Billy,

especially with Amanda
living right upstairs.

I'll protect you from Amanda.

She has no power over clients.

Here we go.


So what to you say
we go down to the stables?

Sorry. Not me. I don't ride.

We'll just hang around here and
do some fishing or something.

Come on, Alison,
you love to ride.

Go with them. I'll
be fine, really.


O.K., we're off, then.
We'll see you.

Make yourself at home.

Jo must be out here somewhere.

I wonder if you have any idea

what you have up here.

If you're asking me
if I appreciate it,

yes, I do.

It would be nice to have
someone to share it with.

I know... corny line.

You could have anyone you
want, and you know it.

Not anyone.

Whoa... easy now.

There we go.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, slow down.

Yeah. Whoa!

Hey, guys.

I changed my mind.

There's nothing to this
riding thing after all.

Easy, boy, easy.


Oh, my God! Billy!

Are you O.K.?

Oh, yeah.

I don't believe you.

Well, tallyho and all that crap.


You sure you want to do this?

Yeah. He's a good boy.
Come on. Come on.

I'll race you back.

No. You don't understand.

Tax problems are a good thing.

You want to have tax problems.

Whatever you say, Palmer.

I thought you were working.

Oh, it's his fault. He's right.

I took him out to celebrate.

International deal,
Tokyo wants six of them.

Exactly how much have
you two had to drink?

Oh, a few. Too many.

Boy, oh, boy,

The things you learn
after a couple of drinks.

You never told me
you hated broccoli.

Daddy, I'm calling you a cab.

Already got one.
It's waiting out front.

Jake, enjoyed myself today.
Let's do it again real soon.

You bet.

If you're ever wondering
what she sees in you,

it's me.

You're just like her old man.

Bye, daddy.

Oh, he is a great guy.

Sorry to break up
all your male bonding.

I've been dying to make love
to you all afternoon.

I like the idea of that.

You know, talking to your dad,

I got a really interesting
picture of the Woodward clan.

I got to say my
curiosity is aroused.

Maybe I wasn't clear.
So is mine.

I hardly know you.

You know enough.

I don't know anything
about your childhood.

If you're asking if
I pulled the wings off flies,

I stopped just short.

I'm serious.

O.K., it was happy and normal.
How was yours?

Lonely and miserable.

See, I don't need to know that.

I want you to know that.

What difference does it make?

We're connecting now,
in the present.

Why do guys have to
complicate things?

'Cause that's what
relationships are about...

Complicating things, getting
to know each other.

Did you always want
to be in advertising?

Jake... Were you into sports?
Voted prom queen?

Most likely to succeed?

Did they still call
you Mandy in college?

Don't ever call me that.
What, Mandy?

What's wrong with Mandy?

It was good enough
for Barry Manilow.

Good night, Jake.

Steve... Yeah?

Do you feel like we're, uh...

I mean, does it feel
like we're rushing it?

Sometimes, yeah.

Other times I wonder
what we're waiting for.

You know that guy this morning

when you picked me up... Jake...

We went out for a while.

I mean, we actually,
um, lived together.

I really thought I was over him.

Does it ever happen to you,

you know, where you think
you've dealt with it,

then, wham, all of a sudden
it's right back there

in your head rattling around
like loose change or something?

Am I being turned down here?

No, no.


I guess I just
first need to know

what you're thinking.

A lot of the same things as you.

I mean, in a way, I'm trying
to get over someone, too.

Oh, I didn't know.

It never works, does it?

What's that?

Immersing yourself
in someone new

to get over someone else.

I guess we're living proof
of that, aren't we?


Well, we sure opened
a can of worms.

It doesn't change the fact

that I think
you're very beautiful.

Just the same,

I think it's separate
bedrooms for tonight.

Good night, Jo.

I was not trying to spy on you.

Right, you just decided
to take up riding

having never been on a horse

or shown any interest
in your life.

Billy, this is a pattern
with you.

I can't know anyone
of the male persuasion

without at some point risking his
life, my life, and your life.

This is exactly the same
thing you did this with Keith.

Yeah, and I was right, wasn't I?

Steve is in love with Jo.

Can't you see that?

No, I don't see that.

I see two people
trying really hard

to make something work
that obviously doesn't.

Allison, he is attracted to you.

So what if he is?

People can be
attracted to each other.

But if they don't
do anything about it,

what difference does it make?

I have seen you ogling strange
women on the street.

That doesn't mean
anything's going to happen.

So how long have you
been ogling Steve?

You are impossible.
You really are.




Is everything O.K.?


No. Everything's a mess...

Shouldn't you and Jo be, like...

forget it.

It's none of my business.

Shouldn't you and Billy?

You know, it's a waste
of a wonderful evening.

I can't.

How's that back?

Oh, it's better.

I don't know if Alison told you,

but we're gonna be leaving.

I got to get back,
catch up on some work.

Look, I know what
you're thinking.

Alison and I have spent a lot
of time together lately,

but I want to reassure you

nothing's going to happen
between us except business.

Our relationship's
completely platonic.

Platonic. Yeah.

To tell you the truth,
I never thought otherwise.




Your bag is still in the room.


Where's Jo?

She's inside packing.

We're heading back, too.

Look, let me explain last night.

No. No.

This scares the hell out of me.

I finally...

For the first time in my life...

Have everything I want,

and then you come along...

and I can't stop these feelings.

I'm ready. Let's go.

Thanks for the weekend.


We'll see you later. See you.

Dr. Lopez to cardiology.
Dr. Lopez to cardiology.



Sorry it took so long.

Oh, no problem.


-year-old with
suspected brain tumor.

The only way to know is to look.

Second opinion.

Clear as a bell.

How about that? He's fine.

Happy ending.

Good days and bad days.

This must be one
of the good ones.

So far.

I can't believe we beat
Billy and Alison back.

I hope they didn't get lost.

Well, I had a really great time.


I know it didn't
work out last night.

Well, let's not worry about it.

It doesn't have to
end though, does it?

It's certainly
a lousy way to begin.

Jo, I don't think we're
the kind of people...

Either of us...
Who accept second best.

We tried, and it didn't work
out... so goes it.


So... So...

I'll see you around.

Right, yeah. See you around.


You should check the tread
on these things occasionally.

You're the one who insisted
on taking back roads

and every corner
at miles an hour

no matter what
the posted speeds were.

I'll bet Steve's Range Rover
wouldn't have these problems.

He's got ranch hands besides.

Everything becomes
Steve's fault.

Yeah, well, you got to admit,

life was rolling along
pretty well

until he waltzed into it.

What do you want, to
live in a bubble?

We work. We meet people.

You don't see me getting jealous
of this new writer Celia.

Oh, I hate Celia.

The first time I mentioned
Steve, just mentioned him,

you were jealous,
and now it's getting worse.

This is just ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous.
You know, I'm being up front,

I'm telling you
exactly how I feel.

You're the one...
You won't even admit

that you're fascinated
with this guy..

What woman wouldn't be?
I'd k*ll to be him.

He's smart, he's handsome,
and he's rich.

Maybe you do belong
with a guy like this,

and I'm just an idiot
for standing in your way.

Maybe the mature thing to do
is just to hand you over to him.

Great. Like I'm
some kind of used car.

Admit it, you like him,
all right, just say it.

You're insane.

You're insane.

Get it! Oh!

All the way! Oh! Aah!

Oh, my hip.

Ho ho. Oh.

Oh, you're right.

We are insane.

Certifiable. Oh, God.


I love you so much.


Ow ow ow. Ho ho ho.


I heard a rumor that
Amanda was gonna turning off

the heat in the pool.

Ha. I wouldn't be surprised.

Are you O.K.?

I thought I was.

I thought I was doing a
great job of being O.K.,

and then I made a huge mistake

and tried to go to sleep.

Something happen
up at the ranch?

I told Steve

that I was still
getting over Jake.

And then he told me
there was someone

thathe was getting over.

Steve's on the rebound?

I had no idea.

Yeah, neither did I.

So, anyway, I suggested
slowing down,

and he suggested stopping.

You broke up?

I think so.

I mean, he's so
interesting and...

we feel so good together.

I... I... I...

it just seems like he's
looking for an excuse...

and then I provided one.

I mean, I could call...

I could call and make
that effort, you know.

But if it's not what he wants,

or if he's still going to
pursue this other

mystery woman, then...

oh, God, what do I do?


I don't know.

I don't know what you do.

Spending all this time
with your father

has me thinking about my father.

Don't you think
about your family,

about the past, about the
baggage that we carry?

I try to reserve time
in the daylight hours.

There you go.
That thing that you do...

The little jabs of sarcasm.

I'm a naturally
humorous person, I guess.

Know what I think it is?

I think it's how you keep
from talking about yourself.

You're like a boxer, you're
bobbing and weaving and avoiding.

And I don't buy this thing
about everything for today,

in the moment,
and screw the rest of it.

You're talking about
private thoughts.

So you do have them.
Everyone has them.

Then what is the big deal?

What, I have to define private?

There you go again.
What do you want from me?

I... I work in advertising,

you work for my dad,
we make great love.

Name, rank, serial number.

Fine! What do you
want to know? Fire away!

O.K., let's start with "Mandy."

Damn you.

I was "Jakey."
Billy is still "Billy."

Come on, what is the big deal?

It's what my mother
called me, all right?

I'd just started sixth grade.

That is a weird year
for a girl...

Really difficult.

My dad was away on business...

and I'd just come
home from school.

Anyway, um...

there's this note on
the kitchen table.

And it says, "I'm going
away for a while."

"I love you, Mandy.

I'll always love you."

I never saw her again.

She deserted us.

Maybe you better go.

Oh, no chance.

I'm thinking of comparing
salaries in L.A.

Men vs. Women.

Well, Nancy will call it a yawn.

Actually, she used
the word "brilliant"

when I pitched it to her
this morning.

She wants it by Wednesday.

Aw. The little woman?

Don't you have to get to work?

I can't. I'm a procrastinator.

I have to wait till the last
minute on everything.

She's very cute, by the way.

She has that wholesome,
girl-next-door look.

I bet everybody says you guys
are the perfect couple, huh?

Heck, maybe you are
the perfect couple.

I know.

I'm going to write an article.

I'm going to call it
The Last Perfect Couple.

You're really starting
to get on my nerves.

You'll need the same
lighting on the computer

as you had on Steve
for the composite to match.

A nice spotlight
effect might work.

Yeah, I've ordered Plexiglas
and a snorkel light.

Great. Anything to add, Amanda?

Not a thing.
All sounds wonderful.

I'm going to be in
meetings all day today.

I'll have to wait to
see the proofs.

You'll call, Alison?

As soon as it's out of the soup.

Looks good, everyone.

I'll walk you down. Excuse me.

So, I guess the perfect
weekend in the country

didn't exactly
turn out that way.

Was that a little
tension I detected

between you and Steve?

Nothing that'll affect
the campaign.

So, you've broken up.

To tell you the truth,

I don't think it really
ever got going.

So are you coming by the sh**t?

Poor Billy. His life
is in shambles again.

I don't understand. Why Billy?

You didn't notice?
I certainly have...

the moment Steve walked
into these offices.

The man has definite
interested in Alison,

but because of
her relationship with Billy,

it's not being pursued.

Amanda, you're crazy.

Alison's totally
in love with Billy.

You mean you didn't wonder
when she set you up with Steve?

You didn't think that
it might be

because she was
tempted by him herself?

Alison can't fall in love

with anyone who's
not already taken.

Ho, and you can?

If this is about Jake,
he pursued me.

Of course he did.

Jake wouldn't have it
any other way.

Jo, don't presume
to know anything

about my relationship with him.

Well, if it's anything
more than sex,

I'd be floored.

It's about a lot more.

It's the most intense
relationship of my life...

And Jake's.

Well, fine.

That's great for you, Amanda.

That's really great
for both of you.

Hi. They thought the blue

would work better than
the neutral gray.

Fine. Whatever.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, I just have a question.

Why didn't you tell me that
Steve was interested in you

before you set us up?

It would've saved everyone
a lot of heartache.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Yes, you do.

And you knew when I told
you that we'd broken up.

You're Steve's unrequited
love, aren't you?

You're the one
he was referring to.

Wait. You said
you weren't ready.

I said I wanted to slow down,
not that I wanted to break up.

Alison, I don't get this.

You fix me up so you can

this little
flirtation with Steve

without Billy getting jealous?

No. I never once...

You've got the most wonderful
guy in the world.

How can that not
be enough for you?

That is enough. I love Billy.

But you can't stay
away from Steve.

He's your dream guy, isn't he...
Rich and brilliant?

He's the kind of guy you've
always fantasized about.

The kind of guy you thought
you'd meet when you came to L.A.


That is not true.

You better hope not.

'Cause if I'm this pissed off,

you can imagine how pissed
Billy's going to be.

More good news. Tokyo's
turning into a gold mine.

Seven more orders.

Can your boys handle it?

As long as you keep
the parts coming in, yeah.

We're running into
back-order hell here.

Let me buy you lunch.
We'll talk about it.

Good deal. Um...

this came in yesterday...

Weekend delivery from overseas.

There was no addressee on it,

so I just opened it up.

It's nothing for you
to worry about.

These are some pretty
impressive figures.

I had no idea we had
a profit margin like that.

Where did you ever learn a
term like "profit margin"?

Well, I did run my own
business, remember?

Well, Jake, uh, I'm sure as hell

not making these cars
to lose money.

I mean, the profits are high

because, uh,
the timing is perfect.

It's simple supply and demand.

And those babies out there
are in big-time demand.

I was only curious.

Let me just clean up
and we'll go.

You know what?

Let's take a rain
check on that lunch.

I got some calls to make.

Sure. Uh, no problem.

You're doing a great job
on these cars, son.

Keep it up.

But leave the business to me.

All right? Mm-hmm.

Celia got us this meeting
with a female movie executive

who gets less than what they're
paying the men under her.

It's just for drinks.
It shouldn't take long.

Do I look O.K.?

Yeah, you look great.

Well, this is a switch.

You leaving me
on account of work.

I'll try and get home early.

Oh, don't worry about it.

I'll just lay around
in front of the TV,

go to bed early.

If it's Celia, tell her
I'm on my way.


Inspiration has struck.
I'm a mile away.

Can I pick you up?

Oh, Steve, I don't know.

This is breakthrough stuff.

I'll be there in a few minutes.


This is a surprise.


Well, actually, uh...

You're here to see Alison.

We got a brainstorming
session planned.

You two. It's just
work, work, work.

Let me ask you something, Steve.

Is Alison the mystery woman
that you're pining for...

The one you mentioned
at the ranch?

I thought so.

Don't work too hard.

Ready to go?

Yeah. Thanks.

Hey, what's this?
No plans tonight?

Not that it's any
of your business,

but Steve and I are
no longer an item.

In fact, we never really were.

So, you can pass that
around the building...

though Amanda
probably already has.

Amanda? What's she
got to do with this?

Why don't you ask her?

Hey. What is this?

Don't just walk away from me.

I'd really love to know
what it is you see in her.

I mean, is it just
the body, just the sex?

Is that why you've been
mousing around about

keeping up a
friendship with me...

'cause you're not
getting enough at home?

I'm trying to keep the peace.

I know you don't
want to hear this,

but Amanda's a good person...

Just like you or anybody else.

Just misunderstood, is that it?

Yeah. In some ways,
that's exactly it.

We all have fears and problems.

She's a snake,

and nothing you can say

will make me believe otherwise.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Listen to yourself.

You're even starting
to talk like her.

How was your swim?

It was a little cold.

Oh, that's my fault.

I adjusted the thermostat down.

The gas bill was k*lling me.

You're upset. What's wrong?

It's Jo. I just ran into her.

She's very angry.

Oh. I'm not surprised.

I heard she broke up with Steve.

It's all over the office.

Well, when I talked to her,

it sounded like
she was blaming you.

She's just lashing out.

Me, you, Alison,
anyone who's there.

I wish there was
something I could do.

She's a good person, basically.

She deserves better.

You constantly surprise me.

You're a good influence.

What do you say
we turn in early?

Mm, I made dinner,

and I thought
we might just talk.

Oh, there's plenty
of time for that...



So I guess all the silence means

you don't like my ideas.

Oh, no, no. They were great.

All of them.

I'm just a little preoccupied.

The beach is an odd
place for brainstorming.

Thank you.

Is it?

You know, when we first met,

it was all just business.

Now, it's rarely that.

I've been a distraction,
haven't I?

The best thing that
ever happened to me.

You said the same
thing about Jo.

I wasn't fair to Jo.

I was wrong to go out with her.

I think the only thing
I was attracted to

was her availability.

Why did you pursue it?

I was hoping she'd get me
over my feelings for you.

Did she?

No, she didn't.

I keep...

hoping every time I see you

that my feelings for you
won't be there anymore...

they'll just...

go away.


really isn't me.

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