02x05 - Of Bikes and Men

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x05 - Of Bikes and Men

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

I'm moving out.

You're moving out?

Just like that?

I can't stay with a woman
who doesn't trust me.

What's that supposed to mean?

Last night, I asked you if you
thought I burned my shop down.

You never gave me
a straight answer.

And then you acted
like I was a criminal.

Jake, I was so confused.

The police asked me my name,

I asked them
to repeat the question.

I thought you were
dead in there.

There was so much going on.

Doesn't matter
what was going on.

You wouldn't have thought for a
second that I had done that if...

If what?

If you had the same faith in me

that I have in you.

I do.


You're wrong, I do trust you.

Don't move out.

I wish you didn't
have to sleep on it

to come to that decision.

Come here.

♪ ♪

I know you told Michael
about my date with Sam.

There's no other way
he could've known.

Oh, right.
Like Sam snuck in here.

No one else
could've told Michael?

Tell me something, Syd.

Have you seen Michael since
you've had lunch with him?

Have you?


Damn it, Syd. You're my sister.

You're supposed
to be on my side.

Why do you keep lying to me?

Okay. I saw him.

But, I couldn't help it.

Michael keeps calling me,
he won't leave me alone.

I wanted to tell you, but
you said that if I went

anywhere near him, I'd be on
the next plane out of here.

Try and think how I feel.

I am losing a brother-in-law
who I loved and looked up to.

Oh please, you never
even gave Michael

a second thought.

That is not true.

It just came out about Sam,
Jane, I'm sorry.

I didn't know I wasn't
supposed to say anything.

I don't know what I'm allowed
to say or not say anymore.

Depositions start today.

I need to know that you keep
my private life private.

You can, Jane, I swear.

♪ ♪

Pack your bags,
'cause tomorrow morning,

we are going to Laguna Niguel.

The Bryant Mirage,
all expenses paid,

because I am interviewing
John Bryant.

Oh, that's great!

Yep, and you have to come with
me, that's all there is to it.

Oh, Billy, I can't.

Come on, Alison, think about it.

Balmy breezes,

making love as the moonlight

streams through the open window.

Oh, that sounds incredible.

But, I'm already on thin ice

with the Famous Family
restaurants account.

I can't just disappear.

Come on. It's only one day.

A day and a half.

You gotta come up
with a concept anyway.



What am I gonna tell Amanda?

Make up a disease,

and then tell her
that it's contagious.

What's that for?
It's an apology.

I'm sorry about this morning.

This whole divorce
thing was getting to me.

But my lawyer has put
all my fears to rest,

and I'm a changed man now.

Oh, really? Mm-hmm.

And today after they
take my deposition,

I'm making us
dinner to celebrate.

What am I gonna do with you?

Anything you want.

Whoa, Michael. Yeah, Matt?

Listen, I've gotta talk to you.

Katya invited me over
to her house for dinner.

Oh, bring a bottle of red

and a bottle of white, that
way, you can't go wrong.

No, no, Michael, I know...
I know what to bring.

It's just that, um,
I think she likes me.


Yeah, I think she wants
to get to know me better.


You mean, biblically.

Yes, yeah. Oh.

You know, that's what I think.

I don't know how to,
um, tell her that I'm gay.

Oh, Matt, I wouldn't
worry about it.

I'm sure she knows.


I'm just trying to establish

a chronology of
events, Mr. Hanson.

A soft tail custom
had been in an accident.

I had the fender in a vise,
and I was working on it.

With a blowtorch.


Then, your landlord
Amanda Woodward came by

and invited you out
for a cocktail.


Do you normally go out for
drinks with your landlord?

She was offering me a job.

So, you closed up shop,

and left in Ms. Woodward's car.


after I turned off the torch.

Amanda and I left together.

I locked up the shop.

Is it possible that you
didn't turn it off

all the way?

Mr. Hanson, there is
a world of difference

between premeditated arson

and accidental fire.

I'm just trying to
find out what happened.

Is it possible

that you may not have
turned it off all the way?


It's possible.

♪ ♪

This entire situation
is really about.

Jane's affair with Sam Towler.

Michael, what are you saying?

Are you alleging that your
wife was having an affair

while you were still
married, Dr. Mancini?

Oh, it's not an allegation.

It's a fact.

Sam Towler... well, he was
a friend of mine.

He confessed the whole
affair about six months ago.

He and Jane had been
attracted to each other

for, well, since the
moment they met.

I guess they just
couldn't fight it anymore.

He's lying. Then it's perjury.

Let him bury himself.

No, I think deep down

I'd known how they'd
felt for years.

It's just so ironic that
the night it all started,

I was stuck at the hospital.

I was on call for
straight hours.

I was powerless to stop it.


Sam told me the next morning,
I couldn't blame him.

He was overwhelmed with guilt.


Jane accusing me
of having an affair

is merely an attempt
to cover her own.

Uh, and it's still
going on, for the record.

Well, you know, um, as of
last week, anyway.

That's not true.
How can he do this?

How could I continue
to live with a woman,

sleep in the same bed,

knowing that another man
is touching her,

making love to her,

making a mockery of the
sanctity of our marriage?

Dr. Mancini, isn't it true
that you were, and are,

having a sexual relationship
with Dr. Kimberly Shaw?

That's ridiculous.

Dr. Shaw and I are colleagues.

Bull! He's lying!

Can't you see that?
Jane, please.

No, he is lying
about everything!

I think we need a little air.

Excuse us.


I'm sorry.

I'm okay.

Quite a storyteller,
your husband.

So, does this
Sam Towler even exist?

Yeah, he's a good
friend of both of ours.

We had dinner when he was
in town six months ago.

He kissed me and,
out of guilt, told Michael.

That's it?

I hadn't seen him since,
until the other night.

He was in town again,
and we had dinner.

Why didn't you
mention this before?

Because we're just friends,
you're missing the point.

Everything Michael
said in there is a lie.

Well, then I'll have to
make sure that his lies

don't sound better
than your truth.

From now on, you're gonna
have to tell me everything.

I know trust is a tall
order right now,

but I can't have any surprises

if we're gonna win this thing.

Okay, partner?


♪ ♪


How'd it go?

I... I think I, uh,

I didn't turn the torch off
all the way before I left.

I think the flame
might've still been on.

I think I caused the fire.

I can't believe it.

Oh, Jake.

No, calm down!

No, I not gonna calm down!

Look, it's not
the end of the world.

It may not be the
end of your world,

but it was a big part of mine.

Look, you don't see me getting
all upset, all right?

No, I don't, do I?
It was my shop.

It was my money.


How could I be so stupid?

It was your money.

It's not my shop.

Oh, I knew it would
come to this.

Oh, I didn't mean that, Jake.

Look, all I meant was...


Jake! Stop it!

Stop it!

♪ ♪

Get out.

♪ ♪

Jake, just the person
I wanted to see.

Amanda... I want you to know

that my offer still stands,

with or without your shop.
The modeling job.

Yeah, I appreciate the offer,
but the answer's still no.

I'd like my old apartment
back, is it still available?

Yes, but why do you wanna move?

Things aren't working
out with me and Jo.

Did you two have a fight?

Let's just say that things

aren't working
out with me and Jo.

Jake, it's hard for me to
believe that you're serious

about moving out after
just one fight.

I spent the night
on a friend's floor

last night, all right?

I'd like my old
apartment back, Amanda.

Jo. Hi, Amanda, what's up?

Um, I just saw Jake
in the courtyard,

and he asked for his
old apartment back.

He intimated that the
two of you had a fight.

Oh, my God. Did Jake do this?


Jo, I have to admit
that I came here

to convince you to try and
work things out with Jake,

but after seeing this...

Are you okay?
I mean, he didn't...

No, no, no, I'm fine.

Well, even so, if you
don't want me to give him

his apartment back, I won't.

No, give him his apartment back.

I don't wanna punish him.

I just don't want to
live with him anymore.

♪ ♪

Look at this place,
Billy, it's beautiful.

Oh, uh, I forgot to tell you.

I, um, I have to check in alone.

What? Well, I...

I wasn't supposed
to bring anybody.

I thought it would
add to the excitement.

What are you saying, that
you have to keep me hidden?

Don't worry about it.

I'll check in, and you meet me in the
presidential suite in ten minutes.

Who is it?

Who do you think?

Welcome to paradise.

Oh, God. Billy!

It is paradise.


How 'bout a little
dinner on the balcony?



A bubble bath in candlelight?

And the finest champagne?

You didn't hear
anything, did you?


You're here to work, remember?


You're right, you're right,
right, right, right.

Hello? Mr. Campbell?

John Bryant.

Mr. Bryant, hi.

You know, I understand you
hadn't been invited for dinner.

This is very embarrassing.

My deepest apologies.

I insist you join
me and my daughter.

Would : work?

Uh, sure.

That's great,
my manager William Devon

is waiting for you in the lobby.

He'll give you the whole tour

and deposit you at dinner.

Casual dress.

See you then.


That was Mr. Bryant,

and he insisted that I
have dinner with him.

I didn't exactly
hear you arguing.

What was I supposed to say?

"Can my girlfriend who's
not supposed to be here

come with us?"

Call room service and order
anything you want, okay?

Or get a massage or a manicure.

Anything, it's on me.

Billy, according
to the hotel registrar,

I don't even exist.

How am I even supposed
to make appointments?

If you pay for it in
cash, I'll pay you back.

Look, I have to go, there's...

I'm sorry.

I'll make it up to you,
I swear, I promise.

♪ ♪

You liar!

Hey, you're playing dirty.

I'm playing dirty back.

I'm definitely not
getting into this here.

Oh, you're in it
up to your neck.

And what the hell are
you doing here anyway?

You know I shop here.

I came here to buy groceries,
I like their fish.

You know, you are unbelievable.

I mean, do you think if
you repeat the same lies

often enough, they suddenly
become the truth?

Oh, look who's talking?

You gonna try and
make me believe

that you didn't love it
when Sam kissed you?

Sam has nothing to do with
this, and you know it.

No. What I do know,

is that you're the one who
sicced the lawyers on me.

You gave me no choice.

And neither did you.

What did you expect me to say

while I was being nailed
to the wall?

How 'bout the truth?

Hey, look, Jane, you wanna
cut a little deal?

You believe my lies,
and I'll believe yours.

You started this, baby,
but I'm gonna finish it.

Now, excuse me, I gotta go.

You gloat all you want, Michael,
because sooner or later,

they're gonna get
you for perjury.


Oh, and you're making your
famous chicken cacciatore.

Don't forget the marinara sauce.


♪ ♪

I think going to Rio any time

other than Carnival
is ridiculous.

Oh, now that just goes to show
the differences in families.

My wife and I prefer
Rio off-season,

but then again,
we are quite enamored

with all of Brazil, anytime.

What's your favorite part?


I've never been to Brazil.

Mr. Bryant... Call me John.

John, I just wanted to check
the notes from our tour,

and make sure I
haven't made any mistakes.

Uh, just a moment, please.

I have my own suite.

So, solar heating,
carpeting, and furniture

doesn't give off toxic gases.

And the air conditioning
doesn't use Freon.

We'll get you our brochure
and, we can discuss this

at length at, uh,
tomorrow after our meeting.


Well, the wine's great.

Mm, I'm glad you like it.

Let's see if it's
a shared opinion.

Thank you.

So sad to see a
woman dining alone.

Yes, pathetic.

So, tell us, how did
you get started

in writing, Mr. Campbell?

Uh, Billy, please.

Would you just excuse
me for a second?


I'm sorry.

Would you stop?

I can't believe I didn't
think this through.

I can't believe I took off work

and risked getting in hot
water with Amanda for this.

You know I can't help it.

I know that now.

But, if I'd known that then,
I never would have come here.

You're being ridiculous.


Ridiculous is your getting
groped at the table

by Bryant's vixen of the week.

It was his daughter.

Well, that's even worse.

She was practically in your lap.

She's... she's a
pretentious, overdressed,

overly made-up brat, okay?

Look, I have to get back.

I'm sorry.

I told you I'd make it up
to you, and I'm gonna.


What are you looking
for in a relationship?

I... I don't know, uh...


How someone treats other people,

a sense of humor,

intelligence, chemistry.

I had all that once, um,

but I made my job the priority,

and so I didn't give the
relationship the time

and the respect, and
attention that it deserves.

So, uh, I guess it

just wasn't in the
cards, you know?

What happened to her?

It was a him, Katya.

I feel so stupid. No.

Why didn't you tell
me you were gay?

Why didn't you tell me
you were straight?

I'm sorry, I guess...
It's my fault.

I... I should have
said something earlier.

No, no. It's okay.

It's just, sometimes
I feel like I'm back

in high school again, and if
I were to have said something,

that, I don't know,

maybe your response
would've been,

"Why are you
telling me that for?

What, did you think that
I was interested in you?"

And I...


the truth is I was interested.

But, we can still be friends.

Can't we?

Of course. Of course.

Let me share something.

My daughter, Nikki.

She's five.

She is beautiful.

Yeah? Yeah.


Where is she?

At a sleepover party.

Well, um, here's to you,

and to Nikki,

and to no more secrets
between friends.

Ah, so great.



So, uh, thanks for
coming to meet me here.

You're welcome.

Hey, you wanna have a drink?

No, thanks.



I... I want to apologize.

Apology accepted.

Well, you're queen of
the two-word sentences.

What do you wanna
hear, a mouthful?

You want me to
sh**t from the hip?

Your temper scared the
hell out of me, Jake,

and I can't just toss off

what happened in the apartment.

Yeah, well, I wish I could
take it back, but I can't.

So what, just deal with it?

Huh, these things just happen?

Look, Jake, I already
lived with one violent man,

and I told myself never again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what are you saying?

That I would hit you?

I love you, Jo.

I would never lay a hand on you.

I don't know if I
can believe that.

You just don't know
me at all, do you?

I'm afraid I really do.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Room service.


Why are you being so nice?

Because I read the
file on John Bryant.

I didn't realize how much
he hated publicity

and what a coup
this assignment was.

So, I just tried to put
myself in your shoes.


And I thought up an ad campaign

for Famous Family restaurants,

in the elevator, of all places.

A-ha, so this change of mood

has nothing to do with your joy

in coming up with a concept?

Mm-mm. It's all selfless desire

just to make things
easier for me?


Ow! Oh!

Are... are these the shoes that...

That you put yourself in?

Actually, I was thinking
more of your brown wingtips.

Oh, I hate those. Aw.

My mother made me wear those.


Don't ever mention them again.

Stop it! Say uncle.

Say uncle, say uncle. Uncle!

Say uncle!

Now, show me why you
really brought me here.

Oh man, I was up every hour

on the hour last night.

I haven't seen A.M.
since college.

You should've called me,
I was up making muffins

and reliving the depositions.

You know, they should have a
cable station for insomniacs.

The Stress Channel,

bringing you the world at A.M.

God, you know, Jake...
Jake hasn't given me

any reason to think
that he'd hurt me.

I can't believe I let him think

that I was really afraid of him.

If that's how you feel,
you should tell him.

Nope. I mean, I was
looking for distance,

but he was looking for a
way out, and he found it.

You don't know that any more
than he knows how you feel.

I've been thinking a lot
about honesty lately.

Do you think we're
being too hasty?

You know, if I live
to be years old,

I will never forget
Michael's face

at the depositions.

Jo, he looked me
straight in the eye

and lied through his teeth.

Kimberly's coming tomorrow.

I wonder what she's
going to say.

Lie, Kimberly. It's that easy.

Look, it's just no big
deal, trust me.

I don't know, Michael.

Think of it as math, okay?

One story multiplied
by two doctors,

the whole is even better
than the sum of its parts.

You're asking me
to lie, Michael,

in a legal proceeding,
in a matter of law.

Yeah, well, the law isn't
exactly on my side here.

You do this,
and we are home free,

to be together... Mm.

And to keep what's
rightfully ours.


Okay? Come on.

You can do it.

I gave you two hours,
and you took four.

My hat's off to you, Billy,

and my gratitude for a fair

and intelligently
prepared interview.

Thank you.

My daughter tells me you brought

your girlfriend with you.

I thought that my instructions
on traveling alone

were fairly explicit.

They were.

Then, why did you deliberately

go against my wishes?

First, let me say
that I'm very sorry.

You have a beautiful place
here, Mr. Bryant, and...

right now, financially,
it's... it's just completely

out of my league, and
Alison's my best friend,

and the woman I love,

and I guess I just wanted
to share it with her.

I'm sorry. That's the truth.

Your best friend and
the woman you love.

That's how I describe my wife.

I want you and Alison
to stay the night.

Be my guest. Dinner on me.


perhaps you might wanna
try, um, room service.

Our guests seem to like it.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Come on, it's the least
I can do for you

and your best friend.

Hey, Jane told me where
to find you, so...


Perfect timing, I'm...

I'm so glad you're here, I
really want to talk to you.

Can you just wait a minute, and
then I'll just get this stuff.

Yeah, I wanna talk to you,
too, could you just hold off

on that stuff for
a minute, please?

I went to Translife
Insurance this afternoon.

This is what's left
after the deductible.

$ , .

I'll get you the other
as soon as I can.

If you want that in
writing, I'll be happy

to give it to you.

I don't think that's
gonna be necessary.

Jake, this is... this
is for the new shop.

There's not gonna be
another shop, Jo.

Well, I mean, it's for you,

I mean, for us,
whatever we decide to do.

Let me tell you something.

When a man trusts a woman,

he either totally trusts
her, or he doesn't.

Women trust men in categories.

I totally trusted you.

I don't think there's a single
category you trusted me in.

Oh, Jake.

Come on, don't...

I mean, I know
I said some things

in the last few days that I
didn't say them right...

Don't even try, don't even
try, the damage is done.

I've never told anyone
I loved them before.

And when I told you that,
I meant it from my soul.

Yeah, well, I'm never
gonna go out on a limb

like that again.

I didn't want your money, Jo.

I wanted your heart.

But I don't... I think by
the time I came around,

it was so beaten and broken
by other people and things

that I didn't have
anything to do with,

it was never really yours
to give to me.

I want you... I want
you to keep your money.

Don't ever offer it to me again.


You would not believe
these last few days.

I made up this near-death
flu to Amanda,

who I swore was
gonna call me on it,

to go to Laguna Niguel
for what I thought

was gonna be one day,
turned out to be two,

stayed in this palatial suite,

all expenses paid.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry, look at
me going on and on.

What's wrong?

I blew it with Jake.

It's over.

He moved back to
his old apartment.

What? When did this happen?


It seems like weeks.

Look, Jo,

a big part of Jake's
world just crumbled.

Maybe he just needs to be
alone for a little while.

He got the insurance
check yesterday,

and he gave it back to me.

He doesn't want to
open another shop.

At least not with
me as a partner.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

You shoulda heard the things

that I said to him yesterday.

I mean, I may as well
have just come out

and called him an arsonist
and a wife beater.

Don't do this to yourself, Jo.

People say all kinds of
things they don't mean

under circumstances like this.

I know, and you forget it
the second you say it,

and then he's gonna remember
it for the rest of his life.

You can't take all the
blame for this yourself.

It takes two people to make
or break a relationship.

Usually, maybe, yeah.

But, in this case, it was me.

I did it, single-handedly, me.

Yes, it was me,
thank you very much.

♪ ♪

Dr. Shaw, I have a couple of
opening statements for the record.

Is there any reason
why depositions

should not be taken today?


Are you on any dr*gs, or
suffering from any illness

which might interfere
with your testimony?


All answers must be audible.

And although this is
an informal proceeding,

you are under oath.

Anything you say will be
checked, and can be used

to impeach your testimony
in a court of law.

Dr. Shaw, you are a physician

licensed to practice medicine
in the state of California?


In your duties as a
physician, you work

on a daily basis with a
Dr. Michael Mancini.


Is she allowed to be here?

Afraid so.

Dr. Shaw, are you
having an affair

with Dr. Michael Mancini?


Have you ever had
sexual relations

with Dr. Mancini?


If that's true, why did
you tell Mrs. Mancini

on the evening of
the th of October

that the affair wasn't over,

that as long as both
of you were being honest,

you thought she should know?

I'm afraid she's mistaken.

I don't remember having a
conversation like that.

That's unusual.
Doctors usually have

pretty good memories.

Let me refresh yours
for you, Dr. Shaw.

You also said that Dr. Mancini

told you about his
and his wife's

previous evening at a hotel.

But, and I quote,

"Don't think that means
he plans to give me up."

I needn't remind you that you
are under oath, Dr. Shaw,

and with that, looms the
possibility of perjury.

Have you ever had
sexual relations

with Dr. Michael Mancini?

Dr. Shaw, answer the question.

Have you ever had
sexual relations

with Dr. Michael Mancini?

Dr. Shaw, answer the question.


Are you continuing to do so?


Thank you.

♪ ♪

Linda, let's change
the prescription

to "Q." three hours, PRN, pain.

Okay, Doctor. Thanks.

Ah, Kimberly, how'd it go?

What happened?

I don't really wanna
talk about it now, Michael.

I missed the whole morning,
and I got a million things

to do, okay? No.

Now, would you please
tell me what happened?

I couldn't do it, Michael.

Couldn't do what?

I couldn't lie.

You told them the truth?


How could you be so stupid?


Don't you see
what you've done here?

You have screwed up everything.

I mean, you screwed up
my future, our future,

maybe the rest of our lives.

After everything I've
put up with from you,

how dare you!

You know how, Kimberly?

Unlike you, I was looking
out for the both of us.

We'll take this up tonight.


Well, Jo and me are a done deal.

It's not over till
the fat lady sings.

Not only has this fat lady sung,

she's taken her bows, gone home,

and she's in bed sleeping
right about now.

Let me tell you something.

The more money you have,
the more women trust you.

You think so? Yup.

They credit you with
a code of ethics

and characteristics
you don't even have.

They just assume you have
them because you have money.

Wanna know the worst part?

Jo honestly believed
that I was gonna hit her.

She didn't trust me
enough to know that

I wouldn't harm a
hair on her head.

Well, maybe she just
needed a little more time.


You say time, I say instinct.

Do you say Ca-RIB-bean

or do you say Carib-BEAN?

I say you gotta
ease up on the beers.

So, what are you gonna do now?

I don't know, all I know
is I need to make

some money fast.

Well, I'm gonna turn in.

If you need anything,
give me a call.

♪ ♪

Jake, what are you doing here?

I, uh...

changed my mind, I'll
take that modeling job.


Um, why don't you come in?

Let's talk about it.

How 'bout tomorrow
at your office?

It's a date.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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