17x18 - Tara

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

17x18 - Tara

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

You had that g*n
apart twice now.

Keep at it, you're gonna
file that trigger clean off.


You mean to?

Of course I do.

Brand new Colt you
just paid out $40 for?

Didn't pay .40 cents.

You stole it.

From that hardware store
this afternoon. Didn't you?

Paid cash for the file.

Why'd you wanna
go and do that for?

Oh, the price was right.

Could have got us sent
back for a dumb stunt like that.

You worried about
prison, are you, boy?

You bet I ain't ever going back.

What'd you do,

two years for that
railroad money up at Hays?

Less four months, good behaving.


Well, I went in for
seven years hard.

And I done seven years hard.

So you want to get us
sent back up to Lansing?

No, I uh, have a better idea.

I'm gonna help
you get that $5,000.

Don't need no help.

Well, now, you just might.

You go nosing
around looking for it,

you might just find that place is
crawling with railway detectives.

But if I do the recovery,

well, uh, they don't know me.

Me and Tara don't need no help.


My wife.

Your wife?

Well, Roy boy, you are a
sack of surprises, ain't ya?

You didn't say
nothing about no wife.

Well, I got me one.

Oh, and she's beautiful.

And we're gonna buy us a farm...

And go into the dirt business.

You really expect
any woman of yours

been sitting, waiting
for you all this time?

All by herself?

She loves me.

Sure she does.

I love me, but look at
the dirty way I do me.

Tara would never run off.

We've got a good
life ahead of us now.


Hmm. Well, look at that.

This shows you can
wear most anything down.

Just keep at it.

Ruin a good g*n
is what you done.

Sometimes I wonder about
how you get from here to there,

as dumb as you truly can be.

Hoo-wee! Now
that's some sh**ting!

That's gaming, what that is.

I never seen better.

Well, then you never saw much.

You know, my dad used
to say the only wives is safe

is them is as
homely as a sod barn.

Now, of course, if your
wife's like that, why, uh...

Tara, homely?

Well, lookie here.

All look the same to me,
women's faces in pictures.

All schoolmarms...

Shut my mouth.

You're not a little schoolmarm
at all, no siree, Bob.

You're real saucy, honey.

- Give me that!
- Hey!

What kind of a way is that
to talk about a man's wife?

She ain't saucy!

She's decent and honest
and as... As true as she can be.

Oh, is she, now?

Well, I'll give you 8-to-5 she
knows where that railroad money is.

What are you talking about?

Oh, a boy like
you... a girl like her...

stands to reason you wouldn't
have no secrets from each other.

Which do tend strong to
make you a certain kind of man.

What... And what kind's that?


No, Gecko! No! Ge... Gecko!

You know, Roy boy,

a gal like this
don't know she can

learn with the right schooling.


All right, both of you just go
ahead on snigger if you want to,

it's the pure O.D. truth.

We're not sniggering, Festus,

it's just, uh, somewhat
hard to believe.

Ten feet tall, he was? Ten feet?

If I'm lying, I'm dying, Doc!

Why, he's the biggest
elk that I have ever saw,

or ever will see.

Or ever hope to.

And you were just right on his
tail tracking him? Right behind him?

He had horns on him

wider than every a barn door

you have ever saw.

And I was tracking him
through piney woods

that was thicker
than day-old clabber.


Day-old... clabber.


Them there trees was
so snugglety up together

that the onliest time a
sun ever hit that ground

was straight-up noon
on the Fourth of July.

That's how thick it was.

If those trees were so close,

so snugglety up together,

how did the sun get
through there at all?

Up against one another

tighter than a poor
preacher's young'uns

on a freezing January night.


Ah-ha? What's "ah-hah"?

I'll tell you what "ah-hah."

If those trees were so
snugglety up close together,

and those horns were
wider than every barn door,

how in the thunder did
the elk get through there?


He just had to pull
in his horns, Doc,

like you got to
do most the time.

- Kitty.
- Matt.

- Doc.
- Matthew.

- How about a beer, Matt?
- Oh, no thanks, Kitty.

We haven't got time. Festus
and I got to be heading out.

What's came up, Matthew?

Well, some prisoners
up in Mankato.

Supposed to be in the
capital for trial in a week,

and they got no escort.
Looks like that's us.

How long will you be gone?

About a week, I guess.

Now, you better find Newly and
tell him he's going to be in charge.

Yes, sir.

I'll be back before
you can say...

See you later.

Well, are you, um,
gonna drink that beer,

or are you gonna pull
your horns in on that, too?

Oh, hush up.

♪ Swing her high
and swing her low ♪

♪ And swing her till
that gal says "whoa" ♪

♪♪- Promenade!

♪ First couple out is
the couple on the right ♪

♪ Lady round the lady
and the gents go low ♪

♪ Lady round the lady
and the gent solo ♪

♪ Circle eight till
you get straight ♪

♪ Everybody swing
like swinging on a gate ♪

♪ Swing 'em high
and swing 'em low ♪

♪ And swing that gal
till she says "whoa" ♪


♪ First couple out is
the couple on the right ♪

♪ Lady round the lady
and the gents go low ♪

♪ Circle four in the
middle of the floor ♪

♪ Circle four in the
middle of the floor ♪

♪ Do-si-do like you
never done before ♪

♪ Round up four in
the middle of the floor ♪

♪ Do-si-do like you
never done before ♪

♪ Allemande left
with your left hand ♪

♪ Partner to the right, and
the right and left grand ♪

♪ Always swing
when you get straight ♪

♪ Take your first
left, don't wait ♪

Gal, go low!

Ma, those boys sure are
getting rough out there.

Oh, Tara,

when I was your age, there
wasn't a man in Ford County

that I couldn't traipse
into the floorboards.

Man: Miss Tara?

I've been hankering to ask you

if you'd be partial in going
on a picnic with me tomorrow.

I've already got a picnic
planned for Miss Tara.

Excuse me, Don.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

Newly O'Brien,
you've got a nerve.

Why, whatever do
you mean, ma'am?

What makes you think
I'm available for that picnic

that I never even heard
anything about till just now.

Well, tomorrow's Saturday.

The dress shop's
closed all afternoon,

the weather's
gonna be beautiful,

and right now there's a moon
outside you got to see to believe.

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

It's a shame no one's
out there looking at it.

Uh, Newly, I'm not
much of a moon-watcher.

Let's just dance, all right?

What is it, Tara?

What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

As long as we're together in public,
you're more fun than any gal I ever knew.

But every time I try to get
you alone, it all changes.

I'm sorry.

Come on out here.
I want to talk to you.

You see, I just
don't understand.

If you didn't like me,

you wouldn't go
out with me at all.

Oh, but I do like you, Newly.

Maybe too much.

Well, that doesn't
make it any clearer.

Well, I just... I
can't explain it.

But I can't afford to see too
much of you. It wouldn't be fair.

Fair? Fair to who?

Well, to you, for one.

Newly, I like you
very, very much.

But I don't want to get into
something that's gonna hurt both of us.

Why not?

Newly, if you want
to find another girl,

I'll understand.

But if you want to
go on seeing me,

well, it's only fair to tell you

that things are gonna have
to stay the way they are.

At least for a while.


I don't trust myself
beyond this point.

All right.

You said "for a while."
Now, what does that mean?


I guess I'll just have to
explain something to you.

Festus: Newly?

There you be. I've been
looking everyplace for you.

- Evening, Miss Tara.
- Evening, Festus.

I'm awful sorry to intertrude
on you like this here,

but Matthew, he's
got more prisoners

than he can handee-trundle
all by his own self.

So I'm fixing to ride
up to Mankato with him.

Meaning that you're in charge...

Begging your pardon, Miss Tara.

Starting right now. All right?

- You bet.
- Wait just a minute.

I'll get... There you are.

Festus, you, uh, you take
her slow and easy now.

You just brung up the onliest
two gaits that old Ruth's got...

Slow and easy.


You know, you were getting
ready to tell me something.

And I got a reprieve,
thank heaven.

A reprieve?

Well, I never
confide in law officers.

Particularly when
they're on duty.

Good night, Newly.

Uh, please, Miss
Hudson, don't be afraid.

My name's Gecko Ridley,
and I was a very close friend

of your poor, deceased husband.

My husband?

Roy Hudson.

I was with him
upstate in prison.

Him and me happened
to get out the same day,

and we was headed for Dodge
when this bunch of renegade Indians

bushwhacked us.

Roy's dead?

I wouldn't lie to
you none, ma'am.

It's against my nature.

When did this happen?

Uh, well, it was four days back,

last Tuesday, anyways,

second night on the trail.

We'd just finished eating supper

when them Indians
come a-frolicking in

and shot poor old Roy.

I don't believe it.

He wasn't even supposed to be
out of prison for several months.

Well, I, uh,

I don't blame you none
for being upset, ma'am.

It is a hard thing to take in.

But, uh... Well, I, uh...

bung you some of his belongings.

So that you could
kind of have...

Uh... shaving brush.

Uh... nine dollars
and some cents, and...

A bunch of letters from a Miss
Tara Hudson to a Mr. Roy Hudson.

State penitentiary,
Lansing, Kansas.

Oh, and, uh...

this here picture, ma'am.

His, uh...

last thing before
he died... he said,

"Gecko, uh, my best friend,

I want you to take this here picture
of my darling wife, Tara Hudson,

to her in Dodge City.

And tell her that I love her.

And, uh...

one last thing.


With his dying breath,
he said that, uh...

I should take that money back.


That $5,000 that he
stole from the railroad.


Well, this ain't
working at all now.

Come on, Missy.

You ain't all that spring green.
You knowed he went to prison.

What do you supposing
it's for, disorderly conduct?

Roy was in on a train robbery.

He hid $5,000, and, uh,
you know where it's at.

That's right, I do.

The railroad detectives
recovered every penny of it.

That ain't what he told me.

Well, you can check
with the railroad.

I aim to.

If your story's true,

you ain't got a cause in the
world to be worried about me.

Night, Miss Tara.

You sleep sweet and sound.



You got you a sending machine?

This is to... the AT&SF.

I know who it's to.

When you reckon
there will be an answer?

Tomorrow noon, if you're lucky.

Be .85 cents.

Well, when you get her,

send your boy over
to the Long Branch.

I'll be there. Name's Ridley.


You and your good town, brother.

Thank you.

You just, uh, passing through?

Well, I don't know.

Can't make up my
mind's the truth of it.

Well, it's a good town.
You said that right.

Nice looking women, I reckon.

I seen one at that
dance you had last night.

A real beaut she was.

Seen her again this morning.

Seems she's got herself
a dressmaking shop.

Well, she just works at
the dressmaking shop.

She's something, Miss Tara.

It's "miss," you say?

Yes, it's "miss."

Not liable to be
for long, though,

be my guess.

No, sir. Them good ones,
they get away fast, don't they?

Mr. Ridley?

Sam, I got a telegram
here for a Mr. Ridley.

- Do you know him?
- Right over here.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I hope it's good news.

No news is good
news, ain't it, brother?

Yes, sir.

Well, good day to you.

Good day.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I'm just doing
a little shopping.

I kind of need me
a new party dress.

Uh, we're gonna have
to be closing now, ma'am.

- No, Miss...
- But I was going to make a purchase.

And it isn't even noon yet.

Well, we're closing
early today, ma'am.

Now, if you'll come back
and see us some other day,

we'll be very glad to
serve you however we can.

Thank you, ma'am. Good day.

Mr. Ridley, what do
you think you're doing?

What I'm doing ain't so important
to you no more, little lady.

It's what I know you
best be worried about.

What are you... doing?!

What are you doing?
What do you want?

Well, now, it uh... ain't
so much what I want.

It's what old Roy would want.

I wired the railway, Missy.

And I just got the answer.

They never laid
eyes on that money.

That's impossible.

Roy told me.

He said they
recovered every bit of it.

Reckon he lied, then.

Like folks will do sometimes.

Of course, I ain't gonna take
offense at a little old lying-to.

As long as I get the
truth when it's important.

Mr. Ridley, what do you hope
to gain by threatening me?

I don't know anything
about that money.

I never did!

Now, you can take this to
the marshal if you want to.

I hope you won't.

It's hard enough for a
woman alone to make a living.

If it were known
about my husband,

that he stole all that money
and he went to prison,

it would be impossible.

I know, Miss Tara.

For a...

smart lady...

you ain't read me right at all.

And maybe that's on
account of me and old Roy,

we's a different breed of cat.

You're playing a game with me,
and I don't play nobody's but my own.

Now I'm gonna find out
where that $5,000 is at,

or I'm gonna start taking you
apart, from ankle to eyebrow,

so no man's gonna ever look
at you again as long as you live.


That's enough, mister.

Are you hurt, Tara?

No, I'm not hurt.

I'm scared, I guess.

Who are you?

Um, my name's Ridley.

Who are you?

I'm the deputy marshal.
What are you doing in here?

Well, now, it seems
that that's a private matter

between me and the lady.

Is that right, Tara?

Just get him out of
here, Newly, please.

All right, let's go.
You're under arrest.

Bye, Miss Tara.

You be giving some
thought to what I said.

Get moving.

You're the big badge in
this town, are you, boy?

I represent it.

Well, you listen up, 'cause I'm
gonna give you some good advice.

You want me to stay
here in your nice jail,

you better rustle you up a
charge or two against me.

If you don't...

it ain't legal to hold
a law-abiding citizen.

I won't have any
trouble keeping you here

if Miss Tara wants to
bring charges against you.

You reckon she'll do that?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Then why don't you
just take a run over there

and talk to the little lady.

Might save us both
a good deal of time.

I scared her a mite.

Meant to.

But I never hurt her.

She's the biggest liar west of
the Mississippi if she's saying I did.

Man: Newly?

Oh, Newly, there you are.

Say, Newly, the Kansas City
office has been on me all morning

about that gold shipment
coming here tomorrow.

They want to keep it in the jail
until a foreman can pick it up.

Newly: How long
will that be, Burt?

Burt: I don't know. They said
overnight should just about do it.

They want to keep
it in an empty cell

and lay on a couple
of guards to watch it.

The thing is, it's over $10,000.

Now, you can't keep money like
that just stacked in any old corner.

No indeed, brother.

No, indeed.

Tara, I've got to
know what happened.

Yes, I suppose you have a right.

Newly, I...

This isn't gonna be easy.


It's complicated.

You can tell me.

Newly, I'm married.


I mean, I was married.

My husband did a
very foolish thing,

and was convicted
and sent to prison for it.

And he's serving
time somewhere now?

Not anymore.

That man, Gecko,
was in prison with him.

He came here to tell me that...

Roy was dead.

I'm sorry to hear that.

It was all over
between us, really.

Even before Roy went to prison.

What has Gecko
got to do with all this?

Well... after he told
me about Roy's death,

he wanted to know where the
$5,000 was from the train robbery.

I told him that the railroad
detectives had recovered it.

But he didn't believe that.

He thought you had it?

And he threatened to force
me to tell him where I'd hidden it.

He was ugly and frightening.

He can't hurt you
where he is now.

If I can get you to file
charges against him,

I think I can keep him
behind bars for quite a spell.


For as*ault.

Well, he didn't
actually strike me.

He threatened me, though.
Can't you hold him on that?

No, you can't charge
a man with intent.

You can only hold
him for an illegal act.

So far he really
hasn't done anything

to you or anyone
else, as far as we know.

Well, what if he does it again?

I guess I could get him
on charges of harassment.

But that's a misdemeanor.

He'd be out in a few days.

You understand what I'm
saying, don't you, Tara?

I guess so.

If you say so, Newly.

Take, uh, good
care of my sidearm,

did you, boy?

It's as good as when I
took it away from you.

Then it ain't bad.

Of course it's the man
behind is always counts.

That what you reckon?

The only thing I reckon is,
you wanna keep out of jail,

stay away from Tara Hudson.

Dear, oh dear, oh dear.

She, uh, something
sweet to you, is she, boy?

Yeah, let me tell
you a little something.

I kind of fancy that
little old lady myself.

If I want to pay her
a social call or two,

ain't much you or anybody
else can do about it.

You give out one scream,

it's the last noise
you'll ever get to make.


You got brass, Miss Tara.

Real brass.

Trying to screech me into jail.

Lying about that money.

And you just kept at it,
didn't you, Miss Tara?

Just kept at it.

Almost got that deputy boyfriend
of yours' head blowed clean off.

If you'd have pushed
me one more half turn...

that's just what I'd have done.

Cut him down to
peach fuzz and toenails.

Now it's time to take
care of you, little lady.

You're going to have to
make up your mind right now...

if you want to stay pretty.

No! No, please don't.

Or have me carve you
up like a dressed dove.


And if you don't tell me
where that money's at...

that's just what I'm gonna do.

No, don't, please!

Then you tell me.

I spent the money. All of it.

In two years' time?

$5,000, Miss Tara?

I knew it was wrong
to even keep it,

but Roy made me do it.

It was for him.

Did it all get away from ya?

I didn't want to. It just went
somehow. I don't know how.

What you saying is
you throwed it away.

No, I didn't. I
tried to save it.

I tried to make it
grow for Roy and me.

You let it out?


I invested it. There
was this older man.

He said he had a wonderful
investment. The chance for a real k*lling.

What he k*lled was your money.

All of it?

Most of it.

I had to live. I
didn't have a job.

I had to keep up some
kind of appearances

with no husband and no family.

You know, Miss Tara...

If you told me anything else,

I'd knows you was
lying in your teeth.

You're lucky.

You know, you're
really lucky Roy died.

If he didn't,

you would have
had one red-hot time

trying to tell him all
about what you done.

Poor Roy.

Now he's dead.

Nothing's gone right.

At least now it's all over.

Not, uh, quite yet, it ain't.

Think just 'cause he's
dead and your money's gone

that you're out of the woods?

Well, you ain't.

I want my dues and
you're gonna help.

Or get yourself
reported to the railroad.

And that nice deputy
who's been sparking you.

What do you want me to do?

Nothing audacious.

For a young widow.

You're gonna...

share your company with
the deputy this evening.

Keep him right here.

I think he'll find a
private dinner with you

of abiding interest.

I can't do that.

Have Newly O'Brien
up here to my room?

Miss Tara, honey...

you got your choices.

Well, what if he won't come?

Think he's got scruples?

You'll get him here.

And keep him.

Otherwise you're
gonna find yourself in jail

for living high on stolen money,

and that deputy will
be kicking in the gutter.

Right here.


Right in here, fellas.


Well, I... I guess
that about does it.

Oh, these two fellas will be
here until the agent comes.

Uh, Dirk, Pudge? Deputy O'Brien.


How you doing?

They're the company guards.

Best there is, brother.

Yeah! Yeah.

- Thanks, Newly. We'll see you later.
- You bet.

- Deputy.
- Fletcher.

- Howie.
- Burke.

Good evening, Howie.

Howdy, Newly.

Say... Miss Tara's
been asking for ya.

She wants to see you
over at the hotel right away.

Something important.

Sounds like he got better duty
than you and I got, hey, Dirk?

Did she say what it
was all about, Howie?

No, and I never
asked neither, Newly.

I'm gonna have
to leave you fellas.

Don't worry about it. We done
this over half a hundred times,

never lost one thin
dime, have we, Pudge?

Yeah, don't let it
bother you none, son.

You just leave us the key to the
coffee pot and we'll get along just fine.

All right, help yourself.
It shouldn't be too long.

Take your time.

We ain't going nowhere
and neither is that payroll.


care to look at a few?

Yeah, why not?

I wished I was young

and catting around again.

Ain't you got enough trouble?

Sure do.

Just ain't the right kind.

Shut up and deal.

Well, come on in.


To you, Tara.

To us, Newly.

You're the prettiest
gal I've ever seen.

No, wait, Newly.

I don't want you to get
the wrong impression.

Well, you must have had
some reason for all of this.

Well... it's my birthday,

and I wanted you
to share it with me.

You birthday? You should have told
me. I would have brought you a present.

I didn't want you to do that.

I owe you too much already.

Now, let's just...

enjoy this evening together

and don't think
about anything at all.

All right?

Hey, you didn't happen to bring
something wet along with ya?

Boy, that coffee is stronger
than a billy goat's breath.

It'll keep your eyes wide open
and primed for road agents.

Your play.

Hold on there, now, fellas.

I just come in
looking for the deputy.

You got no cause to...
To draw down on me.

Good thing you come
in slow and easy, brother.

He ain't here.

Uh, would you
mind if I just kind of

hung around and waited
for him to come back?

I reckon he can.

He may be gone for quite a spell.
You're liable to have a long wait.

Y'all just go ahead and play
there. I'll just watch for a while.

Sure must have something
mighty important on your mind

to wanna hang
around here all night.

Some would say so.

About $10,000 important.

I'm gonna need some
aid and assistance.

If you don't give
it to me, I'll k*ll ya.

Something the matter?


Well, I was... I was
just wondering, I guess.

It's not Gecko, is it?

Oh, Newly, I'm so confused.

I don't know what to do.

I wish he'd never come
here and never found me.

Has he bothered you?

Has he been here?

Newly, he told me he'd tear
me to pieces if I didn't help him.

And I still wouldn't.

But I was so afraid of him.

He simply wouldn't believe that I
didn't have that money Roy stole.

So, I lied to him.

I told him I did have the money.

And that I spent all of it.

And he believed me, Newly.

Then he threatened
you if I wouldn't help him.

Help him?

He told me to invite
you here tonight.

He told me to make you
stay here or else he'd k*ll you.

And he's a gunman,
Newly, he could do it.

He had you invite me here?

The gold. He found
out about the gold.

Gold? Oh, no. He was so vicious.

I'm sorry.

I can understand that,
Tara, but it was wrong.

If he's got that gold,
I'll never live it down.

I didn't know about the
gold. Oh, Newly, be careful.

All right, let's
move it. Move it!

Now let's go. Let's go.

All right.


That's as far as she gets.

That you again, sonny?

Back for what you missed
the first time, are you?

Set the box down and keep
your hands away from your g*n.

All right, sonny.
You're holding the hand.

I'm gonna give it up.

Never was one to
pull on a fella when...

Yeah, you had my
luck that time, sonny.

Crazy... fool.

Had more guts than I thought.

Got old Gecko down.

Heading away east, Miss?


Oh, yes. I'm going home.

Well, another five more minutes
and we'll be a-rolling along.



You're leaving? Now, after
everything that's happened?


Oh, Newly, try to understand me.

I'm so confused after
everything that's happened.

Roy's death, and Gecko.

And then what I
almost did to you.

I don't care what
you almost did.

And you can't get
back what's gone, Tara.

You and me.

I don't get some
things straight,

but I figured once you didn't
need to keep me at arm's length...

I just need time
to think, that's all.

You can think here
as well as anywhere.

No, I can't.

It's too hard when you're
involved in something every day

to be objective about it.

I like you, and you like me.

Why don't we find out how much?

Newly, if we really
care for one another,

a little time and distance
won't make any difference.

Help me be strong, please.

Coach driver: Boarding!
Boarding for heading east!

It won't be for long.

I promise.

Hey! Hyah!

What's the matter, Newly?

You look like you
lost your last friend.

Well, I feel that
way, too, Miss Kitty.

Sam, could I have a
beer down here, please?

You bet.

Did you let that woman
go off all by herself

just as if she had good sense?

She's a strong-minded gal

that knows what she
wants to do and does it.

Don't you know that a woman never
knows what she wants when she's in love?

Now, if she likes you at all,

and you like her,

well, then, you owe
it to the both of you

to go after her and
make her stand up to it.

You mean, track her down?

Run her down, make
her make a decision?

I couldn't do that.

You couldn't?

Could I?

You bet I could.

Forty-six, 47, 48, 49...

five thousand,
and at 6% interest,

six hundred...
and sixty dollars...

and .53 cents.

You see how your money has
grown with us in only 23 months?

Tara: Yes. I wish I could
leave it for another two years.

So do we.

But I'm sure that
you and Mr. Doheny

will be very
happy in California.

Thank you very much.

I don't think there's
hardly a doubt about that.

Mrs. Doheny?

Well, Newly...

I know what you
must be thinking.

But what else could I have done?

I had to come down here to
get the money so I could return it.

I could never be with you
with that on my conscience.

You told me you
didn't have the money.

I know.

And that was bad.

I never would have
left you except for that.

I knew it was wrong all
along to keep that money,

but Roy insisted.

He said he'd only
taken it for me.

And he made me promise
that I'd keep it for him.

What could I do?

Then that Gecko came along.

I had to lie to him
or he'd have taken it.

I was hoping to come
down here and get it,

put it all back, and not
mix you up in it at all.

But I am mixed up in it.

I know.

And I'm in your hands, Newly.

Anything you want.

We can go anywhere, do anything,

be together.

Just as soon as I
take this money back.

You mean, as soon as
I take the money back.

You're not going to
arrest me, are you?

I'm afraid I am.

You mean, you didn't believe
I was gonna take it back?

That's pretty close.

Well, my, my, my.

Isn't that tiresome?

None of that money's
been spent, you know.


What would a jury do to a
poor, defenseless widow,

who was threatened
by a vicious k*ller?

And who saved a $10,000 gold
shipment by alerting the deputy?

And whose only crime

was not returning the
money that her husband stole,

because she was afraid he'd
k*ll her when he got out of jail?

Tara, when you're
finished with the jury...

they may well
take up a collection

to compensate for all
the agony you've suffered.

I just hope you'll understand
if I don't contribute.

I know you're not gonna
believe this, Newly,

but I do care for you.

And there isn't any reason to
keep you at arm's length anymore.

Let's go, Tara.

Anything you say, Newly.



Announcer: Stay tuned for exciting
scenes from our next Gunsmoke.
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