02x08 - No Bed of Roses

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x08 - No Bed of Roses

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Billy: Oh, this is really cool.

The boat leaves from
Santa Barbara harbor,

and then we get to spend the whole
day out by the Channel Islands.

Even if we don't see the whales,
we'll still see plenty of wildlife.

You know, there's birds... Have
you seen my blue notebook?

The one with the charts?

Oh, yeah, um...

I think it's over by the TV.

Oh, thanks.

So, then, Saturday night,

we'll get a great dinner and
stay at a bed and breakfast.

We can make love all night long.

Oh, Billy, it sounds great,

but I've gotta work all weekend.

Oh, come on, not again.

I mean, it's great you got your
own client and everything,

but, you know, doesn't
what's-his-name realize

you got a life besides

His name is Steve McMillan,

and if I wanna keep him as a
client, I've gotta work at it.

I know what work is, Alison,
I've been busting my butt, too.

I just thought maybe
we could celebrate my...

My Bryant Hotel article getting
a three-page color spread.

Oh, Billy, that's wonderful.
I didn't know.

There's nothing I can do about the weekend.
It's business.


I probably won't be back
for dinner tonight,

but maybe we can try
tomorrow night?

Celebrate then?

Yeah, sure. Tomorrow night.

Great. Bye.

You're looking at a
reproduction of a Avanti.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, it's just gorgeous, Dad.

And rare, too.

Now, I've decided
to hire some mechanics,

set up a shop,
and make a few myself.

Could turn a nice profit.
What do you think?

That's a great idea.

Morning. You're off to the
salt mines early today.

Yeah, well, my boss is
a real sl*ve driver.

See you there.

I better go change for work.

If the office starts thinking

that girl works harder than
me, I'm in big trouble.

Remember, Mandy... people's
brains are like sponges...

Oh, Jake, I don't think
you've met my dad.

Palmer Woodward, Jake Hanson.

Hi, glad to meet you. Likewise.

Dad's here showing
off his new car.

' Avanti. That's nice.

No. Genuine article.

Been on blocks
some -odd years.

Just cleaned it up
and rolled it out.

Wow, that's beautiful.

Hey, I gotta take off
to a job interview.

I'll talk to you later, all right?

It was nice to meet you, Mr.

I thought you said
it was a reproduction.

Like I was saying, most
peoples' brains are sponges.

They'll sop up anything you tell
'em if you present it right.

Now, just remember that.

Keep your eye on your goal.

Don't worry, Daddy. I am.

That's wonderful.

There has got to be something
sexy about this chip.

I have an idea. Why don't
you come over tonight?

It's a chip. It's
small, it's square.

I'll make you dinner
to celebrate your new job.

Okay, Jake, I'll see
you around : . Bye.

Really, no pictures
of this chip.

How about art that
is lighthearted...

That romanticizes
its abilities...

Strength and speed...
Like a comic book hero.

I don't know. I've
seen that approach.

I really think we need to
stay grounded in reality.

Reality is what we decided it is.
Wouldn't you agree, Steve?

I don't know. I'm inclined
to agree with Alison.

All right, then, what kind of
ground are we talking about?


instead of a superhero,

why don't we use a
picture of you, Steve?

You invented the microprocessor,

you are the power
behind the concept,

and if there's one thing computers
need, it's a human face.

I must say, Alison, the
Chrysler-Iacocca approach

always seemed more of an ego trip
than good advertising to me.

I disagree. I think with
the right personality,

and the right presentation,

putting a face on a product
can be very effective.

Why don't we move on...
Try some fresher thinking?

All right. Whatever you think.


I'd like to try Alison's idea.

Okay. Tell you what.

I've got some
accounts to check on,

and since you two work so well
together, I'll leave it to you.

Thanks, Amanda.

No problem.
I'll check in on you.

She's a little competitive,
wouldn't you say?

You don't know the half of it.

Sometime over dinner
you'll have to tell me.


Uh... excuse me, Doctor?

Urgent matter. May I speak
with you privately?

Oh, sure. Um...

You guys... See you later?


What's up?

Michael, you have to save me.

From what? What's wrong?

From the tuna casserole

at the cafeteria. If I eat one
more lunch there this week,

my digestive system's
going to shut down.

Take me to that little Italian place
we used to go to when we were illicit.

Oh, I'd like to, Kimberly,

but, you know,
I just got a call...

There's some management papers
at the old apartment house

that still have my name on it, so
I've gotta go take care of them.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

But I'm trying to cut off all the
old connections from the past

so I'm more here in
the present... for us.

I'll make it up to you
tonight, I promise.


Come on. Okay.

Okay, okay, okay.

Atta girl.

Dr. Taylor to X-ray,
Dr. Taylor to X-ray.

I can't believe it.
You actually came.

Yeah, I don't
believe it, either.

Got a glass of water
or something?

Uh-huh. Sure.

I haven't had a chance to
decorate or anything yet.


Remember Puddle?

I've had him since I was four.

I don't know why
I've kept him for so long.

I mean, I haven't kept
anything else in my life.

I like to zoom right through, you know?
Travel light.

I must have shown Puddle
to you before.

I don't think so.

Sure, once when you and
Jane were over for dinner.

I remember Dad making some joke
about how I'd never grow up.

You bring protection?


This couple I know,
Chuck and Barbara,

they have a sailboat they're
taking to Catalina this weekend.

They'd like to make it
a foursome.

I mean, they'd really
like to meet you.

You've told them about me?

Yeah, why not?

I mean, it's not often something
this great happens in my life.

That's nice of you to say,

but I don't know about spending
a whole weekend together.

I mean, we haven't really
been going out that long.

You need to get away, Jane.
Have some real fun.

Look, that's all I'm offering...

Three days of sun,
ocean, and great company.

Now, all you need to do is
take Friday off from work

and relax. I'll take
care of everything.

You need to enjoy life again.

Mmm, okay. Let's do it.

You're right. I should get away.

Great. You won't
regret it, I promise.

Well, it's not like my shop was.

It's filled with trendy, chromed-out
low cc bikes and scooters,

but the owner seemed okay,

and he wants me to manage
the place, so I took it.

Is he paying you
what you're worth?

No, he's not,
but in this economy,

having a job
is the status symbol.

Besides, I'll be able
to start paying back Jo

the grand that I owe her.

Probably take me
the rest of my life.

You're better than that,
you know.

Don't start with me

with the modeling thing, okay?

I'm not gonna do that.
It's not me.

Believe me, I know.

What I'm talking about is someone
hiring you to be head mechanic

and paying you top dollar.

Who? Where?

My dad. Your dad?

Well, listen to this.

He's opening a shop to do
Avanti reproductions,

and he needs someone
like you to run the place.

He was just telling me this morning
how he needed a great mechanic.

I don't know, it's...

awfully close, isn't it?

Come on. You are a great
mechanic, aren't you?

You could at least call him.

Well, I guess I could do that.

That's very big of you.

So, uh...

what's goin' on with us, anyway?

I don't know, but, um, I
kind of like taking it slow.

You know what? So do I.

Get outta here.

Thanks for dinner.




Hello, Daddy? I've got a
business proposition for you.

Hi. / Hi.

So, you ready to cast off,
set sail for the sunset?


What's the matter? Did you hear
from Michael or something?

No, no. Come in.

Come on, Jane, what is it?
Is there something wrong?

No, I'm sorry, Robert.

I know you must think I'm
a psycho or something,

but I've been up all night
thinking about this trip,

and... I don't know. Maybe it's the
idea of a whole weekend together.

Maybe it's the metaphor of sailing
away with you, but whatever it is...

I can't do it.

You... you're all packed.

I know. I tried to push through
all the doubt this morning,

but as soon as I zipped up my
bag, it all came rushing back.

Well, I wish you would've
called, or something.

I'm sorry.

I know you think I'm crazy...

Look, Robert, maybe we
should cool it a bit.

Are you saying you want
to end things between us?

No. No, not at all.

I just think maybe I
need a break...

Some time to myself...
I'm not sure.

Okay. Take a break, then.


See ya.



Well, I feel like hell.

Instead of going sailing
for the weekend,

I'm sitting at home with a
headache and a packed suitcase.

Decided not to go?

Alison, I think I've
gone off the deep end.

I'm serious, I...

I wanna be close one minute, and then I
blink my eyes and I wanna be a hermit.

You're not crazy, Jane.

You're going through a huge trauma.
A divorce...

is like a death. You need time
for your emotions to settle.

Least that's what Oprah says.

Oh, God.

Besides, Robert is
your divorce attorney.

No wonder that was confusing.

Have you ever thought
of going out with somebody

not connected to this
whole mess at all?

Oh, I guess that could be okay.

But nobody too intense.

There's a new account
exec at work.

Russell. He seems kind of
smart and fun, sort of...


Yeah. Why don't you
let me set you up?

All right, but you better do it

before I go through
another mood swing.

Okay. Bye.


Well, thanks for seeing me.
I really appreciate it.

I got an open-ended
lease on this place.

Used to be some kind
of, uh, truck dealership

that was mismanaged
into oblivion,

but it's got hydraulics,
oil pits, all the basics.

Parts are gonna be
manufactured in Ohio

and shipped here for assembly.

I need a terrific mechanic who
can oversee other mechanics,

order and organize deliveries.

Who can get the
product out on time.

Amanda said you owned a motorcycle shop.
Do you know cars?

Yeah. Yeah, I rebuild engines.

I worked as a general mechanic.

I've never built from
the ground up, though.

Well, the chassis will be
partially assembled on delivery.

So, uh...

you dating my daughter?

No, we're just friends.

What do you think of her?

Well, I, uh, think she's fine.
I think she's great.

She's the best thing
in my life, son.

Nothing in the world is more
important to me than her happiness.

All right, here's the deal...

I hear you're in a squeeze.

I'll give you
a grand advance,

$ a week for weeks,

$ , a week after that.

That's a pretty generous offer,
considering you don't know my work.

What can I say? I'm fond of
the lady who recommended you.

I appreciate the offer, Palmer.

I'm not looking for
charity, all right?

I'll see you around.

Steve: Alison,
we can do better than this.

I mean, these sh*ts might
as well be on a cereal box.

The faces just lie there.
There's nothing with any depth.

Maybe we should
rethink this approach.

Steve, you've gotta be patient.

We are looking for very
special talent here.

You know, you may not like it,
but Amanda's artwork approach...

It might be the way to go.

Keep looking.

Hey, hey.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Look at the angles
this photographer's using.

Now this is getting great stuff from faces.
Who is this?

Ah, Jo Reynolds. She's great.

You've used her before?

Yeah, and she's a friend.
I'm glad you like her work.

Well, I'm glad
that makes you happy.

You have a wonderful smile.

Do you think it's possible
that maybe, uh,

you and I, you know, maybe
outside of work, could...?

Oh, um... I'm flattered,

but, you know, I'm already
involved with somebody.

Oh, yeah. Look, I'm... I'm sorry.

Yeah, I know. I... yeah...

Sometimes, I get a little
clumsy around women.


It won't happen again.

You're a terrific guy, Steve.

I really mean it.


So, how 'bout you call this
photographer and set up a test sh**t?

I'm available
tomorrow afternoon.


Just a sec.

Sydney: It's me, Sydney.

Hey. How you doin'?

I thought you were headed
out for the weekend.

Oh, well, I changed my mind.

I'm catching up on work instead,

and actually, I'm kinda busy.

I've been poundin' the pavement
so hard lookin' for a job today,

I thought my feet
were gonna fall off.

Is this yours?


God, Jane, your work
has really improved

since the last time
I was out here.

It's, like, real
original, you know?

Thank you, but honestly I do have
a lot of work to do tonight,

so maybe you could just
find something else to do?

I dunno, maybe I could help. I've
got pretty good ideas sometimes.


I'm sorry, I can't
entertain you tonight, okay?

I'm not asking you to.

All right, fine,
then go find something to do

and leave me alone.
I can't be your babysitter.


Sydney, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that.

Listen, I'm no kid,
and I've got plenty to do.

Plenty! I just came by
to be a nice sister

because you're such a mess.

But hey, fine. See ya.

You know, I'm seeing someone.

Did I mention that?
And he is hot, okay?

And he knows what I need,
and it is not a babysitter.

Oh, man.

So, I guess you forgot we're
going to dinner tonight.

The new Chinese-French
place you wanted to go to?

Oh, that's right.

I am so sorry. I got stuck catching
up on everything else at work,

'cause I spent the day
with Steve on his account.

Why is this guy so important, Alison?
I don't get it.

You know, you never spent this
much time on any other account.

Well, it's my first one solo.
You know that.

Oh, good news... I got
Jo a test sh**t.

She's meeting
with Steve tomorrow.

I don't wanna hear it,
all right? I'm... I'm...

I don't wanna hear the guy's name anymore.
I'm tired of it, okay?

I'm glad you're having
such a great time at work,

but, you know, you're not
putting any time in with us.

I mean, does that
matter to you anymore?

Is that important to you?

Of course it is, Billy.

Where's this coming from?

This is my job.

I can't do anything
about it. Besides...

I've asked you to go out
and you've had to work.

Oh, this is not about your job,
this is about your libido.

Don't be ridiculous, Billy.

He is my client. I work with him.
That's all.

I can't believe you're jealous.

What do you expect? All you do
is talk about someone else.

I am too tired, and this is...
too ridiculous.

Fine, you rest.
I'll go for a walk.


It's open.

What is it?

Some kind of childish
pride thing with you?

This is a very good job
you're turning down.

People would k*ll
for this kinda work.

Bull, Amanda.

I know a handout when I see one.
I'm through bein' bought.

I don't believe this!

You are so ungrateful
and stubborn.

Is it so hard for you to believe that
I think you're good at what you do?

That... that my father would
benefit from you working for him?

Or are you so insecure that
you have to turn down a job

because a woman
helped you get it?

I am not insecure, lady.

Looks that way to me, mister.

And I think it's pathetic.

You just can't stand havin'
someone stand up to you, can you?

You had Billy runnin' around
on a leash for months.

Alison is scared
to death of you.

The whole building thinks
you're the Queen of Sheba.

You know what? Doesn't
work with me, okay?

Oh, you're the moody
rebel, huh, Jake?

Go try it on someone else.

You know what? You're
really pissing me off.


If you're gonna kiss me, don't do
that pent-up macho anger thing.

I don't like bruises.




No rough stuff.


This is an interesting turn
of events, wouldn't you say?


Oh, by the way, you owe
me $ for that blouse.

Yeah, well...

You owe me $ .
for the T-shirt.


What do you think this means?
In the larger sense.

Oh, you have nothing
to worry about there.

No, I'm talking
about you and me.

Jake, I don't expect
an engagement ring.

Let's not take things too seriously.
I mean...

last night was great, but who
knows if it means anything?

Oh, come on, it meant
somethin' to you, didn't it?

Well, no, I'm just
saying, no expectations.

I mean, we were in a
fight before things...

got out of hand.

Yeah, that's right, huh? Mm-hmm.

What were we fighting about?

The job, Jake.
If I remember correctly,

you were acting childish,
and I was making sense.

Mmm, right, right. So...

what do I get
if I take this job?

Listen, I think you'd
be crazy not to take it,

but I don't sleep with
anybody for a payoff.

Right. Okay. Come here.

Oh, this is nice.

Billy was... so unsure.

He was in love
with someone else.

And you're not?

No, I'm not. Are you?

Not in the slightest.


That was quite a touch
with that infant, Dr. Shaw.

That big cast saw,
that tiny little foot,

Mom and Dad on the verge
of a nervous breakdown,

and zip, pop,
and everybody's happy.

Thank you for
the compliment, Doc.

And the assist with the parents.


You seem a lot better
today, Michael... happier.

Well, I think I'm finally
putting my old life behind me.


Hmm. I don't know
whose number this is.

Michael, if that is anything
but a medical emergency,

you are not available,
all right?

We are overdue for at least a
cup of coffee before rounds.

Okay, it's a deal.

Nurse Louis to physical therapy,
Nurse Louis to physical therapy.


Hi. Dr. Mancini.

Hi, Michael.
I just got my phone.

You're the first person
I called.

Uh... Yeah, uh-huh...

I see...

You comin' over
for "lunch" today?

I don't know if I can, you know?

And I really
can't talk right now.

I've been lying here on the
bed thinking about you.

Oh, gosh, don't you lawyers
ever stop working?

Sydney: I'm so warm.

Are you?

Uh... all right, all right, um...

I'll come by shortly.

Um, just have those papers
ready for me to sign, okay?

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

Just when you think you're
free, they pull you back in.

Oh, Michael, why do you
have to do this now?

I don't know. It's the
lawyers, honey, you know?

Some papers I didn't sign
this time, or something.

Look, uh... cover me with
Levin on rounds, would ya?

Okay. Thanks.

Be back as soon as I'm done.

And, uh, you know... take
care of that thing for me.

All right, just...

Okay, so we'll do, uh...

A couple rolls in black and white, and
then a whole 'nother set in color.

You know,
but for the actual shot,

I was thinking if we did, like,
an Avedon kind of thing.

Oh, oh, no. That's
too formal, I think.

Oh, okay. Well, we'll see.

So, what's this guy like?

Oh, he's...
He's smart and funny.

I think he'll photograph
really great,

'cause he's got that chin and
cheekbone thing happening.

Well, you sound kind of, uh, how
should we say... appreciative?

Thank God for Billy,

or I would be making a
complete fool out of myself.

Oh, listen, the way
I look at things,

no man is worth a woman making
a fool of herself... period.

Okay, Steve, what do you say
we get a couple of sh*ts off?

Yeah. Okay. Right over here.

Just kinda lean
on the stool, and, uh,

give me a nice, confident smile.

Okay. Keep practicing.

Uh, listen...

I think I might get a better
result if I do this in private.

Alison: Oh, all right. Um...

remember, last time I left you alone with
a subject, the sh*ts came back naked.


Not this time, I promise.

Okay. Thank you.

Have fun.

All right, Steve-a-rino!

What do you say we take the
stick outta your butt, huh?

That's better.

Michael, I know we have
to be discreet and all,

but don't you think we should
be able to go out together

at least once or twice, maybe?

I know... we could go to, like, a
heavy metal club late at night.

No one you know would be
there, that's for sure.


Well, that's great.
Maybe next week, okay?

Since when does Jane swim
in the middle of the day?

I don't know. She's been
on a fitness kick lately...

Sometimes swimming at lunch,
sometimes in the morning.

Yeah? While she's getting healthy,
I'm stuck up here until she leaves.

I got surgery this afternoon.

She'll be gone soon enough.

Besides, we can keep
ourselves occupied.

Is she still seeing that lawyer?

I don't know.

But I wouldn't feel
too guilty about it.

I'm sure she's being
taken care of,

just like I'm taking
care of you.

Guilt has nothing to do with it.

I just hate to see her happy.

Glad you changed
your mind, Jake.

Business is about trust. That's
what I was trying to say yesterday.

I'm sorry if you
misinterpreted me.

Don't worry about it.
It was a misunderstanding.

Sit, sit.
You're the manager now.

Now... you'll be doing
all the parts ordering.

But you're not
out on a limb here.

I've got the vendors lined up.
They know we're building.

Keep good records, make sure those
babies purr when they roll out.

What about mechanics?

I'm sending you some candidates,

but except for the foreman,
it's your call.

Hire or fire who you like.

You make these quality,
we make money.

Oh, speaking of which...

here's your advance.

It's a cashier's check, so I'd
get it into a bank right away.

$ , .

Jane: God, I hate blind dates.

Russell: To be balls-out
honest with you, Jane,

I don't even know
Alison that well,

but I can see she knows
how to get ahead.

She's Amanda's right-hand girl,

and now she's got
her own client...

you can bet I'm gonna be
kissin' up to her every day.

Now, you two are good
friends, right?

The truth... this whole
white bread farm girl thing...

This is a put-on, right?

Actually, Alison's
a very nice person.

Oh, sure she is. You bet.

I adore her. I'm just...
I'm making a little joke.

Have you noticed
that people out here...

They don't seem to have as sophisticated
a sense of humor as they do back east?

God. Now, you're not
from California.

You're not a native.
I can tell that.

How do I know?
You're not shallow.

People here... very
shallow, very shallow.

Have you noticed that?
They have no sense of humor.

I hate that.

I see that in people,
and it makes me sick.


Very shallow.

That's why I'm great
in advertising.

I can be funny, and make money.

It's a great combo.

What the hell
are you doing here?

I thought you were gonna
be at home this weekend.

Whoa, slow down, buddy. I think
you got the wrong table here.

I know my sister
when I see her, buddy.

Uh, Robert, maybe
you should calm down.

I am ashamed of you, Jane.

Mom can't raise your kids
for you, you know?

Someday, you'll have to face
up to your responsibilities.

You got kids? Robert: Yeah.

Think you can take
that on, mister?

You know what? I don't get
involved in family disputes.

Bye. Bye.

Hardly knew her.

Whoa, man. Watch out.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Will you take me home?

You sure?

Oh, yes, I am sure.

All right.

Hey. Hi.

Here you go.

What's that?

It's a check for all
the money I owe you.

We are... free and clear.

I don't want it. I told you, I
want you to have your shop back.

I really don't care
what you want for me.

I don't wanna have any debt.

You just don't get it,
Jake, do you?

It's yours.

The only reason I accepted
it from my husband

was for you to have it...
For your dream.

There isn't any dream.

And there isn't any trust.
Now take the money.

No, you...

You probably borrowed
this from a bank to...

This isn't about debt, is it?

This is about getting even.

Wrong. Take the money.


Who the hell do you
think you are?

Jake, you're hurting...
I don't want your money!

Well, here you are
at home, safe and sound.

Thank you.

I guess I'm not quite ready
for the blind dating scene.

I think you got a little
short-changed on that one.

Yeah, I think I'll have to
talk to Alison about that.

So, how come you didn't
go to Catalina?

Just seemed pointless
without you, I guess.

You know...

when you first came
to the table tonight,

I thought you were really mad.

I was a little bit.

But, it seemed
appropriate, so...

Listen, Jane, I understand.
I mean...

I would've been happier dancing
on a pier in Catalina with you,

but if you need some time,
you got it.

Catalina's not going anywhere.

Robert, I...

really appreciate
your lack of jealousy.

And generosity.

I really appreciate you.


I'm not used to saying this, because I'm
not used to having it in a relationship.

So... thank you.

You're welcome.

And if you're not too busy tomorrow night,
can I take you to dinner and a movie?

It's a date.

Good night.

Good night.

I'm sorry.

Oh, I didn't mean to wake you.



How did the transarterial
switch go?

Oh, it was fine.

How about you?

You on call all night?

Mm-hmm. 'Til tomorrow evening.

What time is it?

Oh, it's about :
in the morning.

How come you're looking
at me all goofy?

I don't know.

I... I've been
thinking, Kimberly.

And, um, I know I've been a
little crazy lately with the...

With the whole divorce
thing, and I, uh... um...

Well, um, with this anger
I've had toward Jane...

I hope I haven't hurt you.

I love you, Kimberly.

I love you, too, Michael.

That's all that really matters.

Oh, that was good. A
nice, light breakfast.

Now back to that ton of
work your father gave me.

Light breakfast?
I saw what you ate.

Eggs scramble with cheese,
bacon, short stack,

and, "oh, ma'am, can I have a side
of those ranchero potatoes, please?"

Well, why do you think they
call it the farmer's market?

You can go in there
and eat like a farmer...

Not just sit down and
eat a fat-free muffin.

Well, still, I don't know how you
keep that flat stomach of yours.

Now I get it.

God, I am so thick, you know?

I'm spending all night
trying to figure it out.

"Why is that money thing
so important to him?"

Come on, Jo, don't do this.

But now I see. You wanna cut
all ties with me, don't you?

You wanna start fresh.

This has nothing
to do with the money.

Clean slate. New woman.

You're amazing, Jake.

But I admire you, you know?

It's so easy for you. No guilt,
no regret, don't look back...

Jo, no one wants
to hurt you here.

Don't worry about me.

No hard feelings.

Mm-mmm. You go right ahead.

He's actually wonderful in bed.

But he's limited in
the conversational skills.

Are you done?

Yeah... I am done.

I'm completely done... with you.

Answering machine: Hi, it's Jo.
Do it at the beep.

Hi, Jo, it's Steve.
Steve McMillan.

I'm sorry to be calling
you on a weekend morning,

but there's something
important I've gotta ask you.

Could you give me a call at the
ranch sometime today? Okay?

Hi? Hello?

Hi, Steve. I was, uh...
I was in the shower.

Um, listen, I haven't finished
developing the pictures, so, uh...




Wait a second, wait a second.

Are you asking me out?

No, no, no. Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm not laughing at you. I'm
just... I'm laughing at my life.

Yeah, I would love to.

Okay. Bye.

Billy Campbell?

Can I ask you a huge favor?

Sure, as long as it has nothin' to do
with your job or anybody at your job.

It doesn't.

Would you take me
to the beach for the day?

My treat. We could go to a little
restaurant in Malibu, have lunch,

lay by the ocean, drive up to Santa
Barbara... whatever you want.

What is this, some kind of bribe?

I just feel badly that I've
been so crazed at work.

I wanted to make it up to you.


Better not be somebody
from D and D.

Hello? Hi, Jo.


Why would Steve
call you this morning?

Oh, perfect.

You're kidding! No, no.

That... that's great.
That's really terrific.

Oh, don't worry
about the prints.

I won't be around today anyway.

Okay. Bye-bye.

Well... Steve asked Jo to lunch
tomorrow, and she's going.

So, are you through
being jealous?

For the meantime.

Right now I'm gonna
go pack my stuff

and go to the beach before
you can change your mind.

Come to think of it, I think that guy
and Jo will make a great couple.

She likes money,
and he's got money.

It's not about money.

He's just sort of mature is all.




Here you go.

It's so cool to be meeting
out in the open, you know?

Uh, Sydney, look... um, this
isn't exactly a social visit.

Okay. So, what's up?

You know me. Anything
I can do to help.

Well, you know, it's been really
great between us and all...

but I'm afraid we're
gonna have to break it off.

I'm sorry, Sydney, but really, we shouldn't
have gotten involved in the first place.

Is this Jane? Did she do this?

She has no right
to be jealous, you know.

You're divorced. You can
be with me if you want to.

Jane doesn't know about us.
She has nothing to do with it.

In fact, nobody knows, and I'd
like to keep it that way.

I can keep a secret. And I'm
free for lunch tomorrow.

Sydney... we can't
do this anymore.

Okay? I'm not gonna come
over for lunch anymore,

and I don't want you
to come by the house.

Why are you talking like this, Michael?
You know it's crap.

It's a free country.
I can visit who I want to.

Excuse me, are we having
a communication problem?

It's over, Sydney.
I'm not kidding.

That's all. Finished.

No way, Michael.
I mean, news flash...

I'm good for you.
We belong together.

Jane's over. Kimberly is over.
I gotta go.

It's you and me now.
You are not leaving me!

If you try to leave me,
I am one little girl

who can make your life
very uncomfortable.

♪ ♪
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