04x16 - What a Dump!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x16 - What a Dump!

Post by bunniefuu »

How's it going?
I just got
my first assignment.

What's this, your marshal's job?
You want to know
my first assignment?

Customs trailer
at the airport.
Oh, man.

Spend the night holding hands
with Nigerian drug mules
till they move their bowels.

You can't get off that, huh?
Nah. How am I gonna turn down
the first thing they throw me?

Female D. O. A.
Her panties are pulled off.

Who found her?
Garbageman over there.

She's got bruises
on her thighs.

‐ Pubic hair's pulled out.
‐ Hmm. And manual strangulation.

Maybe she's hookin'.
She brings a john back here.

Wearing a wedding ring,
for what that's worth.

Nobody found no purse?
No purse.

They had those two r*pe/murders
over in the 17th.

Yeah, strangulations.
We gotta call them.
Did you notify the M. E.?

On the way.
You found the body?

I went to dump the cans
and I see her.

You notice anybody else
around here?
No, nobody.

‐ You didn't move anything?
‐ No. You know, I‐I didn't
even pick up the garbage.

I seen her
and I thought, "Aw, hell,"
you know what I'm saying?

You did the right thing
calling in.
Well, what about the garbage?

‐ Should I leave it,
should I take it?
‐ Leave it. Leave the garbage.

So, can we get back
to our route now?

[ Whistles ]
You got these guy's

Got it.
Yeah, you can go.

I mean, what kind of people
we got living here?

I'm gonna ask myself that
tonight while I'm washing crap
off smack balloons.

Thanks for your cooperation.
You can go back to your route.

‐ Hey.
‐ Oh, that's real funny.

Let's not get testy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hiya, Greg.
Hey, James.

You caught me in the act here,
sneaking peanut butter.

Falling off your diet wagon
a little?

I'm disappointed in myself.

And simultaneously, uh,
I know what's behind it is
this dinner tonight with Abby.

Making you nervous you mean?

It makes me nervous,
and‐and, in turn, I overeat.

Mmm. So what do you do
when you're out with her?
You eat your meal and hers?

I just can't imagine
her agenda.

Romance is off the table, yet
she definitely indicated we'd
be taking up a serious topic.

Well, maybe her mind changed
on that romance topic.

Isn't that a woman's option?
No. She don't strike me
iffy on her lesbianism.

Hey, boss.

‐ sh**ting from a bus.
Sounds g*ng‐related.
‐ [ Martinez ] Where we going?

Seventh and "B."
Don will meet you at the scene.

‐ You caught me cheating.
‐ I never got to like chunky.

You want us to get
some of that plain?

I'm better without
the temptation.
[ Medavoy ] That's me as well.

I've got motive in
my nervousness, so I gotta
deprive myself of opportunity.

Otherwise, he might
m*rder Mr. Peanut.

‐ Seventh and "B."
‐ Right.

That's Dawkins
with a "D"?

Right. You'll get
in touch with him?
Great. Thanks.

He talk about any others?

Do you mind
if we come see him?

Appreciate it, Valenzuela.
Yeah. Nice going.

Husband called Missing Persons
this morning with a description
fits our D. O. A.

‐ Says she never came home
last night. Marina Dawkins.
‐ Can you reach the guy?

Missing Persons is gonna
have him come over.

Valenzuela at the 17th
collared up on a skell
last night...

just went for
their two r*pe/murders.

Says we can come
talk to the guy.

Uh, Gina, somebody's
gonna be coming over here
from Missing Persons.

‐ Just have him wait.
‐ Sure.


Hi, Greg.

What happened here?
sh*ts came from the bus.

We got two people wounded,
a woman and a little boy.

Me and my partner were up
the street. We got here
quick enough...

to keep most of these passengers
on the bus so you could
get statements.

‐ Good.
‐ Hey, I wanna get off.
Let me off this bus.

We found a fully loaded
.38 under a seat.

This is illegal imprisonment.
I want outta here.

Yo, man, I gotta get
off this bus, man.
This is my stop.

That's the driver.
Let me off this bus!

‐ Shut your mouth!
‐ Yo, she's bad.
What, you a d*ke?

‐ You like women or something?
‐ Hey, shut up!
You shut your mouth!

‐We'll talk to the driver.
Just keep an eye on these guys.
‐You're messing with my rights.

Yeah, I'll mess with more
than that if you don't keep
a decent mouth on you!

Hi. I'm Detective Medavoy.
Ain't this something?

Yeah. What can you tell us
about the sh**ting?

I heard some sh*ts
start going off,
so I pulled over.

I turn around and see
this one guy sh**t'.
He sees me looking at him,

he comes to the front of
the bus, puts a g*n right in
my face to make me let him off.

Him and a couple others
just take off running.
They were g*ng guys.

Then I saw a couple cops
running up the street,
so I knew I had some help.

I shut my door, wouldn't
let any more of 'em off.

There's a bunch of 'em
still on there.

Man! Damn drive‐by sh**ting
from my own bus.

‐ Could you tell
who he was sh**ting at?
‐ Somebody on the sidewalk.

All of a sudden, there was
all this yelling in Spanish,
he started sh**ting.

‐ Must have been
eight or 10 sh*ts.
‐ All right.

We'll have to straighten this
out at the, uh, station house.

Let us on the bus.
We'll talk to the passengers.

There's gonna be a lot of
pissed‐off people having
to go over there with you.

Yeah, we're gonna do
a thorough search for g*ns
before we break 'em the news.

That one guy mouths
off again, him and me,
we're gonna have trouble.

Guy calling Abby names?
He bandies slurs about,
he's gonna get his ass kicked.

Okay, folks, we're gonna be
here for a few minutes and then
we're gonna be somewhere else.

‐ Hey, Gerard. A couple of other
detectives wanna meet you.
‐ They want to see the freak?

We understand you
made a confession on those
r*pe/homicides last week.

You think I could sell
my story to the movies?

That what you want?
Yeah. I think it'd make a good
one. But I gotta be the star.

Oh, you're never getting out.
How about Tom Cruise
to play you?

‐ Where were you
last night, Gerard?
‐ Before here?

‐ Yeah, well, we know what
happened once you got here.
‐ I‐I was out.

I took a long walk.
Where'd you go?

All over. But I didn't
do anybody last night.

I was in a bar watching a TV.
I watched about four hours
of TV.

‐ What bar would that be?
‐ I don't know.

‐ Anybody there know you?
You talk to anybody?
‐ No.

I went home and, uh, this
gentleman was waitin' for me,
and now I'm here.

Were you with a blonde woman
last night around 14th Street?

‐ No. Something happen to her?
‐ She was choked to death.

I wasn't around
any women last night.

What's going on here,
Gerard? Huh?

You just confessed to
two r*pes and murders.

You think one more's
gonna make you look
any worse?

Well, it wouldn't help.
But two's all I did.

Yeah, well, I don't think
that's everything.

Look, I wouldn't care
if you sh*t me.
I blew it.

So why should I care about
admitting another m*rder?
You want me to say I did it?

Only if you did it.
I didn't.

‐ Why'd you k*ll
those two women?
‐ Well, one of 'em wanted me to.

The other one, that was‐‐
that was wrong what I did.

One of 'em wanted you
to k*ll her?

She wanted to die
while she was having sex.

Oh. She told you that,
I suppose?

She communicated it to me.
It was clear.

She communicated it to you.
How'd she do that?

With her mind.

She was walking along,
and she had the kind of legs
that were doin' things.

They were puttin' out vibes.
As soon as I saw 'em, I knew
what I was supposed to do.

And then she started in
sending me ideas and stuff.

She was communicating like
crazy. It was all coming out
of her what she wanted.

How about the blonde woman
last night with the long legs?

Was she communicating
that kind of stuff too?

‐ You k*ll her, Gerard?
‐ No. No. No.

Did you ever hear of David
Berkowitz, Gerard? Was he a big
hero of yours growing up?

‐ The Son of Sam.
‐ Yeah. Yeah. He got messages
from a dog.

But you, you get
messages from a human.

So that puts you one step up
on the evolutionary ladder.


Let's go.
On the gate.

That loony son of a bitch.

You know, the other two women,
he gave it right up, he did it.

Maybe he didn't do yours.

Or maybe there's something
about it he's ashamed to admit.

What, him?
Ashamed of r*pe and m*rder?
Whatever are you thinking?

We got a nice room
for you downstairs, Renaldo.
A cot, toilet, oatmeal. Huh?

You want to move in with us
or you wanna talk to me?
I didn't see it.

I was looking the other way.

Eight or 10 sh*ts off that bus
on which you're riding
and you don't look around?

Wasn't none of my business.
Human beings getting sh*t
wasn't none of your business.

The people sh*t from that bus
are both badly hurt, Jose.

They're both
in critical condition
fighting for their lives.

I want you to understand
if that woman dies
or that little boy,

by you not cooperating,
you made yourself
accessory to m*rder.

That's 25 years in jail just
for not saying what you saw.

[ Sighs ]
Now I'm ready to believe
you weren't involved.

You want to do
all that time for something
you weren't involved in?

Anybody in there?

I‐I don't exactly get you, Ferd.

You run such a big mouth out
in the street. In here, you're
quiet like a little p*ssy.

I ain't got nothing
to contribute.

Oh, you made a big contribution
to one of my fellow cops.

Calling a policewoman names.
That's not too smart. I didn't
like it what you said.

She got me locked up in a bus.
That's insulting
a police officer.

[ Clears Throat ]
So‐‐ So how'd
this trouble start?

I don't know. We were
just riding and some guy's
on the corner calling us putas.

And you were
calling him names?

We were saying he was
a puta and he was saying
we was puta.

And that sucker went
and thrown that bottle.
You know this guy?

No. One of them big beer bottles
comes right through the window.
Could have hurt somebody.

‐ So that's when
the sh**ting started?
‐ Yeah.

Who did it?

I don't know.
Some guy.
What did he look like?

Ain't look like nothing.

I think it was you.

Hell, it wasn't me sh**ting.
Mendonca would be dead meat
right now if it was me.

Oh, so you know
this guy, Mendonca?
I don't know.

Just know his name 'cause
he's a little nobody assh*le
that thinks he's all big.

What's his first name?
Where's he live?
I wouldn't even want to know.

He get hit?
I don't know.
Wish he did.

I would have had
myself a good laugh.

‐ Yo, I'm ready to go.
‐ Oh, you're ready
to go, huh?

‐ Yeah, that's right.
‐ Yeah, well, let me tell you
something, assh*le.

You ain't going anywhere.
And‐‐ And when I come back here,

every answer you give,
you better give it polite.

Yeah, or what?
Or you'll find out what.

Guess you sounding all evil
now, huh? You must be bringing
someone else back with you.

No. It's just gonna be me.
You and me, Ferd.

'Cause if it's you,
me and your attitude, you're
gonna be one sorry Puerto Rican!

Hey, Gina.
that's Earl Dawkins.

‐ Missing Persons
sent him over.
‐ Thanks.

If this is the D. O. A.'s husband,
we're gonna want to get him to
come down to the morgue, huh?

Guess you'd want to
see how he'd take it.

Mr. Dawkins. How do you do, sir?
I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

What is it?
Did you find my wife?

We need to ask you some
questions about her, sir.

She‐‐ She didn't
come home last night.

She called and said she was
going to the movies after work.

I'm worried sick. She's never
stayed out like this.
Where does she work?

She's a waitress at a little
place on Elizabeth Street‐‐

Mr. Dawkins, do you have
any idea what your wife
was wearing when she left?

She had on, um,
a black jacket...

and, uh,
I'm not sure what else,
a black skirt, I guess.

She has a little mole
over her lip, right there.
She's blonde.

Not jumping
to any conclusions,

we'd like you to
come with us, Mr. Dawkins.

Help on an identification.

‐ Why? Who‐‐ Who‐‐ Who is it?
Is somebody hurt?
‐ Sir, y‐your wife's missing.

We have an unidentified body
that bears a general resemblance
to how you just described her.

We're gonna need you to come
to the morgue with us.
Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Hey, Greg. We need to
get over to Bellevue.

They got that guy, Mendonca,
that kid Ferd told you about.

Turns out he took
a b*llet in the arm.
Yeah, good.

Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm all right.

You're really shoveling
that peanut butter down.

I tell you, James,
that Ferd character, he's
got very deep under my skin.

The minute
he cracked wise about Abby,
I knew he was on your bad side.

Yeah. Plus this general
attitude he's got.

Anyways, we ought to get
over to Bellevue, Greg.

Let that assh*le Ferd sit
in the interview and stew.

[ Sighs ]

I wish I didn't have to do this.
I'm feeling kind of scared.

Yeah. J‐Just let us know
whenever you're ready
to have the blinds open.

Let me just
get myself together.

Okay, I can do it.

It's her.

That's my wife.

You want some water?
What happened to her?

‐ She was strangled.
‐ Who did it?

We don't know.
Well, why was
she strangled?

Where was she? Where‐‐
Where did you find her?
She was found in an alley.

Was your wife having any kind
of problems with anybody,
Mr. Dawkins?

Any enemies that
you might know of?

None that I ever heard of.
She wasn't r*ped, was she?

We don't know yet.
There's gotta be
some tests run.

I should've gone
to the movies with her.

It's my fault.
Okay. Take it easy.

I feel dizzy.
Why don't you just
sit down in the office.

You know,
I think I need some air.
I want to go outside.

There's some signing of stuff
you need to do, but it can wait.

I can't cope now.
I can't cope with it.
I want to go home.

All right, that's fine.
We can take you home
and come back later.


If Dawkins was so upset
that his wife got m*rder*d,

why does he proceed to
tell us absolutely nothing?

About the only thing he gave up
is her working here.
[ Knocking ]

What is it?
Police. We need to ask you
a few questions.

[ Clears Throat ]
Marina Dawkins,
she work here?

She worked last night.

She work till closing?
Maybe 9:00.

Anybody with her
when she left?
Not last night.

What about other nights?
She ever leave with somebody?

‐ I don't know what she does.
It's her business, huh?
‐ She was m*rder*d last night.

‐ And I want to hear a little
more cooperation out of you.
‐ m*rder*d?

‐ I can't believe it.
‐ Then don't.

[ Simone ]
When Marina would leave work,
who would it be she left with?

‐ He waits for her
sometimes on the corner.
‐ Is that her husband?

‐ Maybe.
‐ Why would her husband
wait at the corner?

No, it wasn't her husband.
I met her husband.

This was a young man, Vitali.

‐ Is Vitali his first name
or his last name?
‐ First.

He only came in
two or three times.

Then he stopped coming in
and would wait on the corner
till she finished her work.

‐ She ever talk about him?
‐ No. They walked that way,
towards the Russian bar.

‐ Was she some type
of Russian herself?
‐ Oh, yes, she's Russian.

That's the name of that
Russian broad married Oswald.

‐ What's the name of that bar?
‐ Dimitri's.

How could this happen?
What's wrong with this country?

What's wrong
with this country?

What's wrong with it
is too many people from
other countries screw it up.

Detective Sipowicz here
is one of the few
native American Poles.

[ Medavoy ]
How's it going, Mendonca?

Hey, yo, when am I gonna get
released outta here, man?

Do we look like doctors?
We're the police, Daniel.

I wanna know who sh*t you
from that bus.
I don't know who it was.

Sure, you do.
No, man, I was just waiting for
the light and I caught a b*llet.

They was flying
all over the place.
Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow!

People gettin' hit.
You saw the guy sh**t'?

Mm‐mmm. I didn't see him.
You were looking right at
those guys, calling 'em putas.

‐ They was calling me puta.
‐ Look, we want to arrest
the guy who tried to k*ll you.

Otherwise, he's gonna
go after you again.

I don't need no cops
helping me, man.
I can take care of this.

Uh‐uh. We got you on a felony
for throwing that bottle
through a bus window.

‐ You're gonna do time you don't
give us this guy's name.
‐ I'm gonna do time?

Why, I'm the one who got sh*t!
How are you gonna make me
do the time?

What kind of justice
you calling that?

That's justice for an assh*le
who's too stupid to give up
the guy who sh*t him.

‐ sh**t. Man, I ain't no rat.
‐ Hey, hey. This isn't
just about you.

That punk sh*t a woman
and a little boy. They're
both in critical condition.

Well, you know,
that's tough.

Tough? That's tough.

[ Mendonca Groaning ]

You wouldn't cooperate,
Mendonca? Get up! Now you're a
collar for throwing that bottle.

He hit me in the head
with a phone book, man.

First I get sh*t,
then I get hit in the head.

And now you're arrested.
Just hit the trifecta.
Oh, screw that.

Luis Ugalde did the sh**ting.
Okay, now leave me alone.

Sit down.
Sit down!

Where we gonna
find this Ugalde?

Probably over on, like, Mott
and Baynard. He be over there
dealing most of the time.

‐ What's he look like?
‐ I don't know.
He got a thing on his neck.

‐ What? Like a growth
or something?
‐ No, it's like a tattoo, man.

He's got a couple of tears.
Look for the thing on his neck.

‐ It's‐It's like a dagger.
‐ All right, just sit still
a minute. Hey, Greg.

I think we gotta
let this guy go, Greg.

We bring him in,
there's liable to be a beef
about that phone book.

I don't know how much
this doctor saw.

I apologize.
I lost control.
He's a scumbag gangbanger.

You got results.
Don't worry about it.

All right, listen, we're gonna
give you a break 'cause you
did the right thing.

Can I go?
Yeah. When they're through
with you, get out of here.

[ Martinez ]

You think I k*lled Marina?
Go ahead, arrest me.
You want to be arrested?

I don't care what you do.
What we're gonna have you do,
Vitali, is take a seat.

And maybe get you something
to water your load down.
Accusing me of drunk?

Yeah. It's a real pleasure
imagining you on the city
streets in your hack.

Drink this.
No. You can't make me.

That's mistaken thinking.
Drink that damn
coffee, Vitali,

and let's get through
this with nobody losing
their tempers, okay?

How'd you know
Marina Dawkins was dead?

Whole bar knows she's dead,
and you're looking for me
'cause I'm Russian?

You're sure I did it.
What we're sure on, Vitali,

is this woman had a husband
didn't happen to be you.

And what that whole bar also
knew was you were bangin' her.

So why don't you calm down
and tell us where you were
last night?

Oh, I was k*lling her.

Where were you, Vitali?

‐ Have a companion?
‐ No, 'cause she was working.

Did you keep
the ticket stub?
No stub.

Russian, so I'm
certainly lying.

I don't care what you think,
American detectives.

America, so you think you
got a right to everything!
America again.

Our fault.
Get you a Russian wife
out of an ad.

You ever seen that, man?
Huh? I see his picture.

Ugly like a pig.
[ Snorting ]

Maybe last night she tells you
you're out of luck.
She's going back to Pig Man.

She's leaving Pig Man.
Too much Pig Man.
She can't look at no more.

Yeah, when did she tell
you that, last night?

[ Chuckling ]

Oh. Before last night.
What I care
if you want to believe?

No feeling in you
for Marina.

She was a person,
had a family,

send money to her family
in Chernobyl.

‐Their letters back have
kind of a green glow to 'em?
‐Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch.

Call her stupid, treat like
servant, complain and push her,
then expects sex treatment.

Thinks to buy a Russian woman
from an advertising paper.

Ask what I think
who k*lled Marina,

a dumb Russian you didn't
care his opinion.

‐ You think it was him, huh?
‐ Pig Man, for her getting
divorce, who you think? Who?

‐ Might be you.
‐ Get the handcuffs!
Get the handcuffs!

Detectives, the medical examiner
told me to tell you
that Marina Dawkins...

d*ed of manual strangulation
and‐‐ I‐I wrote it down.

Trauma external
to the genital area.
No evidence of penetration.

If it's the husband,
maybe he's impotent.

Or wanting it
to look like a r*pe.

If that's right
about the divorce,

him not saying about it,
you gotta like him a little.

We gotta bring him back in.

‐ Hey, Andy.
‐ What's going on?

We're going to grab
this guy Ugalde up,

‐ supposedly sh*t those people
from the bus.
‐ How's the people got sh*t?

Kid's gonna be all right.
They don't think the woman
will make it.

Want any backup?
No, we got it.

All set?

[ Martinez ]
You okay, Greg?
I'm all riled up.

Probably a sugar imbalance,
gorging like a stupid jerk.

Why don't you drink some water
before we leave, move it
through your system, you know.

Hey, I'll deal with it
myself, all right, James!
Enough with Dear Abby.

Ow. Maybe that Dr. Jekyll
got in that trouble banging back
chunky peanut butter.

He's wearing a blue jacket,
black‐and‐white running shoes,
standing near the corner.

‐ [ Man ] All right. Whoa‐‐
‐ Hey! Don't move!

‐ All right, be cool, man. Hey‐‐
‐ Get your hands up!

‐ Up against the wall.
‐ Hey, it's cool, man.
It's cool, man. Yo! Yo!

Ow, man! Be cool!
Put your head down.

You hear me?
Get your head down!

[ Martinez ]
Greg, settle down.

Ow, man! What'd I do?

Yo, man, I wasn't on no bus
this morning, money.

‐ So where were you?
‐ In bed with a lady.

Let's have her name.

[ Chuckles ]
Can't do that, G.
She's married.

Hmm. What do you
think of that, James?

This guy's going to the joint
to protect the honor
of a woman.

That's beautiful,
that's romantic.
I think I saw that movie.

But that puts your ass
in the frying pan, Luis.

Looks like the only way
you can clear yourself
is to stand in a lineup.

No, no lineups.
I ain't gotta do that, man.

That was a pretty
good one, G.

Don't be flippin' the bird
on these premises.
You got it, Luis?

We got him
in the files anyway.

We got an accident out front.
Uh, driver said he was
on his way here to see you.

That's gonna be Dawkins.
All right, be right there.

I can't believe this.
Look at this.
How stupid can you be?

Don't you look
where you're going?

Do you know the paperwork
I gotta fill out for this?

‐ He pulled out
right in front of me.
‐ Oh, for heaven's sake.

Hey, Mr. Dawkins.
You hurt?

Ah. All right.
All right, see?

Now, these are the guys
I came to see.

They called me in.
He's drunk.
Runs right into me.

[ Dawkins ] My wife d*ed.
I just come from the morgue.
Tell 'em.

We're workin' a homicide.
He was coming to talk to us.
We need to take him upstairs.

Look, the radio car's damaged.
I want him tested,
document he was loaded.

The hell I'm loaded.
I'm grieving for a loved one.

It's pretty important
that we talk to him now.

[ Man ] Well, uh, who's
gonna handle the paperwork?

‐ We'll get somebody. Come on.
‐ You happen to be
driving too fast.

You wasn't looking
where you were going.
Just shut your mouth, pal.

There's a liquor bottle
on the floorboard.

Also make a memo‐book entry
impact knocked this out
from under the front seat.

Hey. Hey,
what you got there?
Your wife's purse, Dawkins.

Her I. D. fell out.
I wonder why that's there.

She must have forgot it
a few days ago.
Yeah, that makes sense.

Come on, let's talk
about it upstairs, huh?
That's what I come in here for.

‐ He backed right into me.
‐ [ Sipowicz ] Come on.

[ Man ]
I backed into d*ck.

Looks like you had quite
a snootful, Dawkins.

I had to have a drink.
I'm in mourning for my wife.

That cop wasn't looking
where he was going.

Well, we can probably
get that straightened out.

‐ Sit down.
‐ Look at him down there. He's
taking control of my vehicle.

‐ Yeah. It's Marina's.
‐ When's the last time
you seen that purse?

Yesterday, I guess.
She must have left it.

Left it?
[ Simone ]

why didn't you tell us
that your wife was
a mail‐order bride?

She disappeared.
I didn't think that
had nothing to do with it.

How about her divorcing you?
How come you didn't tell us
about that?

I don't know.
I‐I can't explain
about this purse.

She must have just forgot it.
Why didn't you tell us
about her divorcing you?

No, Earl wants to talk about
the purse. Let's talk about
the purse, Earl.

Well, I‐I took her
to work yesterday.

She must have left it
in there then.

Earl, a woman going off
and forgetting her purse,

that's like you or me
going off and forgetting
our right arm.

I've been with women,
falling‐down drunks
that'd forget to eat,

but not once
forget their purse.

You know when a woman
forgets her purse, huh?

A woman forgets her purse
when she's dead, Earl.

Your wife d*ed in your car.
She never got to work,
leave no purse behind.

I didn't k*ll her.

But I had a good excuse.

All I wanted was a wife
and I end up with her.

Just in it for what she
could get. I think she was
a prost*tute in Russia.

Who knows what
went on over there.

But she had them big blue eyes
and I trusted her.

But she‐‐ she just used me
to get into this country.
She played me for a sucker.

All the money I spent
getting her over here.

Then she tries to
soak me in a divorce.

Twenty years in the m*llitary.
I was a master sergeant.
I‐I got a nice pension.

And then, in six years,
I have my own carpet
cleaning business.

I made something out of myself.
That apartment I live in,
I own that thing.

But that bitch,
she wanted it all.
And she'd have got it too.

Anything for the wife,
no matter what kind of
lying cheat she is.

That's the way the divorce laws
are in this state.

She cheatin' on you
with another man?

It's probably too late now
to find out his exact identity,
but that's up to you fellas.

But maybe she was
cheating on him.

Maybe she robbed him somehow
and he was just paying her back.

‐ That's not you you're
talking about there, Earl?
‐ Uh‐uh. I‐I seen him.

Last night for the first time.
She called after work...

‐ and said she was going to
the movies by herself.
‐ You go looking for her?

Well, I asked her what movie she
was going to and I was waiting
when that movie left out...

to catch her lying on,
you know, being alone.

The man you're looking for,
he's, uh‐‐

he's a big young guy
about 6'2", brown hair.

I guess she thought
he was nice and handsome.

But I seen 'em walking
away together.
Did you follow 'em?

Yeah, that's
who you want to get.
You're full of crap, Dawkins!

You're the guy had the purse.
You're who k*lled her.

Earl, did maybe
you follow 'em?

Maybe after the boyfriend
dropped her off near
where you and Marina live,

you pull over and let her
know that you caught her.

Maybe you pull Marina
into the car, let her know
how upset she made you.

Maybe she started
beatin' on you.

Course of fending her off,
things, uh, just got
out of control there.

Well, what happened was,

I got her in the car...

and I started talking
to her about, you know,
her seeing that guy,

and, you know, we start
fighting about the divorce.

And then back he comes,
that guy that she was seeing,

and he‐he jerked
the door open and‐‐
[ Simone ] Earl.

That didn't happen.

[ Sobbing ]

Something took hold of me.

I knew I was choking her,
but I didn't want to stop.

And then when I see
what I had done, I was
scared out of my mind.

I had to get out of it.
So I put her in the alley.

I remembered on the news
about those girls who were
m*rder*d and r*ped,

and I tried to make it
look like that.

b*ating her up at the privates,
tearing her hair out down there.

But I couldn't r*pe her,
even to make it look good.

I had too much
feeling for her.

You'll be okay in there, Greg,
moving this Ugalde?

We go right at him.
Bus driver picked him out,
two other witnesses.

Just he's a half a hard case.
If we want a statement, I don't
figure him to intimidate.

So what's your proposal, James?
Bring him some roses?

I'm saying you're
a little amped up.

I think we should
play him sweet.

We'll play him sweet, then.

‐ Come on, Greg.
‐ Start with his
difficult youth.

Come on out, Ugalde.

[ Ugalde ]
What's going on, G?

[ Martinez ]
We want to apprise you
the investigation's status.

Maybe you start looking to help
yourself. You're I. D.'d for
sh**ting those people.

The bus driver picked you out of
a photo array, which is enough
to send you up right there.

Plus three other witnesses
picked you out also.

Yeah, forget about your weepy
tattoo, Ugalde. You'll be crying
real tears in the joint.

Yo, money, who you think you're
talking to, man? I could do that
time standing on my head, G.

Time don't bother me.
Hey, I done what I had to.
You know what I'm saying?

Don't nobody call me puta.

How am I supposed to
ride on a bus and be a man
somebody call me puta?

Oh, that make you a man,
Ugalde? sh**t' a woman
and child out a bus window?

Greg, maybe it's something
me and you don't understand.

Yo, I didn't sh**t at
no woman and child, G.

‐ That's who you hit, assh*le.
‐ Let him get it out, what
he's trying to say, Greg.

Hey, you know,
when you walk the street,
you gotta be a man.

Well, you're a dickhead,
Ugalde. All this man stuff,
who's gettin' hurt?

‐ He told us that
wasn't his intention.
‐ You're a stupid puta.

Hear me, Ugalde? Huh?
Want me to say it again?


‐ So you don't want to
give us no statement?
‐ No statement.

‐ Uh, he's too much
of a puta.
‐ Up on your feet.

All right.
Come on.

Screw him. We got
two eyewitnesses and that
Mendonca told us motive.

Yeah, and it's lucky for us,
Greg, 'cause you blew
that interview good.

Ah, guy got my goat.
Everybody got
your goat today.

I asked you going
into that interview try
to control your temper.

You weren't so upset, uh,
my goat's being gotten...

when I smacked that Mendonca
with the yellow pages.

You'll recall that produced,
uh, this perp's name.

Greg, I'm saying just now in
that room you let your emotions
run away with you.

Well, nobody seems
to get too bothered
when Andy breaks bad.

Andy don't piss off a perp
and walk out with his hand
on his johnson.

Andy breaks bad with a guy,
he comes out with a statement.

Well, excuse the hell out of me
for not being Andy.

Like you said, uh,
we did get the collar.

Why don't we just
call it a day, okay?

As‐As‐As far as, uh, letting
my emotions run riot,

I'm not arguing I‐I made
a mistake in that room,

but you don't unmake
spaghetti, James.

You vent your emotions
in one context,

whack a guy
with a phone book,

then the genie's
out of the bottle.

And once he's out,
he's out.

What'd you ask
the genie for, Medavoy?

Nothing, Andy.

Thought if you had a wish left
you could get me out of
dump duty at the airport.

Now here I am hitting this skell
with the yellow pages...

middle of
Bellevue Hospital‐‐

Going round and round trying
to find out who sh*t him.

One smack of the phone book,
he gives up the guy's name.
You had a sense of what it took.

Collaring up on the sh**t,
I was‐‐ I was rough
on that guy also.

Physically in the street
and then verbally.

It's got me worried.

I really don't see you
being a violent type, Greg.

I got wound up
too tight today.
Had enough of gangbangers.

I think also that guy's slur
towards you at the crime scene,

that got me started
on a bad footing.

When he called me a d*ke?
That type stuff's
uncalled for.

Well, it's not as though he was
revealing a guilty secret, Greg.

That jerk didn't know you were
gay, Abby. He‐He was using
like a blanket epithet.

Well, I agree. I mean, what he
said and what I am have nothing
to do with each other.

But I want you to know
when something like that
gets said,

being my friend doesn't mean
you have to be especially

‐ Understood. Point taken.
‐ Not that I'm not appreciative.

Well, uh, here we are
approaching dessert...

and the occasion's, uh,
special nature has yet
to be revealed.

I shouldn't have even put it
that way the other day.

Uh, not that a pleasant meal
with good company isn't
special occasion enough.

I was interested to know
if you might like to meet Kathy.

I assume Kathy's your,
uh, si‐significant other.

My lover, that's right.
That's what I assumed.

Uh, uh, well,
I‐I'd certainly, uh, have
no reason not to meet her,

if the circumstance,
uh, arose.

I was hoping that
we could have you for dinner
some night at our apartment.

What course would I be?

Well, no, I‐I‐I'd certainly
have no reason not to.

I guess I've made you
pretty uncomfortable.
No. Not at all.

Greg, if‐if you'd just as soon
not meet Kathy, I'd understand.

I didn't mean
to give offense.

You‐You just
took me unawares.

Well, this is all pretty much
new territory for you.

Past workplace contacts,

y‐you're the first
decisively gay woman
I've had much to do with.

And the truth is,

each hurdle we clear
in our friendship,

I find I'm delighted
I leaped.

Well, something unfamiliar
doesn't have to be bad.

You raise an interesting point.
Well, I‐I was just remembering
the first time I saw you.

You were looking at that
StairMaster like it
was a T. rex.

Exactly. Exactly. And look how
wonderfully that turned out.

The lesson I'm sensing,
Abby, is I can't run
from new experiences.

Suddenly being willing to use
force on the job, for example.

That can be good or wrong
depending on context.

I can't reject the thing
out of hand.

I'd be delighted to meet Kathy,
have a three‐way dinner.

That's great.
Why not, right?

That's right.
What could possibly
happen to me?

I'm really glad, Greg.

And then, um, getting to
know your friend, Kathy,

that in itself
would be the special
occasion you spoke of.

Well, let's just take it
one step at a time.

So, who's for dessert? Hmm?

[ Sighs ]
Any progress? Feel you're
about to dump out?

You in the bed,
you speak English?


Dumped six smack condoms
for that last cop, huh?
Nice job.

Those were the last six
I had in me.

Course, naturally,
they want me to verify that,
examine your subsequent stool.

I understand.

[ Mumbling In
Foreign Language ]

How about you tell
your partner here,

no progress
the next few minutes,
I'll dial up his I. V.

He'll have enough laxative
dripping into him,

he'll wind up impersonating
one of your great nation's
oil derricks.

He's Hausa. I don't speak
enough Hausa to say that.

Says here you're
both Nigerians.
He's Hausa.

‐ I'm a Yoruba man.
‐ Oh, you're "Yorba."

[ Mumbling ]

Huh? Oh, what, you and me,
we're gonna talk
gibberish now? Huh?

‐ Yeah, wango‐bango,
hot tamale.
‐ [ Speaking Foreign Language ]

He's trying to speak Yoruba,
my language.

Yeah, well, the two of you,
you have a nice chat.

[ Speaking Yoruba ]

Says he's political.

National Heroin Party.
[ Speaking Yoruba ]

Says he's political.
This was his chance
to come to America.

Same story for you too?

I'm afraid I came for love.

My girlfriend was a student.
I had no money to follow.

‐So you swallowed some balloons.
‐They are all in the streets
of Lagos.

They offer you a ticket
if you bring some condoms‐‐
heroin, cocaine.

This is a great country.

I would have been proud
being here, worked hard,
made no trouble.

[ Gasping ]

[ Speaking Foreign Language ]

‐ What's his problem?
‐ He's back in Hausa.

[ Panting ]
What's the matter with you?

Oh, I think his dr*gs
have broken inside him.

‐ Oh, brother.
‐ I hope he has no cocaine,

‐ 'cause if it's cocaine,
he's going to die.
‐ Shut up.

I‐I beeped the doctor.
He's gonna be here
in 90 seconds.

Cocaine in some of his condoms.
He's going to die.

All right, you just
take it easy. Tell him
what I said about the doctor.

‐ He's dying!
‐ I watched plenty of people
die, pal, all right?

I don't need you
telling me he's dying!

Welcome to America.
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