02x03 - Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x03 - Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »


Good morning.

Oh, Billy.

Where are you?

Didn't you get my note?

Something about going
out of town on assignment?

Yeah, well, with everything
that's been going on,

I forgot to tell you

that the magazine sent me
on a research trip.

So how you doing?

I had another one
of those nightmares.

Oh, you're going to be fine.

Just... just...

go to work and try and relax.

Yeah, right.
I can't even concentrate.

I feel like a basket case.

Alison, Keith is in Seattle.

He's not going to be
bothering you again.

I promise.

Okay. Hurry back. I miss you.

I miss you, too.



It's gonna be
mostly rainy tomorrow

followed by partly cloudy skies

with highs
in the low-to-mid s.

It's now degrees
in downtown Seattle

under mostly sunny skies

and all of Seattle can see
the mountain today.

Waves are well under
the Evergreen point

and Mercer Island Bridges

and traffic is flowing

very smoothly through the

What a pig.

Oh, my God.

Everybody's kind of wondering if
you're gonna move back to Chicago.

No. I have a job here
and my friends are here.

But you only really moved
out because of Michael.

Well, sure, at first.
But now I have my own life.

And maybe there's
a little part of you

that's hoping the two of you
can still get back together?

I don't think so.

I know the two of you could
work things out if you tried.

You guys are so perfect
for each other.

No, I don't think we ever were.

Come on, Jane. You really think

you're gonna find another
one like Michael?

A surgeon, great personality,

cute butt.

Whose side are you on, anyway?

Yours, of course.

Can I tell you something?

But you've got to promise
not to get upset.

I'll do my best.

We had lunch the other day.


Oh, and how did this happen?

He called... to talk to you.
I picked up...

Sydney, how could you?

God! I'm changing
the number tomorrow.

I'm sorry, Jane.
He talked me into it.

But you can't believe how much
he still cares about you.

He thinks you
just kind of flipped out,

kicking him out

and filing for divorce
and everything.

I flipped out? What a crock!

Syd, if you knew what
he's put me through...

Still, don't you think
you were a little rash?

No, I don't. Did your
brother-in-law happen to mention

he was having an affair, Sydney?

I know he would come back to you

if you gave him a second chance.

He loves you, Jane.

Is that what he said?

More or less.

Look, I don't mean
to psychoanalyze you,

but it seems to me
that you expect

the people you love
to conform to these

unrealistic expectations
and codes of honor.

That is not true.

So I just wouldn't want
you to throw away

a perfectly good marriage

because someone you love
made a mistake.

I mean, the truth is,

Michael might be the closest
thing to prince charming

you're ever gonna get.

Sydney, listen to me carefully.

You did not come here
to play matchmaker.

Now, if I hear that you go
anywhere near Michael again,

you're on the next plane out.

Do you understand?

I'm just trying to help.

Gee, what would I
ever do without you?

I just spoke to my lawyer.

She said she's gonna try
and push back

the depositions
as far as she can.

Wouldn't you rather
get the damn thing over with?

What's the rush?

I'd just like it behind us.

It's hard to relax.

We're surgeons, Kimberly.

We have more important
things to do

than be at the beck
and call of Jane's lawyers.

Besides, if she
wants to play hardball,

then why make it easy on her?

The longer I drag
this thing out,

the more it's gonna
t*rture Jane, not us.

So what?

We're just supposed to go on
with our lives

as if nothing's happening?

Why not? You know what they say.

Living well is the best revenge.


Oh, Matt!

How you doing?

Hey, Michael.

Hi. Have you two met?

Yeah. I think it was
at Christmas.

Christmas. Right.

That's right,
I completely forgot.

When Jane was in Chicago
visiting her mother.

Right. It was nice seeing you.

I have to run.

Oh, all right. Bye, sweetheart.



She's got a great ass,
doesn't she?

Yeah, sure. I think so.

So, how's the new job, big guy?

Oh, it's great,

and I can't thank you enough.

Thank you.

It's my pleasure.
They're lucky to have you.

Hey, listen, I also...
I don't want you

to feel awkward at all with me

because of the Jane situation.

No, I don't.

Good. Because I am... I am
totally neutral.

Thanks, Matt. That's great.

I'll see you later.

Hi. Doug.

Just came down
to welcome our newest VP.

What a surprise.

Ignore the mess,
I'm just getting settled in.

So, did Lucy leave a few loose
ends for you to tie up?

Well, you know how much I've
always loved and admired Lucy,

but follow-through
was never her forte.

And it is yours, I imagine.

You bet.
I'm teasing you, Amanda.

While I'm down here,

I'd like to pick up that famous
family restaurant's proposal.

Oh, actually, my associate
has been working on it,

and it was due
to land on my desk this morning.


Why don't I look it over

and ship it off to you
later this afternoon?

Well, I'd prefer to see it now
if you don't mind.

Of course.

Alison Parker.

Hi, Amanda.

No, um...

not quite.

I should have something
by the end of the day.

O... okay.

Well, the report's done.

She's just having a tough time

getting it out of the computer.

Well, when you
manage to extract it,

please let me know, won't you?

Absolutely, and thank you
for stopping by.

Oh, congratulations again.

Thank you.

We're all keeping
a good eye on you.

See you.


Alison Parker.

Get in here now.

I'll be right there.


I don't know what to say.

I am so sorry.

I have Doug Vincent
in my office,

breathing down my neck,

and all you can say
is you're sorry?

He asked for it personally? Yes.

Oh, God. Um...

I'm sorry.

I had a very traumatic weekend.

Define traumatic.

I'd rather not.

I got a bit behind.

I didn't realize
there was a deadline.

I covered for you today, Alison.

Don't expect me to make
a career out of it.

I get the picture.


Follow me, please.

From this vantage point,

you'll get an overview
of our entire operation.

We've retrofitted
all of our equipment

and our backup systems

to produce the smallest
amount of pollutants possible,

far exceeding
national standards.

Our own standards

are the tightest in the state,

thanks to a revolutionary
scrubbing system

installed last year,

which is environmentally

No company is doing
more or spending more

to keep our sound clean
than Marine Oil.

Excuse me for a minute,
won't you, please?

What are you doing here, Billy?

I came to tell you one thing.

If you ever bother Alison again,

if you call her,
if you write her,

if you ever go near her,

I'll k*ll you.

Billy, get a life.

Somebody call the police.



That won't be necessary.

It's all right.

You finished, pal?

No way.

Not by a long shot.

Neither am I.

I'll be seeing you soon, Billy.

You can bet on it.

Should we continue on
with our tour, folks?

Over here...

you'll be seeing what may be

the most exciting
waste management program

in the country.


Definitely not.


All my clothes are dirty.

I have nothing to wear.

Oh... Poor baby.

What were you expecting,

this mess to just spontaneously
dry-clean itself?

This is not funny.

I'm sorry, what do you
want me to do about it?

Well, why don't you
just do my clothes

when you do your laundry?

Michael, you may have had
Jane trained

to wash and iron,

but I didn't spend
four years in medical school

and two in residency
to become Carol Brady.

And even she had Alice
to help around the house.

So what you're saying
you'd never do my wash...

no matter how I might...

persuade you?

You're unbelievable.

I'm a desperate man

with no clean underwear.

And I am a doctor... not a maid.


Alison, it's Keith.

You call here again,

and I'm going
back to the police.

Well, if you don't tell Billy
to stop harassing me,

I'm gonna do the same thing.

What are you talking about?

He paid me a visit.
Didn't you know?

Of course I knew.

You don't understand.

He's twisted everything
so you'll hate me.

I do hate you, Keith.

In fact, I wish you were dead.



Hi. My Porsche won't start.

Could you drive me to work?

Oh... sure.

Let me get my things.


How you doing, Amanda?

Pulling an all-nighter?

Billy, how was your trip?

Just fine.

Where have you been?

I had to fly to Sacramento,

do some research.

Without any luggage?

Seems rather odd to me.

See you outside.

How you doing?

Keith called. When?

Just now.

What the hell have you
been up to?

We'll talk about it tonight.

You went to Seattle.

I don't believe you.

What did you say to him?

Come on, Alison,
we're gonna be late.

I have just been through
a very rough experience.

What I need right now
is support, not lies.

I thought you would
realize that.

So, what do you think?

I think they're terrific.

Honestly, much better
than I expected.

You know, if it were up to me,

and it is,

I'd say you've got the job.

Oh, Amanda, fantastic!

Provided, of course,
that I can sell this concept

to the guys upstairs.
What do you mean?

Well, this lone-wolf,
rebel-without-a-cause thing

you got going with Jake...

Well, this is just
Jake being Jake.

Exactly. And I'm gonna pitch him
as our prototype.

Great, whatever you have to do.

Let me hold on to these

and in the meantime,
it would really help me

if you'd go back to the track

and get some night sh*ts.

Is there a race tonight?

I don't know, I'd have to check.

Well, even if there's not,

just anything moody
of the track at night.

Just to illustrate
a different feel.

Okay, when do you need these?

Is tomorrow morning too soon?

Yes, but I will do it.

Thank you. You're a pro.

All right. Great.

Oh, do you want Jake
in these photos?

No, I think we have
enough of Jake here

to give everyone a good idea.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

Good luck.

Get me Jake Hanson.

Sydney. What are you doing here?

I started thinking
about everything

you must be going through,

living on your own
and everything,

and I decided
to make you lasagna.

That's very sweet of you.

You don't have to
eat it right away.

It'll keep
in the freezer indefinitely.

Yeah, great.

Well, aren't you
going to ask me in?

I don't know. The place
is kind of a wreck.

So? Relax, Michael.
I'm not a spy.

God, what a bitchin' place!

I always wanted
to live at the beach.

Yeah, me too.

You know, funny, I don't recall
ever giving you my address.

I saw it on some legal
documents at the apartment.

Nosy girl.

Bedroom in there?

Uh, yeah. You know, Sydney,
I'd love to spend some time,

but I got to get back
to the hospital.

Oh, God, Michael, you live
like such a bachelor!

Well, unfortunately,

my schedule doesn't
allow time for clean clothes.

Well, I have time.

In fact, I have
nothing but time.

And I hate to see you
live this way.

Uh... no, Sydney,

I can't let you do my laundry.

Why not? I don't know. Um...

I mean, Jane wouldn't
like it very much.

You think I live my life

according to what
Jane thinks? Please.

Besides, it's not like
I have anything to do all day.

I'll have it
back to you by tomorrow.

Uh, no starch in the shirts.

Wouldn't dream of it.

See you tomorrow.
Enjoy the lasagna.

Right. Ta-ta.


There's nothing like
a dry chardonnay

on a hot summer night.

Here's to you, Jake.


So, sh**t.
What's this all about?

I like that,

get business out of the way

so we can enjoy our meal.

These are the pictures

that Jo shot
of the superbike race

we all went to together.

What do you think?

Yeah, I've seen them.

I think they're terrific.

So do I.

She's very talented,

and that's why
I've hired her to sh**t

the Sagebrush Beer campaign.


That's great.

To Jo.

To Jo.

But there's more good news.

Because, as I was looking
at the pictures,

I realized a part
of what made them

so special was you.


You're exactly the kind of guy

we're looking for
to feature in the campaign.

Well, I don't think you'll
have any trouble finding one.

Guys like me,
we're a dime a dozen.

I don't think so.

Guys like you...
Handsome, rugged, real...

Are pretty rare.


why should I settle
for an imitation Jake

when I can have the real thing?

What are you saying?

I want to make you
the star of the campaign...

The Sagebrush Beer Man.


Come on. The money's amazing.

The work's a breeze.

It's an opportunity
of a lifetime.

Uh... I don't know.

It's just not me.

How do you know if
you don't give it a shot?

Besides... what have
you got to lose?

What, exactly, were you
trying to prove?

It was something I had to do.

Look, Billy, I appreciate
the notion

of you flying up there
to defend my honor,

but we're dealing with a
very sick individual here,

and you could've gotten hurt.

I couldn't just let him
get away with that stuff.

I had to get some justice.

Oh, and who are you,
the caped crusader?

Honestly, Billy,

I think that your macho heroics

have just antagonized
Keith more.

You should've
heard him on the phone.

Then we'll change the number

and we'll keep it
unlisted, okay?

Look, he's not going
to bother you anymore,

I promise.

Can't we just get past this?

Look, it's not
that easy to dismiss.

This has all
left me so vulnerable

at a time when I just
got a promotion

and I really have to
prove myself at work.

I am days behind on this report,

and I can't concentrate.

Well... talk to Amanda.
Tell her what happened.

I'm sure she'll understand.

No. Amanda hated him.

She'll just find a way
to turn this around

and use it against me.

No, this is staying
between us... private.

Do you understand?


If you'll excuse me, I really
have to get this work done.

Good morning.


What time is it?

Time for me to vamoose.

Time for you to rise and shine

and help me start
straightening up around here.

It's not so bad. Yes, it is.

And they say that one of
the firs signs of depression

is letting your
apartment go to pot

and that is not
gonna happen around here.

Okay, I get the message.

And you know what else?

I have been spending too many
nights at home.

How about we hit the town when
I get back from work tonight?

Sounds great. Now you get going.

I promise to have the apartment

spotless and cheerful
by the time you get home.



See you tonight.


I still don't understand
how you and Amanda

just happened to have dinner.

We didn't just happen
to go out to dinner.

She invited me, and I accepted.

And I wanted you
to come along, too,

but you were out
at the race track

sh**ting pictures all night.

Courtesy of Amanda.

God, she's manipulative.

You just have to admire
a woman like that, you know?

No wonder she's so successful.

Well, if you'd let me finish,

I'd tell you that it was
strictly business.

Oh. And what, exactly,
is the business

the two of you are
conducting these days?

Well, she asked me
if I wanted to be the guy

in the Sagebrush Beer campaign.

You're kidding.

And she was serious?

Don't act so surprised!

She said I was
the perfect candidate.

The kind of guy, in her words,

that men admire and,
well, women drool over.

Oh, Jake.

She actually used the old

"I want to make you
a star" routine,

and you fell for it?

Told her I'd think about it.

I don't believe you.

And I did think about it.

And the answer is no.

Besides, there's only one woman

whose attention I'm after.

Whose might that be?

Good answer.


Down here.

I forgot some sketches and I saw
that you left the door open.

Sorry, I had an armful
of wash and forgot my key.

Oh, that's all right.

Hey, would you mind throwing
a few of my things in, too?

No problem. I live to do
other people's laundry.

Okay. See you. We're
gonna have fun tonight.

Don't tell me you've
been doing this stuff all night.

Yeah. At some point,
my panic about work

overtook my panic about Keith.

What time is it?

It's after : .

Oh, I'm late.

I know.

I just wanted to apologize
about confronting Keith.

You know, maybe it was
the wrong thing to do,

but I just couldn't help myself.

Oh, I'm sorry, too.

And you have too much

Yeah, probably.

And I also happen to be...

madly in love with you

and I just couldn't help...
I just couldn't stand...

It's okay.

I forgive you.

And please promise to never
mention the "K" word again

because I have to forget it.

If I don't get over it soon,
I'll go nuts.

Mind if I join you?

I thought you'd never ask.

Can I help you?

Uh, no. I must have
the wrong address.

Who are you looking for?


Michael Mancini?

Uh... no, this is
the right place.

Who are you?

I'm his sister-in-law Sydney.
Who are you?

I'm a friend of Michael's.
An associate.

We work together.


Is he home?

No, uh, he's not...

Can I ask what you're
doing with his laundry?

Oh, this.

They're just some clothes that
Michael left at the apartment

that Jane asked me to return.

Well, thank you.

I'll make sure
that he gets them.

Okay, sure. Thanks.

Goodbye now.


Jobeth Reynolds
for Amanda Woodward.

Hey, surprise, surprise.

Jo! What are you doing here?

Oh, Amanda didn't tell you?

She's hired me to sh**t
the Sagebrush Beer campaign.

I'm just here to drop off
these tests I did last night.

I didn't even know.

Well, you've been
preoccupied lately.

How are you and Billy?

Couldn't be better.


Well, maybe you can
give me some advice.

Oh, sure. Come here.

Last night, Amanda
invites Jake to dinner

when I'm at the superbike
track sh**ting these.

Supposedly, it was business...

Something about her
wanting him to model,

which, of course,
he's never gonna do.

Don't you think
it's a little strange

she waits 'til I'm unavailable

to go to take him out?

Nothing Amanda does
surprises me anymore.

My advice...

Take the job,

keep an eagle eye on Jake,

and whatever you do,

do not turn your back on Amanda.

I was afraid you were
gonna say that.


Good luck. See you.

Hey, Kimberly!

Don't tell me they
beeped you to come in.

This woman has been on call
for almost hours.

I wouldn't want her
cutting me open.

No, it's nothing like that.

Doctors, would you mind if
I had a word with Dr. Mancini?

Go ahead, you guys,
I'll find you.

Thank you. Nice talking to you.

What's going on, hon'?

Oh, I just came by
to give you something

that Sydney dropped off
for you this afternoon.


Oh, great.

Michael, this is not funny!

Why on God's earth

is Jane's sister
doing your laundry?

Would you calm down, Kimberly?

I told you she was
in town, right?

And I told you
we went out to lunch?

Yes, but you neglected
to mention that she was

a fluff-and-fold service.

Right. Well, she felt bad for me

and she wanted to help out,
so I let her do my wash.

Oh, how big of you.

Well, yeah, but I never
thought you'd be stupid enough

to answer the door.

I happened to be
laying out on the deck.

The point is,

no one is supposed to know
we're living together,

especially Jane.

Now you've gone
and blown everything.

You know, Jane probably sent
Sydney over to spy on me,

and now she's going
to run on home

and tell her all about you.

Michael, I will not let you
turn this one on me.

I do have the right
to lay out on my own deck,

don't I?

I'm sorry.
You're right, you're right.

I just thought I could
credit you

with a tiny bit of discretion,

but forget about it.

No, forget it.

No, let Jane know everything.

Let her soak me
for everything I've got.

Who gives a damn?


Look, I'm sorry.

It's just that I thought
you left Jane

so that we could
stop sneaking around

and now it seems like we're
sneaking around more than ever.

Now, does that feel like
sneaking around to you?

I just want this whole
thing to be over with.

So do I, but the damage is done,

so let's forget about it, okay?


Now, um, you'd better
get out of here quick

before I lose control
and rip your panties off

in the supply closet.

Oh, for the good old days.

Come on, come on,
get out of here.

Nurse Evans to O.R. .
Nurse Evans to O.R. .

We have about five days

to get the artwork together
for the final presentation.

And I need the copy edited
and approved

at least two days
before that to get it to print.

Amanda, that's impossible.

John, I don't ever want to
hear that word again.

Let's call it a challenge.

Excuse me.

Alison, Billy Campbell
is on the line.

Ted, I said no phone calls.

Would you please tell him
I'll call him back?

I'm sorry, he said
it was an emergency.

He sounded pretty upset.

Oh, um, excuse me. I'll
get it at my desk.

We'll need at least two days
to determine the layout

and get the material printed.

Billy, what's wrong?

It's not Billy.

That's it.

I'm calling the police.

Don't bother, I'll be dead.


I'm destroyed by what
I've done to you, Alison.

There's no way I can
make peace with myself.

So help me,

if this is some kind
of a stunt...

I love you, Alison.

Oh, God, I love you.

I'm consumed by you,
but I can never be with you.

Oh, Keith...

I've got a g*n.

It's loaded.


I'm just calling to say goodbye.

I'm sorry.

I'm so very sorry.

Wait! Wait, wait.

This is crazy.

You're just depressed.

Now, put the g*n down.


Give me one good reason.


because deep inside,

I know what a wonderful
person you are.

How can you say that

after all I've put you through
and done to you?

You can't throw your life away

over one bad relationship.


put the g*n down

and get some help.


I'll always love you, Alison.

Please forgive me.



The Seattle police confirmed
that he k*lled himself.

He was obviously a very
messed-up individual.

I mean, he even admitted it.

I could have done something!

I could have said
something to stop him.

It's not your fault.

The last time he called...

I told him that I hated him.

I told him I wished
he were dead!

Well, after everything
he put you through,

you had a right
to feel that way.

I just can't believe it.

Look, it's okay.

You're going to get through it.



is ever going to change the fact

that he k*lled himself

because of me.


Michael. What a surprise.

I waited for Jane
to leave for work.

Come in.

I guess I don't have
to invite you in.

I mean, technically,

it is still your place, right?

Yeah. Technically.

Can I get you
something to drink?

No, I'm fine.

Listen, Sydney.

I just came by to
talk to you for a minute

and then I gotta run.

What about?

About the woman at the house

when you dropped off my laundry.


Right, Kimberly.

Look, I just want to
make sure you understand

that she's just a friend.

I wouldn't want you
to mention this to Jane,

you know, and let it get
all blown out of proportion.

Michael, I know how tough things
are right now for both of you.

I would never say anything
that might antagonize Jane.

Sydney, thanks for everything.

You've been a great help.

How was the lasagna?
Oh, wonderful.

Were the shirts
the way you like 'em?

Perfect. But you know what?

I'm gonna send them
out from now on,

so you don't have
to worry about that.

Oh, that's okay.

I like doing things
for you, Michael.

I'm gonna miss you.

I hate the idea of losing
such a great brother-in-law.

Um... look, Sydney,
I gotta get back to work.

It's our secret, promise?


Oh, thank you. You're welcome.

So if you want an agency that
can support you in all media,

that has had extensive...

experience running
innovative campaigns...

in the health and...

fitness arena, you've
come to the right place.

Thank you.

Any more to add, Alison?



Are you with us?

Sorry, what was the question?

Thanks for lunch, Amanda.

We'll be in touch
with you shortly.

I look forward to it. Bye.

Thank you. Thank you.

Not so fast.

Excuse me?

What is your problem?

No problem.

You knocked back three martinis

and sat there like a stone
all through lunch.

Is this your idea
of how to land an account?

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I'm going through
a really terrible...

crisis is really
the only way to describe it.

Believe it or not, Alison,

you are not the only one in
the world with a personal life.

But since it clearly
prohibits you

from functioning
in any constructive manner,

I think you should just go home.

No, Amanda. I'm fine.

I said go home.

Excuse me,
could you call her a cab?

That really won't be necessary.

Oh, yes, it is, because,
by the way, you're drunk.

I feel like my entire
life is caving in,

like suddenly I'm
shouldering a ton of guilt.

And I just can't shake it off.

Why didn't you tell me
all this earlier?

Oh, I couldn't.

I don't know...

maybe I was ashamed, like...

somehow I'd led Keith on

and that's why he
tried to r*pe me.

You stop right there.

You know that is not true.

That's what men say
to absolve themselves.

I don't care if he's dead.

You sure as hell are not
gonna give him that.

You're right.

Alison, my mother
committed su1c1de, remember?

I know how devastating it is.

I was destroyed.
I was a ten-year-old girl,

and I thought my mother
k*lled herself because of me,

because I was bad.

And it's taken me my whole life

to get over that feeling,

and I don't even know for
sure if it's lost completely.

But I do know one thing...

You cannot...

numb the pain...

to get through it.

It's only going
to give you a hangover

and make you feel worse
about life in the morning.

I know. It's just so hard.

Then let it be hard...

for a while.

It'll get better, I promise.

You're very lucky.

You have someone downstairs
who loves you very much.


He probably wants nothing
more than to just hold you.

Are you going to let
Keith destroy that, too?


You're right.

I can't give him
that kind of power.

Thanks, Jo.

You bet.


Hi. Hi.

I was wondering when
you were gonna come home.

I was upstairs talking to Jo.

Yeah? How are you doing?

I had a rough day, but I don't
want to go into details.

Something became very clear.

What's that?

That I love you and I don't want

to let anything get
in the way of that.

I love you, too.

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